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Math Topics: Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics

Numbers and
Real Numbers
1.1 Real Numbers
1.2 Properties of Real Numbers
Estimation and Approximation
1.3 Significant Figures
Square Roots and Cube Roots
1.4 Squares
1.5 Square root (prime factorisation and division)
1.6 Square root of fractions
1.7 Square root of decimals
1.8 Square root upto d.p.
1.9 No. of digits in the square root of perfect square
1.10 Real life problems involving square root
1.11 Perfect cubes
1.12 Set notation
1.13 Subsets
1.14 Verify and DE Morgan’s Law
1.15 Laws (Associative and Distributive)
1.16 Union Intersection
Ratio, Rate and Proportion
1.17 Ratio and Proportion + Real Life Direct and Inverse proportion
1.18 Compound Proportion
Percentage and Financial Arithmetic
1.19 Converting Currency
1.20 Percentage Profit, Loss, Discount
1.21 Profit / Markup and Calculating Principal Amount
1.22 Insurance
1.23 Partnership
1.24 Inheritance
Number Sequence and Patterns
2.1 Number sequence
2.2 Arithmetic sequence – nth term
2.3 Geometric sequence – nth term
Expansion and Factorisation
2.4 Closed Sentence/Open Sentence/Polynomials and their types and degree
2.5 Operations on Polynomials
2.6 3 Quadratic Identities
2.7 Factorisation – taking common
2.8 Factorisation – grouping
2.9 Factorisation – perfect squares
2.10 Factorisation – Difference of Perfect Squares
2.11 Factorisation – Type a²+- 2ab + b² - c²
2.12 Factorisation – Middle Term Breaking
2.13 Cubic Identities
2.14 Exponents and Powers
2.15 Laws of Exponents
2.16 Standard Form/Scientific Notation
Linear Equations and Inequalities
2.17 Write in Slope Intercept Form/Subject of the Formula
2.18 Graph in Slope Intercept Form
2.19 Construction of Simultaneous Linear Equations
2.20 Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations (Elimination, Substitution, Graphical)
2.21 Solving Real Life Problems Simultaneous Linear Equations
2.22 Linear Inequalities and representing on number line
3.1 Pythagoras Theorem + Word Problems
3.2 Central Angle, Length of arc and Area of Circle
3.3 SA and Volume of Pyramids
Measurements 3.4 SA and Volume of Sphere
3.5 SA and Volume of Hemisphere
3.6 SA and Volume of Cone
3.7 SA and Volume of Composite Shapes
Congruency and Similarity, Construction of Triangles and Transformation
4.1 Similarity and Congruency
4.2 Construction of Quadrilaterals
4.3 Construction of Triangles
4.4 Angle and Perpendicular Bisector
4.5 Transformation (Rotation)
4.6 Transformation (Enlargement)
Information Handling
5.1 Types of Data + Line Graph, Bar Graph, Multiple Bar Graph, Pie Chart
5.2 Frequency Distribution and Frequency Polygon
Statistics and
5.3 Measures of Central Tendency (Group and Ungrouped Data)
5.4 Range, Variance and Standard Deviation
5.5 Probability, (Types and Laws) + Tree Diagram