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Comp Sci Notes: Computing Systems, History, Binary, Data

IB Comp Sci HL1
Chapter 01 - The Big Picture
1.1 Computing Systems (pg 5-8)
Computing System - dynamic entity that solves problems and interacts with its environment. comprised
of hardware, software, and data
Computer Hardware - the collection of physical components that make up the machine. boxes, circuit
boards, chips, wires, disk drives, keyboards, monitors, printers
Computer Software - Programs that provide instructions that a computer carries out
Layers of a Computing System
Computing system like an onion
Innermost layer
- Data in the computer, stored in binary
- The physical hardware of the system, which uses gates and circuits
- It can take many forms, used to solve problems and make stuff happen
Operating System
- Allow users to interact with and manage the other parts of the computer,
- ex. macOS, Windows, Linux
- Used to solve real-world problems rather than allow the system to work
Abstraction - A way to think about something that omits complex details
Miller’s Law - humans can only hold seven pieces of information in short-term memory at a time
Information Hiding - Eliminate the need for one part of a program to access information in
another part
1.2 The History of Computing (pg 9-29)
A Brief History of Computing Hardware
Early History
- Jacquard’s loom - for weaving cloth, introduced input through punched cards
- Charles Babbage’s analytical engine - vision of memory so values did not have to be re-entered
- Ada Lovelace - Extended Babbage and conceived the loop
- Alan M. Turing’s Turing machine - the foundation for computing theory
- Significant early computers
- the Colossus (1943), the first all-programmable electronic digital computer
- Harvard Mark I (1944)
- ENIAC (1946)
- EDVAC (1950)
UNIVAC 1 (1951), the first commercial computer, was used to predict the outcome of a
presidential election
First Generation (1951-1959)
- Used vacuum tubes to store information
- Generated a lot of heat
- Not very reliable
- Required heavy-duty air conditioning, large rooms, and frequent maintenance
- Magnetic drums for memory
- Rotated under a read/write head
- Input device
- Punch hole IBM card
- Output device
- Magnetic tape drives
- Data on tape is stored linearly, so much be accessed linearly
- Storage devices
- Auxillary storage devices
- ex. magnetic tape
- Peripheral devices
- input devices, output devices, and auxiliary storage
Second Generation (1959-1965)
- Transistor
- Replaced vacuum tube as the main component
- Smaller, faster, cheaper, and more durable
- Immediate Access Memory
- Magnetic cores
- Tiny donut-shaped devices
- Store one bit of information
- Strung together to form cells
- Cells combined formed a memory unit
- Motionless and electronic, so information access was instantaneous
- Magnetic Disk
- New auxiliary storage device
- Faster than magnetic tape because each item is accessed directly by referring to its
location on the disk
- Each piece of data has its own identifier (called address)
Third Generation (1965-1971)
- Transistors and other components assembled by hand onto PCBs
- Integrated circuits (ICs), solid pieces of silicon that contained transistors, other components, and
- Moore’s Law - number of circuits on an integrated circuit would double each year
- Transistors used for memory construction
- Each transistor represents one bit
- IC tech allowed for memory boards built of transistors
Auxiliary storage is still needed because transistor memory is volatile (information
disappears when power is lost)
- Terminal, input/output device with keyboard and screen
- Gave user direct access to computer and immediate response
Fourth Generation (1971-?)
- Large-scale integration
- Thousands of transistors to whole microcomputers on chips
- Main memory devices remained out of chips
- Moore’s law edited to compound every 18 months
- PCs became common
- Almost anyone could have a microcomputer
- New names
- Apple, Tandy & Radio Shack, Atari, Commodore, and Sun
- Joined old, IBM, RemRand, NCR, DEC, Hewlett-Packard, Control Data
- IBM PC (1981)
- Followed by Dell, Compaq, and Apple (1984)
- Workstations
- More powerful, meant for business use
- Networked by cables
- RISC (reduced-instruction-set computer)
- Computers understood only their machine language
- Instructions were fast and memory was slow
- Called UNIX workstations because they run on UNIX
- New Moore’s law: “Computers will either double in power at the same price or halve the cost for
the same power every 18 months”
Parallel Computing
- Rely on interconnected CPUs
- Either all processors use the same memory unit or the central processor has its own memory
and communicates over an internal network
- Increased speed
- Steps in programs can be separated into pieces and executed simultaneously
- SIMD (single-instruction, multiple-data-stream)
- Work on different parts of the program simultaneously
- MIMD (multiple-instruction, multiple-data-stream)
- Must be programmed differently than sequential programs
- Ethernet
- Cheap coaxial cable to connect machines
- Using a server rather than locally storing allowed for central control with autonomy
- Workstations or PCs networked known as LANs (local area network)
- Internet
- Descended from ARPANET, government-sponsored network in the lat 1960s
- Uses packet switching
- Global Networks use TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
Cloud Computing
- use of computer resources on internet instead of physical devices en location
- Data center - separate business providing computing hardware that another business uses
- Offloads managing infrastructure, but communication can take time
A Brief History of Computing Software
First Generation Software (1951-1959)
- Programs written using machine language
- Used binary
- Tedious to write machine language
- Began to write using assembly language
- Used mnemonic codes to represent machine-language instruction
- Software translators were used to translate from assembly language to machine code
- ex. Assembler
- first systems programmers
Second Generation Software (1959-1965)
- High Level Languages
- Allowed for written instructions in english-like statements
- Numerical applications
- Grew over the years after release
- Business applications
- Deisgned first, then implemented
- Lisp
- AI applications
- HLL allowed for running the same program on multiple machines, through use of a
- Checks syntax of HLL
- Applications programmers wrote programs
Third Generation Software (1965-1971)
- First two generations used loaders to load programs and linkers to link programs
- Third gen utility programs put under control of OS
- Systems software - utility programs, OS, assemblers, and compilers
- Time sharing - splitting central processing time amongst multiple users
- General purpose application programs
- SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences)
- allowed the user to describe data and statistics
- System programmers were writing software for nonprogrammers
Fourth Generation (1971-1989)
- Structured programming
- Logical, disciplined approach
Pascal, Modula-2, and updated BASIC
C, C++
UNIX, MS-DOS, and more OSes became further developed
New application types introduced
- Spreadsheets, word processors, and database management systems
Fifth Generation (1990-Present)
- Microsoft became a dominant player in computer software, ood/p, and WWW
- Application programs bundled together into office suites
- Object-oriented design - structured hierarchy of data objects
