1 Economy and Constitutional Law: Indicating Main Source of Socioeconomic Inequities Mahmut Batuhan KABUL Faculty of Law, Bilkent University ENG 102: English and Composition II Matthew Llyod Gorman 13.05.2022 2 Abstract This paper will show socioeconomic status-based inequality and inequity in economics and constitutional law. Also, in this text, why classic economy models can not satisfy the request for honourable human life or why there is a huge part of the world living under 5.5$, but a tiny minority controls all economy. Also, in this paper, readers can understand how capitalism consumes human life with the trap of scarcity. This paper includes economic statistics with crime and suicide statistics to show the relationship between socioeconomic status and the degeneration of social norms. 3 Introduction This text will indicate why most people face socioeconomic inequity when a tiny minority controls the Gaia's economy. Some people are wealthy, and others cannot become rich, which is the main argument of politics and economics. According to the World Bank, 9.2 percent of the world population earns under 2$ daily (Measuring Poverty Overview, 2021). Also, that number equals approximately 700 million. This number shows only absolute poverty, and when you include the numbers of a person earning under 5.5$ daily, the results indicate that one of the two people is poor. The problem of politics and economics starts here. Should the state intervene in economies to create more job slots to decrease unemployment and stabilize the prices of goods in the market, or should policymakers not intervene in the economy? If the state does not intervene in the economy, policymakers have a liberal ideology and are supporters of laissez-faire. Laissez-faire is a famous name for the liberal vision of the economy. It defines the state should provide judiciary, law enforcement and military services, but the state cannot intervene economy. Also, in this situation, the state's inaction can be understood as an indirect intervention of the economy to choose elites' and corporates' rights instead of people's rights. In contrast, there are welfare or social states, which means a government intervenes economy to protect a big partition of people such as the poor, workers, farmers and public officers. In that situation, somebody needs to answer the questions such as which model is more ideal than the other, why people are poor, and only a few people control the total economy or why income distribution is unfair. Those economic ideas also affect the law especially constitutional law. Generally, constitutions include social and economic rights. In the constitutional law, these rights appeared after 2'nd World War due to repair damage of war. Those actions of any state are called a social or welfare state. This social state term and intervention created big arguments such as Keynesian economics against classical liberal thoughts. On the other hand, the intervention in economic conflicts is the central debate subject. 4 The problem with the economy is that should we need social and fair economies, some tiny minority will continue consuming all the Gaia's resources, and other humans will become economic enslaved people. The answer to this question is really needed to resolve any conflicts based on socioeconomic inequities and inequalities. Economic Models After the long times of human history today, the main thought of the economy is classic liberal thought. The essential foundation of the classic economy is scarcity. Scarcity means that people have limited sources and unlimited wants, so limited sources cannot fulfil those wants (O’Brien & Hubbard, 2017). All of the economies build upon this basement; especially it is a problematic base. The problem of scarcity is confusing concepts of human behaviour and biological facts. When liberals created this idea, they said that people want many things, but in reality, a person does not want those vast things. These wantings are originated from desires, and people need to try to destroy those negative attitudes(Baş, 2018). Seeing that this conflict is not only concerned with economics. Also, it is a part of conflicting two main ideologies; materialism and idealism. The second central concept is money, especially the definition of money. Money definition is a very crucial part of creating an economic model. It is not related only to monetary policies also; it is related to the ideological foundation of the model. If an economist wants to create an economic model, (s)he should define money. Clarifying what money is and which functions have, answers to these questions are really needed for creating and detecting the ideal economy model. Keynes versus Smith In the history of the economy, there are two main ideas. These are Adam Smith's liberal economy and John Maynard Keynes' interventionist economy. The main conflict which is between them is interventionism. Keynes supported that intervention of the state is needed, especially after the big crisis like Great Depression (Gregg, 2010). He suggested that any economy cannot heal itself after the