LOGICAL AND CRITICAL THINKING LOGIC ORIGIN OF LOGIC Middle English from Old French logique from Latin logica from Greek “logos” logike (tekhne) (art) of reasoning. Which has a variety of meanings including word, thought, idea, argument, account, reason or principle and criteria of valid inference and demonstration. It attempts to distinguish good reasoning from bad reasoning. DEFINITIONS Is the science of reasoning, proof, thinking, or inference. Is the field of study concerned with analyzing arguments and appraising their correctness or incorrectness. Logic in both the broad and the narrow sense is an element of critical thinking. LOGIC: The SCIENCE & ART of REASONING Logic as a SCIENCE, on the other hand, “investigates, discovers, expresses, systematizes, demonstrates, and explains the laws of correct thinking. Logic as an ART, on one hand, direct reason. As an ART it guides man’s reason so that he can proceed with order and precision in the search for meaning. TYPES OF LOGIC 1. FORMAL LOGIC A formal system (also called a logical calculus) is used to derive one expression (conclusion) from one or more other expressions (premises). These premises may be axioms (a selfevident proposition, taken for granted) or theorems (derived using a fixed set of inference rules and axioms, without any additional assumptions). Example: Premises: Bicycles have two wheels. Jan is riding a bicycle. Conclusion: Jan is riding on two wheels. Explanation: The premises are true and so is the conclusion. 2. INFORMAL LOGIC Informal logic is a recent discipline which studies natural language arguments, and attempts to develop a logic to assess, analyze and improve ordinary language (or "everyday") reasoning. It focuses on the reasoning and argument one finds in personal exchange, advertising, political debate, legal argument, and the social commentary that characterizes newspapers, television, the Internet and other forms of mass media. Example: Premises: There is no evidence that penicillin is bad for you. I use penicillin without any problems. Conclusion: Penicillin is safe for everyone. Explanation: The personal experience here or lack of knowledge isn’t verifiable. 3. SYMBOLIC LOGIC is the study of symbolic abstractions that capture the formal features of logical inference. It deals with the relations of symbols to each other, often using complex mathematical calculus, in an attempt to solve intractable problems traditional formal logic is not able to address. It is often divided into two subbranches: • Predicate Logic • Propositional Logic Example Propositions: If all mammals feed their babies milk from the mother (A). If all cats feed their babies mother’s milk (B). All cats are mammals(C). The Ʌ means “and,” and the ⇒ symbol means “implies.” Conclusion: A Ʌ B ⇒ C Explanation: Proposition A and proposition B lead to the conclusion, C. If all mammals feed their babies milk from the mother and all cats feed their babies mother’s milk, it implies all cats are mammals. 4. MATHEMATICAL LOGIC In mathematical logic, you apply formal logic to math. This type of logic is part of the basis for the logic used in computer sciences. In the 1950s and 1960s, researchers predicted that when human knowledge could be expressed using logic with mathematical notation, it would be possible to create a machine that reasons (or artificial intelligence), although this turned out to be more difficult than expected because of the complexity of human reasoning. Mathematics-related doctrines include: • Logicism • Intuitionism METHODS OF REASONING 1. INDUCTIVE REASONING Is the process of reasoning that moves from specific observations to broader generalizations. Example: Every fall there have been hurricanes in the tropics. Therefore, there will be hurricanes in the tropics this coming fall. 2. DEDUCTIVE REASONING Deductive logic (also called deductive reasoning or deduction) is a precise and well-ordered system that aims to provide definite support for a conclusion. Example: All oranges are fruit. All fruits grows on trees. Therefore, all oranges grow on trees. DIVISION OF LOGIC 1. MATERIAL LOGIC is concerned with the content of argumentation. It deals with the truth of the terms and the propositions in an argument. 2. FORMAL LOGIC is interested in the form or structure of reasoning. The truth of an argument is of only secondary consideration in this branch of logic. Material Logic: Acts/Level of the Mind 1. SIMPLE APPREHENSION Simple apprehension is the act by which the mind grasps the concept or general meaning of an object without affirming or denying anything about it. 2. JUDGMENT It is the act of the mind by which we compare two concepts either they agree or not. If we put concepts together, the end result is called judgement or proposition. 3. REASONING Is the act of the mind by which we derive new truths from previously assumed truth. The mind combines several judgements or propositions in order to arrive at a previously unknown judgement, it is called syllogism. MENTAL OPERATIONS 1. Simple Apprehension 2. Judgement 3. Reasoning PRODUCTS Concept Mental Propositions Mental agreement or disagreement EXTERNAL SIGNS Oral and written terms Oral and written propositions Oral and written arguments PHILOSOPHY Systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind, and language, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world. Philosophia (Philos “the love, Sophia “wisdom”) “Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder” ~Socrates Major Areas of Philosophy ❖ ❖ METAPHYSICS The study of nature of reality, of what the world, what it is like, and how it is ordered. ▪ Is there a god? ▪ What is truth? ▪ What is a person? What makes a person the same through time? ▪ Is the world strictly composed of matter? ▪ Do people have mind? If so, how is the mind related to the body? ▪ Do people have free wills? ▪ What is it for one event to cause another? EPISTEMOLOGY Studies about the nature, scope, meaning, and possibility of knowledge. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ What is knowledge? Do we know anything at all? How do we know what we know? Can we justified claiming to know certain things. ❖ ETHICS Concerns what we ought to do and what it would be best to do. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ❖ What is good? What makes actions or people good? What is right? What makes actions right? Is morality objective or subjective? How should I treat others? AESTHETICS Also called esthetics, the philosophical study of beauty and taste. It is closely related to the philosophy of art, which is concerned with the nature of art and the concepts in terms of which individual works of art are interpreted and evaluated. Philosophical Reasoning ➢ Reasoning - Generally seen as means to improve knowledge and make better decisions. ➢ Philosophical reasoning- its roots is about engaging in discourse- one that ask the participants to argue a point, a thought, an issue with logic. TYPES OF ARGUMENTS 1. Deductive method - Moves from the more general to the specific Deductive arguments are supposed to be watertight. Example of a deductively valid argument ➢ All men are mortal ➢ Socrates is a man ➢ Socrates is mortal 2. Inductive method - Moves from a specific case to a more general conclusion Inductive arguments don’t need to be as rigorous as deductive arguments in order to be good arguments. Example of a strong inductive argument would be ➢ The sun has not exploded for all its existence. therefore… ➢ The sun will not explode tomorrow Nature of Philosophy 1. Philosophy is a set of views or beliefs about life and the universe, which are often held uncritically. 