Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Session 15 The Application of IEC61511 to a Circulating Fluidised Bed Boiler Project Ian Pennington Project Technical Manager, CH2MHill Australia Abstract This paper describes the processes and implications of applying the IEC61508 / IEC61511 safety life cycle to a Circulating Fluidised Bed Boiler (CFB) project. Design issues, project management/program constraints and available data are covered for this current project. The combustion processes (coal, biomass and diesel start-up) will also be briefly explored to provide background to the SILs applied to the boiler Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs). A discussion on the combustion related boiler SIFs will give you an insight into the safety issues related to a CFB boiler. Site testing to validate SIFs and the change process for modifications will also be discussed. Introduction IEC61508/IEC61511 are functional safety performance standards that have been set-up to provide a guideline and structure for ensuring safety systems like a boiler management system are implemented correctly and with the required verification. These standards provide a set of criteria that must be met depending on the amount of risk reduction required as determined by the end user. These standards are not yet universally mandatory in all Australian States and industries; however this is expected in the not too distant future. The CFB project was the first of its type designed in Australia, so it had many development aspects that provided challenges to all involved. The application of IEC61511 was one of these challenges and it took the concerted effort of the final Client and engineering teams from two Contractors to achieve a satisfactory outcome. The CFB combustion and fuel admission equipment systems are different to more conventional pulverized coal or grate fired boilers that introduced safety aspects that required a practical approach. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 1 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Plant Overview The Cogeneration Power Plant consists of: • 2 off 360 t/h 160 barg 540oC Fired Natural Circulation Reheat Circulating Fluidised Bed Boilers. Fuels: Coal (main), Biomass (alternative supplementary) and Light Fuel Oil (start-up) • 2 off Siemens SST-700/900 HP/IP Reheat Back Pressure Steam Turbines with HP Gearbox, Lube Oil System and Generator (72MVA) • Condensate treatment plant with 3 off 600 t/h polishing trains, tanks and heat exchangers The plant is capable of producing 2 x 57 MWe and 2 x 303 t/h process steam at two pressure levels (13.5 barg and 4.7 barg) utilising coal Figure 1: Photo of Cogeneration Plant taken February 2013 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 2 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project CFB Combustor and Boiler CFB Combustion Process Combustion takes place in a turbulent fluidized bed environment containing large amounts of bed material with a relatively small concentration of fuel. CFBs have no defined bed height, solids (bed material, fuel, additives) are continuously forming clusters, which are lifted inside the furnace, eventually fall down and break up, enabling the particles to be fluidized again and to re-enter the process. Solid density decreases gradually towards furnace top. Owing to high superficial velocity in a CFB the majority of fine grained bed material is carried out from furnace into a downstream cyclone type separator. More than 99% of these solids are separated in the cyclone and returns into the lower part of the furnace, the rest leaves the cyclone along with hot flue gas entering the boiler second pass. Figure 2: CFB Boiler Cross-Section 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 3 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Furnace Upper Part The upper part of the furnace is enclosed by gas tight tube-fin-tube water walls working as evaporator heating surfaces. Near the front wall twelve wingwall panels are installed in the upper half of the furnace that serves as superheaters. The heat transfer to these surfaces is strongly dependent on the density of gas/solids-mixture. The density profile depends on grain size distribution of bed material, primary to secondary air split and superficial velocity (i.e. velocity of flue gas at actual furnace temperature/pressure over the total cross section without bed material). The outlet windows for the flue gas/solids mixture leaving furnace are located in the rearwall on either side just below the top of the furnace. Bed Material Sand Figure 3: CFB Boiler Combustor Sections Furnace Hopper The lower part of the furnace (bed area) is an uncooled, refractory lined hopper with several openings to introduce ash from the siphon, combustion air, fuel and additives as well as to remove bottom ash via three bed ash hoppers. This is the area with the highest solid densities (highest bed pressure), but also the area with the highest gradients for the solid densities and most important it is the area where the combustion mainly takes place. The biggest openings in the front wall of the furnace hopper are the openings for the return leg from the cyclones/siphons, where the recirculated material from cyclones and a share of fuel enter the furnace with a high impulse. In the return leg the fuel already gets pre-heated and pre-mixed with the recirculated material from the siphon and the high impulse leads to a good distribution of fuel via the entire furnace. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 4 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Two fuel chutes (one coal and one biomass) serving as additional feeding points are located symmetrically at the front wall. The driving force to push the fuel into the furnace is gravity supported by secondary air. Secondary air mainly prevents flue gas backdraft into the fuel conveying system and improves fuel penetration into the dense fluidised bed. Additionally the chutes are kept warm, which prevents the formation of agglomerations and blockages. About 35-60 % (depending on fuel mixture and load) of total air enters through nozzle grid and (at high load) through nozzles above nozzle grid as primary air to promote bed fluidisation and to initialize substoichiometric combustion for limiting NOx-formation. Figure 4: CFB Boiler Combustor Photo Before entering the primary air windbox below the furnace, excess HP-blowerair and recirculation gas are added to primary air system. From the windbox primary air flows through the nozzle grid consisting of many air nozzles, which distribute the air evenly over the whole cross section of the lower furnace. To achieve this even distribution, the nozzles create sufficient pressure drop. Injection of the secondary air at two different levels ensures combustion efficiency with high carbon burnout, CO and hydrocarbon conversion. The automatically calculated and controlled split of all these air flows can be manually adjusted by operator to provide optimum combustion conditions, circulation rate and emission control. Secondary air is also supplied to the following: 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 5 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project • Combustion air for the burners #1 to #5. • Sealing air for siphon expansion joint seal. • Sealing air for the coal fuel feeding points at the siphons. • Sealing air for the biomass fuel feeding point and coal feeding points at the front chutes LFO Combustion System For start up and for supporting biomass/coal fire, a light fuel oil (LFO) firing system is installed. This light fuel oil firing can also be used as an independent firing system up to a certain boiler capacity. This LFO firing system consists of five start-up burners and six bed lance burners. Light fuel oil is atomised by atomising air for the start-up burners. The bed lances are atomised with atomising steam. For light-off each start-up burner has a high energy ignitor. As soon as furnace bed temperature has exceeded 593 °C the first bed lance can be started. LFO firing system is designed to reach 649 °C bed temperature in furnace, which is the release for starting biomass/coal firing. Coal Combustion System The coal flows from the bunkers to the metering feed conveyors which control the flow of fuel and transport it to the hammer mills. The hammer mills reduce the material size to less than 8mm maximum particle size. This material is then transported through other conveyors and chutes until it arrives at the rotary feeders. These feeders maintain an air lock to the furnace. The transport conveyors are speed controlled to follow the metering conveyor but the rotary feeders are fixed speed. Two isolation gates are fitted beneath each rotary feeder, one actuated and one manual. Biomass Combustion System The circular screw reclaimers (CSR) deliver biomass from the storage bunker into the injection system. Biomass is then transported from the reclaimers via a system of conveyors and chutes to the rotary feeders. These feeders maintain an air lock to the furnace. Two isolation gates are fitted beneath each rotary feeder, one actuated and one manual. A consistent supply of biomass is maintained through the use of a surge bin in this system. The surge bin is fitted with level instruments which control the operation of the CSR. The CSR is fitted with a VVVF drive so its speed can be matched to the overall biomass fuel flow. Below the surge bin, a twin screw conveyor meters the flow of biomass to the downstream process. The set point for the speed of the twin screws is obtained from the DCS depending on the required biomass percentage to the fuel mix 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 6 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Figure 5: Solid Fuel and Sand PFD 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 7 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Risk Assessment In order to determine the SIL requirements of each safety function the project employed the risk graph method as described in AS 61511 part 3. Personnel Injury To classify the SIS related to personnel injury, the following three questions were answered: 1. What is the potential extent of human injury (C) per demand if the SIS fails on demand, i.e. when a hazardous situation occurs? If there is no injury (CA), the risk is as low as is reasonably practicable and therefore the SIF is as safe as it can practicably be and so not required for personnel safety and this part of the classification is finished. Any other C value leads to a next step in the personnel safety risk diagram. 