PLATFORM TECHNOLOGIES Laboratory Exercise OS Internal Commands EXERCISE 1 OS INTERNAL COMMANDS Name: Cristine E. Necesario Section: BSIT 2C Date: March 25, 2023 Exercise #: 1 Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Read the instructions below. Must be in CLI MODE! Take a screenshot of your answer and place it after each item. Do not close your cmd window. It will be checked by your instructor upon completion of the exercise. Instructions: 1. Make a parent directory in drive C: and have it named as mydir. Output (Screenshot): 2. In your parent directory (mydir), create a text document file (.txt) named “opesys.txt”. This file should contain the text “HELLO WORLD!”. Output(Screenshot): PLATFORM TECHNOLOGIES 3. Laboratory Exercise OS Internal Commands Create two subdirectories in your parent directory (mydir) and named them as follows: a. the first subdirectory should be named with your firstname b. the second subdirectory should be named with your lastname c. display the directories Output(Screenshot): 4. In your first subdirectory, copy the text document file from your parent directory. Create a .php file and should contain the ff. informations: a. Your complete name b. Course c. Section Output (Screenshot): PLATFORM TECHNOLOGIES Laboratory Exercise OS Internal Commands 5. In your second subdirectory, it should have a copy of your text document from your parent directory. Create another subdirectory and name it. Create also a .doc file and should contain the ff. information: a. the subjects you are currently enrolled this semester Output (Screenshot): 6. Return to the root directory