BUAD 301-27 SECTION 12189 Course Requirements Instructor Information Traci Shoblom Office: SGMH 4185 / 657.278.7557 Cell: 310.367.8828 (text only) Office Hours: Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays 10:00 am - Noon or by appointment E-Mail: tshoblom@fullerton.edu Logon for Fullerton’s Portal: http://my.fullerton.edu Required Text BUAD 301 Coursepack Business Writer's Handbook, 12th ed., ISBN: 9781319303365 BUAD 301 Communication Policies Response Time: The instructor will respond to messages within 24 hours. Text messages receive faster responses. Course Communication: All course announcements and individual emails are sent through Canvas, which only uses CSUF email accounts. Therefore, you MUST check your CSUF email on a regular basis (several times a week) for the duration of the course. Grade Breakdown Assignments: Reading Homework/Write-Ups - Tasks include Ivey Notes and Case Outlines Percentage 10% 2 Midterms (individual) - Full written Case Analyses, in class, timed exams 20% Individual Report (individual) - Research report using university databases, 3-5 pages single- spaced, APA style. 15% Team Project (assessed by group total) - Analytical research report building based on a case, 10-12 pages, APA style. 15% Presentation of Team Project (assessed by individual) - Formal presentation of team findings from the Team Project accompanied by presentation slides 5% Participation (individual) - In-class participation in discussions and activities; quizzes, attendance 5% PitchVantage sessions (individual) - Software-enhanced practice for oral presentations 5% Final (individual) - Full written Case Analysis, in class, timed exam 25% *Note: At least 50 percent of your grade will come from in-class writing. Course Policies Writing Level: This is an advanced-level writing course. It is assumed that students will have mastered the skills needed to pass the pre-requisites. If you are not comfortable that your basic writing and grammar skills are sufficient to pass an advanced-level writing course, please see the instructor for the additional resources the university offers to improve your writing skill. The instructor will be offering weekend literacy workshops via Zoom that all students are welcome to attend. If you are interested, let the instructor know and she’ll give you the Zoom link. Instruction Modality: In-Person, but the course may include some synchronous or asynchronous online meetings/activities. Use of Generative AI and Other Writing Software: Students may only use generative AI systems (ChatGPT, Bard, etc.) and other assistive writing software (Grammarly, Spinbot, etc.) when directed to do so by the instructor as part of a writing process. Failure to adhere to this requirement will mean referral to Student Conduct for an academic integrity violation. Grading Policy: Because this course is part of the State of California’s requirement for writing standards, scores below a C (72 and lower) are considered failing grades. The instructor offers opportunities for revision (see below), but a final grade of C- or lower will result in the student needing to repeat the course. Alternative Procedure for Submitting Work: In the event Canvas or Connect are down, or a student has problems logging on during an in-class exam, the student may (with approval from the instructor) e-mail the assignment immediately, while they are still in class. Use the e-mail address at the top of this document. Revision Policy: You may revise in-class assignments that receive a C- or lower for up to 5 additional points. Each assignment may only be revised once and must be received by e-mail within one week of receiving the failing grade back. Exceptions can be made to the “one week submission deadline” with instructor approval. Extra Credit: There will be a few opportunities to earn extra credit throughout the semester. In addition, the instructor might offer “late passes,” “attendance passes,” or “extension passes” as a reward or incentive for class participation. Please note that these are at the instructor’s discretion and will be considered in the case of borderline grades. Drop-Dead Deadline: Approximately 2 weeks before the end of the semester (November 17, 2023) is the “Drop Dead Deadline.” After this date, no late, makeup, or revised assignments may be submitted. Because of the flexibility offered with makeups and revisions, there are no exceptions to the Drop-Dead Deadline. Participation/Contribution Scoring: This class is a discussion forum and workshop. Your participation in class discussions and group activities like peer-edited workshops is extremely important. Borderline grades will be raised or lowered depending on the amount of your active contributions to the class. Examination Policy: Exams and in-class assignments can be made up with PRIOR instructor approval. Reasons the instructor might approve a make-up include university-approved illnesses and absences (see Fullerton.edu for more information on what constitutes a university-approved absence), or case-by-case considerations. If the student “no shows” on the day of an in-class assignment or exam, no make-ups will be granted. No makeups or extensions will be allowed after the Drop-Dead Deadline. No make-up final examination will be given except for reason of illness or other verified emergencies. Attendance: This course will conform to the CSUF withdrawal policies. You get two absences, no questions asked. Each additional absence will cost 15 points from your participation score. You will lose 5 