2. What is the likelihood or presence of the person (F) who may be injured in the area affected by the possible hazardous situation? FB shall be selected when the persons are likely to be present at the time of the hazardous situation, e.g. the demand occurs during local manual start when people are attending the boiler or turbine; or the hazardous situation occurs after the persons have arrived on the scene to investigate a developing abnormal situation. For CA this step is not required. 3. Is it likely for the hazardous situation to be avoided (P)? This step is not required for CA. Note that the possibility to avoid a hazardous situation should not be increased from PB to PA on the assumption that the person will wear personal protective equipment, unless it is certain that protective equipment will be worn. Usually, systems are designed on the assumption that the use of such equipment is not absolutely required to achieve a sufficient degree of safety, although it is recognized that it can improve safety still further. If the result of the classification is ‘a’, the SIS is not required for personnel safety. For other results, following the risk diagram along the lines of C, F and P, the SIS for the function related to personnel safety can be obtained from the relevant W column. The study adopted the safety category illustrated in Figure 6. Economic Impact Economic impact is also considered in SIL classification. However, as SIL rating could be driven by economic impact, where the SIL rating is solely classified based on the consequence of economic impact, the company could decide to lower the SIL rating by accepting the potential risk rose from economic losses. The study adopted the economic impact category illustrated in Figure 6. Environmental Impact Where the consequence involves environmental impact, the environmental impact is recorded and the category adopted was per Figure 6. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 8 Sessiion 15: The Ap pplication of IE EC61511 to a circulating Flu uidised Bed Project P Freq quency off Demand A de emand on a SIS may be cause ed by instrrument ma alfunction, operator error, e servvices failure e, etc. Aftter recordin ng the con nsequencess, the first question to t be answ wered is: How H often is the SIS activated (W classifiication)? T The IEC 61 1511 desccribes the frequencyy of dema and in qua alitative terms: low, moderate and high h. The 3 ca ategories are a as follo ows: • W1: Low L (dema and less th han 0.1 perr year), • W2: Moderate M ( (demand r rate betwee en 0.1 and d 1 per yea ar), • W3: High H (demand rate between b 1 and a 10 perr year). Exa ample : SIF S 10a & 10b – Low Bed B Tem mperaturre Fig gure 6: Ris sk Graph Classificat C tion 2013 Safety Contro ol & Instrumen nted Systems Conference 9 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project The SIL study participants’ experience of failures in similar systems and their plant was used to estimate the frequency of demand. During the frequency of demand analysis, the provision of other independent layers of protection for the specific scenario was reviewed and a risk reduction factor was determined. This risk reduction factor was applied to the identified frequency of demand. The risk graph methodology was implemented using the Ex Silentia software tool produced by Boiler SIFs SIF Tag Description ExSILentia (Target SIL) ExSILentia (Achieved SIL) 1 ID Fan Not Operating 2 2 2 PA Fan not running 2 2 3 SA Fan not running 1 2 4 Boiler Drum Water Level (Low Low) 2 2 5 Total air flow low 2 2 6 Drum water level (High) 2 2 8 Furnace Pressure (High) 2 2 10a Bed Lance Oil Release Temperature (Low) 2 2 10b Coal Oil Release Temperature (Low) 2 2 11 Primary Air Flow (Low) 1 2 13 E-Stop 1 2 14 Fluidised Bed Temperature (High) 1 2 15 Steam Drum pressure (High) 1 2 44 Main Steam Temp (High High) 2 2 45 Reheat Steam Temp (High High) 2 2 46 Secondary Air Flow Low 1 2 47a Bed Lance Fuel Supply Pressure (Low) 1 2 47b Start-up Burner Fuel Supply Pressure (Low) 1 2 48 Bed Lance Loss of Atomising Air 1 2 49 Start-up Burner Loss of Atomising Air 1 2 50 (A-E) Start-up Burner, Loss of Flame 2 2 Instrument Air Pressure (Low ) 1 2 51 Figure 7: Table of Boiler SIFs 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 10 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project