Uploaded by Tapang Nico

The Viking

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Submitted by:
Tapang Nico Capinding
Student’s Name – Grade & Section 11 humss 4
Submitted to
Subject Teacher
My name is Nico from Tapang Capinding, I am 19 years old and I come from a simple family, my father is
Romeo Tapang Sales, and my job is a former jeepney driver, but due to poverty, life changed him, he
became a mechanic. Now My Mother is Mrs. Marivi Capinding Courage She is the only one at home who
takes care of my younger siblings I am the fourth out of five siblings but now I am the eldest in the
family who is already alive My older brother I chose that letter because of that I'm the most handsome
joke, I just chose that little finger That reminds me how hard life is and I should learn from what I'll do so
that my children don't have to experience that and that picture also reminds me a lot because
that's also where I first held the steering wheel so that I could add to my expenses as a student and the
necessities as a young man
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Discipline of Applied Social Science
Definition of Social Science
Social science is one of the branches of science, devoted to the study of societies and the
relationships among individuals within those societies. The term was formerly used to refer to
the field of sociology, the original "science of society". established in the 19th century
Definition of Applied Social Science
Applied Social Sciences explores systematic and evidence-based study of the social world, encompassing
all of the political, economic, legal, technological and cultural ideas, structures and processes that
humans create to live together as a society
Relationship Between Social Science and Applied Social Science
Relationship between Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. As discussed above, social sciences
are more specific and focused on a distinct facet of a social phenomenon while applied social science
attempts to focus on a distinct issue but use insights
Applied Social Sciences explores systematic and evidence-based study of the social world, encompassing
all of the political, economic, legal, technological and cultural ideas, structures and processes that
humans create to live together as a society.
Chapter 2. The Discipline of Counseling
2.1 Definition of Counseling
Professional counselors help DUNSELING
clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional turmoil: seek to
improve communication and coping skills: strengthen self-esteem; and promote behavior change and
optimal mental health.
2.2 Scope and Goals of Counseling
Children's concerns within the family unit, sibling relationships, school experiences, peer relationships.
2.3 Areas of Specialization of CounselingSo, what are the three main types of counseling?
Psychodynamic, humanistic. and behavioral approaches are the most common and each support
different individual therapies
2.4 Clientele and Audiences of Counseling
The clientele and audiences of counseling are normal people. They are not in need of clinical or mental
help. They may be the youth in need of guidance at critical moments of their growth, anyone in need of
assistance in realizing a change in behavior or attitude, or simply seeking to achieve a goal. Sep 16, 2020
2.5 Process of Counseling
The basic stages of counseling are: 1) Developing the client/clinician relationship; 2) Clarifying and
assessing the presenting problem or situation; 3) Identifying and setting counseling or treatment goals;
4) Designing and implementing interventions; and 5) Planning, termination, and follow-up
repeating the client's words back to
them exactly as they said them. You might reflect back the whole sentence, or you might select a few
words - or even one single word - from what the client has brought.
Chapter 3. The Discipline of Social Work
3.1 Definition of Social Work
Social work is a practice-based profession
that promotes social change, development, cohesion and the empowerment of people and
communities. Social work practice involves the understanding of human development, behavior and the
social. economic and cultural institutions and interactions.
3.2 Goals and Functions of Social Work
The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet basic
and complex needs of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and
living in poverty
3.3 Areas of Specialization of Social
• Family and child welfare. This includes services to families in situations that seriously disrupt family life
such as physical or mental illness, unemployment, divorce, in aid of improving client's family life.....
3.4 Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
The clientele and audience of a social worker are those that need assistance through the services that
are offered through social work. This can be families, communities, individuals, or another group who
have faced oppression who may be marginalized, or who are facing discrimination.
3.5 Process of Social Work
Social work is a practice-based profession
that promotes social change, development, cohesion and the empowerment of people and
communities. Social work practice
involves the understanding of human development, behavior and the social, economic and cultural
institutions and interactions.
knowledge of human behavior within its social context, professionalism and ethics, knowledge of social
service delivery systems, and ability to make sense of social research
Chapter 4. The Discipline of Communication
4.1 Definition of Communication
Communication is a two-way process involving the following elements: a sender, a message, a medium,
a channel, a receiver, a response and feedback. However, it is not sufficient to have just all these
elements; there should be cooperation and understanding between the two parties involved.
4.2 Process of Communication
The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components include encoding,
medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the process, and
those two factors are present in the form of the sender and the receiver.
4.3 Roles and Functions of Journalists and Communicators
Communicators and journalists can work in a number of areas of specialization: speech writing and
taking minutes of a meeting: advertising, marketing, and sales; communication education; electronic
media, radio-television, and broadcasting: public relations; journalism; theater, performing arts, and
dramatic arts.
4.4 Areas of Specialization of Journalists and Communicators
Professional communicators and journalists are at the service of truth. They gather news, facts, and
information that are critical to public life and well-being. The functions include being present where the
news is happening and having the ability to record what is happening accurately with available
4.5 Clientele and Audience of Communication
Individuals and groups of people who receive service from various counseling professions constitute the
clientele and audience. These individuals and groups vary in their needs and context where they avail of
counseling services.
CHAPTER 5. Biography of:
5.1 Two Famous Personalities in Counseling
#1 Maria Lourdes Chavez
She is a Counselor and Psychotherapist at the Institute for Lifestyle and Wellness Center (ILAW) of
Miriam College since 2007, a Consultant for On-site Counselors and Emotional Carers for OFWs in Taipei
since 2015, and is a co-founder of the Philippine Positive Psychology Network
#2 Randy Delosa
He co-founded and is Charter President of the Philippine Association of Christian Counselors. He
established the Philippine Society of Life Coaches. He established the Gestalt Therapy Association of the
PHilippines. He established the Philippine Association of Integrative Medicine and Holistic Therapies
5.2 Two Famous Personalities in Social Work
#1 Karen faurillo
She is a medical social worker, and that means she helps solve one of the hospital's biggest problems:
making sure there is enough money to fund the costly medicines and tests that any of its 800,000
patients, nearly 640,000 of whom are indigent, may need
#2 Josefa Jara-Martinez
Known as the first Filipino social worker. Born in 1894, Josefa became a teacher and a principal in a
public school before she was sent to New York in 1919. She took up a degree in social work with child
and family welfare as her major.