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Standardized Tests List: Personality, Career, Intelligence

● NEO Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PiR)
The standard questionnaire measure of the Five Factor Model
(FFM), provides a systematic assessment of emotional,
interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles--a
detailed personality description that can be a valuable resource for
a variety of professionals. The NEO PI-R is a concise measure of
the five major domains of personality, as well as the six traits or
facets that define each domain.
17 years old to 89 years old
30-40 minutes
● Personality Inventory for Youth (PIY)
Evaluates psychopathology and emotional/behavioral problems.
The PIY is a valid and reliable self-report measure (appropriate for
individuals ages 9-19 years) that assesses emotional and
behavioral adjustment, family interaction, and neuro-cognitive and
attention-related academic functioning. Excellent response validity
checks make the PIY useful in ruling out psychiatric problems.
9 years old to 19 years old
45 minutes
● Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ)
Is a brief, cost-effective personality assessment that measures 6
broad dimensions and 18 facets of normal personality. The SFPQ is
unique in that it encompasses and extends the popular Big 5
The SFPQ consists of 108 items and can be used to assess the full
range of normal personality, select employees with the optimal
personality profile for the role, assist with counseling and career
guidance, understand working relationships and team dynamics,
conduct research in a wide variety of contexts; and develop
18 years old and up
20 minutes
● Standard Self-Directed Search (SDS)
Is a career assessment and exploration tool that uses John
Holland's RIASEC theory to classify individuals according to six
basic types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising,
and Conventional.
The StandardSDS asks questions about aspirations, activities,
competencies, and level of interest in a variety of occupations and
produces a three-letter Summary Code that helps individuals find
educational and occupational matches to their personality type.
11 years old to 70 years old
Level A
● Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (CASI)
A career checkup that surveys beliefs, events, and forces affecting
an individual's career as well as a way to identify influences or
problems requiring further discussion and exploration.
Potential uses include a general assessment of a company's work
environment, sources of worker dissatisfaction, degree of
interpersonal abuse, etc.
17 years old to 77 years old
35 minutes
● Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT)
Composed of seven subtests that assess crystallized intelligence,
fluid intelligence, and quantitative aptitude or intelligence.
10 years old to 75 years old
50 minutes for full battery; 30 minutes for crystallized and fluid
● Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino (PKP)
Validates the mental ability of Filipino on the basis of his/her verbal
and non-verbal skills
Basis for screening, classifying and identifying needs that will
enhance the learning process.
16 years old and above
52 minutes
● Scholastic Abilities Test for Adults (SATA)
Measures scholastic competence using nine subtests: Verbal
Reasoning, Nonverbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning,
Reading Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Math Calculation,
Math Application, Writing Mechanics, and Writing Composition.
Has aptitude and achievement components
16 years old to 70 years old
Level A
● School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory
Assesses 10 primary constructs associated with academic
motivation, learning strategies, and studies—strategies shown
through research to be related to academic success.
The Child Form is appropriate for students ages 8-12 years; the
Teen Form is appropriate for students ages 13-18 years.
The SMALSI College Form allows you to evaluate learning
strategies specifically in college students.
8 years old to 61 years old
20-30 minutes
● Children’s Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory
Provides information useful for counseling students with regard to
academic interests and course selection, instructional planning to
stimulate motivation in weak areas and facilitate intrinsic motivation
in strong areas, individualized program planning, and program and
educational evaluation by schools and school districts.
Grade 4 to Grade 8
20-30 minutes
● College Adjustment Scale
This 108-item rating scale is designed to identify college students
who are experiencing psychological and adjustment problems.
17 years old to 30 years old
15-20 minutes