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Work Ethic 职业道德
Work Ethic
Work ethic refers to a set of moral principles, values, and attitudes
around how to act at work. While this may vary depending on your
organization and company culture, there are a few universal qualities
of both good and poor work ethic.
。 虽然这可能因您的组织和公司文化而异,但良好和不良的职业道德都
Qualities that Exemplify
Good Work Ethic
Reliability and dependability: You need to meet deadlines on time,
act appropriately in virtual and in-person meetings, and navigate
different communication styles. You need to regularly deliver on these
议中采取适当的行动,并驾驭不同的沟通方式。 您需要定期兑
Qualities that Exemplify
Good Work Ethic
Productivity: You need to consistently navigate your priorities and find
smart ways to use your time, complete important the tasks, and deliver
high-quality results.
Qualities that Exemplify
Good Work Ethic
Ownership and autonomy: You need to exercise initiative, and show
that you can take direction from others, learn, and improve.
Qualities that Exemplify
Good Work Ethic
Collaboration and team support: You need to have the foresight to
look beyond your individual role and establish positive working
relationships with others. Support the responsibilities of your team and
act as a team player.
积极的工作关系。 支持团队的责任并充当团队成员。
Qualities that Exemplify
Good Work Ethic
All four qualities demonstrate professional integrity, or the practice of
showing a strong commitment to ethical behavior at work.
Qualities that Exemplify
Bad Work Ethic
体现的品质 不良的职业道德
Low work quality
Consistent tardiness
Lack of attention to deadlines
Focusing on your own goals at the
expense of the greater team or
company goals
Abuse and harassment, whether of
the most explicit variety or the
unconscious, micro-aggressions
and sabotaging of others.
• 虐待和骚扰,无论是最明显
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Follow the lead of peers, mentors, and bosses.
When you’re the “new person” at work, the best way to learn is to
observe. Pay attention to how your coworkers behave in meetings to
gain a better understanding of their “etiquette,” as well as the
communication styles of different people and teams.
当你是工作中的“新人”时,最好的学习方法就是观察。 注意同事在会议中
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Follow the lead of peers, mentors, and bosses.
Some workplaces, for instance, require employees to prepare agendas before meetings and
are strict about punctuality. Others are more casual. Some companies have formal
communication practices around status updates, whereas others just ask that you send a
quick Slack message. Likewise, depending on where you work, deadlines may be rigid or
flexible. Observing others and following their lead will help you pick up on what the company
and managers consider good work ethicteams.
例如,一些工作场所要求员工在会议前准备议程,并且严格遵守准时性。 其他人则更
加随意。 有些公司有关于状态更新的正式沟通实践,而其他公司只是要求您发送一条
快速的 Slack 消息。 同样,根据您的工作地点,截止日期可能是严格的或灵活的。 观
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Follow the lead of peers, mentors, and bosses.
You can be proactive and reach out to your manager or an onboarding buddy during your
first few days on the job. Ask them “how things are done” at your company. You could say:
“Would it be helpful for us to have a daily catch-up for the first two weeks? Since I’m new to
this organization, I’d love for you to guide me on what’s appropriate and what expectations
you have of me when it comes to how work gets done.” This interaction will show your team
that you have a positive attitude and are open to following the lead of others.
在工作的头几天,您可以积极主动地联系您的经理或入职伙伴。 询问他们在你的公司“
事情是如何做的”。 你可以说:“前两周每天进行一次回顾对我们有帮助吗? 由于我是
期望。” 这种互动将向您的团队表明您有积极的态度并且愿意跟随他人的领导。
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Re-prioritize each day, and start it strong.
If you consistently manage your time wisely, you’ll develop a reputation
of professionalism and integrity. It’s a skill that will help you deliver highquality work, even among rapidly shifting priorities and in fast-paced
work environments.
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Re-prioritize each day, and start it strong.
At the start of each day, spend a few minutes identifying what items you need to get done. The trick is
to find a balance between tasks that are urgent and must be finished today and tasks that are
contributing to longer term, but equally important, projects. Use strategies like time-boxing to organize
your schedule. Make sure you’re allocating enough time to hit your immediate deadlines, but also
allocating some time to making progress on those bigger projects — even 30 minutes each morning
can make a difference.