2. Philosophy is a process of reflecting on and criticizing our most deeply heald conceptions and beliefs. 3. Philosophy is a rational attempt to look a the world as a whole. 4. Philosophy is the logical analysis of language and clarification of the meaning of words and concepts. 5. Philosophy is a group of perennial problems that interest people and for which philosophers always have sought answers. HISTORICAL OUTLINE OF PHILOSOPHY A. THE PRE-SOCRATIC PERIOD An era wherein philosophers started to became well-known and became active before the contemporaries of Socrates and Socrates itself. Philosophers in this era started to ask questions about human and world’s existence. And favors of more rational explanation. Philosophers of this era are: o Democritus o Pythagoras o Thales o Anaximander o Anaximenes and etc. B. THE SOCRATIC PERIOD An era denoting contemporary philosophers of Socrates and his influential time. Where ethics, logic, metaphysics, art, literature, psychology, biology, and politics were proposed in this era. Philosophers of this era are: o Socrates o Plato o Aristotle C. THE MEDIEVAL AGE From the fall part of Roman Empire to Renaissance. Philosophers of this era, heavenly influenced by Christianity and mainly proving the existence of deity. o o o o o Philosophers of this era are: Augustine Thomas Aquinas Bonaventure Albert the great Roger Bacon and etc. D. THE RENAISSANCE The bridge from medieval period and start of modern period of philosophy. In this era, is the rebirth of classical civilization and learning; a rise in humanist philosophy and away from religions movement. Philosophers of this era are: o Francis Bacon o Niccolo Machiavelli E. THE MODERN PERIOD From 19th – 20th century. In this era, philosophers are mainly scientific and has strong political point of views. Philosophers of this era are: o Rene Descartes o Karl Marx o John Stuart Mill o George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel o Soren Kierkegard and etc. F. THE CONTEMPORARY PERIOD The present period of philosophy (late 19th-21st century). Philosophy in this period was focused on professionalization of discipline and rise of analytic philosophy. Philosophers of this era are: o Jean Paul Sartre o Gabriel Marcel o Rudolf Carnap o Ludwig Wittgenstein o Bertrand Russell and etc. Types of Thinking: 1. Perceptual or concrete thinking 2. Conceptual or abstract thinking 3. Reflective thinking 4. Creative thinking 5. Critical thinking 6. Non-directed or associative thinking 7. Convergent vs. Divergent thinking ➢ PERCEPTUAL THINKING It is based on perception Perception is the process of interpretation of sensation according to one's experience. It is also called concrete thinking as it is carried over the perception of actual or concrete and events. It is one dimensional and literal thinking which has limited use of metaphor without understanding nuances of meaning. Being the simplest form of thinking, small children are mostly benefited by this type of thinking. CONCEPTUAL THINKING It does not require the perception of actual objects or events. It is also called abstract thinking as it makes the use of concepts or abstract ideas. It superior to perceptual thinking's as it economizes efforts and understanding and helps in discovery and invention. It is ability to appreciate nuances of meaning. It is multidimensional thinking with ability to use metaphors and hypothesis appropriately. Language place an important part in conceptual thinking. THINKING What is thinking? THINKING IS an activity concerning ideas, symbolic in character, initiated by a problem or task which the individual is facing, involving some trial and error but under the directing influence of that problem and ultimately leading to a conclusion or solution of the problem. Additional definitions: "Thinking is the organization and reorganization of current leraning in the present circumstances with the help of learning and past experiences" (Vinacke1968). "Thinking is the perceptual relationship which provides for the solution of the problem" (Maier). Nature of Thinking: • It is essentially a cognitive activity. • It is always directed to achieve some and purpose. • It is described as a problem-solving behavior. • It is a symbolic activity. •It is mental exploration instead of motor exploration •It can shift very rapidly. • It is an internal activity. REFLECTIVE THINKING Aims in solving complex problems. Requires reorganization of all the relevant experiences to a situation or removing obstacles instead or relating with that experiences or ideas. Associated to analytical thinking ➢ CREATIVE THINKING It refers to the ability for original thinking to creative or discover something new. It is the ability to integrate the various elements of the situation into a harmonious-whole to create something novel. In order words, cognitive activity directed towards some creative work refers to creative thinking. Creative thinkers are great boons to the society as they enrich the knowledge of mankind. Tries to achieve something new, to produce something original and something unique. ➢ CRITICAL THINKING This thinking helps a person in stepping aside from his own personal beliefs, prejudices and opinions to sort out the faiths and discover the truth, even at the expense of his basic belief system. Higher order well-disciplined thought Process NON-DIRECTED THINKING Non-directed and without goal Reflected through dreaming and other free-flowing uncontrolled activities. Delusion – a withdrawal behavior that helps an individual to escape from the demands of the real world by making his thinking face non-directed and floating, placing him somewhere, ordering something unconnected with his environment. CONVERGENT THINKING VS DIVERGENT THINKING • Convergent thinking is cognitive processing of information around a common point, an attempt to bring thoughts from different directions into a union for common conclusion • Divergent thinking starts from a common point and moves outward into a variety of perspectives. e.g.; teachers use the content as a vehicle to prompt diverse or unique thinking among students rather than a common view. Development of Thinking 1. Adequacy of the knowledge and experience 2. Adequate motivation and definiteness of aims 3. Adequate freedom and flexibility 4. Incubation 5. Intelligence and wisdom 6. Proper development of concepts and language 7. Adequacy of reasoning process Errors of Thinking o Our thinking is defective because we have allowed ourselves to be swayed by our emotions. o Many times, our thinking become fallacious, and cannot view the problem from different angles broadly. o Many of our thinking may also be distorted by superstitions or by lack of information that is relevant to the subject. o Many of our wishful thinking are also unscientific thinking. Our prejudices