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Elkon Building Materials Company

Elkon Building Materials Company
We explain of Elkon Products, like Accelerators, Retarders, Superplasticizers,
waterproofing admixture, etc. And also explain the function of admixtures and the
advantages and disadvantages of admixture.
Our Services:
Water-Proofing Admixtures
2. Superplasticizers
3. Water Reducing Admixture
4. Damp Proofing Liquid Flet
What is Elkon Mix Master?
Answer: Elkon is the best building material company. For long lasting building use
elkon mix master. Trust us and try now elkon mix master. Elkon Mixmaster is a
Superplasticizer modified Lignosulphonate Based high range water reducing admixtures
formulated to produce self compacting type (S.C.C.) concrete
1. Water Proofing Admixtures
Leakage in the roof, bathroom, toilet, walls, kitchen, water tank, basement, etc. Is the main problem
of civil engineering. There are numerous materials and methods available for waterproofing in our
country. But all are fails for another reason.
The success of waterproofing depends on the quality of the material, the durability of the workmanship
and the environment.
Waterproof concrete fulfill two main requirements.
To be impermeable against water.
Prevent water absorption.
Waterproofing Admixtures are available in a powder, paste, or liquid form. The main two types of
1. Filing materials and other
2. water repellent materials.
Pore filling materials are chemically active. It speeds up the setting time of the concrete. Examples of
pore-filling materials,
Silicate of soda
Aluminum sulfate
Zinc Sulphate
Aluminum Chloride
Calcium Chloride
2. Elkon Superplasticizers
Japan first made Super Plasticizer in 1960 and then Germany in 1970.Superplasticizer can reduce
water content by up to 30% without reducing the workability of the concrete. They are also called High
Range water reducers. They are very powerful dispersing agents.
Advantages of Superplasticizers in Concrete:
Very high workability
Suitable for pumpable concrete, RMC
Maintain W/C ratio 0.28 without reducing Workability and getting high strength of concrete about
100 MPa in a low water/cement ratio.
High-performance concrete can be made using fly ash, slag, silica fume, etc.
Prevents segregation and bleeding of concrete.
Polymers used as a base for super plasticizers:
Sulphonated Melamine Formaldehyde Condensates (SMF)
Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde Condensates (SKF)
Modified Ligno – Sulphonates (MLS)
Acrylic Polymer (AP)
Poly Carboxylate ester (PC) etc.
3. Elkon Mixmaster
Elkon Mixmaster is a Superplasticizer modified Lignosulphonate Based high range water reducing
admixtures formulated to produce self compacting type (S.C.C.) concrete. Elkon Mixmaster
Superplasticizer is specifically intended for use in precast and ready mix concrete providing high
workability, slightly extended slump life, and improved fluidity with reduced or minimal vibration. The
improved dispersing action of Elkon Mixmaster Superplasticizer results in concrete with “self-placing”
properties that surpass conventional superplasticizer benefits. Very low water to cement ratios can be
obtained with as much as 25-30% total water reduction.
➢ Greater water reduction and lower dosage rates than traditional Lignosulphonate based
➢ Improved flow (self-leveling) with self-healing rheology
➢ High early strengths
➢ Improved densification of surfaces
➢ Reductions in vibration and manufacturing noise levels
COMPOSITION: Modified Lignosulphonate solution. Elkon Mixmaster Superplasticizer does not contain
any calcium chloride or intentionally added chlorides that would initiate or promote corrosion of
reinforcement steel or contribute to efflorescence.
3 . Water Reducing Admixture
Water-reducing admixtures are used to increase the strength and workability of concrete and to reduce
cost. They consist of certain organic compounds or mixtures of organic and inorganic compounds to
reduce the water requirement of the mixture for a given slump. Reduction in water demand may result in
a reduction in the w/cm for a given slump and cement content, an increased slump for the
same w/cm and cement content, or a lower cement content (cost saving) at a constant w/cm and slump
(ACI 212.3R).
4 . About Damp-proofing Liquid Felt
Hydroseal Ef-32, and Foam-Lub of Baral Chemicals and associates materials (Coal-Tar, Kerosin) for
treatment for water Proofing Felt membrane and Anti-Salinity at Basement floor. To Prepare a mixture in
proportion of 1 liter of Desalt-S01, 10 liters of water and 25 ml of Catalyst. Apply 1 Coat of the mixture
within 2 hours of Preparation with a Jute Brush. To Prepare a mixture of 4 liters of Hydro seal Ef-32, 4
liters of water, and 100 ml of T-Catalyst and 50 ml of R-Catalyst in a Bucket. In another Bucket Prepare a
mixture of 4 liters of Coal-tar and 1 liter of Kerosin, Mix the elements of the Buckets together properly.
Apply 3 Coats of prepared mixture with Jute Brush on the floor surface at an interval of 12 hours; water
will be reduced by 2 liters in the 2nd Coat and without water in the 3rd Coat. After applying 3rd coat,
spread cement on it and make 3” CC casting. To prepare a mixture of Concrete in proportion of 500 ml
Foam-Lub with 50 Kg of Cement. Coverage (Hydro-Seal, Ef-32) 20 sft/ltr.
Permanently prevent from damp, 100% water proofing and damp proofing, Monolithic bonding with
concrete and creates cement gumming effects, Protect the slab from damp if you make swimming pool
and gardening.
Elkon মিক্সিাস্টার কেন ব্যব্হার েরবব্া?
কনক্রিট ও প্লাস্টারেে শক্রি ও কর্ ক্ষর্তা
বৃক্রি করে।
কনক্রিট ও প্লাস্টারেে সংরকাচন ও প্রসােণ ননয়ন্ত্রন করে।
কনক্রিট ও প্লাস্টারেে বাবল হ্রাস এবং র্সৃণতা বৃক্রি করে।
কনক্রিট ও প্লাস্টারেে শক্রি অর্মরনে সর্য় তোনিত করে।
কনক্রিট ও প্লাস্টারেে আদ্রতা প্রনতরোধ করে।
কনক্রিট দ্রুত র্র্াট বাধরত সহায়তা করে।
Elkon মিক্সিাস্টার ব্যব্হাবরর কেত্র।
ফু টটং।
নবর্ ও স্লাব।
কালবাটম ও নির্।
অনযানয ননর্ াণ
ম কারর্।