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Technical rules for World Wide Web
- Created HTML and a rudimentary text-only browser
- Mosaic - First graphics capable browser
- Netscape Navigator vs IE lawsuit
- Ended with IE winning, and other browsers being released
- Fifth generation had recreational web browsing and computer usage
Chapter 02 - Binary Values and Number Systems
2.1 Numbers and Computing
Number - unit belonging to an abstract mathematical system, subject to laws of succession, addition,
and multiplication
Natural number - any numbers that can be obtained in increments of 1
Negative numbers - are less than 0
Integers - are any natural numbers and their negative
Rational numbers - are integers or the quotient of two integers (fraction)
2.2 Positional Notation
Base - specifies the number of digits used throughout the system, always begin with 0 and continue
through one less than the base
Positional notation - each digit has a place value and the number is the sum of each digit to the power
of its place value (can be represented as 9 * 𝑥 + 4 * 𝑥 + 3 * 𝑥 )
Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal
Binary (base-2, 2 digits)
Octal (base-8, 8 digits)
Decimal (base-10, 10 digits)
Hexadecimal (base-16, 16 digits)
Digits start with index 0
Hex digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
Octal (754) to decimal (492)
Hexadecimal (ABC) to decimal (2748)
Binary, Octal, and Decimal conversion chart
Octal-Binary conversion
- Get the binary of each digit and add them together
Algorithm - logical sequence of steps
that solves a problem
Example: Algorithm to convert from
decimal to hexadecimal
Binary Values and Computers
Storage location
- binary digit or bit
- must be a 0 or 1, no
- 8 bits makes a byte
- bytes connected to
make words
- number of bits in
word is word
- Modern
computers are
32 or 64 bit
Chapter 03 - Data Representation
3.1 - Data and Computers
Data - basic values or facts
Information - data that has been organized or processed in a useful way
multimedia devices - deal with multiple types of data (numbers, text, audio, images and graphics, video)
data compression - reduce the storage needed for a piece of data
bandwidth - the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted from one place to another in a fixed
amount of time
compression ratio - how much compression occurs (compressed data divided by original data)
lossless compression - data can be retrieved without losing any original information
lossy compression - information is lost in the process of compaction
Analog and Digital Data
analog data - continuous representation analogous to the actual information
digital data - breaking the information into separate element
digitize - break data into pieces
pulse-code modulation (PCM) - digital signal jumping between two extremes
reclocking - the process of cleaning the data and having it regain its original shape to prevent
degredation past the point of unreadable
3.2 - Representing Numeric Data
Binary can be used to represent data (00 = park, 01 = drive, 10 = neutral, 11 = reverse)
signed magnitude representation - +/- sign to denote sign of number
fixed size number - half of values represent negative numbers (ex. if max is 2 digits, +1-49, -50-99)
ten’s complement - (-3) = 102 - 3 = 97
two’s complement - number represented by 8 bits, seven for number & one for sign
overflow - computeed value can’t fit into the number of bits allocated for the result
radix point - decimal point for binary numbers
floating point - number of digits is fixed but the radix point floats
sign * mantissa * 10exp
sign * mantissa * 2exp
scientific notation - an alternative floating point representation
3.3 Representing Text
character set - a list of character and codes used to represent each one
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
- Orignally used 7 bits to represent each character (128 max)
- 8th bit was check bit, ensured proper data transmission
- Later evolution (Latin-1 ASCII extended character set) allowed for 256 characters, first 32
- extended the ASCII process to all international use, using usually 16 bits to represent a much
wider variety of characters
Encoding Text
- Keyword encoding
- used to replace frequently used words with single characters
- but there is no good way to distinguish between the actual use of symbols in the text
versus the compressed word
Run-length encoding
- compresses repeating characters using a flag character, making each long word smaller
- nnnnnxxxxxxxxxccchhhhhh some other text kkkkkkkkeee = *n5*x9ccc*h6 some other
text *k8eee
Huffman encoding
- uses the minimum needed bit length to represent a charcter, removing the extra unused
bits to allow text to take up less pace
DOORBELL = 1011110110111101001100100
3.4 Representing Audio Data
Sound is represented by air compression hitting the eardrum
Digital representation measures the voltage of the sound wave at a set rate (a high enough
resolution that the human ear can interpret it as sound, 40000hz)
Analog representation of sound wave is vinyl record (grooves change to show the sound wave
they represent
Digital representation of sound wave is CD, surface of CD has microscopic pits to represent
binary digits, read by laser
Audio Formats
MPEG-2, audio layer 3 file
Favoured due to high compression ratio
Discards audio that is not hearable by humans
Compressed using a form of Huffman encoding
3.4 Representing Audio Data
Representing Color
Color is the perception by the human eye of frequencies of light
- each of the 3 values represents contribution of the primary colors
- 0-255 scale
color space - 3d image used to represent color
color depth - the amount of data used to represent color
high color - 16-bit color depth, 5 bits for each color value and extra for transparency
true color - 24-bit color depth, 8 bits for each color value
Digitized Images and Graphics
pixels - picture elements, single color
resolution - number of pixels to represent an image
raster graphics - images are stored pixel-by-pixel, have a maximum resolution for the image where the
human eye can begin to see the individual pixels that make up the image (ex. JPEG, PNG, GIF)
vector graphics - image is stored in terms of geometric shapes, it can be scaled up or down as much as
needed without losing resolution (ex. SVG)
metadata - describes the details of the image, like size, resolution, location it wa taken, creator of
image, copyright status
only 256 colors, but those 256 can change
indexed color - changing set of colours
optimal for line art and small animations
averages the color hues over short distances, superior for photographic color
created to improve on GIF
APNG allows for animation
represented in plaintext
well supported by browsers
3.6 Representing Video
codec - COmpressor/DECompressor
video codec - shrink the size of the movie, uses lossy compression
temporal compression - combines information that remains constant between frames to not to waste
space with duplicated data
spatial compression - combines parts of the data that exist the same into larger chunks, similar to
run-length encoding
Chapter 04 - Gates and Circuits (93-113)
4.1 Computers and Electricity
gate - device that performs a basic operation on electrical signals
circuit - gates combined to perform more complicated tasks
Boolean algebra - variables can only be 1 or 0
logic diagram - graphical representation of a circuit
truth table - lists all possible input combinations of a gate
4.2 Gates
NOT Gate
accepts one input value and produces one output value
inverts its single input value.
