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MAE 423-Syllabus-2023 Fall-ADA Compliance

MAE 423 Heat Transfer Section 001/H001
Fall 2023
Course Introduction
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite Courses: Minimum grade C for MATH 261 and minimum grade D- for MAE 320,
MAE 331 (or MAE335).
Instructor: Hailin Li, Ph.D., Professor
Class Meets: MWF, 8:00 am – 8:50 am, August 16th to December 15th, 2023
Classroom: ESB G102
Instructor Office Hour: MWF: 7:45 to 7:55 am, and 8:50 to 9:50 am. Other times may be
arranged if necessary. You can text/call instructor if you have urgent questions about
homework/exam, otherwise, please wait for office hour or communicate with grades assigned.
TA Help Session: A one-hour help session will be offered on-line at 4-5 pm, the day prior to the
due date of each homework.
Course Introduction: The objective of this course is to provide students with the necessary
knowledge of three modes of heat transfer-conduction, convection and radiation, and basic laws
relevant to each mode. This course will provide students with methods needed to formulate
analytical and empirical solutions to heat transfer problems. Applications will be presented and
General Education Area and Learning Outcome (if relevant): Undefined
Faculty Contact Information
Instructor Office Location: ESB 721
Instructor Email and Phone: hailin.li@mail.wvu.edu, 304-2933187 (Office). Cell phone number
will be provided in classroom.
Instructional Materials
Required Instructional Materials: Textbook: Bergman, T.L, Lavine, A.S., et al., Fundamentals
of Heat and Mass Transfer, 8th edition (2017) or: Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th Edition
(2011), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
You are required to have access to (1) a printer for printing hard copy of property table, equation
sheet, and homework in case necessary. (2) a scanner or any other electronic devices for you to
“convert” your hard copy homework/exam sheet to electronic one for online submission.
In case of on-line lecture/on-line exam is needed as either advised by WVU or requested by
student due to unexpected reasons such as but not limited to Covid-19 infection, quarantine,
sick, family issue, bad weather, etc, you are expected to have: (1) access to stable high-speed
internet; (2) a web camera for browser lockdown in exam; (3) an updated lockdown browser as
many students suffered numerous problems in completing on-line exam in past semesters.
Optional Instructional Materials: No. The textbook, lecture notes/PPT slides, homework and
online quizzes assigned are enough for you to do very well in this course.
Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes: This course supports the following ABET Learning Outcomes:
Outcome 2: An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified
needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social,
environmental, and economic factors.
Outcome 4: An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering
situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering
solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
Short Descriptions of Homework, Quizzes, FE Exam Practice and Exams and Grading
Criteria for Major Assignments/Assessments: There will be 9 homework and 9 quizzes
assigned, collected, and graded on-line. One FE exam practice quiz will be assigned after exam
2 with practice question and materials made available in the beginning of this semester. There
will be two 55-minutes exams: Exam 1 will cover Chapter 1~3; Exam 2 will cover Chapter 4 to 7.
A comprehensive two-hour final exam will be given at the end of the semester as scheduled by
WVU. The homework, quizzes, and exams will be graded by examining the detailed process
solving the questions including the temperature used in finding properties, equations, constants
used/selected, the accuracy of answer, unit presented, etc. The schedule for quizzes will be
announced in classroom. There will be no make-up to quizzes missed.
Note: (1) No partial credit will be assigned if the detailed process was not presented especially
when final answer is not correct/not tracible; (2) Some bonus points may be assigned to student
who double check his/her answer to see if the final answer makes sense or not, and is able to
identify the possible mistake even not able to fix it due to time limitation in exam.
Expected Timeline of Major Assignments/Assessments can be found in tentative lecture
Mid-Semester Grade: Homework 1 to 4 (6%), Quizzes 1-3 (6%) and Exam 1 grade (88%) will
be used as mid-semester grade.
Weight/Distribution of Course Points:
Class attendance
4 % (over 70% for class attendance randomly checked)
Lecture Quiz
FE Exam Learning Quiz 4%
Exam 1
24 %
Exam 2
24 %
Final Exam
32 %
100 %
Final Grading Scale:
90 – 100 A
80 – 89
< 60 or Final Exam Grade <50
70 – 79 C
60 – 69
Note 1: Warning: your grade in this course will be assigned as F if your final exam grade
is below 50. The practice of this policy has significantly decreased the number of
students failed this course in Fall 2022, so the instructor will continue to have this policy
this semester.