and biases cause conflicts, rationalizations and delusions which are defective thinking as well. IDEA What is idea? Idea is the intellectual presentation or "image" of a thing. An abstract presentation of things and may be expressed or define only by meaningful terms. Any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity. Nature of Idea Idea is the building blocks of knowledge. A constitutive that make up judgement, and judgement may express either truth or errors. Formation of ideas: Senses Imagination Abstraction Intellect Properties of ideas: Comprehension Extension COMPREHENSION - The sum-total of all the thought-elements contained in the idea. - Also known as implications or connotation of the idea. It is manifested by definition. EXTENSION - The sum-total of the individuals and classes or group to which an idea can be applied. - Also known as application or denotation. - It is manifested by division. The two properties of idea (Comprehension and Extension) are in inverse ratio to each other: 1. Greater Comprehension: Lesser Extension 2. Lesser Comprehension: Greater Extension Types According to Comprehension: 1. Simple and Compound (Structure) 2. One and Multiple (General View) 3. Concrete and Abstract ( Subject) 4. Absolute and Relative (By Relation to another comprehension) ❖ Simple and Compound (Structure) Simple – expresses a single conceptual feature, applicable to all if not most. Ex. Being, Existence Compound –expresses several conceptual elements/features. Ex. device Man- rational animal Computer – electronic processing ❖ One and Multiple (General View) One – expresses one thing, nature or formal feature. Ex. Man, House Multiple – expresses explicitly a thing as modified by another thing. Ex. Poor man Three story house ❖ Concrete and Abstract (Subject) Concrete – with a subject Ex. Physical – physiological (itch) Abstract – expresses only a nature or formal feature without a subject. Ex. Justice Religiosity ❖ Absolute and Relative (By relation to another comprehension) • Absolute – exists in itself and for itself Ex. Man, Animals, Minerals • Relative – necessarily bears a relation to something else. Ex. Substitute teacher Vice-president Types According to Extension: 1. Singular – applies to a single member of class Ex. Diamond – the hardest mineral 2. Universal – applies individually to all members of class Ex. Car (SUV, Sedan, Ferrari) 3. Particular – applies to some members of class Ex. Half a dozen 4. Collective – applies to a all members of a class counted as one. Ex. UST Philets Batch 1968 5. Transcendental – applies to all members of all classes. Ex. Being, Truth Types according to relation: 1. IDENTICAL and EQUIVALENT (refer to same objects) Identical – same conceptual features • 3+2 and 2+3 • God= Absolute being Equivalent- different conceptual features • 5x1 and 4+1 • Salt and NaCl 2. PERTNENT and IMPERTINENT (refer to different but related objects) Pertinent- somehow related to each other • Freedom and Responsibility • Food and Drinks Impertinent- neither related to opposed to each other • Toothpaste and Rooster • Love and clear water 3. COMPATIBLE and INCOMPATIBLE Compatible- with features that may exist in a subject • Beauty and Intelligence • Faith and Reason Incompatible- with features that may not coexist in a subject • Square and circle (in one figure) • Darkness and Light (in one space) TYPES OF INCOMPATIBLE CONCEPTS: 1. Contradictory- negation • Black- Non-black • Open- Non-opened 2. Contrary- opposition • Black-white (extreme opposites) • Open-closed 3. Privative – absence • Sight-Blindness (absence of sight) 4. Correlative- complementariness • Man-Woman AUTHORITY ORIGIN: The word “Authority” is derived from the Latin word “austoritus” meaning invention, advice, opinion, influence, or command in English. ❖ In the fields of sociology and political science, authority is the legitimate power of a person or group over other people. ❖ In a civil state, authority is practiced in ways such a judicial branch or an executive branch of government. ❖ In the exercise of governance, the terms authority and power are inaccurate synonyms. The term authority identifies the political legitimacy, which grants and justifies the ruler's right to exercise the power of government; and the term power identifies the ability to accomplish an authorized goal, either by compliance or by obedience; hence, authority is the power to make decisions and the legitimacy to make such legal decisions and order their execution. POWER + LEGITIMACY = Authority ❖ Authority means legitimate power which has been approved by the people or power in accordance with the constitution or the law of the state. ❖ In English, “Authority” can be used to mean power given by the state. ❖ According to Michael in Encyclopedia of social sciences, authority is the capacity, innate or acquired for exercising ascendancy over a group. ❖ Weber defined domination (Authority) on the chance of commands being obeyed by a specific group of people. MAX WEBER TYPOLOGY OF AUTHORITY Weber divided legitimate authority into three types: 1. TRADITIONAL AUTHORITY 2. CHARISMATIC AUTHORITY 3. LEGAL RATIONAL AUTHORITY In contemporary philosophy, there are at least three prevailing ways to understand what a concept is: ❖ CONCEPTS AS MENTAL REPRESENTATIONS ❖ CONCEPTS AS ABILITIES ❖ CONCEPTS AS ABSTRACT OBJECT Importance of authority 1. Authority can be used to provide order and security in people's lives. 2. Authority can be used to manage conflict peacefully and fairly. 3. Authority can be used to protect important rights and freedoms. 4. Authority can be used to ensure that benefits and burdens will be distributed fairly. CONCEPT CONCEPTS are defined as an abstract ideas. They are understood to be the fundamental building blocks or the concept behind principle, thoughts and beliefs. This is the best way to represent a person, place , or things by referencing the object without acknowledging it fully. A concept is a product of conceptual Ego thinking mind, that is limited to perceptually created abstractions, language, ideas and symbols. Through mental observation, a concept is created to describe, explain, and captures reality as it understood. But a concept, label or name is not what a thing in reality. CONCEPTS serves as building blocks of what are called mental representation. Mental representation, in turn, are building blocks of what are called propositional attitudes. CONCEPT maybe exact or inexact. It is instantiated by all of actual or potential instances, whether those are things in real world or other ideas. Every concept is part of hierarchical model of concept classification which means that you can be very general or very specific in classifying something. The HIERARCHICAL MODEL OF CONCEPTS CLASSIFICATION includes three levels of concept: ❖ SUPERORDINATE CONCEPTS – are the most general way to classify something. ❖ BASIC CONCEPTS – which are more specific than superordinate concepts. ❖ SUBORDINATE CONCEPTS – the most specific category of a concept. THEORY What is Theory? -a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation (Cambridge Dictionary). THEORY IS: IDIOGRAPHIC- Explain a single situation or event in idiosyncratic detail. NOMOTHETIC- Explains a