represented by ‘
AND Gate
Expressed with dot (∙), asterisk (*), or just assumed (AB)
produces 1 if both input values are 1
OR Gate
Expressed with plus (+)
produces 1 if one or the other or both input values are 1
XOR Gate
Expressed with circled plus (⊕)
produces 1 if one or the other (but not both) input values are 1
No symbol
produces the opposite results of an AND gate
NOR Gate
No symbol
produces the opposite results of an OR gate
Gates with More Inputs
Gates can accept more than two input values
3 input AND produces 1 only if all inputs are 1
2n outputs based on n input values
4.3 Constructing Gates
transistor - device that acts as a conductor as resistor based on input signal
semiconductor - both not a great insulator nor a great conductor, often silicon
three terminals
- source
- produces a high voltage value (~5 volts)
- base
- emitter
- connected to a ground wire
source grounded = 0v
4.4 Circuits
combinational circuit - input values explicitly determine output
sequential circuit - input values and existing state determine output, usually involving storage of
Combinational Circuits
Gates combined into circuits
Can be represented by truth tables
Put algebraic operations as titles of columns
A(B + C)
A(B + C)
circuit equivalence - different circuits that produce the same result (ex. A(B + C) = AB + AC
Boolean Algebra Laws
adder - special addition operator
half adder - adds two bits and produces the correct carry bit
full adder - takes into account the carry-in value
Representation of a half adder truth table and circuit diagram
Full adder truth table and circuit diagram
multiplexer - (mux) circuit that produces a single output signal, equal to one of several input signals
which is selected by select signals or select control lines. binary values of n input control lines
determine the output of 2n
demultiplexer - (demux) takes single input, routes to one of 2n outputs, based on values of n control
Multiplexer with three select control lines, three inputs corresponding to 3 binary digits, 0-7
4.5 Circuits as Memory
Gates can be used in a sequential circuit so output of one serves for input of next
S-R latch
- X0; Y1
- X1; Y0
- X is current state of circuit
- Set to 1 by setting S0 with R1, vice versa
4.6 Integrated Circuits
integrated circuit - aka chip, piece of silicon with multiple gates embedded in it, each pin connects to
input of gate, output of gate, power, or ground
SSI chip with 4 NAND gates
4.7 CPU Chips
Most important IC is CPU
- Advanced circuit with input and output lines
Contains pins that communicate to many other advanced circuits like memory and I/O devices
Leads to component architecture, bringing back abstraction
Chapter 05 - Computing Components (93-113)
5.1 Individual Computer Components
- Clock - rapid pulse to coordinate all actions of a computer
- Clock speed - (Hz) rate at which the clock pulses
FSB (front-side bus) - terminal through which the computer communicates with the outside
- only activated when processor needs something not found in cache
Cache - small, fast memory built into processor chip
- accessible by processor without using FSB
GPU (graphics processor unit)
- can be more poewrful than main rpocessors
- data for screen in its memeory
RAM (random access memory)/main memory
- SDRAM (synchronous, dynamic RAM), each byte of ram can be accesed directly rather
than one at a time
HDD (hard disk drive)
SSD (solid-state disk)
- similar to RAM, but data isn’t lost when power is cut
Tradeoffs are everywhere
- faster processor = more power, leading to overheating and possible shutdown
- faster FSB = faster other devices to interface with = more expensive circuitry
- bigger cache = slower data access = slower processor
The prefixes of computing
5.2 The Stored-Program Concept
von Neumann Architecture
Named for John von Neumann
The realisation in 1944-45 that the data and instructions to manipulate the data used the same
logic and could be stored in the same place (John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert)
The units that process and store information are different
Five components
- Memory unit, holds data and instructions
- addressability - number of bits in each addressible location of memory
- Arithmetic/logic unit, performs arithmetic and logic operations on data
- register - small storage area in CPU used to store values or special data that is
needed immediately (ex. One * (Two + Three), two + three needs to be stored
Input unit, moves data from the outside world into the computer
- punch cards, keyboard, mouse, scanner
The output unit, moves results from inside the computer to the outside world
- printer, display
The control unit, stage manager to ensure that all the other components act in concert
- instruction register (IR) - contains instruction that is being executed
- program counter (PC) - contains the address of the next instruction to be
Connected through wire called the bus
- bus width - number of bits that can be transfered through the bus simultaneously
- cache memory - a small amount of fast-access memory for frequently-used data
to be stored
- pipelining - split instructions into smaller steps so they can be overlapped and
speed up the fetch-execute cycle
motherboard - PCB on which holds all of the von Neumann machine components and
connections for other components to add to the bus
- n-bit processor refers to the number of bits in the CPU’s general register
The Fetch–Execute Cycle
4 main steps
1. Fetch the next instruction
- program counter contains address of next instruction
- copy of instructions are made and placed int eh instruction register
2. Decode the instruction
- Instruction into control signals
- Logic of circuitry determines which operations need to be performed
