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1.1. The work under this Section shall be subject to the requirements of the General
Conditions, which shall be included as part of these Specifications and which shall
apply to all work performed under the Electrical Work Division.
The work to be done under this Division of the Specifications consists of the fabrication,
furnishing, delivery and installation, complete in all details of the Electrical Work, at the
subject premises, and all work and materials incidental to the proper completion of the
installation, except those portions of the work which are expressly stated to be done by
others. All work shall be in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code, Regulations
of local government and these Specifications, except where there is conflict, the code
shall govern. The requirements with regards to materials and workmanship specify the
required standards for the furnishing of all labor, materials and tools necessary for the
complete installation of the work specified herein and indicated on the drawings. The
Specifications are intended to provide a broad outline of the required equipment, but are
not intended to include all details of design and construction.
3.1. Under this division of the Specifications, provide all materials, equipment and
perform all the work necessary for the complete execution of all the Electrical and
Auxiliary Works as shown on the Drawings, and on the General Construction
Drawings, as herein specified or both except as otherwise excluded, and which,
without excluding generality of the foregoing shall include but not be limited to the
following principal items of work:
3.1.1. Electrical demolition for remodeling.
3.1.2. Proper turn-over of salvageable materials to owner’s representative.
3.1.3. Proper disposal of demolished materials (other than salvageable materials).
3.1.4. Supply and installation of normal and emergency feeder system including
disconnect switches and roughing-ins.
3.1.5. Supply and installation of Panel Boards as per Plan.
3.1.6. Supply and installation of electrical wirings and conduit system.
3.1.7. Supply and installation of complete electrical devices.
3.1.8. Supply and installation of grounding system complete.
3.1.9. Supply and installation of lighting fixtures.
3.1.10. Installation of owner supplied materials.
3.1.11. Testing of all installations.
3.1.12. Painting of electrical equipment, boxes, enclosures, metal conduits and
3.1.13. Municipal Hall temporary and permanent electrical permit and payment of
necessary fees.
3.1.14. Preparation of As-built plans.
3.1.15. Mobilization and demobilization.
3.1.16. Payment of insurance and bonds.
3.1.17. If anything has been omitted on any item of work or materials, usually
furnished, which are necessary for the completion of the Electrical Work as
outlined herein before, then such items shall be and are hereby included in this
Division of the Work.
4.1. The works under this contract is to be installed according to the requirements of the
latest Philippine Electrical Code, the rules, regulations and requirements of the local
Power Company.
Nothing contained in these specifications or shown on the
drawings shall be construed as to conflict with National and Local Ordinances or
Laws governing the installation of Electrical works, and all such Laws and
Ordinances are hereby made part of these specifications. The Contractor is required
to meet the requirements thereof. In case of conflict, the provision that is in the
judgement of the Owner will result in a better installation shall be followed.
4.2. All permits and electrical fees required for this work shall be obtained by and at the
expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish the Architect, the Engineers,
and the Owner final certificates of Electrical Inspection and approval from the proper
government authorities after the completion of the work. The Contractor shall
prepare all as-built plans and all other paper work required by the approving
5.1. The Contractor shall, during the progress of the work, keep record of all changes
where the actual installation differs from that shown on the Contract Drawings.
Upon completion, the Contractor shall furnish as-built drawings showing the actual
installations they performed.
Prepare and submit for approval, shop drawings and catalogue cuts of all materials
equipment, appliances and fixtures furnished. After final approval by the Engineers, a
sufficient number of copies as directed shall be furnished for distribution. Fixture and
device cuts and/or catalogues shall be clearly marked to indicate the items furnished.
Do not submit individual sheets, cuts, catalogues, or drawings. For instance, lighting
fixture cuts should be for all fixtures furnished, rather than a few types.
This Contractor be responsible in coordinating his work with that of other trades
8.1. The plans as drawn are based upon Architectural plans and details and show
conditions as accurately as it is possible to indicate them in scale. The plans are
diagrammatical and do not necessarily show all fittings, etc., necessary to fit the
building conditions. The locations of outlets, apparatus and appliances shown on
them are approximate. This Contractor shall be responsible for the proper location
and coordination in order to make them fit with Architectural details and instructions
from Engineer's representative at the site.
9.1. This Contractor shall guarantee that the electrical systems are free from all ground
and from all defective workmanship and materials and will remain so, for a period of
one year from date of acceptance of the work. This Contractor at his own expense
shall remedy any defects, appearing within the aforesaid period.