class of situations or events rather than a specific situation or event. ELEMENTS OF A THEORY ❖ CONSTRUCTS: The ‘what’ of theories. ❖ PROPOSITIONS: The ‘how’ of theories. ❖ LOGIC: The ‘why’ of theory. ❖ BOUNDARY CONDITIONS/ASSUMPTIONS: The ‘who, when, and where’ of theory COMPONENTS OF A THEORY ❖ CONCEPT (symbolic representation of an actual thing) ❖ CONSTRUCT (no physical referent, for instance learning, freedom, etc.) ❖ PRINCIPLE (relationship between two or more concepts/construct) CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES SERVE TWO IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS: They help us to understand or explain what is going on around us. They help us predict future events (Can be causal or correlational) IMPORTANCE OF THEORY Theory provides concepts to name what we observe and to explain relationships between concepts. Theory allow us to explain what we see and to figure out how to bring about change. Theory is a tool enables us to identify a problem and to plan a means for altering the situation. Theory is to justify reimbursement to get funding and support – need to explain what is being done and demonstrate that it works – theory and research. Theory is to enhance the growth of the professional area to identify a body of knowledge with theories from both within and without the area of distance learning. That body of knowledge grows with theory and research. Theory guides research. DEVELOPMENT OF THEORIES Theory is constantly revised as new knowledge is discovered through research. Three stages of theory development in any new ‘science’. 1. Speculative – attempts to explain what is happening. 2. Descriptive – gathers descriptive data to describe what is really happening. 3. Constructive –revises old theories and develops new ones based on continuing research. BENEFITS OF THEORIES ✓ Provides underlying logic for phenomena. ✓ Aids in sense-making through strategic synthesis of empirical data. ✓ Identifies constructs and relationships worthy of further research. ✓ Contributes to cumulative knowledge by bridging gaps or causing reevaluation of phenomena. “Theory helps us to bear our ignorance of fact.” -George Santayana Syllogisms A set of statements called premises, which lead to one logical conclusion. Is a deductive argument in which a conclusion is inferred from two premises If the premises are true, (and we assume they are), then the conclusion must be true. - this symbol means “therefore”. It signals the conclusion CONTAINS THREE (3) PARTS 1. MAJOR PREMISE- premise containing the major term 2. MINOR PREMISE- premise containing the minor term 3. CONCLUSION- proposition that contains the major term ad the minor term Three (3) syllogistic types ❖ Categorical ❖ Conditional ❖ Disjunctive CATEGORICAL Is a deductive argument consisting of 3 categorical propositions that together contain exactly 3 terms, each of which occurs in exactly two of the constituent propositions. Is in standard form when its premises and conclusion are all in standardform categorical propositions and are arranged in a specified order. Enthymeme an informally stated syllogism with an implied premise. The conclusion is always used to identify the terms of the syllogism. o Major term- it is the predicate of the conclusion - Symbolized by letter (p) for predicate o Minor term- it is the subject of conclusion - symbolizes by letter (s) for subject o Middle term- cannot be found in the conclusion, appearing instead in both premises. ➢ Valid categorical syllogisms “all fruits are plants. A peach is a fruit. Therefore, a peach is a plant” - the term “fruit” is the middle term, that of a category, the major premise of a categorical syllogism. In this example, peach fits into fruit which fits into plants. You can also think of the middle term as the term that appears in both premises but not in the conclusion of a categorical syllogism. ➢ “all trees are plants. A redwood is a tree. Therefore, a redwood is a plant. - this categorical syllogism, has there terms (trees, plants, and redwood). Invalid categorical syllogisms: ➢ “all the people in the math classroom are students. Betty is in the math classroom. Therefore, fred is a student” - a valid categorical syllogism may only have three terms, and this one has four (“all the people in the math classroom, “students”, “betty”, and “fred”.) ➢ “some Americans believe in ufo abductions. I am an American. therefore., I must believe in ufo abduction.” - the middle term “some Americans” is not used in an unqualified or universal sense, so the conclusion cannot be certain. If the conclusion was “therefore, I might believe in ufo abduction” it would be a valid categorical enthymeme. Conditional syllogism ➢ “if-then” syllogism ➢ The minor premise must either affirm the antecedent or deny the consequent ➢ If the minor premise affirms the antecedent the conclusion must affirm the consequent. ➢ If the minor premise denies the consequent the conclusion must deny the antecedent. Types Affirming the antecedent - saying the “if” condition did in fact occur Denying the consequent - Saying the “then” part did not occur. In the major premise of a conditional syllogism, the antecedent is the “if…” phrase and the “then…” phrase is known as the consequent Conditional syllogism establishes two things: o If the antecedent happens, the consequent has to happen, AND o If the consequent doesn’t happen, the antecedent couldn’t have happened, and you cannot draw a valid conclusion. Valid conditional syllogism: o “if the sky is blue there won’t be rain. The sky is blue today. Therefore, there won’t be rain.” - this takes the form of “if a then b,” so it is a conditional syllogism. Invalid conditional syllogism: o “if i drink beer then i will get fat. I drink beer. Therefore, i am in good shape.” - the minor premise affirm the antecedent, but the conclusion does not affirm the consequent as it should. TWO (2) FALLACIES INVOLVED - denying the antecedent - affirming the consequent DENYING THE Antecedent EX. If you go to school, you will learn something. You do not go to school You will not learn anything (not necessarily! One may learn out of school). Affirming THE CONSEQUENT EX. If you go to school, you will learn something. You learn something You go to school ( again, one may learn elesewhere) REASONING WHAT IS REASONING? the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion or judgment. the ability to assess things rationally by applying logic based on new or existing information when making a decision or solving a problem. Reasoning allows you to weigh the benefits and disadvantages of two or more courses of action before choosing the one with the most benefit or the one that suits your needs. TYPES OF REASONING Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning Abductive reasoning DEDUCTIVE REASONING happens when a researcher works from the general information to the more specific. Deductive reasoning is a logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions. It's often contrasted with inductive reasoning, where you start with specific observations and form general conclusions. Examples: Premise: All insects have exactly six legs. Premise: Spiders have eight legs. Conclusion: Therefore, spiders are not