Letter of Recommendation Request Form for College

LCCP Letter of Recommendation Request Form
Date letter needed by:
A. Not all colleges require letters of recommendations. Student who are on the bubble of meeting school requirements (ACT
score, GPA, or class ranking is slightly below recommended) are encouraged to get no more than 2 teacher letters of
recommendations from teachers in the core areas of English, math, science, or history. A letter of recommendation from a
teacher in another area is encouraged if a student will study that particular area (global language, art, business, band, or
sports coach).
B. Students should fill out this request form & the self-assessment form and give to a teacher or counselor when requesting a
letter of recommendation. Please allow 3 weeks for a letter to be written.
*It is best to use Adobe
Ask teacher for a time to discuss your request
Give the completed form to your teacher / counselor
Follow up with teacher as you finish your application and your deadlines approach
Request teacher letter of recommendations through Teams or Email
Thank your teacher/ counselor for their work!
Acrobat Reader when completing this
*Prior to starting, go to "File">>Save As"
and give your file a unique name.
Please complete:
Teacher Name: Kimberly Smith
-Class/classes you have taken with this
teacher: Advanced English 1, Advanced
English 2, Advanced English 3, AP English 4
What knowledge or skill did you gain from this course?
From these courses, I’ve gained critical thinking skills of interpreting texts and just about any piece of
literature. This has carried over to allowing me to better understand and analyze data as well as coming
up with inferences about a topic that is given to me. The number of things I have learned during these
courses are countless, skills and the competence of life through literature and an apprehension of new
lexicon that I carry out in everyday life. Throughout the last four years of taking English's l through IV this
course has taught me how to properly construct, design, and write an essay. I have also gained a skill that
has carried over to other subjects, which is that of analyzing a text, interpreting it and reconstructing it.
-What area of the course was the most challenging? How did you overcome it?
This is a letter of recommendation for (check box):
If scholarship: please indicate the qualities the scholarship is looking for.
Do you want a general letter to admissions or do you need a letter written to a specific school?
Specific: If specific please list the name(s)
of school(s).
Cumulative GPA
ACT/SAT Scores
Act- 21
Writing- 8
AP Tests & Scores
AP English III- 2
English III Clep Test- 57
Student Self-Assessment
This form assists your teacher in writing your recommendation letters and in providing information about you
to your selected schools. The more specific details you can give, the more thorough your college
recommendation will be.
School activities: List the activities (in and out of school) in which you
have participated, the number of years and the amount of time per
week you spent, and what you have gained or learned from each
activity. Consider artistic, athletic, literary, community service and
leadership positions. (You could also include a list that you previously
Varsity Football- 4 Years (15 Hours per
Varsity Track and Field- 4 Years (12 Hours
per week)
Varsity Baseball- 2 Years (12 Hours)
Beta Club- 4 Years (8 Hours per week)
National Honors Society- 2 Years (4 Hours
per week)
Student Ambassadors- 2 Years (4 Hours)
Student Council- 2 Years (5 Hours per
(Community Service) Hurricane Food
Drive- 1 Year (10 Hours per week)
Which activity(s) was most important to you? Why?
What high school courses/experiences have had the biggest
impact on you and why?
The most important activities to me were
varsity football and beta club. Football
mainly due to the impact it had on my life
and my overall experience as a person. It
means everything to me and I’ve learned
much from it. How to be tough, how to
fight through adversity, how to work with a
team, how to have fun, and also how to be
a young man with discipline. As far as Beta
goes, it did a lot with my contribution to
my academics and my schools image. I
love going out to compete in things and
besides a physical standpoint, beta
exercised my brain and allowed me to
compete heavily using it. It was so much
fun and important to my school pride.
