Your family plays a huge role in your life. They take care of you, raise you, and bond with you. These aspects may be enough to consider them to be the most influen tial people to you, however as time passes and many people enter their stage of “transition”, things change drastically. As a young adult, you would feel the p ost-adolescent confidence and no need for your family to look over you, but solely by your friends. This is why friends influence a young adult the most, mainly beca use young adults don’t spend much time with their family, and I support this argu ment based on the following examples and reasons. First and foremost, if you’re a young adult, it would mean that you had gone thro ugh the tough period of puberty. Most teens and young adults naturally distance th emselves from their family during their pubescent years due to things like emotion al changes, physical changes, etc. And because of the distance, you won’t even sp end that much time with your family. It's obvious for most young adults to be more influenced by people of your age who have gone through the same thing and share th e same emotions; their friends. Secondly, the time you spend in schools and tuition are quite unreal these days. I had once known a friend who left his home at 8am for school and returned home at 1 1 pm. This makes it very difficult for young adults to even try to be influenced b y their family if they wanted to. To sum it all up, young adults just cannot spend much time with their family anymo re, because they are in the process of becoming actual adults. A few examples are that they tend to distance themselves from their family and also because they spen d much time in academic activities. And this is why I believe that friends influen ce a young adult more than a family does.