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Action Research Background & Literature-1-3

Classroom - and School-Based
Action Research
Examining Background Information &
Related Literature
Describe your overall topic, why it is important, and why you are interested in it:
Teaching art to those with disabilities and how to accomplish this. Regardless of
disabilities, students should be given the same chance at recieving the most out of their
education and be able to participate and create art. I am interested in this topic
because I want to learn more about the topic to include this in my future classrooms.
List any major themes, subtopics, or trends research questions, methodologies, results and/or
Major topic: Teaching Disabled students Art and Participation
Subtopics: Adaptations, inclusive setting, Art Ed and Disabilties
Methodologies: small groups, different levels of reading materials and materials,
assistive technology
Theme #1:
Inclusive Setting
Characteristics of this theme:
EC Teacher participating along with regular Ed teacher, Disabled students blended with
regular Ed students, differentiated lessons, accomidating materials, small groups
Supporting literature:
'Help Kids WELCOME Disabled Students' Klotz, Mary Beth
Theme #2:
Disabilties and Art Education
Characteristics of this theme:
Adaptations to lessons, one on one assistance, participation, materials
Supporting literature:
‘Visual Arts Education for Students with Signigicant Disabilities: Examining the
Intersection Between Art Education, Special Education and the Learning Sciences’
DeCleene, Kelley
Theme #3:
Characteristics of this theme:
adaptations to lessons and activities, instructional classroom strategies, creativity
development, participation
Supporting literature:
‘Visual Arts Education for Students with Signigicant Disabilities: Examining the
Intersection Between Art Education, Special Education and the Learning Sciences’
DeCleene, Kelley
‘Beyond Accommodations: Designing for Nonverbal/Nonauditory Learners in the
Inclusive Art Room’ Wexler, Alice, Luethi-Garrecht, Aleanna
Theme #4:
Characteristics of this theme:
Supporting literature:
Theme #5:
Characteristics of this theme:
Supporting literature:
Other supporting background information (from personal experiences, etc.):
Characteristics of this theme:
Supporting evidence:
© 2015 by Craig A. Mertler, Ph.D.