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Statutory Construction Course Syllabus

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Manila Institute of Law
First Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024; Thursday (7:30-9:30 P.M.)
Atty. Allison Santiago Torres
Introduction; Basis Concepts
a. Definition of Terms: Law (Political Law, Labor and Social Legislation, Civil Law,
Taxation Law, Mercantile Law, Criminal Law, Remedial Law, Legal Ethics); Statute;
Bill; Republic Act; Jurisprudence; and, Constitution.
b. What are the nature and purposes of a Constitution?
c. What are the classifications of a Constitution?
d. What are the essential parts of a Constitution?
e. What are steps on passage of a law under the Constitution?
f. What is the concept of Enrolled Bill Doctrine?
g. What is the Bi-Cameral Conference Committee?
h. When does a law take effect? (See Art. 2-Civil Code of the Philippines; Executive
Order No. 200-June 18, 1987)
i. What are the parts of a Statute? (Title, Preamble, Enacting Clause, Body, Repealing
Clause, Saving Clause, Separability Clause, Effectivity Clause).
j. What are the kinds of Statute? (General, Special, Local, Public, Private, Remedial,
Curative, Penal, Prospective, Retrospective, Affirmative).
Cases: Tanada V. Tuvera (GR No. L-63915; April 24, 1985).
ABAKADA Guro Party List VS Hon. Executive Secretary Ermita (GR No.
168056, September 1, 2005).
II. General Principles on Statutory Construction
What is Statutory Construction?
What is Statutory Interpretation?
What is the difference between construction and interpretation?
What is the situs/constitutional basis of construction and interpretation? (Art. 8, Sec. 1
– 1987 Philippine Constitution).
What are the requisites for the Court to construe or interpret the laws or the
Constitution? (See as well Art. 9- Civil Code of the Philippines)
What are the kinds of interpretation and construction of the law? (Close/Literal,
Extensive/Liberal, Free/Unrestricted, Limited/Restricted, Predestined, Extravagant)
What are the subjects of interpretation and construction?
What are intrinsic and extrinsic aids in construction? (Parts of Statute;
History/Realities existing at the time of adoption of law; Proceedings of the
Convention; Changes in phraseology; Jurisprudence; Contemporaneous/practical
construction; Consequences of alternative interpretation).
What is a vague statute?
Cases: 1. Pascual VS Pascual Bautista (GR No. 84240; March 25, 1992);
2. People VS Amigo (GR No. 116719; January 18, 1996);
3. Amores VS HRET (GR No. 189600; June 29, 2010);
4. Ortigas and Co., Limited Partnership VS Feati Bank and Trust Co. (GR No.
L-24670; December 14, 1979); and
5. Estrada VS Sandiganbayan (GR No. 148560; November 19, 2001).
III. Guidelines in Interpretation and Construction of Laws
1. Ramirez VS Hon. Court of Appeals, GR No. 93833, September 25, 1995;
2. Basbacio VS Secretary of Justice, GR No. 109445, November 7, 1994; and
3. Republic VS Orbecido, GR No. 154380, October 5, 2005
Concepts: a. Construction/Interpretation of Constitution as a whole
Catiis V. CA (GR No. 153979; Feb. 6, 2006);
b. Doctrine of Necessary Implication
Atienza V. Villarosa (GR No. 161081; May 10, 2005);
c. Doctrine of Operative Facts/Casus Omisus
Chavez V. Judicial and Bar Council (GR No. 202242; April 16, 2013);
d. Stare decisis et non quiera movere
Aquino V. Philippine Ports Authority (GR No. 181973; April 17, 2013)
PGBI V. COMELEC (GR. No. 190529; April 289, 2010);
e. Intrinsic Aids
Paras V. COMELEC (GR No. 123169; Nov. 4, 1996)
FPA V. MAPECON (GR No. 161594; Feb. 8, 2007);
f. Extrinsic Aids
De Villa V. CA (GR No. 87416; April 8, 1991)
KILOSBAYAN V. Morato (GR No. 118910; July 17, 1995);
g. Prospective Application
Tan, Jr. V. CA (GR No. 136368; Jan. 16, 2002)
People of the Philippines V. Mejeca (GR No. 146425; Nov. 21, 2002); and
h. Retrospective Application
Yakult Philippines V. CA (GR No. 91856; Octo. 5, 1990)