9.2. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner, the Architect and the
Engineers from and against all liability for damages arising from injuries or
disabilities to persons or damage to property occasioned by any act or omission of
the Contractor or any of his Sub-contractors, including any and all expenses legal or
otherwise, which may be incurred by the Owner, the Architect or the Engineers, in
defense of any claim action or suit.
Wherever hereinafter the works "for approval", or "approved", (make, type,
size, arrangement, etc.) are used, especially in regard to a manufactured specialties,
etc., or wherever it is desired to substitute a different make or type of apparatus for
that specified, all information pertinent to the adequacy and adaptability of the
proposed apparatus, shall be submitted to the engineers, and their approval secured
before the apparatus is ordered or installed.
The work throughout shall be executed in the best and most thorough manner
under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Architects and the Engineers, who
will jointly interpret the meaning of the drawings and specifications and shall have
the authority to reject any work and materials which, in their judgement, are not in
full accordance therewith.
All materials and supplies shall be new and shall conform to the provisions
of the latest editions of the following standards:
a. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
b. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
c. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA)
d. Philippine Standards
e. International Electro-Technical Commission
g. I.P.C.E.A.
All materials on all systems shall comply with the following specifications,
unless specifically exempted, and all materials where not specified shall be of the
best of their respective kind.
Samples of any material shall be submitted for approval as required by the
Approval of Materials, Etc. - All electrical materials shall be new and shall
meet the requirements and shall bear the inspection label wherever standards have
been established. As soon as practicable, and within thirty days after the official
award of Contract, and before any materials or equipment are ordered, the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineers for approval, one complete list of materials, apparatus,
and equipment, in triplicate, giving the manufacturer’s name, address, descriptive
data, trade name of item, rated capacities, certified analysis, catalogue specifications
and cut or drawings of each item, of whole or portion of list, as required by the
Engineers, which he proposes to use or install.
Ground Tests - The entire installation shall be free from improper grounds
and from short circuits. Tests shall be made in the presence of a representative of
the Engineers. Each panel shall be tested with mains connected to the feeder,
branches connected and closed, all fixtures in place and permanently connected,
lamps removed or omitted from the sockets and all wall switches closed. Each
individual power feeder shall be tested with the power equipment connected for
proper and intended operation. In no case shall the insulation resistance be less than
that allowed by the Philippine Electrical Code. Failures shall be corrected in a
manner satisfactory to the Engineers.
Performance Test - It shall be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor
to test all systems of the entire electrical installation for proper operational
conditions. This condition shall apply to the power and lighting installation as well as
low voltage and alarm, control, and communications systems. Where sequence
operation is required, the Electrical Contractor shall test for proper sequence and he
shall leave the entire electrical installation in satisfactory working condition.
Cutting and Fitting - Contractor shall do all cutting and fitting required for the
installation of the work and to make the several parts joint and coordinate with the
work of other trades, in accordance with the drawings and in a manner satisfactory to
the Engineers.
The location of various items indicated on the drawings are presumed to be
approximately correct, but it is to be understood, however, that the small scale
drawings are necessarily diagrammatic and that such locations, as shown, are subject
to slight revision, as the work is installed which may be necessary to accommodate
local construction conditions. No major change shall be made, however, without the
approval in writing of the Engineers.
The Contractor shall examine and study the Architectural scale drawings,
large scale and full size details the approved shop drawings of other trades and he
shall frequently consult with the General Contractor to ascertain any changes that
may have been made, and he shall be guided accordingly before establishing the
precise location of conduit runs, panels pull and junction boxes, and outlets for all
lighting, power, telephone, fire alarm, sound systems, etc. All outlets covered or
partially covered by ducts, piping, etc. shall be extended laterally or to underside of it
so that the fixtures may be properly installed. Outlets indicated where beams occur
shall be located adjacent to it, with proper clearance for fixtures as required.
Protection - This Contractor shall effectually protect his own from damage
during and, as may be necessary after installation, and he shall likewise protect
adjoining work of other trades from damage resulting from installation of Electrical
15.1.1. Examination: All demolitions or modifications to existing systems shall be
coordinated through Owner’s Representative. Demolition drawings are based on
casual field observation and existing record documentations. Therefore the
accuracy or exactness of the drawings is not guaranteed. The Contractor shall
verify that field measurements and circuiting arrangements are as shown on
Drawings and make sure that abandoned wiring and equipment serve only
abandoned facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for reporting
discrepancies to Engineer before disturbing existing installation. Beginning of
demolition means Contractor accepts existing conditions.
