TABLE OF CONTENTS Definition of socialism Types of socialism proS AND CONS OF SOCIALISM 01 03 05 02 Elements of socialism 04 HISTORY OF SOCIALISM THE REPORTERS What is Socialism? SOCIALISM - socialism is when a population owns and controls the means of production, and distribute the end result proportionally. What are the ELEMENTS of socialism? ELEMENTS of socialism 1. Community 2. Fraternity 3. Social Equality 4. Needs 5. Social Class 6. Common Ownership ELEMENTS of socialism 01 COMMUNITY Socialism sees human beings as social creatures linked by a common humanity. fraternity Human beings are connected by comradeship. 03 SOCIAL EQUALITY 02 The paramount virtue of socialism is equality. needs The basis of the distribution of material benefits should be need rather then merit or work. 04 ELEMENTS of socialism 05 Social class Socialism is often associated with a form of class politics. Common ownership Common ownership is the end of socialism itself. 06 What are the Types of socialism? Types of socialism A. Ethical Socialism B. Scientific Socialism C. Revolutionary Socialism D. Reformist Socialism E. Fundamentalist Socialism F. Revisionist Socialism Types of socialism Ethical socialism ➢ Ethical socialism promotes an essentially moral critique of capitalism. In short, socialism is portrayed as morally superior to capitalism because human beings are ethical creatures, bound by love, sympathy, and compassion. Scientific socialism ➢ There is an analysis of historical and social development in scientific socialism. As a form, of Marxism, it lays the groundwork for the replacement of capitalism by socialism. Types of socialism revolutionary socialism ➢ Revolutionary socialism takes over the position that capitalism occupies in the existing state structures. reformist socialism ➢ Takes the middle road by adopting consent, constitutionalism, and party competition which are basic liberal democratic principles. Types of socialism Fundamentalist socialism ➢ The primary goal of fundamentalist socialism is the replacement of the capitalist system with socialism. revisionist socialism ➢ Revisionist socialism DOES NOT advocate force to achieve a socialist society BUT gradual reforms within the capitalist system. How does socialism emerged? How does socialism emerged? The intellectual roots of socialism go back at least as far as ancient Greek times, when the philosopher Plato depicted a type of collective society in his dialog, Republic (360 B.C.). How does socialism emerged? In16th-century England, Thomas More drew on Platonic ideals for his Utopia, an imaginary island where money has been abolished and people live and work communally. How does socialism emerged? In the late 18th century, the invention of the steam engine powered the Industrial Revolution, which brought sweeping economic and social change first to Great Britain, then to the rest of the world. Factory owners became wealthy, while many workers lived in increasing poverty, laboring for long hours under difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions. Who is the father of socialism? father of socialism Karl Heinrich Marx - a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary - born on the 5th of May 1818 in Trier, Germany and died in the 14th of March 1883 in London, United Kingdom - Wrote the book “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848 What are the pros and cons of socialism? pros - Equality - Reduction of relative poverty - Employment - Workers can enjoy their “fruit of labor” - Free health care cons - Too much government control - High taxation - Lack of incentives - Government failure - Rationing of Health Care