crisis, so state intervention is needed for the recovery period after the crisis. If the state 5 increases government expenditures to reach full employment degrees, the economy will recover healthily. Also, his economic model has a mixed economy, which means that the market contains private firms and the state. This interventionism is very well in the short-mid term, but in the long term, it creates more problems. The problem is that in the Keynesian economy state increases its expenditures, but these increases are funded by costly money (loans)(Baş, 2018). These loans cause the balance of payments to deteriorate, creating another crisis. On the other side, Adam Smith’s model only creates a problem. The first issue, Smith's idea, is that the state does not protect people. Non-interventions create dominance of corporates and elites, and non-interventions are indirect intervention to support elites. In that state, it becomes an evil state, and its citizens do not love their country. Also, there is no protection means that people become slaves to elites. Of course, in that type of state, ethics are forgotten. Smith's imagination of humans is not having any ethics. He called this human "Homo Economicus". This human only thinks about his interests, not thinking about nature and society. Because of this idea, today, prominent oil patrons do not want the development of renewable green energy investments. If humanity shifts its energy sources, oil patrons will lose profits. These classic systems have a few problems because of monetary policies. Before defining monetary policy, a definition of money is needed to understand monetary policy terms. Money is defined as an item which acts as a medium of exchange, serves as a unit of account with a store of the value function and offers a standard of deferred payment(O’Brien & Hubbard, 2017). Monetary policy is a general name for policies aimed at protecting the value of money, fighting inflation and controlling the supply of money. The problem with classical monetary policies is the interest rate. The interest rate is a kind of virus that is the main reason for all kinds of economic diseases such as inflation, deflation, and others(Baş, 2018). The problem with interest in gaining money with using money, and this action prevents sustainable economic growth because money should be circulated among the 6 society, but interest prevents this circulation. Also, interests cause recessions, unemployment and inflation(Baş, 2018). Turkish Economy Models Kemalist Economy Model The first Turkish economy model is KEM (Kemalist Economy Model), and this model is the only long time tested Turkish economy model. KEM's basis is statism. Government should establish factories, corporations and banks (Baş, 2018; Meydan, 2014). Also, Atatürk tried a liberal economy from 1923-to 1929, but among the Turks, there was not any money for founding factories. When KEM is examined, an inspector should see that great Atatürk do not take any loans to increase government expenditures instead of the Keynesian model. Also, he founded sample farms, same as factories, to show global imperialists that any country could produce agricultural goods with industrial goods(Baş, 2018; Meydan, 2014). The other difference between capitalist economies is that there is no competition in the KEM, but instead of competition, there is complementarity between state corporations and the private sector. 9 Light Doctrine’s Economy Vision 9 Light Doctrine was created by colonel Alparslan Türkeş who was the founder of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP)(Türkeş, 2018). His main ideas about the economy are generally the same as other Turkish economic models: Anatolian Industrialization and social state. However, we see a different idea in the 9 Light Doctrine. This idea is "Nation Sector", which means that workers should own some partitions of means of production(Türkeş, 2018). An example of this idea is OYAK which is an organization that provides better retirement conditions to army officers. All of the professional army members are the owner of this military enterprise. In the Nation Sector, workers can be partners of factories, companies and other production tools. So they work harder to produce more goods because if the factory makes a profit, workers will earn higher wages. 7 Fair Economic Order Fair Economic Order is founded by Prof.Dr Necmettin Erbakan (Erbakan, 2016) is the creator of National Vision. National Vision is a Turk-Islamic world view which aims to convene the 2nd Yalta Conference to build ideal, fair and fix the problems opened by the first Yalta Conference. He talked about economic problems created by capitalists. Especially his ideas support that heavy industrialization is essential for Turkish development. He said that if any state cannot build heavy industry or in his calling factory making factories are needed for industrialization. Also, he aimed that create a pool system to prevent taking loans. Before the pool system, one of the profitable state enterprises deposits its money to a private bank with a 40% interest rate. The other