The SIFs that are particular to a CFB boiler and associated with the combustion systems are discussed below with the following described for each SIF: • The possible cause of the hazard and the consequence of the event • The actions performed by the SIF, including detection • The SIL required and the SIL that is expected to be achieved SIF 01 ID Fan Not Operating The Induced Draught (ID) Fan removes flue gas from the furnace and expels it to the stack. Failure of this fan could lead to a pressure build up in the furnace, with the potential for localised explosion within the boiler causing structural damage and possible steam and flame releases. The SIL target is set at 2 based on the personnel safety impact of the event. Failure of the ID fan is detected by an auxiliary contact on the fan motor circuit breaker in the MCC and a MFT is initiated to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the final element group and the MTTFS is governed by the sensor group SIF 05 Total air flow (Low) Total airflow to the boiler must be continuously monitored to assure that the fuel/O2 ratio is maintained within design parameters. PA and SA fans both supply air to the combustion chamber and a minimum airflow must be maintained. Low total airflow could lead to an accumulation of fuel in the combustion chamber with possibility of a localised explosion resulting in moderate injuries. The SIL target is set at 2 based on the economic impact of the event. The airflow on each fan is monitored with triple redundant flow meters that utilise temperature and pressure compensation for the flow measurements. For each fan, the median compensated flow is selected and values for the two fans are summed. Should the transmitter diagnostics identify a failed transmitter, the lower of the two remaining values is selected for the summation. Low total airflow will initiate a MFT to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the final element group and the MTTFS is governed by the logic solver SIF 10a Bed Lance Oil Release Temperature (Low) A low furnace bed temperature due to an unspecified situation can create a potential for unburned fuel to collect inside the furnace. This fuel accumulation in the furnace may be ignited by a startup burner creating a potential for a furnace explosion and multiple fatalities. The SIL target is set at 2 based on the personnel safety of the event. This safety function is required under NFPA 85. The furnace bed temperature is monitored with triple redundant temperature transmitters. Sensor voting is set at 2oo3 within the group. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 11 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Low Bed Temperature in the furnace will initiate a bed lance fuel trip by the BMS to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the sensor group and the MTTFS is governed by the final element group Figure 8: Bed-Lance Cross-Section Figure 9: Bed-Lance Photo 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 12 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project SIF 10b Coal Release Temperature (Low) A low furnace bed temperature due to an unspecified situation can create a potential for unburned fuel to collect inside the furnace. This fuel accumulation in the furnace may be ignited by startup burner creating a potential for a furnace explosion and multiple fatalities. The SIL target is set at 2 based on the personnel safety of the event. This safety function is required under NFPA 85. The furnace bed temperature is monitored with triple redundant temperature transmitters. Sensor voting is set at 2oo3 within the group. Low Bed Temperature in the furnace will initiate a solid fuel trip (stop rotary valves and close slide gate valves) to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the sensor group and the MTTFS is governed by the final element group. Figure 10: Coal Rotary Valve SIF 11 Low Primary Air Flow The Primary Air (PA) Fan provides air to fluidise the bed and facilitate combustion of the coal/biomass. Failure of this fan could lead to bed slump, with the potential for localised explosion contained within the boiler. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 13 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project The SIL target is set at 1 based on personnel safety and the economic impact of the event. Primary air flow is monitored with triple redundant flow sensors that utilise temperature and pressure compensation for the flow measurements. The compensation instruments were excluded from the SIL analysis as failure of these instruments was proven to not result in a dangerous condition. Voting is set at 2oo3 within the group. Low primary air flow will initiate a MFT to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the final element group and the MTTFS is governed by the logic solver. SIF 14 Fluidised Bed Temperature (High) A high furnace bed temperature can be due to loss of control of the Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) fan, very dry fuel, loss of bed temp control, or incorrect sand loading. Clinker could buildup in the furnace causing a high furnace temperature when the clinker is ignited. A potential exists for high temperature steam generation, a turbine trip, higher than expected NOx and SOx levels, and a potential breach in emission licenses. The SIL target is set at 1 based on the personnel safety of the event. The furnace bed temperature is monitored with triple redundant temperature transmitters. Sensor voting is set at 2oo3 within the group. High Bed Temperature in the furnace will initiate a MFT to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the final element group and the MTTFS is governed by the logic solver. SIF 46 Secondary Air Flow (Low) The Secondary Air (SA) Fan provides adjustment air for O2 management. Failure of this fan could lead to loss of rotary valve air seal and potentials fire in fuel biomass/coal supply. The SIL target is set at 1 based on personnel safety and the economic impact of the event. Secondary air flow is monitored with triple redundant flow sensors that utilise temperature and pressure compensation for the flow measurements. The compensation instruments were excluded from the SIL analysis as failure of these instruments was proven to not result in a dangerous condition. Voting is set at 2oo3 within the group. Low secondary air flow in the furnace will initiate a MFT to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the final element group and the MTTFS is governed by the logic solver SIF 47a Bed Lance Fuel Supply Pressure (Low) Low Fuel Supply pressure due to pump failure, or burner flow control valves not adequately opened. Inadequate combustion and may result in unstable flame and has potential to cause bed lance tip damage. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 14 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project The SIL target is set at 1 based on the economic impact of the event. The pressure is monitored with dual redundant pressure transmitters. Sensor voting is set at 1oo2 within the group. Low pressure in the fuel supply to the bed lances will initiate a fuel trip closing the common bed lance fuel valve and all the individual bed lance valves to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the sensor group and the MTTFS is governed by the final element group. SIF 49 Start-Up burner, Loss of Atomising Air Loss of atomising air due to loss of pressure control, or isolation would allow unburned fuel to enter the furnace due to inadequate combustion and may result in unstable flame. Potential exists for burner tip damage. The SIL target is set at 1 based on the environmental and economic impact of the event. The air pressure is monitored with triple redundant pressure transmitters. Sensor voting is set at 2oo3 within the group. Loss of atomising air to the start-up burners will initiate a fuel trip closing the common start-up burner fuel valve and all the individual start-up burner valves to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the sensor group and the MTTFS is governed by the final element group Figure 11: Start-up Burner Cross-Section 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 15 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Figure 12: Start-up Burner Photo SIF 50 (A-E) Start-up burner loss of flame Loss of flame would allow unburned fuel to enter the furnace and may accumulate in the bed. Potential temperature runaway excursion and explosion would occur and rupture the furnace. The SIL target is set at 2 based on the personnel safety and economic impact of the event. Loss of flame to the start-up burners will initiate a fuel trip by the BMS, closing the common start-up burner fuel valve and all the individual start-up burner valves to achieve a safe state. Reliability calculations indicate the SIF achieves a SIL 2. PFDavg is governed by the sensor group and the MTTFS is governed by the sensor group. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 16 Sessiion 15: The Ap pplication of IE EC61511 to a circulating Flu uidised Bed Project P 615 511 Lifec cycle in Practice P Proccess Hazard Analysiss (Box 1) & Allocation of Safetyy Functionss (Box 2) • Prelimin nary HAZO OP • CHAZO OP worksho op • NFPA 85 8 review • Final HA AZOP ana alysis • Facilitatted SIL stu udy with Client C to de efine the safety functtions, agre ee on the risk and deterrmine the SIFs S => SIL L Classifica ation Repo ort Fig gure 13: IE EC61511 Safety S Life ecycle Safe ety Require ements Sp pecification n (Box 3) • A SRS documentts key dessign require ements for each SIF F that form m the basis of o final de esign: riskk assessm ment and safe statte, target risk reductio on and safety s funcction func ctionality requiremen r nts and reset r requirem ments • Assignm ment of th he demand d rate (W)), Safety (C), Asset Loss (A), and Environ nmental Co onsequencces (E) for each SIF • Most SIFs are linked to the e