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Language Acquisition & Phonology: Key Concepts

Yule. (2010) defines language acausition as the gradual development
of ability in a language by using it naturally in communicative
situations with others who know the language.
O’grady &Dobrovolsky (1997) language aquisiition refer to the
phenomenon of linguistic development, the end of result of this is
actually a grammer the mental systm that allows people to speak
and understand a language.
It believed that in order to develop linguistic skills there are two
reasons must involved in acquisition of grama
Firstly, nature language users are able to produce and understand an
unlimited number of novel sentences. Thus can only happen if as
child they have acquired a system of productive grammatical rules
that are applicable to novel case.
Second indication that children acquire grammatical rules found on
their own ulterances for example rather than simply memorizing all
the regular and all the exceptional past tense form for English verb,
children formulate general rule that adds –ed- to the verb stem,
example washed, walked. –do become doed instead of did, -go goes
instead of went, buy buyed instead of bought. Such errors provide
clear signs of childrens attempt to contract grammatical rules.
Yule (2010) describes phonology as the description of the systems
and patterns of speech sound in a language
It is in affect based on a theory of what every speaker of a language
unconsciously know about the sound pattern of that language.
Because of this theoretical status, phonology is concerned with the
abstract or mental aspect of the sound in language rather than with
actual physical articulation of speech sounds.
From Kin (2017) phonology is a sub field of linguistics that studies the
structure and systematic patterning of sound in human language.
The term phonology is used in two way which are;
Refer to a description of the sounds of a particular language
and the rule governing the description of the sounds of a
particular language and the rule governing the distribution
of those sounds.