3. Get data if needed
- If additional memory is needed
4. Execute the instruction
- Sends signals to arithmetic/logic unit to carry out processing
ROM - read-only memory, permanent and can’t be altered
burning - storing a bit pattern on a ROM
RAM - random-access memory, contents of each location are changeable
RAM is volatile, ROM is not (doesn’t disappear when power is cut)
Secondary Storage Devices
secondary/auxillary storage devices - storage other than the main memory
mass storage device - a secondary storage device that can story large quantities of data
Magnetic tape
- often used to back up data on a disk
- to access data in the middle, all the data before must be accessed and discarded
Magnetic disks
- disk drive - cross between compact disk player and tape recorder
- track - concentric circles around the surface of the disk
- sector - divided section of each track
- block - continuous sequence of bits held in each sector
- seek time - time for read/write head to get to position
- latency - time for the specified sector to spin to the read/write head
- hard disk - consists of several platters stacked
CDs and DVDs
- CD - compact disk
- track spirals from inside to outside
- variable rotation speed because data is evenly packed
- CD-DA - compact disk-digital audio
- CD-ROM - same as CD-DA but data is stored permanently
- CD-R - recordable, writable but not rewritable (CD-RW is rewritable)
- DVD - digital versatile disk
- higher storage capacity
- DL - dual layer, doubled capacity
- R - recordable
- RW - rewritable
- Blu-ray - read with blue laser instead of red, higher storage capacity
Flash Drives
- Introduced 1998 as floppy disk alternative
- Faster and consumes less power than a hard disk
Touch Screens
resistive touch screen
- two layers, one vertical one horizontal, made of conductive material
- separated by thin air gap
- when pressed, bottom and top are contacted and current flows
- laminate over the whole screen
- current over whole screen which flows into finger from each corner
infrared - crisscrossing beams of infrared, breaking the beam = touch
surface acoustic wave - (SAW) projects high-frequency sound waves in a similar manner to
touch screen
5.3 Embedded Systems
embedded system - any computer that is preprogrammed to preform a dedicated or narrow range of
functions as a part of a larger system
- often uses assembly-language program to reduce space needed
5.4 Parallel Architectures
If a problem can be solved in n time units on a computer with one processor, can it be solved in n/2
time units on a computer with two processors, or n/3 on a computer with three processors?
Parallel Computing
bit level
- on an 8-bit processor, 16-bit operation would require two operations
- increase the word size to reduce the operations on data values
- leads to 64-bit processors
instruction level
- some instructions can be carried out independently in parallel
- superscalar processor - able to recognise these situations and execute on them
- not multiple processors but multiple execution resources (execution units)
data level/synchronous processing
- single set of instructions run on different data sets at the same time
- SIMD - single instructions, multiple data
- control unit directs multiple ALUs
task level
- different processors execute different tasks on the same or different data sets
each processor does one step and hands off result to next stage
shared memory parallel processor - each processor has a local memory and
communicate through shared memory
Classes of Parallel Hardware
Symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) - multiple identical cores, shared memory and bus to connect
Distributed computer - multiple memory units connected through network
Cluster - group of stand-alone machines connected through an (C)OTS network
Massively parallel processor - many networked processors connect through a specialized
network (>1k processors)
each level is mixed more and more in modern computers
06 - Low-Level Programming Languages and
Pseudocode (151-182)
6.1 Computer Operations
computer - programmable electronic device that can store retrieve, and process data
programmable - the instructions that manipulate data are stored within the machine
process - performing arithmetic and logical operations on data values
6.2 Machine Language
machine language - the actual instructions used by the computer in binary
assembly language - a slightly more abstract programming language which uses mnemonics
mnemonics - used to represent the individual parts of machine language instructions
each machine language command performs one very specific, low level task
ex. adding two numbers together (each number represented in binary)
1. enter a number into the accumulator
2. add second number
3. save result
Pep/9: A Virtual Computer
VMs - can be used to emulate the functions of real computers without requiring the full hardware and
software to support those, often used by developers or manufacturers to test software or hardware
- 65536 bytes of storage, numbered as a decimal 0 to 65536
- 2 byte/16 bit word length
- 7 registers, 3 of which are
- PC (program counter), contains the address of the next instruction to be executed
- IR (instruction register), contains copy of instructions to be executed
- A (accumulator), holds data and results of operations
Instruction format
- two parts of an instruction
- 8-bit instruction specifier
- 16-bit operand specifier (optional)
- opcodes (operation codes) vary from 4-8 bits
Immediate addressing mode - used when the instruction is sent with an operand to be used as the
direct addressing mode - the operand has a specific memory address to be accessed.