BMS resu ulting in a Master Fu uel Trip (M MFT), which closes c all th he fuel inle et valves. Design & Engiineering off Safety Insstrumented d System (Box ( 4) • Hardwa are Realisa ation: PLC with SIL-3 3 approved architectu ure • Softwarre Specificcation: Initially SAMA A diagram ms with ove erall functional description follow wed by detailed d functional f descriptio ons with flow diagram ms develop ped late in the projectt 2013 Safety Contro ol & Instrumen nted Systems Conference 17 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project • Logic programming Installation Commissioning & Validation (Box 5) • • • Hardware Site Acceptance Test: the logic solver and associated communications modules, power supplies, input / output modules, as well as the master fuel trip (MFT) relay panel are tested for correct functioning. Software Acceptance Test: each scenario of each functional logic path or sequence is simulated in logical order. Each result is judged against the desired outcome in the design basis documents Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) Test: a SIF is validated by physically simulating the process parameter at the sensor group and then field verifying the BMS hardware, software, and the associated final elements function as per the design basis documents. The full MFT group is verified to function at least one time. Operation & Maintenance (Box 6) • O&M Manual development and operator training. • Future use by Client, particularly for rotary valves, slide gate valves, airflow measurement, flame scanners, limit switches on fuel oil lines & drum level measurement. Modification and Decommissioning (Boxes 7 and 8) • Rigorous change management process. Management and Planning (Boxes 9 & 10) • Difficult to apply correct planning to a project with significant new development aspects. • Project program required equipment to be ordered before design of SIS was complete. • BMS panels were shipped before final design and acceptable FAT were completed. Design Verification (Box 11) • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) calculations were performed and Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) documented in the Boiler Management System (BMS) Safety Instrumented System Review to check and confirm that what has been done, has been done the right way. The next section on architectural groups provides some key features arising from details of the design verification process, which is based on the guidelines given in AS 61511. 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 18 Sessiion 15: The Ap pplication of IE EC61511 to a circulating Flu uidised Bed Project P Arc chitectural Group ps Arch hitectural group g cate egories: th he sensorr, logic so olver, and final elem ment grou ups. PFDa avg is heavvily influen nced by th he numberr of compo onents and d the arch hitectural structure, s consequently this should s be considere ed first in n the desiign. Sing gle Senso or Group SIF 01: ID fan motor run n signal is used to initiate MFT trip, conse equently it was mod delled as a single gro oup with 1o oo1 voting within the group. SIF 08: three independe ent furnace e pressure e transmitte ers where it takes tw wo of the three sig gnals to trip (2oo3 3) before a safetyy response is initia ated, conssequently it was mod delled as one group with w a 2oo3 3 voting wiithin the grroup. Figure 14 4: Single Sensor S Gro oup Multtiple Sens sor Groups SIF 05: two groups:g SA A fan airflo ow and PA A fan airflo ow, each w with three flow w temperrature and pressure compensa ation. Median (2oo3 3) air transmitters with w from each h fan are summed s to o determine e a total airflow. The e SIF will trip t if flow totall airflow is below set point with 2oo2 votin ng. Figure 15: Multiple Sensor Group 2013 Safety Contro ol & Instrumen nted Systems Conference 19 Sessiion 15: The Ap pplication of IE EC61511 to a circulating Flu uidised Bed Project P Fina al Elementt Group Master M Fue el Trip A master m fuel trip (MFT T) is define ed in NFPA A 85 as “a an event rresulting in n the rapid d shut-off of all fuell…” For this t Cogen neration Plant P Project: that en ntails stop pping 3 co oal stream ms, 1 biom mass stream, 5 startt-up burne ers and 6 bed lancces. F Figure 16:: Master Fuel F Trip 2013 Safety Contro ol & Instrumen nted Systems Conference 20 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Architectural schematic illustrates the following actions must occur to achieve a safe state for stopping the solid fuel: • Stop biomass feed by closing slide gate valve (SGV) OR close rotary valve (RV) • Stop Coal 1 feed by closing slide gate valve (SGV) OR close rotary valve (RV) • Stop Coal 2 feed by closing slide gate valve (SGV) OR close rotary valve (RV) • Stop Coal 3 feed by closing slide gate valve (SGV) OR close rotary valve (RV) Figure 17: Master Fuel Trip 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 21 Sessiion 15: The Ap pplication of IE EC61511 to a circulating Flu uidised