Throughout high-school, all of my
English’s have had the biggest impact on
me. The things I’ve learned in that class
and the life lessons that were presented to
me were ground breaking. Things I could
take with me later in life and apply to
different situations in the real world has
been taught during that course. I give credit
to the instructor for being so great and
always putting things in such a great way,
but despite that, it’s actually very
interesting the things that poems, novels,
and literature in general can teach you. One
other course is ACT prep. This is self
explanatory due to the fact that the ACT is
a pretty big deal and I learned all the tips
and tricks to be successful on that test. As
far as growing and changing is concerned,
absolutely I have both grown and change,.
How have you grown or changed since freshman year?
Physically,, mentally, morally, all of the
In or out of school, which awards and honors have you received?
Which elected offices have you held?
•Beta Club Inductee
•Student Ambassadors (Junior and Senior
•National Honors Society Inductee
•Beta Club Treasurer/Finance
•Student Council Inductee and Vice
Describe the academic accomplishment (major paper, science
experiment and/or artistic project) you are most proud of, and tell
why you take pride in it.
What do you hope to accomplish in college and after? Consider
your career goals and your broader goals. What is your intended
What special characteristics would you like to be stressed in your
letter of recommendation?
Major paper would more than likely be all
of my English Essays. I had also made the
highest score in the school and top 5 in the
state on my Advanced English II Leap
2025 course, only missing 2 questions in
total. I take pride in that simply because I
hold my academic achievement to a high
standard and English is also my favorite
subject, so I tend to take pride in doing
well in the course.
In college I will be a college athlete,
playing Division 1 Football at a 4-Year
institution, majoring in either Biology or
kinesiology. Which ever one I do major in,
I will minor in the other. My career goals
will always be to first have a shot at the
NFL, if God be willing. I will work
towards that goal, but on the other hand I
hope to one day be a Cardiologist or to
professionalize in some high order of
physical therapy.
Some special characteristics of mine that I
would like to be stressed are those of my
personality, my intellect, and my will to
succeed. As an extroverted person, I work
very well with others, giving them a
friendly environment, and connecting with
them on any occasion or level needed. I’m
a real “peoples-person” and I have a great
time as well as a smooth time working and
coupling with others. My intellectual
abilities are God given but my drive to
want to learn more and obtain information
is beyond comparison. I am always open to
new ideas and sharing the ones I have.
Obtaining and giving knowledge is a
wonderful thing and I live by that. Lastly,
my will to succeed; success will always be
everything to me. You have to fail
sometimes to succeed but the end result
will always be positive and will be in the
greater favor.
Colleges want to know why you are a good “fit” for their school. Tell
me what opportunities/clubs/activities etc. that you plan to take
advantage of at the schools you are applying to. If it is different for
each school be sure to indicate that.
Talk about an academic or personal obstacle that you have
overcome in the last four years. How did you overcome it? What
did you learn about yourself through this experience?
10 If you feel comfortable sharing, please describe any difficult
challenges or circumstances that have impacted you while in
high school.
11 Indicate any additional information that you want emphasized in
your letter.
Well, for the most part I will be a part of
the College Football team, and I know for
certain I want to participate in the
kinesiology and exercise programs that
they offer. Not only for athletes, but for the
general population of me piers that also
attend. I also plan on rushing for a
fraternity that the college I go to offers and
be a member of a brotherhood.
The academic obstacle that I have
overcome in the last 4 years had to have
been the ACT. It was such a difficult test
due to the time management that had to
take place. The learning experience came
from taking the test a few times and
learning that managing your time is
important. If you can stay on a steady pace
and manage your time well you can get a
lot done and get it done effectively. That
also carried over to life, regarding school
work, assignments, and due dates. It all
goes hand to hand together and considering
that time management will be a key factory
in college, I am glad I learned this through
my experience with the ACT.
The only major challenge that has
impacted me in high-school is the
hurricane that hit and the global pandemic.
It was a rough time for everyone and for
my family but we all got through it and
were able to see better days. All glory to
Any college I attend, I know I will be
successful and I will do everything to be a
key and ingredient factor in the success of
the college. From test scores, to moral
ethnics, the environment around me will