governmental body needs money, so it takes a loan to the same private bank with a 150% interest rate. The problem is state takes its own money and pays much interest. But in the pool system, this profitable state enterprise deposits money to the state bank so another governmental body can take this money without paying interest(Erbakan, 2016). National Economy Model Prof.Dr Haydar Baş creates National Economy Model. This model's main key feature is the right of seigniorage. Seigniorage is made a profit from producing money. Currently, the only central bank using this right is Fed, but every central bank has this right in theory. This right has a very powerful relationship with the definition of money. According to Haydar Baş, money is an item which acts as a medium of exchange, serves as a store of value, is an incentive to boost production with consumerism and is the reward for labour. In the National Economy Model, the state produces money to supply society and creates a stable economy which has not got any inflation. An example of seigniorage right usage is a farmer who pays 1000 ₺ for one sack of wheat and seeding that wheat. After some time, wheat is grown, so the farmer collects wheat, and now he has ten sacks. But there is a problem in the market. There is only 1000₺, but this value equals only one sack. How does this farmer sell nine sacks? The market needs 9000₺, and buyers should find this money. In 8 traditional economics, banks give credits to the fund market, but banks give that money with interest, and these credits create inflation. However, National Economy Model says that ,the state supplies this 9000₺ so there is no inflation. This is how seigniorage right prevents inflation. Also, using seigniorage right gives the state more money than taxes so that those extra revenues can be used for social state policies to finish poverty. Also, this model shows us how imperialist capitalism exploits the resources of weak countries by hiding behind the lie of "scarcity". Professor Haydar Baş argued that scarcity could not be true because of the Holy Quran. In the holy Quran 18th verse of Nahl surah, great Allah said that "If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." According to this verse, humans cannot be told any resources are limited(Baş, 2018). Constitutional Law About Being Social State A social state is a state which provides honourable life standards for its citizens. The function of the social state is to find jobs for its citizens. If there are no open jobs, the social state needs to create new work areas. Also, social states guarantee that their citizens will have a basic salary to live without taking any credit. This basic salary is called citizenship wage. Another social policy may be social insurance. After WW II, most countries put socioeconomic rights in their constitutions to secure those rights. Today people can see these rights in the constitutions. For example, France and Turkey have very clear constitutions for those rights. According to the first article of the French Constitution and the second article of the Turkish Constitution said that those republics are social states. So that citizens can request the state to apply policies for fulfilling the socioeconomic rights of citizens. 9 Relationship between economics and social indicators Crime Types 2009 2019 Theft 5758 42752 Looting 1145 13300 Fraud 10822 7947 Drug production and trade 1576 19748 Drug using and buying 1029 11944 Embezzlement 65 210 Bribery 32 158 Smuggling 935 8111 Crude suicide rate Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Number of suicides 3 406 3 342 3 168 3 193 3 246 3 169 3 252 3 287 2 677 2 933 2 898 (Per hundred thousand) 4,12 4,11 3,94 4,03 4,15 4,11 4,27 4,37 3,61 4,01 4,02 Economic 2009 2019 USD 1.5293₺ 5.3316₺ Gold (gram) 43 ₺ 219₺ CPI %9.5 %20.35 indicator These statistics (TÜİK - Veri Portalı) indicate that the country's economic status quo directly affects crimes and degeneration. When the economic instability increases, some partitions of society will lose hope of reaching a better future, and they will kill themselves. If any state wants to prevent any crimes and suicide economy should be stable. With an application of social state policies, citizens of that country start to think my state father is helping me to start again so that they will not attempt suicide or commit a crime. 10 Conclusion This research shows that there is a strong connection between economics and constitutional law to affect socioeconomic status. Also, socioeconomic status is directly related to inequalities and inequity among different social classes in society. To resolve economy based inequity and inequality, states which are all around the world need to shift their view of the economy. Current applied economy models can not solve humanity's problems because, in the capitalistic view, a capitalist only thinks about profits. However, Turkish economy models are human-centred so that those models can provide honourable human life and create a sustainable ecosystem. 11 Resources Baş, H. (2018). 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