insects. Premise: Blue litmus paper turns red in the presence of acid. Premise: The blue litmus paper turned red after I dropped some liquid on it. Conclusion acidic. : Therefore, the liquid is 2. John’s old car won’t start. It’s raining. Therefore, John’s old car won’t start when it’s raining. (Use a specific case to reach a broad generalization) STAGE EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 2 1. Specific observation Nala is an orange cat and she purrs loudly. Baby Jack said his first word at the age of 12 months old. 2. Pattern recognition Every orange cat I've met purrs loudly. All observed babies say their first word at the age of 12 months 3. General conclusion All orange cats purr loudly. All babies say their first word at the age of 12 INDUCTIVE REASONING is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning makes broad generalization from specific observations. is a method of drawing conclusions by going from the specific to the general. It’s usually contrasted with deductive reasoning, where you go from general information to specific conclusions. ABDUCTIVE REASONING Examples: 1. Every time you eat fried shrimp, you get stomachache. Therefore, fried shrimp causes indigestion. (What you’re doing is moving from the specific–a particular observation–to the general–a larger conclusion.) Abductive reasoning, unlike deductive reasoning, yields a plausible conclusion but does not definitively verify it. Abductive conclusions do not eliminate uncertainty or doubt, which is expressed in retreat terms such as "best available" or "most likely". One can understand abductive reasoning as inference to the best explanation, although not all usages of the terms abduction and inference to the best explanation are equivalent. is to abduce (or take away) a logical assumption, explanation, inference, conclusion, hypothesis, or best guess from an observation or set of observations. Because the conclusion is merely a best guess, the conclusion that is drawn may or may not be true. Example: You have a cough, a fever, a runny nose, chills, an aching body. You have these symptoms for several days. Given this information, your best guess is that you have influenza or flu. But you are not completely certain. INFERENCE WHAT IS INFERENCE? Nature of Reasoning Logic is the science of correct thinking. It starts with ideas and terms and leads to the formation of judgment and proposition. Using judgment and proposition it proceeds to the intellectual activity called INFERENCE. ORIGIN: Comes from the word “infer” which means to observe through the senses. Inferences are steps in reasoning, moving from premises to logical consequences; etymologically, the word infer means to "carry forward". Inference is theoretically traditionally divided into deduction and induction, a distinction that in Europe dates at least to Aristotle (300s BCE). To conclude a hypothesis. A conclusion or opinion formed from known facts or evidence. An inference is a conclusion that has been reached by way of evidence and reasoning. For example, if you notice someone making a disgusted face after they've taken a bite of their lunch, you can infer that they do not like it. Inference is the act of drawing conclusions about something on the basis of information that you already have. The reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of evidence and reasoning rather than on the basis of direct observation. NOTION OF INFERENCE The process in which from a sequence of propositions, we arrive at a conclusion. The mind proceeds from one proposition to other propositions. In logic, an argument consists of statements. One or more of the statements is alleged information (premises) and one statement (the conclusion) is an inference from the alleged information (premises). Example: The dog's been barking for hours—he needs to go outside FORMAL AND MATERIAL SEQUENCE Nature of Reasoning The sequence is FORMAL and the argument is said to be formally valid or formally correct if the sequence is from the form of inference. The sequence is MATERIAL and the argument is said to be materially valid if the sequence is from the special character of though-content. Example of Inference that is formally valid: Every S is a P ; therefore some P is an S. S = dog ; P = animal Every dog is an animal ; therefore some animal is a dog. Example of Inference that is informally valid but materially valid: Every triangle is a plane figure bounded by three straight lines; therefore every plane figure bounder by three straight lines is a triangle. 2 PARTS OF INFERENCE 1. Antecedent - That which goes before 2. Consequent- That which follow after or that which is inferred by the antecedent. Inference is applied to a series of propositions so arranged that one, called the consequent and those series of proposition is called the antecedent . Whenever we use the terms “sequence”, “inference”, “validity”, “correctness of argumentation”, and so on, without qualification, we shall understand them in their formal sense unless it is clear from the context that we are speaking of material sequence. TRUTH AND FORMAL VALIDITY Logical truth consists in the conformity of our minds with reality. A proposition is true if things are as the proposition says they are. Logic studies reason as an instrument for acquiring truth, and the attainment of truth must ever remain the ultimate aim of the logician. Example of technically correct though the premises and the conclusion are false: No plant is a living being; but every man is a plant; therefore, no man is a living being. The following syllogism is not correct formally although the premises and the conclusion are true: Mediate and Immediate Mediate Inference consists in deriving a conclusion from two or more logically interrelated premises Example: All mammals have backbones. Humans are mammals. Therefore, humans have backbones. Immediate Inference consists in passing directly from a single premise to a conclusion. Example: No Dalmatians are cats. Therefore, no cats are Dalmatians Every dog is an animal; but no dog is a plant; therefore, no plant is an animal. ASSUMPTION Deductive and Inductive Deductive Inference, are inferences arrived at through deduction (deductive reasoning), can guarantee truth because they focus on the structure of arguments. Example: Statement 1: Either you can go to the movies tonight, or you can go to the party tomorrow. Statement 2: Since you cannot go to the movies tonight. Conclusion: So, you can go to the party tomorrow. Inductive Inference is the process by which we use general beliefs we have about the world to create beliefs about our particular experiences or about what to expect in the future. Example: Data: I see fireflies in my backyard every summer. Conclusion: This summer, I will probably see fireflies in my backyard. An assumption is something that you assume to be the case, even without proof. Assumptions there are something assume or taken for granted For example , A nurse may assume that a post-operative patient will wish to be given analgesia as soon as pain is experienced. Ennis (1982) distinguishes two classes of assumption: Used Assumptions and Needed Assumptions Used assumption ▪ assumptions which the creator 'uses', or 