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Industry Revolution 4.0 Introduction

Introduction to Industry
Revolution 4.0
Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Table Of Contents
Fusing Technologies
The Evolution, History, and Impact of Industry
How does Industry Revolution 4.0 di er from the previous industrial
De nition and Aspects of Industry 4.0
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
Industry 4.0 Drivers
Building Blocks of Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 Bene ts
Industry 4.0 Design Principles
Industry 4.0 Challenges
Management Challenges
Consequences on Organizations
Industry 4.0 Final Thoughts
Learning Resources
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
What happened in recent years?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents
a fundamental change in the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
This is a new chapter in human development that has been made possible by advances in technology that are compatible with those of the rst,
second, and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that create both
promise and peril.
The speed,
breadth and depth of this revolution are forcing us to:
Rethink how countries should develop.
How organizations create value and what it even means to be human.
This presents an opportunity to assist everyone, comprising leaders, policy-makers, and individuals from all income brackets and
nations, to leverage technologies to establish an inclusive and human-centered future.
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Fusing Technologies
Industry 4.0 Main Characteristic:
Fourth Industrial Revolution is di erent from prior industrial revolutions. It builds from a fusion of technologies, and from a growing
harmonization and integration of research disciplines. Collaboration between disciplines is opening new frontiers. Nearly every new
development in any eld now leverages digital capability.
Example 1: Precision genome editing:
The eld of precision gene editing enables researchers to comprehend and manipulate DNA directly, a development that
would not have been possible without signi cant advancements in computing power and data analytics.
Example 2: Advanced robots:
The emergence of Arti cial Intelligence relies heavily on novel approaches that are dependent on digital
systems and processing power. This technological shift has also led to the convergence of the digital and
physical realms, as evidenced by the development of autonomous vehicles and 3D printing.
The progression of sensor technology has facilitated the capacity of robots and autonomous
systems to comprehend and react more e ectively to their surroundings. This has extended the
range of tasks that they can undertake, moving beyond their traditional applications in factory
settings. Furthermore, these systems can currently obtain remote information through cloudbased access and establish connections with one another to share knowledge and develop
collective learning.
In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), the emergence of the next generation of robots will place an evergrowing emphasis on the collaboration between humans and machines. Furthermore, the physical and biological
domains are converging due to the development of novel materials, designed to replicate biological systems. A
signi cant milestone in this direction is the identi cation of a novel class of recyclable, thermosetting polymers
known as polyhexahydrotriazines, representing a crucial leap towards a more sustainable economy.
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
The worlds of biology and digital technology are coming together, especially in the eld of genetic engineering. Nowadays, new materials are
commonly used in medical procedures like implants and creating arti cial organs.
3D printing is also used to make personalized structures. Gene sequencing and editing software, like
CRISPR/Cas9, are accessible and a ordable, enabling precise editing of genetic sequences in plants and
Additionally, biology and digital technology are merging in the development of sensors. These
sensors help track personal health and behavior, as well as to understand and in uence brain
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
In Business:
Advances that might have once been con ned to digital systems.
Example: Blockchain:
It is a decentralized network used in transactions.
Best known as the framework for virtual currency (cryptocurrency).
Provide new ways to manage land records and track deforestation.
Nowadays, the use of cryptography in Blockchain technology is having a signi cant impact on the real world. This technology allows for
the creation of programmable, secure, and distributed records.
Advanced Manufacturing and Production:
Breakthroughs in various technologies are transforming manufacturing and production systems:
-Computing Sensors
-Mobile connectivity
-Arti cial Intelligence
-Robotics 3D printing
-Advanced material
New business models are emerging in manufacturing companies, based on platforms and the ability to o er new services, rather than just
delivering products.
These changes will require policy-makers and business leaders to:
-Develop new approaches
-Work together
-Build innovative production systems that bene t everyone
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
The Evolution, History, and Impact of Industry
≈ 1760 to 1840:
Railroads and invention of the Steam Engine (Mechanical
1st Industrial Revolution
≈ 1860 to 1960:
Electricity and the Assembly Line (Mass Production).
2nd Industrial Revolution
≈ 1960 to early 2000s:
Also known as “Computer Revolution” and “Digital Revolution”.
Development of Semiconductors ----> Mainframe Computing (1960s) ---->Personal Computing (1970s and 80s) ----> Internet (1990s)
3rd Industrial Revolution
≈ 2011 to present:
Fusion of the revolutions across physical, digital and biological domains.
4th Industrial Revolution
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Industry 4.0
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Hypermedia: Interlinked Documen… First stage of world wide web. Web pages were containing only static pages.