Sample Instructions
Meaning of Instruction
Stop execution
Load word into the A register
Load byte into the A register
Store word from the A register
Store byte from the A register
Add the operand to the A register
Subtract the operand from the A register
0000 Stop execution
- halt the program
- unary operator, no operand specifier
1100 Load word into the A register
- loads one word (two bytes)
changes depending on addressing mode
1101 Load byte into A register
- similar to 1100, but loads 1 instead of 2 bytes
1110 Store word from the A register
- stores the A register to the memory location from the operand
1111 Store byte from the A register
- similar to 1110, but stores 1 byte instead of 2 bytes
0110 Add the operand to the A register
- uses addressing mode specifier to give different outputs
0111 Subtract operand from the A register
- like the add operand, except it is subtracted from the A register
Input and Output in Pep/9
memory mapped I/O - wires input and output devices to specific, fixed addresses in the main memory
Pep/9 uses ASCII to represent characters
6.3 A Program Example
Pep/9 Simulator
1. Input the hexadecimal code for the program into a window, with two z's to end the program
2. Load the program onto the memory through the menu
3. Execute the program
Example Input:
Example Output:
Another Machine-Language Example
Examples of simple machine language programs include writing text to
the screen or manipulating inputted text
Example Input:
Example output:
6.4 Assembly Language
1. Written in the assembly language
2. Run through the assembler which translates the assembly language into machine code
3. Machine code can then be run by the computer
assembler - a program that translates an assembly-language program into machine code
assembler directives - Instructions to the assembler (ex. signalling the end of the program)
instructions - used to manipulate data (ex. storing a word in the memory)
Pep/9 Assembly Language
Example program Print "Hi"
; Load ‘H’ into accumulator
; Store accumulator to output device
; Load ‘i’ into accumulator
; Store accumulator to output device
Operand specified by 0x and hexadecimal, then a comma, then the addressing mode (i for
immediate, d for direct)
LDWA = load word
LDBA = load byte
.END = end of program
.ASCII, with operand “banana\x00”, represents string of ASCII characters
.WORD, with operand 0x008B, reserves a word in memory and stores a value in it
.BLOCK, with operand of the number of bytes, reserves a particular number of bytes in memory
Comments started by a semicolon
Numeric Data, Branches, and Labels
- Pep/9 can only output individual characters, so no arithmetic
branch instructions - let the programmer decided which to execute next
DECI - decimal input, takes and stores in location from operand
DECO and STRO - write data to output (DECO decimal number, STRO full string of characters)
BR - unconditional branch, accuses program counter to be set to memory addres of operand (jumps to
another place in the program)
BRLT and BREQ - branch if conditions are less than or equal to 0
CPWA - compare operant to value in accumulator\
labels - put at the beginning of a line separated by a colon, used as a point to refer back to instead of a
specific memory address
Example program showing labels and addresses in symbol table
Loops in Assembly Language
Example loop which adds to counter until BREQ instruction returns true
6.5 Expressing Algorithms
algorithm - plan or outline of a solution, logical sequence of steps that solve a problem
pseudocode - a language to allow expression of algorithms in a clearer form
Pseudocode Functionality
- names that refer to places in the memory where values are stored
- name should reflect the role of the content
- ex. sum is summation of other values
- give a variable a value
- ex. set sum to 0 or sum ← 0
- input data from outside world and output result on the screen
Write “Enter the number of values to read and sum”
Read num
- Display = print = write, get = input = read (doesn’t matter what specifics are, as long as the
intention is understood
- Chioce between two actions
IF (sum < 0)
Print error message
Print sum
- Allows instructions to be repeated
- Set limit to number of values to sum
Set limit to number of values to sum
WHILE (counter<limit)
Read num
Set sum to sum + num
Set counter to counter + 1
Writing a Pseudocode Algorithm
defer details - giving a task a name and filling details on how to accomplish the task at a later time
desk checking - sit at a desk and work through an algorithm to trace what happens to the input values
6.6 Testing
test plan - document athat specifics how many times and with which data a program must be run in
order to thoroughly test it
Code coverage/clear-box testing - ensures that each statement in the code works
data coverage/black-box testing - uses test inputs to ensure correct outputs with no regard to the cone
that is actually running, however testing usually involves a combination of both
test plan implementation - running each of the test cases in the test plan and recording the results, if
the result is unexpected, go back and find the errors
07 - Problem Solving and Algorithms (191-231)
7.1 How to Solve Problems
Ask Questions
figure out what your task is
Polya step 1 - understand the problem
Look for Familiar Things
Simplyify the process by finding preexisting solutions
don't reinvent the wheel
Polya step 2
- connect the unknown of the problem to something that is already known
- find similar solutions and reuse them
Divide and Conquer
Break down the problem into subtasks to simplify development of a solution in manageable
Polya step 3 - Carry out the plan
Produce an algorithm to allow for future applicability
Polya step 4 - check the result and ensure the correct solution
Computer Problem-Solving Process
1. analysis and specification phase - results in a clearly written problem statement
2. algorithm development phase - results in a plan for a general solution to the problem specified
in the first phase
3. implementation phase - results in a working computer program that implements the
algorithm/solution to the problem
4. maintenance phase - no output unless changes need to be made
7.2 Algorithms with Simple Variables
Algorithms with Repetition
Count Controlled Loops
loop control variable - value that is read by the loop to determine if the task is complete
1. init LCV
2. test LCV (has it reached predetermined value?)
3. increment LCV by 1
pretest loop - testing takes place before loop in executed (ex. while loop, if value is false to begin with it
will never execute)
infinite loop - loop that never terminates
Event-Controlled Loops
event controlled loops - controlled by an event that occurs within the body of the loop itself
1. init event
2. test event
3. update event
nested structure - one control structure embedded in another
Square Root
abstract step - an algorithmic step which needs to be expanded further
concrete step - step which does not need to be expanded and details are fully specified
7.3 Composite Variables
Composite data types can hold multiple individual simple data types
Arrays are a collection of like items which can be accessed through an array
- named collection of homogeneous items
- index - the place of each individual item in the array
Records are collections which do not have to contain all like data types, often used to link multiple
characteristics of a single object
- heterogeneous group of items
- items accessed by name
Classes are the base of OOP, a group of objects which are linked through the class
7.4 Searching Algorithms
Sequential Search
look through each item and compare it to the desired item
stop when
- item is found
- all items have been checked and no matches found
Sequential Search in a Sorted Array
if it is known that an array is sorted, the search can stop looking when the position of the desired
item would be is passed
Binary Search
assuming a sorted array, begins in the middle of the array and divides in half to find if the
desired item is greater or less than the middle item
- continue halving the the array until the desired position or item is found
Average Number of Comparisons
7.5 Sorting
unsorted array - an array in a raw, unsorted form
sorted array - has been sorted by a certain quality of the data within that sort, such as an alphabetical
or numerical value
Selection Sort
1. goes through an array and finds the value at one extreme of the sort
2. moves it to a new array
3. repeats on the original array
similar to how a list would be sorted by hand.