15.1.2. Preparation:
Disconnect electrical systems in walls, floors, and ceilings scheduled
for removal. Provide temporary wiring and connections to maintain remaining
systems in service during demolition and/or modification. Owner reserve the
right up to 24 hours prior to any scheduled event to delay or suspend
shutdowns or outages to more convenient times at no additional cost.
Existing Electrical Service: Maintain existing system in service until
new system is complete and ready for service. No work shall begin without
proper permits and authorizations. Disable system only to make switchovers
and connections. Obtain permission from Owner before partially or
completely disabling system. Minimize outage duration. Make temporary
connections to maintain service in areas adjacent to work area.
15.1.3. Actual demolition works:
A. Remove, relocate, and extend existing installations to accommodate new
plan drawings.
B. Remove exposed abandoned conduit, including abandoned conduit above
accessible ceiling finishes full length from source to device. Cut
embedded or concealed conduit flush with walls and floors, and patch
C. Disconnect abandoned outlets and remove devices. Remove abandoned
outlets if conduit servicing them is abandoned and removed. Provide
blank cover for abandoned outlets that are not removed.
D. Disconnect and remove abandoned panelboards and distribution
E. Disconnect and remove electrical devices and equipment serving
utilization equipment that has been removed.
F. Disconnect and remove abandoned luminaires. Remove brackets, stems,
hangers, and other accessories.
G. Repair adjacent construction and finishes damaged during demolition and
extension work.
H. Maintain access to existing electrical installations that remain active.
Modify installation or provide access panel as appropriate.
Extend existing installations using materials and methods compatible
with existing electrical installation or as specified.
J. Where equipment is indicated to be demolished and returned to Owner,
the Contractor shall include the delivery of this equipment to the Owner's
site storage area. Remove with care all equipment to be relocated.
Repair or replace of newly damaged equipment is the responsibility of
the Contractor.
15.1.4. Disposition of materials and equipment
A. Review with the Owner materials that have been removed and are no
longer required, to determine any which the Owner may desire to keep.
Deliver those materials that the Owner desires to the Owner’s specified
B. For those materials not required by the Owner, dispose of them in
accordance with applicable regulations.
15.2.1. Conductors: Conductors in raceways and cable shall be copper. Wire
connectors of insulating material or solderless pressure connectors properly
taped shall be utilized for all splices where possible. Soldered mechanical joints
insulated with tape shall be kept t a minimum. Sizes shall be not less than indicated. Branch-circuit conductors shall
be not smaller than 3.5mm sq. Conductors for branch circuits of 230 volts
more than 30 meters long shall be 5.5mm sq. Conductor insulation shall be suitable for the application and shall be
THHN/THWN or THW with insulation rated at 600 volts. Conductor identification of each phase shall be by color-coded
insulation. Equipment grounding conductor shall be green, while white
shall be identified to neutral conductor. The color of the insulation of the
ungrounded conductors of different voltage systems shall be as follows :
400/230 volt, 3-phase
Phase A – Red
Phase B – Yellow
Phase C – Blue
Neutral - White
Ground – Green
15.3.1. Intermediate metallic conduit (IMC) and fittings shall be standard weight,
mild steel, hot galvanized or sherardized, with an interior coating
15.3.2. No conduit shall be used in any system smaller than 15mm diameter electric
trade size for IMC, nor shall have more than three 90-degree bends in any one
run, and where necessary, pull boxes shall be provided as directed.
15.3.3. No wire shall be pulled into any conduit until the conduit system is complete
in all details, in the case of concealed work until all rough plastering or masonry
has been completed, in the case of exposed work until the conduit has been
completed in every detail.
15.3.4. All pipes and fittings on exposed work shall be properly secured. Pipes on
exposed work shall be run at right angles to and parallel with the surrounding
walls and shall conform to the form of the ceiling, no diagonal runs shall be
allowed and all ends and off-sets shall be avoided as far as possible. Where
necessary condulet fittings shall be used. Piping, in all cases shall be run
perfectly straight and true, satisfactory to the Architect and the Engineers.
Conduits shall be supported at 1. 5meters interval minimum.
15.4.1. Boxes and Supports: Boxes shall be provided in the wiring or raceway systems
wherever required for puling of wires, making connections, and mounting of
devices or fixtures. Boxes shall be gauge 16 sheet steel galvanized sheet steel.