Websites now can use online digital photography on which users could store, share, view, and print digital
Multimedia: Interlinked Media
Social media (1): Interlinked People
Social media (2): Interlinked Enter…
Permits users to retrieve and classify the information.
Semantic web, refers to the communication between humans and computerized applications.
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
How does Industry Revolution 4.0 di er from the previous
industrial revolutions?
Industry 4.0:
Marked by the integration of di erent technologies and/or disciplines. Acts as disruptor (fast making change by innovation).
A disruptor is something or someone that causes signi cant change or interruption in an established industry or market by introducing new
ideas, technologies, or business models.
Disruptors often challenge the status quo and force existing players to adapt or risk becoming irrelevant. The term is commonly used in the
context of technology and innovation, but can apply to any industry or eld.
Examples of disruptor companies:
(an online marketplace (American Company) that connects people who
want to rent out their homes with people who are looking for
accommodations in speci c locales.
Taxi rental
The world's, biggest online commerce company
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
De nition and Aspects of Industry 4.0
The concept of “Industry 4.0” comes from Germany. It de nes a new way of organizing factories,
also called smart factories, aiming to better serve customers through greater exibility of production
and resource optimization.
Key Principles of Smart Factories (Factory 4.0):
Simulation tools and powerful data
The factory becomes digital and exible .
Characterized by continuous and instantaneous
communication between the various workstations andThe collection and analysis of data produced
throughout the assembly line can be used for
modeling and testing. This is of great value for
Integrated into the supply and production lines
workers who wish to get familiarized with industrial
tools and processes.
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An e cient factory regarding energy and
Industry 4.0 is energy e cient by using
communication networks to exchange
information instantly and continuously to
coordinate needs and availability.
Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS):
It is a system of collaborating computational elements controlling physical entities.
CPS stands for cyber-physical systems which are basically physical systems that are designed
and operated with the help of computerized and communication technology. These systems are
monitored, controlled, and coordinated by a central computer and communication core.
Three main components:
1. Computations
2. Communication
3. Control
The development of such systems consists of three phases:
Identi cation:
Unique identi cation is essential in manufacturing. To identify the smallest unit
participating in manufacturing activities, such as a single piece of equipment
(e.g., a machine tool or robot arm).
It is the physical part of the system. Done by using a very basic language by
which a machine can communicate.
RFID (Radio-frequency identi cation) is a great example of that. RFID uses an
electromagnetic eld to identify a certain tag that is often attached to an
object. Although such technology has been around since 1999, it still serves as
a great example of how Industry 4.0 operated initially.
The Integration of Sensors and Actuators:
This is essential for a machine to operate.
It means that a certain machine’s movement can be
controlled and that it can sense changes in the
environment. However, even with the integration of
sensors and actuators, their use was limited and does not
allow them to communicate with each other
The Development of Sensors and Actuators:
Such development allow machines to store and analyze data. A cyber-physical system now is equipped
with multiple sensors and actuators that can be networked for the exchange of information.
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Industry 4.0 Drivers
Connected Sensors:
A group of sensors for monitoring the physical
conditions of the environment like, temperature,
sound, humidity, wind, and then transmit data about the
phenomenon wirelessly to process data from it without
Big Data:
Predictive Analytics:
A data with so huge size and complexity that
none of traditional data management tools can
store it or process it e ciently.
A statistical techniques that analyze
current and historical data to make
predictions about future events.
the need for the presence of a human in the place of a
physical phenomenon
Building Blocks of Industry 4.0
Are the technologies enabling the industrial production.
Cyber Sicurity
Industrial Internet
of Things
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Big Data
Horizontal & Vertical
Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Industry 4.0 Bene ts
Industry 4.0
Digitized products and services generate approximately €110 billion of additional revenues per year for the European industry.
Factories of the future combine mass production e ciency with custom.
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Manufacturing (on demand) and optimize the supply chain in real time:
1) Optimization:
Optimizing production is a key advantage to Industry 4.0.
A Smart Factory containing hundreds or even thousands of Smart
Devices that are able to self-optimize production will lead to an
almost zero down time in production.
2) Customization:
Creating a exible market that is customer-oriented will help meet
the population’s needs fast and smoothly.
It will also destroy the gap between the manufacturer and the
customer. Communication will take place between both directly.
3) Pushing Research:
The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies will push research in various
elds such as IT security and will have its e ect on the education in
Research & Development (R&D).
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Industry 4.0 Design Principles
The design principles allow manufacturers to
investigate a potential transformation to Industry 4.0 technologies.
