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All The Abs Guide: 6 Week Fitness Program

All the abs
Product Disclaimer
The content contained within this book was
created and written by Sinead Disaya.
This book contains information that I hope will
inspire, educate and change the lives of users
around the world.
All books created and written by Sinead Disaya
have been targeted at a broad audience. Please
note that programs and books by Sinead Disaya
may not be specific to your individual needs.
If you have any medical conditions, please seek
medical advice before engaging in any fitness
and health program.
If you have any current or previous injuries,
please seek medical advice before engaging in
any fitness and health program.
If you have any questions regarding the
specificity of any programs and books by Sinead
Disaya, please contact us via email or many of
our social media channels before purchasing.
Sinead Disaya has created all programs to
encourage and inspire individuals to make
healthy changes to their current lifestyles. In no
way or form does Sweat. Believe. Roar. endorse
poor body image, diets, supplements, detoxes
and over­training.
As Sinead Disaya and her team cannot monitor
you as you engage in the program provided,
Sweat. Believe. Roar. does not assume any risk
for the use of information contained within this
document. Images and videos have been
provided within the document to educate users
for their own safety to ensure correct technique
and options for all fitness levels. Remember, the
information is not specific to you and your
individual needs. If you have any concerns,
please seek medical advice or advice from a
personal trainer before engaging in any exercise
or movement patterns provided within this
Sweat. Believe. Roar. does not guarantee
that the information provided within this
document is accurate or useful in any way.
At the time of creating this document, the
information was relevant and well
researched. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding the information
contained within this document, please
contact Sinead and her team via email or
many of our social media channels.
The information contained within this
document comes from personal experiences
of Sinead Disaya and her own highly
accredited health and fitness knowledge.
Visit www.sineaddisaya.com to see Sinead
Disaya's fitness qualifications or email
Sinead and her team with any questions you
may have.
The document and all information contained
within this document are subject to copyright,
Sweat. Believe. Roar. © 2016.
No form of this document or information,
images or footage may be reproduced in any
form, mechanical, electronic, photocopy,
recording, or can be passed on to others by
any form of transmission without the prior
permission of Sinead Disaya.
The above actions are illegal. Individuals
found doing any of the above actions may be
pursued with legal action.
For all enquires, please contact Sinead and
her team via email or many of our social
media channels.
Sinead Disaya.
Welcome to my
6 Week All The Abs
Hello friends from all around the world!
My name is Sinead Disaya and I am the proud creator of this amazing program that you are about to undertake.
Before you get started, I want to offer you some tips in order for you to optimise your Sweat, Believe, Roar experience:
1. Take before and after photos. This will provide motivation for you on your fitness journey. It is always great to see
how far you have come!
2. Use my unique hashtags to connect with other Sweat, Believer, Roar users from all around the world. Here you will
connect with our online community and receive support, ideas and make new friends who can help to keep you
Hashtags include: #sbrgirls #sineaddisaya #sweatbelieveroar #roarwithsinead #allthebooty #alltheabs.
Remember to share your journey and progress via social media. Using the above hashtags will allow me to find your
photos and share your efforts with the rest of the community.
3. My program incorporates 2 different training styles in order for you to achieve optimum results.
That Traditional training days focus on building muscle and strength to achieve overall toned, lean results. If you have
access to free weights or a gym, integrating weights into my program may help you achieve better results faster.
The Progressive training days focus on high intensity training, moving your body in all directions and engaging the
entire body to reach its full potential. All the progressive days are programmed to complete 2 different movement
patterns in 3 minutes, rotating every 30 seconds until the 3 minutes is complete. Push yourself as hard as you can in
this 3 minutes. Intensity is key! You get out of it what you put in!
4. If you have any injuries or medical conditions , please get consent from a doctor or personal trainer before
engaging in this program. This is for your own health and safety.
5. If you are unsure of anything, please watch the video tutorials for a clearer understanding of what is being asked.
This will also provide you with some different exercise options depending on your fitness level.
6. Never give up! No matter what, do not give up on yourself. Your journey is different from anyone else's. Enjoy every
second of it and believe you are worth it.
Remember to always wear your invisible crown.
Sinead Disaya
Video tutorials
I am so incredibly proud to present to you, an innovation like no other and one of the first of its kind
world­wide; video tutorials inside my programs featuring yours truly!
Words cannot explain how hard I have worked to put this all together and happy I am to offer this to
women all around the world!
My inspiration for this project came from my mother, Sheree (mumma bear). My Mum and I speak on
the phone nearly every single day and she will tell me what exercises she was doing at the gym in the
morning or if she pulled up sore/injured, she would try to explain the technique she was doing on that
I didn't like the fact that I couldn't see what my Mum was doing at the gym or be there to help her if
she needed, and me explaining exercises over the phone wasn't helping either. This gave me the
idea to incorporate videos of exercise movements into an ebook program.
For every exercise and warm up, you will find images showing how to go engage in the movement
and now you will also have access to a video tutorial for every exercise and warm up!
I have placed a black crown next to every exercise movement. And now, this is the easy bit. All you
need to do is hover over and click on these crowns and it will take you directly to a video tutorial
explaining the movement, offering a regression and a progression, as well as explaining why you are
doing the movement.
No need to flick back and forth through pages! I have aimed to make this as convenient for the user
as possible.
