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Roman Republic
• Describe the development of the classical
civilization of Rome.
• Outline how the Roman republic was
structured and governed.
• Understand the rights and religious practices
that characterized Roman society.
• Explain how the Roman republic grew and
used its political influence.
• Rome is located on the peninsula of Italy. The
Mediterranean Sea provides transportation and
• Italy provides fertile plains and river valleys for
food and easy communication.
• Rome’s 1000-year history had many lasting
effects, including the spread of important aspects
of the civilizations of Greece, Egypt, and the
Fertile Crescent into Europe.
Early Settlements in Italy
• By 800 B.C, the ancestors of the Romans,
called the Latins had migrated into Italy.
• They settled along the Tiber River in small
villages scattered over seven low-lying hills.
• Their major occupation was herding and
• It was said that twin brothers, Romulus and
Remus had founded the city. Whose parents
were the war god Mars and a Latin woman.
Lending Rome a divine origin.
• Etruscans shared the Italian peninsula with
the Romans and they ruled much of central
Italy including Rome for a long time.
Roman Mythology & Religion
• Romans were polytheistic, believing in many gods and spirits.
• Knowledge of the Greek Gods filtered into Roman culture.
This is known as cultural diffusion.
• The Greek God Zeus became the almighty Roman God
Jupiter who ruled over the sky and other gods.
• The Greek Goddess Hera became the Roman Goddess
Juno who was the wife of Jupiter. She protected marriage.
• Romans also prayed to Neptune, god of the sea, whose
powers were the same as those of the Greek god Poseidon.
• The Roman calendar was full of feasts & other celebrations
to honor the gods and goddesses & to ensure divine favor
for the city.
• Most loyal citizens joined in these festivals that inspired a
sense of community.
• Throughout Rome, dozens of temples housed statues of the
gods where people go to worship the gods & ask for divine
The Early Roman Republic
• Rome was founded about 509 BC after they drove their
Etruscan king away. Never to be ruled by a monarch.
• Romans founded a new type of government called a republic.
In a republic people chose officials to represent them.
• The highest form of government in Rome was the Senate.
Senators were wealthy landowners (called Patricians.)
• The senators elected two Consuls, whose job it was to run the
government and command the army.
• The job of the consuls was to supervise the
business of government and command the
• The consuls were expected to consult with
the senate. As Rome had a system of checks
on the power of government.
• In the event of war, the senate might choose
a dictator or ruler who has complete control
over a government with the power to rule
for six months.
• One notable Roman dictator was
Cincinnatus. He organized an army, led the
Romans to victory over the attacking
enemy, attended victory celebrations, and
returned to work his fields all within 15
Romans Valued Family Ties
• Roman families were headed by the eldest male.
The Romans emphasized discipline, strength, and
• Women had many rights and duties in Roman
society. She did not, however have the key right, the
right to vote.
• The ideal Roman woman was loving, dutiful,
dignified, and strong.
Society was Divided Into Classes
• Upper class Romans were known as patricians. These people
held nearly all the important political offices.
• Common framers, artisans, and merchants were known as
• These two classes were based on birth alone. The line
between the two classes was extremely rigid.
• Boys & girls from the upper and lower
classes learned to read & write.
• Later, wealthy Romans hired private tutors,
often Greeks to educate their children.
• Boys who wanted to pursue political careers
studied rhetoric.
• Children memorized major events in Roman
Rome Built a Mighty Army
• Both patricians and plebeians lead double lives as
farmers and soldiers because of the constant threat
of war.
• All male citizens were required to serve in the army,
and no one could hold public office until he served
10 years as a soldier.
Rome Built a Mighty Army
• Massive military units were called legions. Which consisted
• Infantry: 4,000-6,000 Heavily armed foot soldiers.
• Cavalry: Smaller groups on horseback that assisted the
• Each legion was divided into 60 smaller groups called a
A Fight with Carthage
• By 270 BC Rome had conquered all of
Italy. They went on to control northern
Africa (Carthage), Greece and parts of Asia
Minor. But the expansion also led to much