Bed Project P SIF 05 Archite ectural Grraphics Figurre 18: SIF0 05 Architectural Gra aphics Pie charts illusstrate the contributio on of senso ors, logic solver s and final elem ments on the t PFDavvg (i.e. SIIL level in n terms off average probabilityy of failure e on dem mand) and the t MTTFS S (mean tim me to failure on a spurious bassis) SIF0 05: to imprrove PFDavg, the reliability of th he sensor groups wo ould need to t be imprroved and that the fin nal elemen nt is the mo ost likely ca ause of spurious trips s F Figure 19: SIF05 Pie e Chart forr PDFavg and a MTTF FS mponentt Informa ation Com One e challenge e of the pro oject was to t obtain re eliability information that accurately reprresents the e compone ents in the e SIFs. Where W speccific inform mation was s not avaiilable, gene eric inform mation was used. The next para agraphs pro ovide some indicatorrs of how the t data w was establis shed and what qualifications the instrum ments have for SIL du uties. 2013 Safety Contro ol & Instrumen nted Systems Conference 22 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Logic Solver • The BMS is a stand-alone segregated system, functionally integrated with, but physically and electrically completely separate from and independent of the DCS and other control systems • PLC-based hardware meets the requirements of TUV-certification suitable up to a Safety Integrity Level 3 • The PLC was modelled as the logic solver in ExSILentia as the logic solver for most of the SIFs => conservative approach • SIF 4b and SIF 13 include a hardwire layer of protection that utilises a hardwire relay as the logic solver. The relay is suitable up to SIL 3 service. This component is certified under IEC 61508 for high demand service Generic Components • Thermocouples for all temperature measurements • Wedge gate valves in MFT final element groups • Pneumatic piston actuator on wedge gate valves • Solenoids on gate valve actuators • SIF 13 E-Stop switches Auxiliary Contact • The Auxiliary Contact is used in the sensor group of the SIF 01 (ID fan), SIF 02 (PA fan) and SIF 03 (SA fan) • Published failure rate data, so calculations were performed using generic switch data. WAPL has operating experience with the contactors so the components are accepted under Proven in Use guidelines Transmitters: • TÜV certified under IEC 61508 for low demand service up to SIL 2 service in 1oo1 architecture: Differential Pressure, Gauge Pressure and Temperature Flame Scanner: • The flame scanner is not certified for SIL service • Failure rate information provided by the Vendor Solenoids: • The solenoid is used on all the liquid fuel valves in the master fuel trip. • Vendor supplied certificate that included failure rate information that was modelled LFO Shut-off Valves (common & individual): • This component is TÜV certified under IEC 61508 and IEC61511 for low demand up to SIL 3 service 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 23 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Site Validation and Modification Site validation of the BMS SIS and a well controlled modification process are an essential part of a safety system. BMS SIS Validation Test Records: • Site calibration records of all SIF transmitters • Hardware Site Acceptance Test Validation Records • Software Test Validation Records • SIF Test Records • Field Instrument Test Equipment Calibration Records Figure 20: SIF10b Test Sheet 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 24 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project BMS Change Procedure that is included in Life-Cycle Documentation • Change Request Registered with Appropriate Approvals • Changes Implemented are Recorded • Change Validated and Witnessed • Change Closed Out Figure 21: BMS Change Request Form 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 25 Session 15: The Application of IEC61511 to a circulating Fluidised Bed Project Conclusions & Recommendations The lifecycle of the boiler and SIS was considered up to the plant being operational. Any modifications which may be made to the boiler or the SIS or decommissioning of the plant will need to be considered separately During operation of the boiler, data will need to be collected from the functional checks as well as false trips to demonstrate that the required SIL rating is being achieved in practice The equipment Operating and Maintenance Manuals must be used to guide operators and maintenance personnel in their day-to-day tasks The IEC61511 life-cycle was well followed on Cogeneration Power Plant, despite the problems associated with an actual project References • Boiler Management System Safety Instrumented Systems Review SIL Determination and Analysis Report - Document No. 80090-107-REP0002 • SIL Classification Boiler and Turbine Packages – Document AUS73891 • Boiler Package Life Cycle Report - Document No. 80090-100-REP-010 / AUS73891 • IEC61511 and IEC61508 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems Conference 26