As you become fitter, stronger and begin to progress through the programs, you will be able to
progress your own workout when YOU are ready. This is where the program becomes more
personalised to you as you can choose to progress exercise movements depending on your own
fitness level. I hope this method will help in the reduction of injuries world­wide as well allowing the
user to be creative with their workouts and feel challenged!
Another key motivator behind my project is that there are a lot of individuals currently engaging in
programs who wouldn't know why exactly they're doing these movements. Unfortunately I see a lot of
this on social media as well as at gyms. Your body is your greatest asset! Don't you think you deserve
to know exactly why you are doing what you're doing in your programs? It is so import at to remember
how unique you are and that the exercise you see on social media or at your local gym, may not be
something you need to be doing yourself.
If I can help reduce injuries and offer variety for someone who wasn't aware of an exercise variation,
then I am one happy girl.
Please note: You will need to be connected to the Internet in order for the videos to work.
I truly hope you enjoy the experience of being a part of the Sweat, Believe, Roar community!
If a part of your body is tight, does it make sense to stretch it? You would think yes, wouldn't you?
Stretching essentially is lengthening the muscle and holding it at its end range for a period of time.
Does it really make sense to pull such a tight area of your body in one big pull, to the point where it
feels like the muscle itself wants to snap off? Not really. It actually sounds quite painful and
Mobility is very important to implement into your everyday life and of course, before and after your
workouts. The best way I can explain mobility without all the fancy words is to say this.
You know that feeling when we first wake up in the morning and we instantly yawn and stretch our
arms slowly. Imagine if you didn't do that for a few weeks, months or even years? Each day we
don't move our bodies, think, for example, that tiny cob webs cover your muscles. The less you
move or do anything to get rid of those cob webs, the thicker they get, and the harder it becomes
to move freely.
When we mobilise, we enter into a movement slowly and then ease out of that movement.
Repeating this
or so times depending on how your body responds.
So instead of pulling at my muscles and holding for one big hit, doesn't it make more sense to
slowly enter in and out of a movement and each time, slowly mobilising a bit deeper? Slowly seeing
gentle improvement sounds like a much better and safer option to me!
Mobilising is slowly removing those "cob webs" from our bodies.
Mobility is necessary for our body and its joints to move freer, feel stronger and recover faster
from training. If you spend majority of your day sitting down, mobilising through your back and your
hips can help with any everyday pains you may experience.
The body is a wonder chain where everything connects. These movements will introduce you to
functional movement and will slowly teach you how your body works.
Try to incorporate some of these mobilisers into your everyday routine.
Ready? Let's warm up!
Hip Rotations
Step with Reach
Forward Lunge with Reach
Lunge with Thoracic Rotation
Thoracic Rotations
Split Shifts
All the abs
Week 1 - Day 1
Jack Knives
Mountain Climbers
Plank with Twist
Reverse Floor Crunch
Caterpillar Crawls
Russian Twists
All the abs
Week 1 - Day 2
REPS: 30secs
Side Plank
Spider-Man Crawls
Jack Knives
Alternating Toe Reach
Windscreen Wipers
Plank with Twist
"You Are
Remember that".
All the abs
Week 2 - Day 1
Mountain Climbers
Plank with Twist
Reverse Floor Crunch
REPS: 30secs
Jack Knives
Side Plank
Russian Twists
All the abs
Week 2 - Day 2
Jack Knives
REPS: 30secs
Caterpillar Crawls
Spider-Man Crawls
Windscreen Wipers
Mountain Climbers
Alternating Toe Reach
"Not All
Progress Has
To Be
All the abs
Week 3 - Day 1
REPS: 45secs
Russian Twists
Spider-Man Crawls
Side Plank
Plank with Twist
Jack Knives
Reverse Floor Crunch
All the abs
Week 3 - Day 2
Mountain Climbers
Caterpillar Crawls
Windscreen Wipers
REPS: 45secs
Jack Knives
Plank with Twist
Alternating Toe Reach
"Health Is Not About
The Weight You Lose,
But About The Life
You Gain".
All the abs
Week 4 - Day 1
Get Ups
Russian Twists
REPS: 45secs
Reverse Floor Crunch
Spider-Man Crawls
Plank with Twist
All the abs
Week 4 - Day 2
REPS: 45secs
Snake Plank
Leg Extensions
Jack Knives
Side Cruches
Mountain Climbers
Straight Leg Windscreen Wipers
"Be Somebody Who
Makes Everybody
Feel Like A
All The abs
Week 5 - Day 1
Straight Leg Extensions
Russian Twists
Snake Plank
REPS: 60secs
Alternating Toe Reach
Caterpillar Crawls
Plank with Twist
All the abs
Week 5 - Day 2
REPS: 60secs
Get Ups
Jack Knives
Mountain Climbers
Spider-Man Crawls
Straight Leg Windscreen Wipers
"The Things You
Take For
Granted, Someone
Else Is
Praying For".
All the abs
Week 6 - Day 1
Alternating Toe Reach
Straight Leg Windscreen Wipers
REPS: 60secs
Mountain Climbers
Snake Plank
Russian Twists
All the abs
Week 6 - Day 2
Leg Extensions
Spider-Man Crawls
Get Ups
REPS: 60secs
Side Crunches
Jack Knives
Plank with Twist
"Be Strong.
You Never Know
Who You Are