Applied Probability I Notes Assessment: Exam 2 hours (80%) Compulsory group project (20%, 3-4 people) Examinable: All material presented in class unless described otherwise Uncertainty Weather forecasting: Initial physical conditions are uncertain, goal is to predict future weather based on current and past conditions Initial physical conditions are uncertain Probabilistic model to deal with uncertainty Uncertainty is taken into account by choosing, at random, the initial conditions of the physical system Many replicates of the same random experiment – Summary of the outcomes will tell us about the system’s evolution. Uncertainty must be reported Solving the Birthday Problem 1. 2. 3. 4. Assign at random a birthday to each of the 23 people on the field Check whether there is at least a repetition among the 23 birthdays Count this experiment as a ‘fail’ if there is at least one repetition Repeat the experiment several times and compute the relative frequency of fails P = # fails / # experiment P(AK) = 1 ( 1 – 1/365) * 1 (1 – 2 / 365) … (1 – k-1 / 365) There is an equal chance that both people have the same birthday After running 10000 experiments, we get p = 0.505 This type of simulation is known as a monte carlo simulation