每天开始时,花几分钟确定您需要完成哪些项目。 诀窍是在必须今天完成的紧
急任务和有助于长期但同样重要的项目的任务之间找到平衡。 使用时间盒等策
略来组织您的日程安排。 确保你分配了足够的时间来完成当前的最后期限,同
时也分配一些时间来在那些更大的项目上取得进展——即使每天早上 30 分钟也
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Re-prioritize each day, and start it strong.
Too many of us make the mistake of procrastinating our hardest work. If this is the
case for you, try to map out a few milestones you need to hit and by when to deliver
results in a timely manner. The more you exercise this muscle by doing small,
important tasks every day, the stronger your mental rigor will become.
我们中有太多人犯了拖延最艰难工作的错误。 如果您属于这种情况,请尝
试制定一些您需要达到的里程碑以及何时及时交付结果。 你每天通过做小
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Think like an owner.
An essential part of building good work ethic is adopting a “do it like you
own it” attitude. You can do this by being proactive in small, but powerful,
建立良好职业道德的一个重要部分是采取“像你自己一样去做”的态度。 您
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Think like an owner.
For instance, if something doesn’t make sense to you — the purpose of an assignment, the execution
of a task, or an unclear goal — ask questions to gain clarity. You might say: “I think I understand how
this project will help us meet our initial goal, but I’m having a hard time understating how it contributes
to the larger goals of the organization. I think knowing this will help me do better work and deliver
stronger results for you and the team. Can you provide some guidance?” Similarly, if you have a
suggestion for another way to do things, speak up, but do so with respect.
问题以澄清问题。 您可能会说:“我想我了解这个项目将如何帮助我们实现最初的目标,但我
很难理解它如何为组织的更大目标做出贡献。 我认为了解这一点将帮助我做得更好,并为您和
团队带来更好的成果。 你能提供一些指导吗?” 同样,如果您有其他做事方式的建议,请大声
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Think like an owner.
Keep pushing to understand the right amount of autonomy that
feels good for both you and your boss.
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Hold the team interests higher than your own.
It’s easy to get focused on your day-to-day tasks and what it takes to get
you promoted or rewarded at work. But don’t be the lone wolf who comes
in, gets their work done, and berates others when they fail to meet
您很容易专注于日常任务以及如何在工作中获得晋升或奖励。 但不要成为
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Hold the team interests higher than your own.
Instead, consider a different approach. When someone lets you down, think about how you can
support them so that the entire team will benefit. Embrace your inner team player and try different
strategies for working smoothly with your peers, such as having a courageous conversation to
understand their differing perspective, or recognizing that if your idea wasn’t adopted, it doesn’t mean
it wasn’t valuable, it’s probably that it wasn’t right for the time.
相反,请考虑采用不同的方法。 当有人让您失望时,请考虑如何支持他们
,以便整个团队都能受益。 拥抱你内心的团队合作精神,尝试不同的策略
识到如果你的想法没有被采纳,并不意味着它没有价值, 可能是当时不合
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Hold the team interests higher than your own.
Ultimately, your goals should be to adopt a positive attitude. Remember
that collaboration will greatly increase the impact of the work you do.
You’ll also develop a reputation for reliability. When you hold the team
interests higher than your own, you show the team and the company that
you care about the big picture and are a team player.
最终,您的目标应该是采取积极的态度。 请记住,协作将大大增加您所做
工作的影响。 您还将赢得可靠的声誉。 当你将团队利益置于个人利益之
How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Hold the team interests higher than your own.
Practicing these five strategies will develop a strong work ethic, setting
you up to be more easily hirable for future jobs. It develops your
reputation and creates the foundation for a successful career.
用。 它可以提高您的声誉并为成功的职业生涯奠定基础。
Ethical Leadership 道德领导力
Ethical Leadership 道德领导力
• Establish ethical principles. As leaders, our first step must be to develop a set of principles that can
be used to guide the organization. These principles will vary from one organization to the next based
on differences in mission, goals and stakeholders served. State these principles specifically so that
they can serve as a clear guide to the decisions and behaviors that are prioritized within the
organization. The principles should be enough in number to ensure coverage of the issues faced by
your organization, but small enough to establish the organization’s core values.
