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TV Streaming Sentiment Analysis Project Synopsis

A Project Synopsis Report
Analysing sentiments of TV streaming through social media optimization
Submitted to
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
1. Ms. Vaishnavi S. Sultane
2. Ms. Prajakta V. Kawade
3. Ms. Nikita R. Damodar
4. Ms. Snehal V. Unhale
5. Ms. Namrata A. Jumle
Under Guidance of
Prof. P.V. Thakare
Late Purushottam Hari (Ganesh) Patil Shikshan Sanstha’s
Mauli Group of Institutions’,
College of Engineering & Technology, Shegaon.
Academic Year 2022-23
Analyzing sentiments of TV streaming through social media
• With the rapid development of sharing Websites, more and more people
would like to become audiences in their daily entertainments. such as TV
shows and Web sites, to attract more audiences. although many efforts
have been taken for the popularity prediction.
• Good or Bad comments based on peoples reviews or comments. Easy
importing of data and exporting it into the graph. Graphical data in the
printable format. The visitor will get to know the show popularity. Reality
TV is the new mantra of television producers and channel executives.
• We Proposed to build such a system that will recognize people's
sentimental comments on TV shows. The tweets related to the particular
show will be extracted. The comments will be gathered from various
sources social networking websites like Twitter.
• On the basis of people's comment and the TV Show popularity will be
rated accordingly. The system allows to add text views likes-dislikes on
the basis of dataset and their sentimental comment.
 To develop a framework based on a sentiment analysis of various TV
shows TV Shows.
 To predict the popularity of TV shows in one of the most interesting way
using NLP process.
 To investigate the Sentimental remark and anticipating whether it is
positive or negative comments on social media as twitter
 Hardware :
Processor : i5
Hard Disk : 40 GB or more.
 Software:
: 4 GB or more
Operating System. : Windows 10 or above
:Python 3.10
In our system adding new TV Shows and views of popularity dataset it is
possible to predict the popularity of show by using NLP features. View TV
Shows based on sentiment analysis and ranking wise. Clients can enroll and log
in to the framework. See friend request and send a friend request. View graphs
based on likes dislikes, and sentiment wise. Unscripted television is the new
mantra of TV makers and station chiefs. It is the way to build the perfect
evaluations and at the end systemised prediction to outshine different channels
and the "comparable however changed to a great extent" shows produced by the
opposition. Most of the television shows, which are being telecast nowadays,
are reality shows specializing in dancing, singing, and acting.
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