- find the extreme to one end of the direction you are sorting by and begin to form a new
pile as you move further towards the other extreme
Bubble Sort
1. Start at the end of an index, if that value should be above the item that is above it, move it.
2. If the item above it should be above it, begin the process over with the higher value
Insertion Sort
requires only one array will go from one end of the array to another, sorting the new value in
respect to the previous values
begin at the top of an index and add one item to the sort at a time, moving further down the
index one item at a time
7.6 Recursive Algorithms
recursion - the ability of an algorithm to call itself
best case - a case in which an algorithm that has an answer
general case - expresses the solution in terms of a call to itself with a smaller iteration of the problem
size factor - the size of each problem
Subprogram Statements
halt the program and execute a piece of code, then resume below whatever was executed
calling unit - place where the name of the piece of code appears
two main types of subprograms
1. void subprograms - named code that does a particular task
- used as a statement in the calling unit
2. value-returning subprograms - named code that does a task but returns a single value to the
calling unit
- used in an expression if the calling unit is used in the evaluation of the expression
subprograms allow for abstraction
- allows reader to see task without reading the details of the task itself
Recursive Factorial
a factorial is an example of a recursive algorithm
N! = N * (N - 1)!
infinite recursion - subprogram calls itself until run-time system runs out of memory (equivalent to an
infinite loop)
splits the original array into smaller subgroups to break the sorting into more manageable chunks,
breaking it down to its smallest group of one, then slowly recombining back up from the bottom
7.7 Important Threads
Information Hiding
defer details multiple times
- give name to task without worrying about how it will be implemented
- designer sees details that are relevant to that level
- makes details at lower levels inaccessible during design of higher levels
result with the details hidden
- only details that are essential to reader are shown
data abstraction - keep view of data separate from implementation
procedural abstraction - separation of logical view of an action from implementation
control abstraction - separation of logical view of control structure from implementation
control structure - alter the sequential flow of the control of the algorithm (ex. FOR and WHILE)
Naming Things
identifiers - shorthand phrases to stand for the tasks and data that are being used
08 - Abstract Data Types and Subprograms (241-271)
8.1 What Is an Abstract Data Type?
abstract data type (ADT) - container whose properties are specified independently of any particular
data structures - the implementation of a composite data field in an abstract data type
containers - ADTs whose sole purpose is to hold other objects
8.2 Stacks
stack - only accessible and editable from one end of the structure (LIFO)
- ex. lunch trays in a cafeteria: you can only take the top plate
- the item removed is the item tha thas been in the stack the shortest time
LIFO - last in, first out
push - adding item to stack
pop - removing item from stack (must use isEmpty to ensure that the stack is not empty)
8.3 Queues
queue - accessible from both ends, one for adding and one for removing (FIFO)
FIFO - first in, first out
many names for adding
- enqueue
- enque
- enq
- enter
- insert
and removing
- dequeue
- deque
- deq
- delete
- remove
8.4 Lists
unsorted list - stored in the order of how the data was inserted into the memory
sorted list - sorted in terms of one characteristic
lists characterized by three properties
- items are homogeneous
- items are linear
- each item except the first has a unique component that comes before it, each item
before the last has a unique component that comes after it (ex. for a three-item list, the
second comes after the first and before the third)
- lists have varying lengths
lists provide operations to
insert - insert an item
delete - delete an item
isThere - check if item is there
getLength - report number of items in a list
reset, getNext, moreItems - allow user to view each item in sequence
list and array are not the same - array is structure thats part of a programming language; list is an
abstract structure. list may be implemented using an array
linked structure - two pieces of information; user’s data and link to indicate where next node is
unsorted linked list
sorted linked list
8.5 Trees
tree - hierarchical structure with more classification the further you move down the structure
binary trees - each node in the tree can have no more than two children
Binary Trees
binary tree - each node can have two successor nodes (children)
root - first node in a binary tree
leaf - last node in a chain which has no children
binary search trees - are similar to binary trees, but binary search trees have an additional property to
determine its place in the tree; the left offshoot of a node must have a value less than the original, and
the right offshoot of a node must have a value greater than the original
8.6 Graphs
graph - a structure which does not have the restriction of one parent node
vertices - nodes in a graph
edges/arcs - lines which connect the nodes
undirected graph - edges with no direction (ex. two way road linking cities)
directed graph/digraph - edges have one direction (ex. flight to a city with no return flight)
adjacent vertices - two vertices connected by an edge
Creating a Graph
stack → returns the item that has been in the stack the least amount of time
queue → returns the item that has been in the queue the longest amount of time
Lists & trees → return the information that is requested
graph →has algorithms defined upon it that actually solve classic problems
Graph Algorithms
Depth-First Search
1. Use a stack to store vertices as they are visited while trying to find a path between them
Examine the first vertex associated with startVertex, if it is endVertex, the search is complete
Otherwise, examine all the vertices that can be reached in one step from the first vertex
Store other vertices adjacent to the starting vertex
If path does not exist from first vertex, go back to the previous vertex and try again on the other
Breadth-First Search
1. Instead of going back one, go back all the way to the beginning
Single-Source Shortest-Path Search
- Uses priority queues
- Retrieve the closest vertex to the current one, decreasing distance to target as much as
8.7 Subprograms
- available in most programming languages
- ex: math package
Parameter Passing
parameter list - identifiers or values the subprogram works with, appears in parentheses beside the
subprogram name
parameters - variables used as placeholders inside subprograms
arguments - the actual values passed into the function
Value and Reference Parameters
value parameter - the parameter takes the actual value inputted
reference parameter - the parameter gets the value from the address inputted
09 - Object-Oriented Design and High-Level
Programming Languages (282-320)
9.1 Object-Oriented Methodology
Object Orientation
Object-oriented programming uses self-contained objects which store and manipulate data, rather than
having a more linear top-down approach to completing the task with each task just operating on the
data passed through it in parameters.
top-down: transforming input into output
OOP: data objects are transformed
“Read the specification of the software you want to build. Underline the verbs if you are after procedural
code, the nouns if you aim for an object-oriented program.” - Grady Booch
Objects - entities which represent one piece that is necessary to solving a problem (ex. a student)
Classes - groups which contain objects (ex. students with common actions)
Fields - the properties of each class (ex. student name and student ID)
Design Methodology
1. Brainstorming - determine what classes are necessary to outline and solve the problem
2. Filtering - go over the classes listed in brainstorming and attempt to combine/simplify any or add
any that are missing.