• 建立道德原则。 作为领导者,我们的第一步必须是制定一套可用于指导
组织的原则。 根据使命、目标和所服务的利益相关者的差异,这些原则因
组织而异。 具体说明这些原则,以便它们可以作为组织内优先考虑的决策
和行为的明确指南。 这些原则的数量应足以确保涵盖组织所面临的问题,
Ethical Leadership 道德领导力
• Evaluate the situation, and collect data and information. Ethical issues and situations are
complex, and decisions we make as leaders rarely have clear-cut answers. Many will require tradeoffs
between our core organizational principles. When it comes to ethical decision-making, context and
situation matter greatly. The reality is that we rarely have all the information we need, nor do we
always have the time necessary to conduct in-depth research. However, leaders must seek multiple
perspectives, ask questions, listen attentively to differing opinions, and use relevant criteria to guide
• 评估情况并收集数据和信息。 道德问题和情况很复杂,我们作为领导者
做出的决策很少有明确的答案。 许多问题需要在我们的核心组织原则之间
进行权衡。 当涉及道德决策时,背景和情况非常重要。 现实情况是,我
们很少拥有所需的全部信息,也不总是有必要的时间进行深入研究。 然而
Ethical Leadership 道德领导力
• Consider the impact. As nonprofit leaders, we have many internal and
external stakeholders, including the people we serve, the employees of
the organization, our membership, donors and volunteers, as well as the
community at large and other nonprofit organizations in the sector. We
must consider who will be directly and indirectly impacted by the possible
courses of action now and in the future.
• 考虑影响。 作为非营利组织的领导者,我们有许多内部和外部利益相关
以及整个社区和该行业的其他非营利组织。 我们必须考虑谁将受到现在和
Ethical Leadership 道德领导力
• Make a decision and communicate it transparently. The reality is that we live in a world of
probabilities, and there often isn’t only one potential course of action. Having established principles
and conducting thoughtful analysis can enable us to make a choice about the best possible course of
action. Then, it is our obligation to communicate with transparency how we arrived at the decision. This
is one important way leaders can model behavior and reinforce the values of the organization.
• 做出决定并透明地传达。 现实情况是,我们生活在一个充满可能性的世
界,而且往往不只有一种潜在的行动方案。 建立原则并进行深思熟虑的分
析可以使我们能够选择最佳的行动方案。 然后,我们有义务透明地沟通我
们是如何做出决定的。 这是领导者塑造行为和强化组织价值观的一种重要
Ethical Leadership 道德领导力
• Monitor the impact of your choice and iterate as necessary. The
decision you make is intended to have a specific impact. Because we
live in a world of probabilities and uncertainty, it’s important to pay
attention to whether the course of action you have chosen is having its
intended effect.
• 监控您的选择的影响并根据需要进行迭代。 您做出的决定旨在产生特定
的影响。 因为我们生活在一个充满可能性和不确定性的世界,所以重要的
Ethical Leadership 道德领导力
• Monitor the impact of your choice and iterate as necessary. There is no denying that our worlds
are becoming increasingly complex, and as leaders, it’s important to develop frameworks to ensure we
are making consistent decisions that are aligned with the core values of our organization. Nonprofit
organizations remain at the heart of solutions to world issues, and we can rely on our fundamental
principles and our unique missions to serve the common good.
• 监控您的选择的影响并根据需要进行迭代。 不可否认,我们的世界正变
一致的一致决策非常重要。 非营利组织仍然是解决世界问题的核心,我们
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Leads by example. Ethical leaders should have the same expectations for themselves as
for those that work for them. Ethical leaders help their employees with daily tasks, so they
have an in-depth understanding of what the other workers do and the challenges that can
come with their work. These leaders are then able to guide employees as they do their daily
tasks. Ethical leaders also show how to be ethical and moral in their own work, which is a
crucial example to other employees. When employees see that their leaders are constantly
making decisions with integrity and honesty in mind, they are also willing to make those
ethical considerations in their work.
以身作则。 有道德的领导者应该对自己和为他们工作的人抱有同样的期望。 有道德的领导者
帮助员工完成日常任务,因此他们可以深入了解其他员工的工作以及工作可能带来的挑战。 然
后,这些领导者就能够指导员工完成日常任务。 道德领导者还展示了如何在自己的工作中保持
道德和道德,这对其他员工来说是一个重要的榜样。 当员工看到领导者不断以正直和诚实的态
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Willing to evolve. Good leaders need to be able to evolve and adapt to the
changes that are sure to come in the business world. As businesses expands,
get bought out, merge, and more, adaptability is key for success. Good
organizational leaders are willing to take the changes that are coming and
meet them head on. This helps encourage employees to be adaptable and
evolve with changes as well. Whatever comes for a business, leaders can help
steer the ship in a positive and ethical way.
