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Social & Political Philosophy Course Schedule Fall 2023

SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY I: PHIL 243, Sections 9 and 12, Fall 2023
Class schedule for Philosophy Component
Subject to change: Changes will be announced in class and through Bilkent e-mail.
Students are expected to complete reading assignments prior to class meetings.
Week and Dates
Reading Assignments/Topics
Week 1
11-17 September
Introduction to the course (no reading)
Thursday, 14 Sept:
Classes begin
Week 2
18-24 September.
Introduction to the course
Plato, Five Dialogues: Apology
Week 3
25 Sept. - 1 Oct.
Plato, Five Dialogues: Meno
Week 4
2- 8 October
Plato, Republic I
Plato, Republic II
Week 5
9-15 October
Plato, Republic VI, Selections:
Plato, Republic VII, Selections: Book
VII beginning to 519b
Week 6
16-22 October
Plato, Republic VIII
Week 7
23-29 October
Christine de Pizan, City of Ladies Part I
Essay 1: Due Sunday 29
Oct. 23:59 (Moodle)
Christine de Pizan, City of Ladies Part II
Peer reviews 1A and 1B:
Due Sunday 5 Nov.
23:59 (Moodle)
Complete Perusall #1 on
EITHER Apology or
Meno, (Sun. 1 Oct.
Perusall #2, Republic
(any of the given
books/selections), (Sun.
15 Oct. 23:59)
28-29 Oct.: Republic Day
Week 8
30 Oct. - 5 Nov.
Wednesday, 1 Nov. 17.30:
Withdraw deadline
Week 9
6-12 November
Perusall #3, City of
Ladies (any of the three
parts), 5 Nov. 23:59
Christine de Pizan, City of Ladies Part
Essay 1 Rewrite
(Optional): Due Sunday
12 Nov. 23:59 (Moodle)
Week 10
13-19 November
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics Book I
Week 11
20-26 November
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics Book II
Perusall #4 (any of the
three given books), Sun.
26 Nov, 23:59
Week 12
27 Nov. - 3 Dec.
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics Book X
Essay 2: Due Sunday, 3
Dec. 23:59 (Moodle)
Week 13
4-10 December.
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things,
Book I, beginning to line 145, Book
Peer reviews 2A and 2B:
Due Sunday, 10 Dec
23:59 (Moodle)
Week 14
11-17 December
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things,
Book VI, line 1090 to end
Essay 2 Rewrite
(Optional): Due Sunday,
17 Dec. 23:59 (Moodle)
Perusall #5 Lucretius
(any given sections), 17
Dec. 23:59
Week 15
18-24 December
Wednesday, 20 Dec.:
Last day of classes
Review and catch-up
22 December - 6
Exam Period
Final exam: in-person; time and date to
be announced