3. Scenarios - determine the behavior of each class, go through all of the 'what ifs' regarding the
situation that will be presented to the program
encapsulation - bundling of data and actions to separate logical properties from
implementation details
Top-down: task is to calculate GPA given the data
OOP: student class is responsible for calculating its own gpa
4. Responsibility algorithms - algorithms are written to complete the responsibilities of each class
9.2 Translation Process
Translating - converts the programmer's code into usable instructions for the computer.
Assemblers - convert from simple assembly-language instructions into machine code
compiler - a higher power assembler to convert the programmer’s code into machine code when using
higher level languages
Interpreters - translates a statement and then immediately executes it, unlike assemblers or compilers
Translators - produce an equivalent program which needs to be run, whereas an interpreters will
execute that input program immediately.
Bytecode - a standard machine language which Java is converted into when being run
9.3 Programming Lanugage Paradigms
paradigm - a pattern or model and set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a
way of programming
Imperative Paradigm
imperative model - sequential instructions which operate on values in memory accessed through
memory locations stored in variables, and using assignment statements to change those values
procedural programming - statements are grouped into subprograms, each subprogram performing a
specific task necessary to solve the problem, data objects are passive and acted on by the program,
object oriented programming - each object is responsible for its own actions, data objects are active,
the code to manipulate the objects are bunded with the object, it’s responsible for its own maniulation
Declarative Paradigm
declarative paradigm - results are described, but steps to accomplish those results aren’t stated
functional model - based on the mathematical concept of function, expressed in terms of function calls
(ex. (+ 30 40) would apply the first item (the function) to the rest of the list)
9.4 Functionality in High Level Languages
Boolean Expressions
boolean expression - a sequence of identifiers, separated by compatible operations, to evalvuate true
or false
legal expressions
- boolean variable
- arithmetic expression then a relational operator then an arithmetic expression
- a boolean expression then a boolean operator then a boolean expression
relational operator - compare two values
Data Typing
strong typing - variables are assigned a type and only values of that type can be stored in the variable
data type - description of the set of values and operations that can be appleid to values of that type
simple/atomic data types - values which are distinct and cannot be subdivided into parts
integers - a range of integer values, range depending on the number of bytes assigned to each value
reals - smalled to largest value with given precision, depending on number of bytes used to represent
characters - stored using ASCII (one byte) or Unicode (two bytes)
boolean - true or gals
composite data types - made up of a collection of values (ex. string)
declaration - language statement associating an identifier with a variable
reserved word - word in lanugage which had a special meaning; can’t be used as an identifier
case sensitive - uppercase and lowercase letters are not considered the same
Control Structures
control structures - instruction to determine the order in which other instructions in a program are
asynchronous - not occurring at the same time as another operation
9.5 Functionality of Object-Oriented Languages
encapsulation - a language feature to enforce information hiding (ex. module hides code in functions
that are not immediately visible)
instantiate - create a new class using the new operator
inheritance - allows classes to inherit data and methods from other classes
superclass - class being inherited from
derived class - class doing the inheriting
polymorphism - the ability of a language to determine which of several methods should be executed for
a given invocation (ex. jane.execute vs john.execute)
10 - Operating Systems (329-349)
10.1 Roles of an Operating System
application software - written to address specific needs (ex. word processor, games, inventory control
systems, missile guidance systems)
system software - provides the tools and environments for the application softwares to run, connecting
directly to the hardware to provide more functionality
operating system - manages all of the computer's resources (memory, I/O, processors, etc.) and
provides the user an interface to access the capabilities of the computer's resources.
Memory, Process, and CPU Management
multiprogramming - keeping multiple programs in the main memory at the same time, competing for
access to the CPU to do their work
memory management - keeping track of which programs are in the memory and where they are
process management - track the progress of a process and its current state
CPU scheduling - determines which process is executed by the CPU at any given moment
Batch Processing
batch processing - loading multiple jobs in a batch into the memory, each othe those compete for CPU
and resource time; as resources become available, the jobs are scheduled to be used by the CPU
(used infrequently nowadays)
Timesharing - allows multiple users to interact with a computer at one time, utilizing multiprogramming
and multiple processes to appear to give each user full and individual access to the computer, even
though they are truly sharing the resources
mainframe - a large multiuser computer used in early timesharing systems
Other OS Factors
real-time system - a system which must provide a guaranteed minimum response time to the user (ex.
important for systems like robot, nuclear reactor, missile, etc.)
response time - delay between receiving stimulus and productive an output
10.2 Memory Management
logical address - the general location of a value in relation to the location of the program, but not the
memory as a whole.
physical address - the true location of the value in the main memory device
address binding - mapping a logical address to a physical address
Single Contiguous Memory Management
Single contiguous memory management - divides the memory into two sections (operating system and
applications) and has logical addresses which are relative to the starting point of the program
Partition Memeory Management
Partition memory management - multiple programs using the main memory at the same time
Fixed partition - divides the memory into a set number of chunks when the OS first boots
Dynamic partition - creates chunks of memory which are allocated between applications as needed and
can adjust based on the unique needs of each application
partition algorithm - used to determine how memory is allocated to different programs
Paged Memory Management
Paged memory - divides the memory into chunks of fixed sizes and assigns those chunks, called
page-map table - the organization used by the system to manage pages and frames
demand paging - not all parts of a program need to be in memory at the same time (CPU is only
accessing one at a time) so pages are brought into memory in demand
page swap - bringing a page from secondary memory into the main memory, often moving another
page back to secondary memory from main memory
virtual memory - the illusion that a program has no size restriction because the entire process doesn’t
have to be on memory at the same time
thrashing - excessive page swapping; can degrade system performance
virtual memory can be created by demand paging because demand paging brings new pages into the
memory only when they are needed. Because of this, it can appear as though there are no limits on
program size because you can be running a program on multiple memories at once.