愿意发展。 优秀的领导者需要能够不断发展并适应商业世界必然发生的变化。
随着企业扩张、收购、合并等,适应性是成功的关键。 优秀的组织领导者愿意
接受即将到来的变革,并积极应对。 这有助于鼓励员工适应变化并随着变化而
发展。 无论企业发生什么,领导者都可以帮助以积极和道德的方式引导这艘船
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Respects everyone equally. Respect is a vital element of ethical responsibility. Leaders that
are ethical will respect everyone, from their superiors to their employees, equally. Not
showing respect to the people around you can quickly create a negative or hostile work
environment. It’s a sure way to lose trust and create issues inside your organization. Not
showing the same level of respect can make people think they’re being treated unfairly, and
can cause even more problems in the workplace.
平等地尊重每个人。 尊重是道德责任的重要组成部分。 有道德的领导者会平等
地尊重每个人,从上级到员工。 不尊重周围的人会很快造成消极或敌对的工作
环境。 这肯定会让你失去信任并在组织内部产生问题。 不表现出同等程度的尊
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Communicates openly. Leaders who have ethics need to excel at
communication to make sure their organization is a place of trust and honesty.
Without communication, issues can go undetected for a long time. This can
create hostility and distrust in your organization. Leaders who have ethical
behavior focus on having good communication that is honest and open with
every single person in their organization.
公开沟通。 有道德的领导者需要擅长沟通,以确保他们的组织是一个信任和诚
实的地方。 如果没有沟通,问题可能会在很长一段时间内未被发现。 这可能会
在您的组织中造成敌意和不信任。 有道德行为的领导者注重与组织中的每个人
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Manages stress effectively. Leaders and managers are faced with stressful situations every
day, both in their work life and their personal life. It’s not acceptable to take out your personal
or even your professional stress on your workers. This is taking advantage of a power
dynamic and can create anger, frustration, or fear in your employees. Leaders who have
ethics know how to handle their stress in a productive and positive way. Regular outbursts
aren’t acceptable and will make your other workers feel stressed as well. Good leaders who
practice ethical behavior find ways to deal with their stress, and encourage their employees
to improve if needed, in positive, helpful ways.
有效管理压力。 领导者和管理者每天都面临着工作生活和个人生活中的压力。 将个人甚至职
业压力转移到员工身上是不可接受的。 这是利用权力动态,可能会导致员工愤怒、沮丧或恐惧
。 有道德的领导者知道如何以富有成效和积极的方式处理压力。 经常发脾气是不可接受的,
而且也会让其他员工感到压力。 践行道德行为的优秀领导者会找到应对压力的方法,并鼓励员
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Mediates fairly. A moral leader is an expert in solving problems in a way that is fair to
everyone involved. They consider all the opinions and people involved in order to be fair and
impartial. Good organizational leaders are compassionate and kind when helping solve
problems and issues. They want to make sure everyone can continue to work together well
after the disputes are resolved, and are focused on positive interactions moving forward.
Employees will trust leaders who practice ethics who they know will listen and care about
公平调解。 道德领袖是以对每个参与者都公平的方式解决问题的专家。 他们考
虑所有意见和涉及的人,以做到公平公正。 优秀的组织领导者在帮助解决问题
和问题时是富有同情心和友善的。 他们希望确保争端解决后,每个人都能继续
良好合作,并专注于向前推进积极互动。 员工会信任践行道德的领导者,他们
Ethical Leadership Examples
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Sam is in a meeting with his staff when a concern is raised by
Taylor. Sam brushes it off as something that’s not a very big
deal. As a result, Taylor won’t bring up issues in the future that
end up losing them a customer.
当泰勒提出疑虑时,萨姆正在与他的员工开会。 山姆认为这没什
么大不了的,对此不予理睬。 因此,泰勒将来不会提出导致他们
Good or Bad Example of Leadership?
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Kelly is good friends with Grace at the office. Grace and Aaron work together
often, and are having an issue when it comes to priorities and meeting
deadlines. When listening to the dispute, Kelly assumes that Grace is correct
and doesn’t take Aaron’s grievances into account very seriously. Aaron can
sense this bias, and takes the dispute to HR, who finds that there was an issue
and Kelly didn’t take care of it.