Industry 4.0 is based on six design principles:
1. Interoperability:
Objects, machines and people need to be able to communicate through the Internet
of Things (IoT) and the Internet of People (IoP).
2. Virtualization:
CPSs must be able to simulate and create a virtual copy of the real world.
CPSs must also be able to monitor objects existing in the surrounding environment.
3. Decentralization:
The ability of CPSs to work independently.
4. Real-Time Capability:
A smart factory needs to be able to collect real time data, store or analyze it, and
make decisions according to new ndings.
5. Service-Orientation:
Production must be customer-oriented.
People and smart objects/devices must be able to connect e ciently through the
Internet of Services (IoS) to create products based on the customer’s speci cations.
6. Modularity:
In a dynamic market, a Smart Factory’s ability to adapt to a new market is essential.
Smart factories must be able to adapt fast and smoothly to seasonal changes and
market trends.
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Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Today’s Factory:
Tomorrow’s Factory:
Product manufacturers set
aside extra raw materials or
work in progress items for all
or some stages in a
production line.
Decoupling inventory is a safety stock that set a side for all or some stages in a production line, so that a low-stock
situation or breakdown at one stage doesn't slow or stop operations.
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Industry 4.0 Design Principle
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Industry 4.0 Challenges
IT security risk.
will cost producers money
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of implementing Industry 4.0 techniques is the
Cyber theft must also be put into consideration. In
reputation. Therefore, research in security is crucial.
this case, the problem
and might even
Such transformation will require a huge investment in a new technology that doesn’t sound cheap.
The risks must be calculated and taken seriously.
This not only the customer’s concern, but also the producers.
In such an interconnected industry,
producers need to collect and analyze data.
To the customer, this might look like a threat to his privacy.
Workers will need to gain
di erent or an all-new set of skills.
This may help employment rates go up but it will also reject a big sector of workers.
Di erent forms of education must be introduced, but it still doesn’t solve the problem for the elder portion of workers.
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hurt their
Introduction to Industry Revolution 4.0
Management Challenges:
Global Change and Diversity:
-Networking of markets and companies
-Diversity management
Demographic Development and Skill Shortage:
-Demographical scissor: young-old
-Lack of young talent and skilled professionals
Dynamics and Complexity:
-Flow of information - Networked thinking and action
-Number of employees / activities/ structure and processes
Strategic Repositioning and Continuous Improvement:
-Structural change of businesses - new(subsidiary) companies/ mergers
-Activities/ structures and processes
Technological change and half-life of knowledge:
-Up-to-dateness of knowledge
-Innovations/improved general conditions
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Consequences on Organizations:
Traditional Organization
Rely on standalone
systems which function in siloes with little
or no data-sharing
In exible IT-Systems
Digital Organization
Rely on
cloud, mobile, Big Data and
Scalable IT-Systems
Business and With media disruption
End-to-End processes, based
Hierarchical Internal and external
Social interactions between
employees, customers and
Limited information
360° information
End-to-End processes
360° information
on collaboration and realtime KPI
A process that takes a system or service from beginning to end and delivers a complete functional solution, usually
without needing to obtain anything from a third party.
Is a system or process in which employees receive con dential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around
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Industry 4.0 Final Thoughts
Industry 4.0 is de nitely a r evolutionary approach to manufacturing techniques.
The concept will push global manufacturers to a new level of optimization and productivity.
Customers will also enjoy a new level of personally customized products that may have never been available before. The
economic rewards are immense.
However, there are still many challenges that need to be tackled systematically to ensure a smooth transition.
This needs to be the focus of large corporations and governments.
Pushing research and experimentation in such elds are essential.
While speculations regarding privacy, security, and employment need more study, the overall picture is promising.
Such approach to manufacturing industries is truly revolutionary.
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Learning Resources
Fourth Industrial Revolution Course Materials Reference Book: Schwab, K. with Davis, N. (2017). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Currency.
Publisher: Currency (2017) ISBN: 9781524758868 Course Materials Preparation: Lecture notes, videos, class discussions, student activities,
case studies, and project guidelines for the Fourth Industrial Revolution course were prepared and edited by Dr. Khaled Hamdan
(khamdan@uaeu.ac.ae), Dr. Nabeel Al-Qirim (nalqirim@uaeu.ac.ae), and Mr. Basheir Al-Rei (balrei@uaeu.ac.ae)
PDF File Content Contributor:
Dr. Asmaa Hosni: asmaaf@uaeu.ac.ae
Reviewed by:
Mr. Marwan Fayyad (marwan.fayyad@uaeu.ac.ae)
Graphic Designed by:
Basheir Al-Rei
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