10.3 Process Management
The Process States
New - process created (ex. user logging on, user hits submit button, system creates process to
accomplish task)
Ready - a process which has no barriers to execution and is waiting for a chance to use the CPU, but
not waiting for an event to occur or data to be brought from the secondary memory
Running - currently being executed by the CPU, instructions are being processed in the fetch-execute
Waiting - currently waiting for resources other than the CPU. (ex. waiting for a page of memory to be
brought from the secondary memory or for another process to send a signal to continue)
Terminated - has completed execution and isn’t active anymore
The Process Control Block
process control block (PCB) - the structure used by the OS to manage information and data about a
- each state is represented by a list of PCBs, one for each process in that state
- when a process moves from one state to another, its corresponding PCB moves state lists as
context switch - the exchange of information from the register values for the current running state onto
the PCB and the register values for the new running state onto the CPU
10.4 CPU Scheduling
nonpreemptive scheduling - new CPU process emerges as a result of the current executing process
(scheduling decision happens when process switches from running to waiting/terminated)
preemptive scheduling - the process is preempted by the operating system (process moves from
running/waiting state to ready state)
turnaround time - the metric used to measure the amount of time between whena process arrives in a
ready state to when it leaves the running state for the last time (lower is more desirable)
First Come, First Served
FCFS - processes are moved to the CPU in order of arriving in the running state, nonpreemptive
- once a process is given CPU access, it stays in the CPU unless it makes a request that forces it
to wait
- Easy to implement but suffers from lack of input of factors such as turnaround time
Average turnaround time is (140 + 215 + 535 + 815 + 940) / 5 or 529
Shortest Job Next
SJN - looks at all processes in the ready state and dispatches the one with shortest service time
- If estimates for service time are wrong, efficiency deteriorates
Average turnaround time is (75 + 200 + 340 + 620 + 940) / 5 or 435
Round Robin
round robin - disitrubutes the processing time equally among all ready processes
time slice - the mount of time each process receives before it is preempted or returned to ready state to
allow a new process to have its turn, then the preempted process gets another time slice later
- Most widely used and considered the most fair
- Not necessarily the best nor the worst algorithm, depends on use case
Average turnaround time is (515 + 325 + 940 + 920 + 640) / 5, or 668
11 - File Systems and Directories (361-378)
11.1 - File Systems
file - named collection of related data, the smallest amount of data written to the secondary memory by
the user
file system - view of data from the operating system to the user which allows for easy management
directories - groups of files which make up file systems
Text and Binary Files
text file - bytes of data organized as ASCII or Unicode characters*
binary file - requires interpretation from raw binary into a usable form
*still stored in binary, but as chunks of 8 or 16 (characters)
source file - text file which stores a program written in a high level language
File Types
file type - kind of information contained in a file (Java program, Word document, Premiere project, etc.)
file extension - Part of the file name which indicates file type
File Operations
operating systems help you perform these actions:
- Create a file
- Delete a file
- Open a file
Close a file
Read data from a file
Write data to a file
Reposition the current file pointer in a file
Append data to the end of a file
Truncate a file (delete its contents)
Rename a file
Copy a file
File Access
sequential file access - views a file as a linear structure, data is processed in order
direct file access - data is accessed directly by specifying a record number
File Protection
users can be given permissions to restrict access to a particular file, with each level of access differing
in amount
11.2 - Directories
Directory Trees
parent directory - directory containing another directory
subdirectory - directory contained in another directory
directory tree - a way to view the file system, showing each directory and subdirectory in a nested
root directory - directory at the highest level of a directory tree
working directory - the currently active subdirectory
Windows directory tree
Unix directory tree
Between the two, naming conventions and directories are different. UNIX was developed as a
programming and system-level environment so names are more abbreviated and cryptic.
Path Names
path - text designation of the location of a file or subdirectory in a file system, a series of directories to
find a file
absolute path - specifying each step down a tree until reaching the desired file, always starting at the
relative path - names the path to a file, starting at the current working directory
C:\Program Files\MS Office\WinWord.exe
C:\My Documents\letters\applications\vaTech.doc
..\..\Program Files\WinZip
11.3 Disk Scheduling
disk scheduling - technique in which the operating system determines which requests to satisfy first
First-Come, First-Served Disk Scheduling
same concept as FCFS CPU scheduling
read/write heads move to satisfy requests in the order that they were made
ex. 49, 91, 22, 61, 7, 62, 33, 35 (the order they were requested)
Shortest-Seek-Time-First Disk Scheduling
moves the heads in order of the minimum amount of movement needed to satisfy any of the
many pending requests
doesn’t guarantee the smallest overall head movement, but usually is an improvement over
ex. 49, 61, 62, 91, 7
starvation - when new requests keep coming in and prevent other requests on the opposite end
of the queue from being processed
Scan Disk Scheduling
read/write heads move towards the spindle, then back toward the edge of the spindle
circular SCAN treats the disk as a ring, not a disk
ex. 33, 35, 49, 61, 62, 91
new requests are not given any special treatment, they will be serviced depending on where
they fall and the current movement or direction of the heads