凯利和格蕾丝在办公室是好朋友。 格蕾丝和亚伦经常在一起工作,在优先事项
和按时完成任务方面存在问题。 听到争执后,凯利认为格蕾丝是对的,并没有
很认真地考虑亚伦的不满。 亚伦(Aaron)可以感觉到这种偏见,并将争议提
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Joel tells his employees they need to be constantly accurate with clocking
out for lunches every day. But often, Joel will take a lunch in his office, so he
doesn’t clock out, but he isn’t working. This poor example leads his
employees to distrust him, to gossip about him, and feel frustrated.
乔尔告诉他的员工,他们每天必须准确地打卡去吃午餐。 但乔尔经常会在他
的办公室吃午餐,所以他不会下班,但他并没有工作。 这个糟糕的榜样导致
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Lisa is a restaurant manager who helps her waitstaff when they
are busy. The staff appreciates the fact that Lisa notices and is
willing to help them out.
丽莎是一名餐厅经理,她在服务员忙碌时为他们提供帮助。 工作
Traits of Ethical Leaders
Kerry is going through some issues with her family at home which is
making her feel stressed. She takes five minutes to herself when she
gets to her office every morning to help her leave the stress at home,
and get through the day. Her staff is very appreciative that she is kind
and calm during work.
克里在家里与家人发生了一些问题,这让她感到压力很大。 每天早上到办
这一天。 她的员工非常欣赏她在工作中的友善和冷静。
Traits of Ethical Leaders
George is leading his team through a merger with another organization.
Many of his employees are stressed, but George is a confident and
positive model of how to do work well without being overly anxious. His
staff feels more confident and at-ease because George is so relaxed and
乔治正在带领他的团队与另一个组织进行合并。 他的许多员工都承受着压
况下做好工作。 他的员工感到更加自信和自在,因为乔治是如此放松和积
Good or Bad Example of Leadership?
Ethical Leadership Cases
British Petroleum—
Deepwater Horizon Disaster
The Situation
British Petroleum (BP) operated the Deepwater Horizon oil well in April
2010, when an explosion rocked the rig and caused its collapse. The
accident caused an oil gusher that spilled an estimated 4.9 million
barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The spill continued for 87 days and
affected hundreds of miles of coastline.
2010 年 4 月,英国石油公司 (BP) 运营深水地平线油井,当时爆炸震动了
钻井平台并导致其倒塌。 此次事故导致墨西哥湾石油喷出,估计有 490
万桶石油泄漏。 漏油事件持续了87天,影响了数百英里的海岸线。
British Petroleum—
Deepwater Horizon Disaster
The Ethical Decisions
In 2011, the United States government found BP guilty of several ethical violations that
contributed to the size and severity of the spill. The chief complaint from the government was
that, in an effort to maximize profits, BP chose to use low-grade construction supplies for the
rig, while cutting corners on safety procedures. The Department of Justice fined BP more
than $4.5 billion and convicted the company of 11 counts of manslaughter and lying to
的规模和严重性。 政府的主要抱怨是,为了实现利润最大化,英国石油公司选
择在钻井平台上使用低档建筑材料,同时在安全程序上偷工减料。 美国司法部
对 BP 处以超过 45 亿美元的罚款,并判定该公司犯有 11 项过失杀人罪和向国
British Petroleum—
Deepwater Horizon Disaster
The Lesson
Earning a return for shareholders is a primary responsibility of
businesses, but profits cannot come at the expense of the health and
safety of the public. Cutting corners and trying to evade responsibility for
unethical actions may bring stiff financial penalties from local, state, and
federal authorities.
为代价。 偷工减料并试图逃避不道德行为的责任可能会受到地方、州和联
Starbucks—An Environmental
The Situation
Critics of Starbucks blamed the company for adding to environmental problems all over the United
States in 2007 and 2008. The complaints centered on two issues. First, Starbucks used an inordinate
amount of water to make drinks for customers. At a time when much of the country was experiencing
severe droughts, the overuse of water was a legitimate concern. Additionally, Starbucks’ cups
generated tons of landfill waste that increased the operating costs of city landfills.
