NOTE: The concepts included in this quiz range from the 3 rd quarter until recent lessons in the 4th. You can review your notes before answering the questions. You can also do further research if you encounter unfamiliar topics. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. Directions: Read each item comprehensively. Write the letter of your answer. 1. The results of data analysis are presented as A. fractions B. literary criticisms C. percentages D. written discussions 2. The research activity preceding collating is A. summarizing B. coding C. categorizing D. synthesizing 3. Qualitative data analysis focuses on examining A. B. C. D. words numbers visions concepts 4. To show how variables are closely related with one another, you must use A. B. C. D. data matrix proximity matrix profile matrix table matrix 5. Questionnaire is to data collection instrument; observation is to data-collection A. B. C. D. analysis process results method 6. Qualitative research has words as its A. B. C. D. quantitative data qualitative data analysis of data unit of analysis 7. You encode or symbolize data that are A. B. C. D. numerical symbolical subjective objective 8. Symbolizing data is preserving their __________________. A. B. C. D. significance source origin confidentiality 9. The value of data analysis results is determined by their connection with your A. B. C. D. research title research method research design research questions 10. A graphical presentation of data-analysis results ensures A. B. C. D. orderliness of data privacy of data genuineness of data completeness of data 11. This involves the researcher collecting all data relevant to the topic, taking a bird's eye view. A. Coding B. Inductive Approach C. Deductive Approach 12. This involves the researcher starting with a theory and testing the theory using relevant methods. A. Coding B. Inductive Approach C. Deductive Approach 13. At this stage, the researcher will transcribe and organise the material. A. Data Reduction B. Data Display C. Conclusions 14. What is one thing you need to consider when coding data? Write your answer 5-7 sentences. 15. This involves carefully reading statements and mapping them with the research aims and objectives, assigning codes. A. Axial Coding B. Selective Coding C. Open Coding 16. This involves re-reading the transcript and categorising the statements, identifying further codes A. Selective Coding B. Axial Coding C. Open Coding 17. What is the purpose of coding in qualitative research? 18. Provide the name of a software tool which can help with coding and analysing qualitative data 19. This type of analysis is used to understand how participants construct history from their own personal experiences A. B. C. D. Discourse Analysis Grounded Theory Content Analysis Narrative Analysis 20. This type of analysis involves the theory being grounded into the actual data. A. B. C. D. Discourse Analysis Framework Analysis Content Analysis Grounded Theory 21. This type of analysis involves the researcher making interpretations based on the details within the material and on contextual knowledge A. B. C. D. Narrative Analysis Grounded Theory Content Analysis Discourse Analysis 22. These are examples of qualitative data analysis methods, EXCEPT A. B. C. D. Grounded Theory Narrative analysis In depth interview Content Analysis 23. Qualitative data analysis may already start after some of the data have been collected. A. No B. Yes 24. Taking the final report/ specific descriptions/themes back to participants to verify the findings is an example of... A. B. C. D. Triangulation Clarify bias Peer debriefing Member check 25. his involves the researcher collecting all data relevant to the topic, taking a bird's eye view. A. Coding B. Inductive Approach C. Deductive Approach 26. This involves the researcher starting with a theory and testing the theory using relevant methods. A. Deductive Approach B. Inductive Approach C. Coding 27. It is used to analyze and interpret verbal data, or behavioral data. A. B. C. D. Narrative Analysis Content Analysis Discourse Analysis Systematic Analysis 28. It is often involving reformulating stories presented by people in a different context and based on their different experiences. A. B. C. D. Narrative Analysis Content Analysis Discourse Analysis Systematic Analysis 29. Data collected in qualitative research are analyzed and interpreted and then written using ________. A. B. C. D. passive-voice narrative statistical third person 30. This is a method that attempts to develop causal explanations of a phenomenon from one or more cases being studied. A. B. C. D. Grounded Theory Systematic Analysis Conversation Analysis Narrative Analysis 31. It consists of six to eight persons participate in the discussion because of the variety of depth opinions, views, and perspective shared. A. B. C. D. OBSERVATION INTERVIEW FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONNAIRE 32. What are the next 2 process steps in collecting data after selecting participants & sites? A. B. C. D. Decide which types of data to collect & anticipate ethical concerns. Collect data while anticipating field issues & ethical concerns. Gain permission to conduct research & decide which types of data to collect. Develop means to record information & gain permission to conduct research. 33. Although both qualitative and quantitative data analysis differ in many ways, the aim of both is to rigorously test hypotheses. A. True B. False 34. The process of developing a coding structure is central to most qualitative data analysis. A. True B. False 35. In qualitative analysis, coding scheme often occurs while data are being collected. A. False B. True 36. Developing a coding structure often involves significant interaction and feedback from members of the research team. A. True B. False 37. An explicit description of the process of data analysis (in the "analysis" subsection) is key to assuring a study's transparency, scientific integrity, and trustworthiness. A. False B. True 38. There are qualitative analysis software platforms that essentially serve to analyze qualitative data for the researcher. A. True B. False 39. When coding text data, the researcher pulls chunks us texts under certain "codes" that significant what the text means. C. False D. True 40. The coding process may start with broad "pre-existing" codes but may also develop new codes until the coding structure is finalized. E. False F. True