'makes' in forming an argument. Needed Assumption ▪ are assumptions which the argument analyst judges to be 'required'. Two important ways that an assumption is like a thesis: o o An assumption can be proved and disproved. An assumption can be expressed only as a complete, declarative sentence. All arguments—all attempts to prove something—require assumptions and they are needed to be tested to be sure a person thinks they’re valid. Types of Assumptions ❖ ❖ Explicit (directly stated) -directly state information. For example, ‘’His eyes are Blue’’ Implicit (not directly stated but implied) - this is something that is implied or indirect you will have to infer to understand. For example, ‘’His eyes reflect the colour of the sky on a sunny day Proposition What is Proposition? Is the verbal expression of judgement in which something is affirmed or denied. Is the basic unit of language. It is what we assert, state and claim. They are expressed by declarative sentences. It is either true or false. Example: 1 +1 = 2 (True) The normal BP is 120/80 (True) The normal temperature is 38 degree Celsius. (False) o Assumption can be: ▪ Factual ▪ Analytical ▪ Moral Some assumption deals with facts, like statement “All the men are mortal”. Assumption deal with straightforward factual information that can be measured or observed directly. Analytical assumption are based on facts, but they go a step further in making some sort of statement about the facts, interpreting the, analyzing them, explaining them and evaluating. Still other assumptions deals with values. Unlike factual and analytical assumption, which can be defended with evidence and reason, it is almost impossible to prove values. Either you share them or you don’t. One example of assumption based on values is that pr people and people of color should not experience unfair impacts simply because of their socioeconomic status. This Assumption depends on ideas about what is ‘Fair’ that are very difficult, if not impossible, to defend with evidence and reason. We use such sentences to make all sorts of assertions, from routine matters of fact such “the Earth revolves around the Sun”, o to grand metaphysical theses such “the reality is an unchanging, featureless, unified” o and to claims about morality such “it is a sin to make a crime.” 3 TYPES OF PROPOSITION 1. CATEGORICAL PROPOSITION – Is one which gives a direct assertion of agreement or disagreement between the subject and the predicate term. 2. HYPOTHETICAL PROPOSITION- Does not declare unconditional affirmation or denial, but expresses a relation of dependence such as an opposition or a likeliness between two clauses. 3 .MODAL PROPOSITION- Which does not just only affirm or deny the predicate of the subject but also states the manner or mode of in which the predicate is identified. ELEMENT AND STRUCTURE OF A CATEGORICAL PROPOSITION SUBJECT TERM is the object affirmed or denied in the proposition. PREDICATE TERM is the quality or attribute affirmed or denied by the subject. COPULA is the element that links the subject to the predicate. Example : She is beautiful She (subject) Is (copula) Beautiful (predicate) QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF PROPOSITIONS The quality of a proposition consists in the nature of the proposition as either affirmative or negative. The quantity of the proposition consists in the nature of the proposition as either universal or particular. It refers to the denotation or number of individuals or referents to whom the subject term applies. UNIVERSAL QUALIFIERS. All, every, many, whatever, whenever, anything, no, none, nothing, never, and others similar to these. PARTICULAR QUALIFIERS. Some, most, several, many, few, at least one, not all, majority and others. 4 TYPES OF PROPOSITIONS 1. Universal Affirmative Propositions or “A” Proposition 2. Universal Negative Propositions or “E” Proposition 3. Particular Affirmative Propositions or “I” Proposition 4. Particular Negative Propositions or “O” Proposition • Compound/complex proposition- when one or more proposition are connected through various connectives such and / or. Ex. Asthma is an auto-immune disease and HIV is respiratory disease. Proposition 1 connectivity Proposition 2 Propositional logic (also called “sentential logic”) is the area of formal logic that deals with the logical relationships between propositions. The fundamental unit in propositional logic is a statement or proposition. There are types of propositional logic 1. Conjunction any two proposition can be combined by the word “and” otherwise known as conjunction (^). Truth-functional connective is a way of connecting propositions such that the truth value of the resulting complex proposition can be determined by the truth value of the propositions that compose it. ▪ The conjunction is true if and only if both conjuncts are true. We can represent this information using what is called a truth table. 1. asthma is an auto-immune disease and HIV is a respiratory disease 2. the normal BP is 120/80 and the normal temperature is between 36.5-37.5 degree celcius p T q F p^q F T T T 2. Negation - is a single proposition which can be changed by using negation “not”. It is truth-functional operator that switches the truth value of a proposition from false to true or from true to false. the symbol we will use to represent negation is called the “tilde” (~). Example: “dogs are mammals” is true statement then we can make that statement false by adding a negation. In English, the negation is most naturally added just before the noun phrase that follows the linking verb like: “Dogs are not mammals” is false statement But another way of adding the negation is with the phrase, “it is not the case that” like this: “It is not the case that dogs are mammals.” “Charlie tracked mud through the house” “Violet tracked mud through the house” 4. Conditional is a common type of sentence. It claims that something is true, if something else is also. The English phrase that is most often used to express conditional statements is “if…then.” For example, If it is raining then the ground it wet. Like conjunctions and disjunctions, conditionals connect two atomic propositions. There are two atomic propositions in the above conditional: “It is raining.” Example: “Cebu is the capital city of Philippines” is false. But we can make that statement true by adding a negation: “Cebu is not the capital city of Philippines” “It is not true that Cebu is the capital city of Philippines” The negation symbol is used to translate these English phrases: Not it is not the case that it is not true that it is false that 3. Disjunction, any two proposition combined by the word “or”. The symbol we will use to represent a disjunction is called a “wedge” (v). It is also common that the “or” is preceded by an “either” earlier in the sentence, like this Ex. Either Charlie or Violet tracked mud through the house. What this sentence asserts is that one or the other (and possibly both) of these individuals tracked mud through the house. Thus, it is composed out of the following two atomic propositions: “The ground it wet.” The proposition that follows the “if” is called the antecedent of the conditional and the proposition that follows the “then” is