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Poverty & AI for Food Security Presentation

Group 2
People suffer from poverty in United States.
1.The U.S. official claimed that 250,000 people living extremely poverty
2. There is an increasing big gap between rich and poor in Taiwan.
3. Government should be responsible to the poverty problem.
1.poverty: people lack not only food but also resources to live.
2.benefit: something can help you or is good to you
3.inequality: the unfair situation
Q: How would you help to the poor people in United States?
Can AI technology fight against food security?
Developing countries may not have the technology,so the food security
problem doesn’t be solved.
2. If the society is stable enough , the developing countries may get the AI
3. Developing countries lack of infrastructure and Internet and they have no
extra money to buy the devices.
1. Abundant: many, more than enough
2. Insecurity: usually collocating with food security,which means no enough
3. Augment: increase
Q: What do you think Al technology can be used for in Taiwan?