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Scholarship Essay: Business Management & Finance

Nusheen Eidi 1
Lift Parts Express Scholarship
Firstly, based on my program of choice (Business Management), I expect to spend around
$39k in tuition alone, as the annual fee ranges between $9100-$9700 yearly. Expectedly, this
program is one with a higher return on investment, and will always be more expensive in
comparison to a program offering, for example, a Bachelor of Arts (BA) due to a higher chance
of employment after graduation. Secondly, additional costs within the actual program would be
needed and would add to the expected amount I would have to spend in order to complete my
four-year duration at my university. Mandatory classes that I will be attending for my first year
alone require textbooks and PDFs for lectures, assignments, labs, and more. These can range
from $100-$300 per semester. Additionally, online services such as MyLab may be required for
classes involving calculus, costing $74.99 per year.
Transportation is a crucial expense to take into consideration for the amount of money I
plan to spend in order to finish school, especially since I will be a full-time student and
participate in additional clubs and activities which may branch onto some weekends and more.
Public transit requires me to pay for the adult fare, which is $3.30 at entry and resets after 2
hours of first usage. This would equate to $6.60 a day, five times a week. Without the inclusion
of non-business days and holidays, this would be around 140 days in a single school year. In
total, I expect to spend around $900 on transportation for school yearly. With the necessities, plus
an estimated additional amount in case, I am expecting to spend around $11,000 yearly,
amounting to around $45,000 in total, without taking grad school into consideration.
Currently, I am in a gap year until I first begin attending classes beginning in September
2023. In the meantime, I am working two jobs and hopefully will save enough to jumpstart a
healthy saving habit with enough funds in my account. I plan to keep one part-time job
Nusheen Eidi 2
concurrently with my classes, and hopefully find a balance between work and my studies. I also
intend to use OSAP, however, I am overly cautious regarding taking out loans of any sort and am
unsure of this decision without further discussions with my family and those around me.
Aside from work, I also plan to volunteer at various places and join many clubs and
school-related activities year-round. Integrating myself more into the city and my school will
allow for personal skill and experience building, opening my eligibility and chances of applying
for scholarships available to me. I have heard from many people about how many scholarships
and bursaries go unclaimed each year, and I plan to try and utilize this fact to the best of my time
and capabilities to earn money for my expenses.
The program that I am enrolled in provides excellent co-op opportunities. Based on those,
there is a multitude of different jobs I could possibly end up with by the time I graduate. It is
difficult to predict what my expectations of an exact job may be post-graduation, however, I do
have some solid ideas. For example, most Econ graduates end up in banking jobs or getting into
data analytic programs. Others, such as marketing majors or those in HR may wind up with a job
in consulting, public relations, or administration work. Preferably, I plan to go to law school after
receiving my bachelor's, which will of course require even more expenses and years of studying.
I expect and mostly hope for my job to be in the field of law after I am finished school entirely,
and not just my bachelor's. To sum it up, the job opportunities provided by my major are broad
and can be a bit unexpected before graduation. However, if things do not go as I initially planned
them to, I will most likely land a job in banking after school.
The average entry-level positions for jobs in banking range from $40k to most experienced
workers making over $100k. The amount that I will be making versus the debt I would have
incurred will be overwhelming, and stressful to deal with indefinitely. It would be a terrible
Nusheen Eidi 3
decision to not take advantage of the numerous scholarships that are available to me, and do my
future self a huge favour. I hope to accumulate as much aid as I can get into the financial side of
my academic career in order to kickstart my journey to becoming my own definition of
“success”. Also, the added confidence in winning scholarships and participating in different
events really helps with my overall perseverance to achieve my goals. Thank you!