call the consequent of the conditional. The conditional statement above is not asserting either of these atomic propositions. Rather, it is telling us about the relationship between them. Let’s symbolize “it is raining” as “R” and “the ground is wet” as “G.” Thus, our symbolization of the above conditional would be: CONCLUSION WHAT IS A CONCLUSION? Science: A conclusion is the final claim of the scientist made upon analyzing the experimental data (evidence). Law: A final arrangement or settlement, as of a treaty. Literary: A conclusion is the final piece of writing in a research paper, essay, or article that summarizes the entire work. ▪ Logic: Conclusion the conclusion is the claim that an argument is trying to establish. Types of Conclusion Logical or Formal Which follows from its premises and is verifiable by any of the classical methods of formal reasoning, such as the syllogism or deduction. Personal A conclusion rooted in the subjectivity of the person who formulates it, but that is not for that reason equivalent to an opinion. Personal conclusion must be valid, verifiable, even if they arise from individual experience. ▪ Theoretical Those that propose new possible knowledge on which to build new research or reflections on the subject in the future. Summary Those that condense or round off what has been seen or argued previously, offering a kind of final recapitulation before adding final ideas. Recommendation Those that reflect on the way in which the argumentation or investigation was carried out and offer clues to the future researcher from it. Logical Vocabulary Argument It is a systematic combination of one or more than one statements, which are claimed to provide a logical support or evidence. Also, the chief concern of logic. Statement is a declarative sentence that has a truth-value of either true or false. It is a sentence that has truth-value. However, there are sentences that are not statements, hence are not used to construct an argument. Examples: a) Would you close the window? (Question) b) Let us study together. (Proposal) c) Right on! (Exclamation) d) I suggest that you read philosophy texts. (Suggestion) e) Give me your ID Card, Now! (Command) Statements that make up an argument are divided into premise(s) and conclusion Premise - is a statement that set forth the reason or evidence, which is given for accepting the conclusion of an argument. It is claimed evidence. Conclusion- is a statement, which is claimed to follow from the given evidence (premise). In other words, the conclusion is the claim that an argument is trying to establish. EXAMPLE: All Ethiopians are Africans. (Premise 1) Tsionawit is Ethiopian. (Premise2) Therefore, Tsionawit is African. (Conclusion) INDICATORS o Therefore o Wherefore o Accordingly o Provided that o It must be that o we may conclude o entails that o Hence o It shows that o Whence o Thus o Consequently o We may infer o It implies that o As a result o So NOTE: In argument that contains any of the conclusion indicator words, the statement that follows the indicator word can usually be identified as the conclusion. Integration What is Integration? Integration is the act of bringing together smaller components into a single system that functions as one. Example 1: There is no definite way to prove any one set of religious belief to the exclusion of all others. For that reason religious freedom is a human right. (Premise) There is no definite way to prove any one set of religious belief to the exclusion of all others (Conclusion) Religious freedom is a human right (Conclusion indicator) For that reason. Example 2: Sarah drives sports car. This implies that either she is rich or her parents are. SYNONYMS Assimilation Blending Combination Incorporation Fusion Linking Merging union OPPOSITE seclusion segregation separation DICTIONARY o the action or process of successfully joining or mixing with a different group. (Premise) Sarah drives a sports car (Conclusion) either she is rich or her parents are. MATHEMATICS o the finding of an integral A Good Conclusion: Relevant Concise Valid SCIENCE the incorporation of the genetic material of a virus in to the host genome. How are the conclusions drawn? Review and understand the premises Round up or take up the problem Write the conclusions PSYCHOLOGY the coordination of processes in the nervous system, including diverse sensory information and motor impulses. PSYCHOANALYSIS the process by which a well-balanced psyche becomes whole as the developing ego organizes the id, and the state that results or that treatment seeks to create or restore by countering the fragmenting effect of defense mechanisms. INTEGRATION OF THE BRAIN Integration occurs when neurons from the prefrontal cortex connect with neurons in the limbic system and brainstem. The linking of the areas, through the firing of neurons, creates neural pathways. Repeated return to the state of integration causes those neural pathways to strengthen and become permanent. An integrated brain is one that has a more interconnected Connectome and therefore can be seen as more “whole” (vs. disconnected). When our brain is whole then the left and right brain are balanced and the different parts of our brain can communicate effectively with each other. INTEGRATED THINKING From the book of Creating Great Choices coined by Jennifer Riel and Roger Martin the method called Integrative Thinking involves taking different ideas and examining the problem they are trying to solve, with the end goal of opening up to new thinking and innovation. Integrated Thinking reframes decision making by moving it away from the process of settling on a compromise, towards actively breaking a challenge or opportunity down into its core elements and reassembling them into a new option that doesn’t compromise. TYPE OF INTEGRATION Cooperation - Networking, dialogue over issues, informal attempts to work together - Does not require a change in autonomy of participating organizations, - Possible management by a steering committee or management committee Coordination - A sense of cooperation, a process of negotiation, a sense of overseeing (requiring consistency). - A means of planning, a strategic or corporate activity, some organizational change, meaningful training. - Commitment to the aims of other players Collaboration - Partnership, contracts, planning and goalsbased coalitions, shared objectives - Strategic service delivery arrangements or planning - Joint planning, implementing and evaluating of policies. HOW DO I MAKE MY BRAIN MORE INTEGRATED? 1. Attention to be focused 2. Awareness to be open 3. Intention to be kind Healthcare Integration means Collaboration between health professionals to provide complete treatment to patients and improve overall well-being. Integration of Nursing Practice o Nursing integration is the capstone immersion experience designed to provide the student with an opportunity to synthesize the knowledge and skills acquired during previous coursework. Integrative Medicine o An approach to medical care that recognizes the benefit of combining conventional (standard) therapies (such as drugs and surgery) with complementary therapies (such as acupuncture and yoga) that have been shown to be safe and effective. 