9/8/2023 Auditing 1 Week 1 – The Auditing Universe Dian Angelene, S.E., MAcc., CIA “Auditor: Someone who does precision guesswork based of unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.” Primary Reference Auditing and Assurance Services, International Perspective Elder, Beasley, Hogan, Arens (2020) 1 9/8/2023 TODAY’S SCHEDULE Introduction to Auditing Why Audit is so Important? Types of Audit Assurance Services Types of Auditors Limitations of Auditing Audit Related Certifications TODAY’S SCHEDULE Introduction to Auditing 2 9/8/2023 01 - Introduction to Auditing What is Auditing? “The accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to determine and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteria. Should be done by a competent and independent person. (IAASB) Key Points: 1. 2. 3. 4. Information and established criteria Accumulating and evaluating evidence Competent, independent person Reporting 01 - Introduction to Auditing How auditing differs from accounting Process of recording, classifying, … to provide financial information for decision making Process of ensuring that the recorded financial information reflect the actual conditions and agreed with the standards Must understand the principles, standards and basis for preparing the financial information Must understand the principles, standards and basis for preparing the financial information Expertise in: developing proper and cost efficient recording process Expertise in: accumulation and interpretation of evidences Accounting Auditing 3 9/8/2023 TODAY’S SCHEDULE Why Audit is so Important? 02 – Why Audit is so Important? Important concept: Information risk. What is this? A possibility that the information available/provided to be relied upon to make a decision, in fact, was inaccurate. How to reduce this? User verifies the information User shares information with management Audited financial statement are provided 4 9/8/2023 02 – Why Audit is so Important? Anyone can give an example? Auditor Provide capitals Client External Users Provide Financial Statements TODAY’S SCHEDULE Assurance Services 5 9/8/2023 03 – Assurance Services Attestation Services A type of assurance services CPA firms issued a report about a subject matter made by another party Primary categories of Attestation Services: 1. 2. 3. 4. Audit of historical financial statements Audit of internal control over financial reporting Review of historical financial statements Other attestation services 03 – Assurance Services Primary categories of Attestation Services: 1. Audit of historical financial statements 2. Audit of internal control over financial reporting Issuing a report on fairness of financial statement and in accordance with the standard Provide reasonable assurance… …Free from material misstatements Development and implementation of internal control according to criteria 3. 4. Review of historical financial statements Lower levels of assurance Less evidence needed Cheaper than audits Usually preferred by SMEs and Non-public companies Other attestation services Loan provisions compliance audit External/third party’s control design effectiveness Etc. 6 9/8/2023 03 – Assurance Services Other Assurance Services Anything else that cannot be categorized as an attestation service This option is almost limitless; more than 200 different types of services, including accounting and bookkeeping, taxes, consulting, etc. More Other Assurance Service Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mystery Shopping Fraud and illegal acts risk assessment Organic ingredients ISO 9000 certifications Corporate responsibility and sustainability Other bunch of interesting activities! 😉 TODAY’S SCHEDULE Limitations of Auditing 7 9/8/2023 04 – Limitations of Auditing Can auditor made a wrong conclusion? I mean, nobody’s or nothing can be perfect… Auditing is no exception Audit Risk Audit only provide “Reasonable Assurance” not “Absolute Assurance” Highest form of assurance, but there is still a remote chance of a material misstatement Material Misstatement? A misstatement if not disclosed might change the decision of the user of the information Quick question! Do you think ALL company financial statement needs to be audited? 04 – Limitations of Auditing Inherent Limitations of Auditing: Use of Professional Judgement Use of Sampling Management Representations Risk of Fraud Time Constraints Independence Threats 8 9/8/2023 TODAY’S SCHEDULE Types of Audit 05 – Types of Audit Operational o Not limited to accounting o Efficiency and effectiveness of procedures and processes o Management expect recommendations o Very difficult to evaluate objectively o Extreme subjectivity in establishing criteria o More lean to a management consulting services Compliance o Determining adherence to procedures, rules or regulations o Criteria set by higher authority o Results reported to company’s management Fin Statement o Evaluate whether financial statement are prepared in accordance to the applicable standards Example, anyone? 9 9/8/2023 TODAY’S SCHEDULE Types of Auditors 06 – Types of Auditor Certified Public Accounting Firms o External or independent auditors o Audit historical financial statement o Need CPA designation to issue an audit opinion Government Accountability Office Auditors o Working with the government o Audit government agencies’ expenses and revenues o Tax audits (IRA in US) In Indonesia? Kantor Pemeriksaan dan Penyidikan Pajak Internal Auditors o Audit for company’s management o Job desk very variative o Usually having expertise in operational and computer system audits o Reports to the president of company, to maintain independence 10 9/8/2023 TODAY’S SCHEDULE Audit Related Certifications 07 – Audit related Certifications YourName, CA YourName, CFE YourName, CISA YourName, CPA YourName, CIA 11 9/8/2023 RECAP! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is auditing? Auditing vs Accounting Information risk? Audit-client-third party relationship Audit risk? Material misstatement? Limitations in auditing? Types of audit? End of Today’s Lecture Questions, anyone? 12