Richard Seemungal Hazards Essay What is a hazard? A hazard is a potential source of harm. Events or circumstances can constitute hazards, when their nature would allow them, to in some way cause harm to life, health or any other interest of value. Hazards can come in many forms such as microbiological, physical and chemical. All which pose a threat. One hazard that I have keenly identified in my school and would like to talk about is the ceiling fans in my classroom. For the past few months of being in the classroom there are two fans which aren’t in good condition. This fan shakes violently. What could go wrong is that the ceiling fan could detach from the ceiling, because of the violent shaking and its old condition and fall on someone sitting right below it. It can spark as the internal parts go bad, causing fire or electrocution. Not to mention the metal on the fan is rusty and can cause a disease to someone if they are cut by it. Some suggestible solutions are replacing the fans. This means putting on new ones so that the chance of it falling reduces. Doing so can make a safer environment. Following that switching to air conditioning is a good idea. Placing these units means there would be no use for the ceiling fans reducing a risk. Replacing the ceiling fans leaves a more open aired area. This may reduce the risk of germs and bacteria. However, ac units provide cooler areas and eliminates the risk of something over someone’s head. Moreover, ac units provide a cooler and adjustable temperature. Though both brings a cooling aspect an ac unit is better. This hazard is important to fix now as the old ceiling fans can break at any moment. This can cause severe injury and even death which wouldn’t look good on the school’s image. Not to mention the lawsuits parents can file against the school. Switching to ac is the only way to fix this.