All boxes shall be properly secured. Boxes for Use with Raceway System: Boxes for use with raceway
systems shall not be less 38mm deep except where shallower boxes
required by structural conditions are approved. Boxes for other than
lighting-fixtures shall be not less than 110mm octagonal except that
110mm by 55mm with 56mm depth boxes may be used where only one
raceway enters the outlet. Pull Boxes: Pull boxes of not less than the minimum size required by
the PEC shall be constructed of gauge 16 galvanized sheet steel. Where
several feeders pass through a common pull box, the feeders shall be tagged
to indicate clearly the electrical characteristics, circuit number, and panel
15.5.1. Junction and pull boxes, of Code gauge 16(minimum) steel, galvanized shall
be provided as indicated or as required for facilitating the pulling of wires and
cables. Pull boxes in finished places shall be located and installed with the
permission and to the satisfaction of the Architect.
15.6.1. WALL SWITCHES Wall switches shall be rated at 15 ampere with voltage rating, as
required. Switches shall be of the silent type, spring operated. The type
of switch shall be tumbler operation and the color, plating and appearance
of wall plates shall be as selected by the Architect and appropriate samples
shall be submitted prior to the purchase of wall switches and faceplates.
Switches shall be wide-series type.
15.6.2. WALL RECEPTACLES Wall receptacle outlets shall be for flush mounting, duplex rated at 15
amperes, 250 volt, grounding type, parallel slots or as indicated. Type and
color of receptacle outlet plates shall be as selected by the Architect and
appropriate samples of outlets and plates shall be submitted prior to
purchase of device. Outlets shall be wide-series type.
15.7.1. All switches and receptacle plates shall be as directed by the Architect. Submit
samples of all type for approval prior to purchase.
15.8.1. Circuit breakers shall be bolt-on type and have voltage, current, and
interrupting rating as indicated. Molded-Case Circuit Breakers: Single-pole breakers shall be full
module size. Multi-pole breakers shall be of the internal common-trip type
having a single operating handle. Breakers shall have interchangeable,
adjustable magnetic, trips in 225 ampere frame and larger. Breakers
coordinated with current-limiting fuses shall have a combined interrupting
capacity of 35,000 symmetrical amperes. Breakers equipped with ground
fault interrupters shall have ground fault class, interrupting capacity, and
voltage and current ratings indicated. Circuit breakers serving motor loads
shall be of industrial type.
15.9.1. All panels shall be of dead front construction furnished with trims for flush or
surface mounting as required. Cabinets shall be of Code gauge 16 steel with
gutters of 110mm (minimum) wide and wider if necessary. The trim for all
panels shall be finished in grey enamel over a coat of rust inhibitor. Panel
designation shall be engraved phenolic board 20mm height minimum.
Directories shall be typed and plastic laminated to indicate load served by each
circuit and mounted in holder behind a protective covering.
15.9.2. Panels and cabinets shall be provided with push lock door lock and
manufacturer’s shop drawings in triplicate shall be submitted before
15.9.3. Panels shall have phase bus bars shall be rated based on the ampere trip rating
of protective breaker and a ground bus based on 50% of the phase bus bars.
Fixtures may be provided with stranded copper conductor in flexible
metal conduits not over 2meters long where flexible metal conduits are
permitted by PEC.
Ballasted fixtures shall have ballasts that are compatible with the
specific type and rating of lamps indicated and shall comply with the applicable
provisions of the publications referenced.
Lamps: Lamps of the type, wattage, and voltage rating indicated shall
be delivered to the project in the original cartons and installed in the fixtures just
prior to the completion of the project. Incandescent lamps shall be for 250-volt operation unless otherwise
Fixtures: Fixtures shall be as shown and shall conform to the following
specifications and shall be as detailed. Illustrations shown on drawings are
indicative of the general type desired and are not intended to restrict selection to
fixtures of any particular manufacturer. Fixtures of similar designs and
equivalent energy efficiency, light distribution and brightness characteristics,
and of equal finish and quality will be acceptable if approved. All fluorescent housings shall be of US gauge 22 sheet steel minimum.
Submit two (2) samples of each fixture to the Architect for approval prior
to manufacturing. All metal fluorescent fixture housings shall be powder coated acrylic
enamel finished. Accessories such as straps, mounting plates, nipples, or brackets shall
be provided for proper installation.
All metallic conduits, cabinets and equipment shall be properly
grounded and bonded as per requirement by the latest edition of the Philippine
Electrical Code.
Equipment and material should be based on acceptable brands or manufacturers. Any
substitution or use of equivalent brands shall be subject to the approval of the Engineers.