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Respiratory & Anesthesia Tech Anatomy & Physiology I Course Outline

Respiratory and Anaesthesia Technology - Anatomy & Physiology I
A23 – Fall 2023
Fred Nestel
Office Phone (ext.)
A-428 514-744-7500 Ext 7656 nestelf@vaniercollege.qc.ca
Office hours - Students are advised to arrange a mutually convenient time to
meet with the instructor
1) Textbook:
Electronic version
of textbook
Marieb, Elaine, Hoehn, Katja Human Anatomy and Physiology
Pearson Publishers, 11th edition, 2019. ISBN-13: 9780136874034
12-month Access
Price: Check with Bookstore for price
Buy directly from Publisher online @ C$74.99
Hardcover version
Marieb, Elaine N., Hoehn, K. Human Anatomy and Physiology
Pearson Publishers, 11th edition, 2019. ISBN-13: 9780134580999
Price: Check with Bookstore for price
Buy directly from Publisher online @ C$217.99 (free shipping)
2) Lab Manual:
Electronic version
Marieb, EN, Smith LA Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual
(Fetal Pig Version) 13th edition, Pearson Publishers, 2019
ISBN-13: 9780134815619
Price Check with Bookstore for price
Buy directly from Publisher online @ $74.99 Cdn
Paperback version
Marieb, EN, Smith LA Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual
(Fetal Pig Version) 13th edition, Pearson Publishers, 2019
ISBN-13: 9780134806365
Price Check with Bookstore for price
Buy directly from Publisher online @ $217.99 Cdn (free delivery)
1 semester (16 weeks)
Theory 4, Lab 2, Homework 4
By arrangement of a mutually agreeable time
a) Students should actively participate in lectures and laboratory sessions
b) Students should read the required material in the lab manual prior to each lab session
Anatomy & Physiology I presents the student with a comprehensive approach to certain fundamental concepts in
chemistry and cell biology as well as in the anatomy and physiology of the following systems: Digestive, Nervous,
Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Blood. The course, together with the follow-up course Anatomy & Physiology II, is
designed primarily to familiarize the student with the structure (anatomy and histology) and function (physiology and
biochemistry) of each organ system comprising the human body. The course is taught on a systems basis covering each
of the listed physiologic systems as well as their relationship to each other. Each of these systems is taught in an
integrated way such that an understanding of previously covered systems is required to understand material on
subsequently presented systems.
Statement of Competence:
Understand the cellular basis of the structure and function of organs and organ systems in the body
Apply detailed knowledge of the digestive, nervous, respiratory and blood systems.
Apply detailed knowledge of the interactions between the blood and respiratory systems
Apply knowledge and principles related to general anatomy and physiology.
Understand interrelationships between physiologic systems and how they are regulated to maintain homeostasis
Discussions during lectures and laboratory periods
Laboratory exercises
The course consists of two (2-hour) lectures and one (2-hour) lab per week. Each student participates in ten (2hour) labs. The lab sessions complement and reinforce the lecture material through personal observation and
experiments and introduce the student to various lab procedures.
The course is conducted in a flipped class style with students acquiring basic course content through videos as well
as engaging and increasing their understanding of the material during class. Class time is devoted to Questions,
Discussions, Problem Solving, Reviews and/or Exams. Each student also participates in a 2-hour weekly laboratory
session. The class time aims to provide an opportunity to clarify and develop further understanding of concepts and
principles of anatomy and physiology. The laboratory sessions are integrated with and reinforce the lecture material
through personal observation and experimentation. The lecture and lab material complement each other, they are
not mutually exclusive. The labs also introduce the student to various laboratory procedures. Sometimes lab
periods may be used as a lecture period. AV materials and laboratory demonstrations will be used when
The Biology Resource Centre (A-473) is available and is set aside as a study area.
Students are encouraged to ask questions and contribute to lecture discussions as well as to arrange
appointments with the instructor to discuss course content, grades and/or problems pertaining to the course.
For any questions I can be contacted by MIO to arrange a convenient time to meet, or your questions can be
answered during class.
Exam dates once scheduled normally will not be changed. There will be No Makeup Lab Exams.
Students are evaluated on the following basis:
Course Lecture Material – Total 70%
8 Unit Tests (best 7 out of 8) - 10% each
Two Laboratory Exams – Total 30% - Lab Exam I - 15%
- Lab Exam II -15%
Unit Tests consist of multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false and/or diagram questions.
There are a total of 8 Unit Tests. The best 7 count for 70% of the Final Grade.
Lab Exams consist of 20 Stations with several questions at each station. Students will have three minutes per station.
A student who fails to show up for a Lab Exam or a Unit Test is given a grade of zero (0). Documented absences
for medical reasons and/or religious reasons* are, of course, exempt. If a student misses a Unit Test, due to valid
circumstances eg. illness (+with an acceptable medical note – please see the attendance section below) or religious
holiday, a makeup Unit Test will normally be written at the end of the semester. Makeup Unit Tests will be essay
format. There will be No Makeup Lab Exams.
LIA - Learning Integration Assessment
Students perform two station Lab Exams that require them to draw upon key learning acquired in the course. The
lab exams require students to use skills and solve problems related to the interactions of the physiologic systems
that were covered in lectures and labs. Students demonstrate an understanding of the way in which physiologic
systems are interrelated and regulated.