星巴克的批评者指责该公司在 2007 年和 2008 年加剧了美国各地的环境
问题。这些抱怨集中在两个问题上。 首先,星巴克使用过量的水为顾客制
作饮料。 当时该国大部分地区正经历严重干旱,过度用水是一个合理的担
忧。 此外,星巴克的杯子产生了大量的垃圾填埋废物,增加了城市垃圾填
Starbucks—An Environmental
The Ethical Decisions
Starbucks was quick to address both concerns. The company designed new low-flow machines for
drip stations that radically reduced water usage. Then, Starbucks began an incentive program for
customers who brought reusable cups to the store. Since instituting the changes, Starbucks has seen
explosive growth in profits and shareholder returns.
星巴克很快就解决了这两个问题。 该公司为滴水站设计了新型低流量机器
,从根本上减少了用水量。 随后,星巴克针对携带可重复使用杯子到店的
顾客启动了一项奖励计划。 自实施这些变革以来,星巴克的利润和股东回
Starbucks—An Environmental
The Lesson
Consumers are attracted to brands that have a strong commitment to the
environment and exhibit ethical leadership. The programs cost Starbucks
money in the short-term but built a solid foundation for growth.
Volkswagen—Evading Oversight
The Situation
The EPA issued new guidelines for auto manufacturers that were
designed to reduce emissions in the early 2010s. Many companies
complained about the increased costs but eventually met the new
standards. In April 2016, the EPA discovered Volkswagen (VW) cheated
the testing system and failed to meet the new standards.情况
2010 年代初期,美国环保局 (EPA) 为汽车制造商发布了旨在减少排放的
新指南。 许多公司抱怨成本增加,但最终还是达到了新标准。 2016年4月
Volkswagen—Evading Oversight
The Ethical Decisions
VW engineers were instructed to trick the system by only activating emissionssaving features when the car was running in test conditions. When the
company was charged with unethical behavior, VW acted quickly to right the
wrongs. VW offered to buy back almost 500,000 cars and offered parts to
upgrade systems in other models. Several high-ranking executives lost their
jobs as a result of the scandal.
。 当公司被指控有不道德行为时,大众汽车迅速采取行动纠正错误。 大众汽车
提出回购近 50 万辆汽车,并提供零件来升级其他车型的系统。 多名高级管理
Volkswagen—Evading Oversight
The Lesson
Leaders in a company at times make poor decisions, but the overall leadership of the
company is responsible for the organization’s long-term health. By acting swiftly to
solve the problem and firing unethical leaders, VW established itself as a company
that will not stand for unethical practices. Sometimes, a clear break with unethical
leaders is the only way for a company to regain lost public trust.
责。 通过迅速采取行动解决问题并解雇不道德的领导者,大众汽车确立了自己
作为一家不会容忍不道德行为的公司的形象。 有时,与不道德的领导者明确决
3M—A Culture of Ethical
The Situation
For more than a century, 3M has been a profitable and well-respected
company in the United States, and one of the keys to its success has
been its commitment to ethics. 3M has been named one of the most
ethical companies in the world for more than a decade, winning the
award for the most ethical company three years in a row.
一个多世纪以来,3M 在美国一直是一家盈利且备受尊敬的公司,其成功
的关键之一就是其对道德的承诺。 3M 十多年来一直被评为全球最具道德
3M—A Culture of Ethical
The Ethical Decisions
Long ago, 3M recognized that companies need a culture of ethics and
personal responsibility if they expect their leaders to be ethical. The company
created a code of conduct and leadership behaviors that every employee, from
the lowest-paid hourly worker to the C-suite level, must adhere to and discuss
during annual performance evaluations.
很久以前,3M 就认识到,如果公司希望领导者具备道德操守,就需要一种道德
文化和个人责任感。 该公司制定了行为准则和领导行为准则,从最低工资的小
3M—A Culture of Ethical
The Lesson
3M shows that ethical leadership is easiest when ethical behavior is
ingrained in the company’s culture. Decision-makers are not tempted to
make unethical choices, because they have a deep understanding of
why the ethical choice is better for the company’s long-term health.
3M 表明,当道德行为根深蒂固于公司文化时,道德领导力是最容易实现
的。 决策者不会做出不道德的选择,因为他们深刻理解为什么道德选择更
3M—A Culture of Ethical
The Lesson
Companies that want ethical leadership must make a commitment to ethics
across every tier of the business, and hold themselves accountable for making
poor choices. Short-term gains from unethical decisions may seem good for
the bottom line, but when the fallout occurs, all of those gains evaporate, and
the company is left to pay a harsh penalty for its decisions.
错误选择承担责任。 不道德决策带来的短期收益似乎有利于盈利,但当后果发