3 Benefits to Behavioral Health Integration 1. Improved Health Outcomes. Behavioral health and physical health are interlinked. 2. Healthcare Cost Reduction. Integrating behavioral and physical healthcare has a significant impact on costs. 3. Helps Transition to Patient-Centered Care Model. WHY IS INTEGRATED CARE IMPORTANT? Without integration at various levels [of health systems], all aspects of health care performance can suffer. Patients get lost, needed services fail to be delivered, or are delayed, quality and patient satisfaction decline, and the potential for costeffectiveness diminishes. TYPES OF INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEMS 1. Functional integration In which multiple relationships exist and are coordinated across the various units and departments as a way to provide the best value and service to patients. 2. Physician integration In which the physicians and the organizations they're working with and/or associated with share the same values, visions, and objectives as a way to limit differences in the patient care provided. 3. Clinical integration In which services provided to patients can come from many different providers and organizations. APPLICATION Critical thinking is the ability to analyze facts and form of judgments. What is Application ❖ Is the action of putting something into operation. (Meriam Webster dictionary). ❖ The act of putting to a special use or purpose. ❖ The act of applying to a particular purpose or use. APPLICATION OF CRITICAL THINKING IN NURSING PRACTICE Nurses who want to provide their patients with better care will quickly discover that critical thinking skills will help them substantially. By applying the ability to think through problems and evaluate the information in front of them, nurses will quickly become more effective at their jobs. According to Scriven and Paul, critical thinking is the mental active process and subtle perception, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of information collected or derived from observation, experience, reflection, and reasoning. According to Sollars, “Nurses use critical thinking in every single shift”. Critical thinking in nursing is a paramount skill necessary in the care of your patients. Nowadays, there is more emphasis on machines and technical aspects in nursing, but critical thinking plays an important role. Critical thinking, combined with creativity, refine the result as nurses can find specific solutions to specific problems with creativity taking place where traditional interventions are not effective. Supposition theory originated in the medieval Latin West. Its early development, probably in the second half of the twelfth century, is mysterious Kinds of Supposition APPLICATION OF NURSING THEORY Nursing theories can also help assist nurses in better understanding the rationale for using care procedures, the outcomes of those procedures, and how to optimize practices for the future of care. Different methodologies can be used by health care professionals to convert theory into applicable practice. Applications of nursing theory can help health care professionals evaluate and assess their care initiatives more effectively and forecast outcomes in situations that could save lives. SUPPOSITION What is Supposition? Supposition is a relation between a term, and the objects which it ultimately signifies. It is analogous to the concept of reference in modern philosophical logic, except that it is a property of common terms as well as singular terms, rather than of singular terms alone, according to scholarship logic. The word supposition (Lat. suppositio ) originally meant substitution, and commonly indicates an assumption, hypothesis, or theory. There are various subdivisions or kinds of supposition, of which the most significant is ‘personal’ supposition, the relation between a common term like ‘man’ and all men, or between a proper name like ‘Socrates’ and the individual it refers to (Socrates). 1. Improper and proper. Improper supposition is when an utterance supposits according to the signification of another utterance, as in analogy (such as when we say that a storm is angry, or that someone is a lion]) or irony (“he has married a treasure”). Proper supposition is when an utterance supposits according to to the signification that is imposed on it in common usage. 2. Personal, material and simple Personal supposition is when the subject or the predicate of a proposition supposits for its ‘ultimate significates’. For example, when the term ‘man’ supposits for any man in the proposition ‘a man runs’. Material supposition is when an utterance supposits for itself. Simple supposition this is when a term stands for a common or universal nature or (according to writers such as Ockham) when it stands for a universal concept. 3. Common and discrete Common supposition is when a term naturally supposits for more than one thing, such as the term 'man' standing for all men, however many there are. Discrete supposition is when the term naturally stands for just one thing, such as 'Socrates' or 'this man'. 4. Natural and Accidental. Natural Supposition is when a term stands for every thing which it can possibly stand for (e.g. when 'man' naturally stands for past, present or future men) Accidental Supposition is when it stands for things by contextually determined features such as the tense of the verb, or the predicate. 5. Confused and determinate. Determinate supposition is when the proposition has to be verified by some determinate individual, i.e. we can ‘descend to singulars’ by a disjunction. For example, the proposition ‘a man is running’ is true if the man Socrates is running, or Plato is running, or Aristotle is running, and so on ‘for all the singulars’. Otherwise it is Confused APPELLATION Definition Defined as the calling of something. Literally means the calling of object. In logic it means the function of a term denomination another term. Conversely, the denomination of a term by another. TWO PARTS OF APELLATION 1. Appellant Denomiting term or something called the modifying term. 2. Appellate Denominating term or otherwise known as the term modified KINDS OF APELLATION ❖ Material Appellation - When the appellant is applied to the subject only as identified by the feature or nature expressed but not classified. - E.g. a poor philosopher, that is a financially hard up man who is a philosopher. ❖ Formal Appellation - When the appellant is applied to the subject as identified and qualified by the feature and nature expressed. - E.g. a poor philosopher, that is, one who is not adept in philosophy. ❖ Precise Appellation - When the sense of the appellation is definite and clear. - E.g. excellent students are assets to the school. ❖ Imprecise Appellation - When the sense of the appellation is not definite and clear. - E.g. excellent students are burden to the school. It may financially poo, or academically poor students. ❖ Remarks Appellation - A shift or change in appellation changes also makes four terms in a syllogism which apparently implies only three terms. - E.g. a good artist is an expert performer. But Pedro is good artist (a good man) therefore Pedro is a an expert performer. (it does not follow)