Note 2: No class attendance credit will be assigned if you missed over 30% of lectures with class
attendance checked.
Course and Institutional Policies
Attendance Policy: Class attendance contributes significantly to academic success. In this
course, class attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended as indicated by the 4%
credit assigned to students who attended 70% or more of the lectures randomly checked by
instructor. Based on my observation in past years, students who attend classes regularly tend to
earn higher grades and have higher passing rates in courses. Excessive absences may
jeopardize students' grades or even their ability to continue in their courses. Students are
responsible for missed lecture, and assignments given during absences. If you must miss a
lecture, an excuse letter/email communication within instructor can be used to replace the
marked absence in this course.
Late Assignment and Missed Quiz/Exam Policy: Late homework is not acceptable without
pre-approval from instructor. There will be no make-up to the quizzes and homework missed. If
missed exam, a make-up exam will be made available only if the student make a request in
advance with exception of emergency and can show valid reason as per WVU rules. This valid
absence usually must be established before the regularly scheduled exam except for
emergency. The make-up exam must be completed within one week after the scheduled exam
except for emergency/acceptable excuse. The make-up exam to the final must be completed by
the last day of the final exam week to catch the deadline reporting final grade in this course.
Appeal to homework/exam grade: In case of dispute to homework/exam grade, student must
communicate with instructor within 5 working days after grade is made available. The instructor
will explain the solution, grading policy, re-grade the homework/exam questions, and adjust the
grade if necessary.
Institutional Policies: Students are responsible for reviewing policies on inclusivity, academic
integrity, incompletes, sale of course materials, sexual misconduct, adverse weather, as well as
student evaluation of instruction, and days of special concern/religious holiday statements.
Statement on Academic Integrity The integrity of the classes offered by any academic
institution solidifies the foundation of its mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency,
ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, instructors will enforce rigorous standards of academic
integrity in all aspects and assignments of their courses. For the detailed policy of West Virginia
University regarding the definitions of acts considered to fall under academic dishonesty and
possible ensuing sanctions, please see the West Virginia University Academic Standards Policy.
Should you have any questions about possibly improper research citations or references, or any
other activity that may be interpreted as an attempt at academic dishonesty, please see your
instructor before the assignment is due to discuss the matter.
Inclusive Statement: The West Virginia University community is committed to creating and
fostering a positive learning and working environment based on open communication, mutual
respect, and inclusion.
If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order
to participate in your classes, please advise your instructors and make appropriate arrangements
with the Office of Accessibility Services. (https://accessibilityservices.wvu.edu/). Students who
have been authorized to specific accommodations are required to communicate with instructor at
least 5 working days to that the instructor cam manage to have the resources available for the
implementation of the accommodations authorized.
More information is available at the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(https://diversity.wvu.edu/ ) as well. [adopted 2-11-2013]
Please ignore the following COVID-19 Statement if not required by WVU policy.
COVID-19 Statement: WVU is committed to maintaining a safe learning environment for all
students, faculty, and staff. Should campus operations change because of health concerns
related to the COVID-19 pandemic or others, it is possible that this course will move to a fully
online delivery format. If that occurs, students will be advised of technical and/or equipment
requirements, including remote proctoring software.
In a face-to-face environment, our commitment to safety requires students, staff, and instructors
to observe the social distancing and personal protective equipment (PPE) guidelines set by the
University at all times. While in class, students will sit in assigned seats when applicable and
wear the required PPE if required by WVU policy. Should a student forget to bring the required
PPE in case of required by WVU policy, PPE will be available in the building for students to
acquire. Students who fail to comply will be dismissed from the classroom for the class period
and may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for further sanctions if applicable.
If a student becomes sick or is required to quarantine during the semester, he/she should notify
the instructor if WVU policy required, should work with the instructor to develop a plan to receive
the necessary course content, activities, and assessments to complete the course learning
outcomes. The student will have access to the videos recorded in the past semester for studying
the missed material. It is possible that the information covered in video may be slightly different
as the PPTs used in this semester have been updated and the updated PPT will be made
available to all students registered in this course.