Weight of LIA – 30%
LIA Evaluation Criteria:
Understand different mechanisms of cellular energy production
Analyse graphically presented data
Determine key pulmonary function values from Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) data
Analyse oxygen - hemoglobin dissociation curve data
Understand the relationship between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
Understand the relationship between the digestive system and metabolism
Understand the relationship between the nervous system and the digestive system
Regular attendance for lectures is highly recommended because student success is closely associated with attendance.
Lab attendance is compulsory since there is no opportunity to complete a missed lab day. Failure to attend a
laboratory session will result in loss of 2% from the final grade for each lab missed.
In case of serious illness, the instructor must be informed as soon as possible, and written documentation must be
provided upon return to class.
Medical notes explaining an absence during which the student missed a lab or Lab Exam or Unit Test must be
submitted as soon as a student is able to return to class.
* Documented absences for either medical reasons accompanied by an acceptable medical note or religious reasons
are, of course, exempt.
*Student absences for religious holy days – please see below
The official deadline for deleting a course or withdrawing is Tuesday, September 19, 2023. You must officially
withdraw at the Registrar’s Office. Should you abandon the course after the official delete deadline, you will be
assigned a numerical grade consisting of the marks accrued to the date of deletion.
For unit tests, lab tests, quizzes or assignments, the student has one (1) week after receipt of the grade to
register an appeal. Appeals must be in writing and submitted to the teacher concerned. A student who wishes to have
his/her final grade reviewed has 15 working days after the issuance of transcripts to request a mark upgrade. A
Mark Update Request Form should be completed and submitted through the Registrar's office. Any further appeal is
handled by the Biology Department Grades Review Committee. A Grade Review Request form must be completed
and submitted through the Registrar’s Office. The Biology Department Grades Review Committee is composed of two
faculty members who will consult the teacher responsible for the grade in question.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES – Course Policies, MIO's, Announcements, Lab Schedule and Exam Dates
The following information is posted on LEA and is the responsibility of each student:
Know the course policies by referring to the Course Outline
Keep up to date with course information by reading all MIO's sent to you
Read and be familiar with Announcements
Know the Lab Schedule
Be familiar with Exam Dates as indicated in the Class Calendar.
You must use your full name for Labs, Exams, or any Zoom Meeting. It is not possible to ID a student if they do not use
the name that they used for registration. Proper ID of students also means that they must use their cameras during any
Zoom meeting.
It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to the Vanier College Academic Policies.
These policies can be found online at http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/bylaws-policies-procedures
Your attention is drawn in particular to the following policies. A brief summary of each is included:
Code of Conduct: The policy is posted at http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/bylaws-policies-procedures/code-of-conduct/
*Student Absences for Religious Holy Days (Policy number 7210-20):
Students whose religious obligations require them to be absent from the College on a holy day not formally
recognized in the College calendar must inform their teachers, in writing, during the first week of classes, of
the particular date(s) and times of the religious holy days on which they must be absent. Absences approved in this
manner are considered to be excused absences. Students are responsible for material covered in the classes and
labs they miss. If examinations are schedule on these days, suitable alternative exam days for students who are
fulfilling their religious obligations will be arranged with the teacher. The complete version of this policy is available
online http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/bylaws-policies-procedures/files/2015/09/7210
Student Academic Complaints (Policy number 7210-8):
The Vanier College Student Academic Complaints Policy and procedures put an emphasis on mediation as the primary
means to resolve complaints. If you have a problem with a teacher and have been unable to resolve it by talking with him
or her, you may wish to enlist the help of the Faculty Mediation Committee. Committee member names and contact
information are available in Student Services or through the office of the Faculty Dean. The complete version of this
policy is available online (http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/bylaws-policies-procedures/student-academic-complaints/).
Cheating and Plagiarism (Policy number 7210-31):
Electronic devices cannot be used during Unit Tests, Lab Exams or during a review of a Unit Test or Lab Exam.
Furthermore, possession of an electronic device during any of these activities will be considered to be evidence of
cheating. In addition to articles specified in the Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism, the following items are expressly
prohibited from examination rooms and possession of any of these items will be considered cheating and result in
the application of the sanctions as per the policy:
All electronic devices including but not restricted to smart phones, smart watches, Fit Bits – all models, cameras of
any kind, laser devices, MP3 players of any description, UV lights, virtual keyboards, recording and/or playback
devices in any form, ear buds either wired or wireless, and any Bluetooth device.
Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in a grade of zero and a letter from the teacher will be placed in your
file. Repeat offences may lead to even more serious consequences. Please consult the Vanier Student Writing
Guide, Vanier College Catalogue, Student Handbook, the policy online (http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/bylawspolicies-procedures/cheating-and-plagiarism/) or your teacher for more information.
Student Misconduct in the Classroom (Policy number 7210-19):
This policy provides guidelines for handling cases of student misbehaviour in the classroom and other instructional
settings. Such cases may include conduct that is abusive to the teacher and/or other students, or disruptive to the
teaching/learning process. This policy does not limit the teacher’s or the College’s right to take immediate action in
cases of imminent danger to persons or property. The complete version of this policy is available online
Anatomy & Physiology I and II are designed primarily to familiarize the student with the structure (anatomy and
histology) and function (physiology and biochemistry) of the systems comprising the human body and their
relationship to each other. A clear understanding of the concepts covered in these two courses is essential for
Respiratory and Anaesthesia students.
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapters 3 and 4
NERVOUS SYSTEM - Introduction
- Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 11 - Selected Topics
Chapter 14
Chapter 22
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 23