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#Lesson Plan Determiners

SPaG: Determiners
Prior Learning:
Noun phrases expanded by the addition
of modifying adjectives, nouns and
preposition phrases.
It will be helpful if children are familiar
with expanded noun phrases and
Lesson Pack
Success Criteria:
Key/New Words:
I can explain what a determiner is.
Determiner, noun, noun phrase, modifier.
Determiner Detectives Activity Sheet - 1
per child.
Individual whiteboards and pens.
I can identify and use determiners.
I can identify determiners.
Demonstrative Determiners Activity Sheet
- 1 per child
I can explain where a determiner belongs
in a sentence.
Assessment Activity Sheet - 1 per child
I can explain that there are different types
of determiners.
Application Activity - as required
I can include determiners in my own
Introductory Activity - Understanding Determiners
Look at the descriptions of nouns and determiners. Ask the children to work with their partners on whiteboards to
describe the pictures on the Lesson Presentation. Can the children explain what a determiner is? Can the children
identify determiners?
Independent Focused Activity - Determiner Detectives
Children complete the differentiated Determiner Detectives Activity Sheet. Can the children identify determiners?
Children are asked to
spot the determiner in a
sentence and underline it.
Children are given two
extra challenge questions
where they have to
spot more than one
determiner in a sentence.
Children are given a
selection of challenge
questions where they
have to spot more than
one determiner in a
Review Activity - A Closer Look at Articles
Recap determiners which are articles. Ask the children to work in pairs to answer the questions on the Lesson
Presentation. Can they identify determiners? Can the children explain that there are different types of determiners?
Consolidation Activity - Demonstrative Determiners
Recap demonstrative determiners. Children complete the differentiated Demonstrative Determiners Activity Sheet.
Assessment/Application Activity - Determiners
The children complete the Assessment Activity Sheet in order to test their understanding. The children complete the
Application Activity as required.
SPaG | Year 4 | Determiners