points for each tardy of five minutes or more. It is better to come late than not at all. The instructor will take oral attendance at 5 minutes after the class period. It is the student’s responsibility, if he or she or they are late, to come up after class and tell me that they were late and not absent. This class is designed in such a way that one cannot get an A in the class without attending the vast majority of the lectures. If you are unable to attend class for any reason, please email me immediately. If you must be out, hand in your assignment early or e-mail the document to me before midnight on the day it is due. It is your responsibility to get notes from a classmate and master any missed material on your own. Homework: Homework assignments are due at the beginning of each class session, and it is the student’s responsibility to read the material and do the assignments in advance of coming to class. Lectures will focus on one or two key elements of the reading but will not cover everything. It is the student’s responsibility to read the material in its entirety. Late Assignments: Late assignments may be approved on a case-by-case basis, if requested in advance. Late assignments will receive a minimum 10% deduction on their score and will not receive detailed feedback. Students who fail to turn in an assignment on time without prior approval will not receive permission to turn it in late. Even one missed assignment will lower your grade significantly. Retention of Student Work: Student work that has been submitted to Canvas or through e-mail will be retained for one year, unless the instructor requests otherwise from the student. BUAD 301 SCHEDULE This schedule may be modified to benefit students. WK 1 Subject A Introduction to class, syllabus, Canvas, Fullerton Portal, C.L.A.S.S. rubric. B What is the Case Method? Warm-Call Readings In Class Homework Due Introductions, Departmental Diagnostic Ivey: Note 1 Purchase Course Pack Ivey Note 1 Write-Up 2 A B Group Exercise: Come to the Front of the Class Let’s Talk About AI Implicit and Explicit Bias in Case Analyses Group Exercise: Choose a Color How to Argue Your Point Without Getting Into An Argument Group Exercise: AITA? 3 A B How to Perform a Case Analysis ACES for CASES 4 Unit 1: Case #1 Everlane A Case Overview Ivey: Note 2 Performing a Case Analysis Ivey Note 2 Write-Up ACES for CASES example Reading 1: Ethics Three schools of Beyond Dilemmas ethics Ethics Quiz Reading 1: Ethics Beyond Dilemmas Case 1: Transparency and B Case Discussion Case 1: Everlane Case Overview Ethics at Everlane Video Interviews 5 A Case #1: Everlane, continued B Case #1: Everlane, continued 6 Case #1 Continued A How to Write a Case Exam and Outline B 7 A Ivey Note 6: Writing a Case Exam 8 UNIT 2: Case #2 MRW Executive Summary lecture Case Overview/Diversity Discussion Warm-Call list Ivey Note 6 discussion: ACES Write-Up for CASES: Evoked Set and Strategy Group Work: Alternatives, Recommendatio ns Implementation Wrap-Up Case #1 In-Class Case 1 Analysis Warm-Call list discussion: ACES Ivey Note 3 for CASES: Write-Up Assumptions and Criteria Group Work: Divide into groups. Problem Statements, Analyses Introduction to Individual Report B A Ivey: Note 3: Preparing to Discuss a Case Group Knowledge Check Case 1 Prep HW: outline, shred, etc. In-Class Case Write-Up Foundational Reading: Executive Summary Executive Summary PPT Foundational Reading: Executive Summary Case Overview Reading 2: Getting Serious About Diversity Video Interviews Reading 2: Getting Serious About Diversity Case 2: Conflict at MRW: Warm-Call list discussion: ACES The New Employee’s Pregnancy Case 2: Conflict at for CASES: MRW: The New Assumptions and Criteria Employee’s Pregnancy Group Work: Divide into new groups, Problem Statements, Analyses B In-Class Write-Up Executive Summary In Class WriteUp: Executive Summary 9 A Individual Report Peer Exercise Note 4: Preparing a written case report Case Knowledge Check Warm-Call list Rough Draft Individual discussion: ACES Report Due for CASES: Evoked Set and Ivey Note 4 Strategy Write-Up Group Work: Alternatives, Recommendatio ns Implementation B 10 A B In-Class Case 2 Analysis UNIT 3: Team Project Intro to Team Project: Overview of cases and structure Library Visit In Class Write-Up Case 2 Prep HW: outline, Case 2 MRW shred, Team Project PPT and overview Group Work: Divide into new groups, Choose Individual Reports Due case , Problem Statements, Analyses Library Visit APA Style overview 11 A B Research Project, Continued Presentation Workshop 12 A Research Project Wrap-Up B Research Project Wrap-Up 13 A Team Presentations B Team Presentations, continued . Group Work: Homework Assignment Alternatives, Read Team Case Recommendati ons Implementatio n Ivey Note 5: Making an Oral Case Pitchvantage Presentation Overview Ivey Note 5 Write-Up Presentation practice/Group work 2 Pitchvantage Practice sessions due 14 Drop-Dead Deadline Fall Break 15 UNIT 4: Final Case: Star Alliance 2020 A Case Overview B Case Discussion Do not think about Eat too much Professor Traci or food. this class. Reading 3: Innovation Strategies Combined Final Case: Star Alliance 2020 Catch up on your shows. Case Overview Reading 3: Innovation Video Interviews Strategies Combined Warm-Call list Final Case: Star Alliance discussion: ACES 2020 for CASES: Assumptions and Criteria Group Work: Divide into new groups, Problem Statements, Analyses 16 A B Last Class 17 Case Discussion Course Wrap-Up/Final Case Prep Final Exam Warm-Call list discussion: ACES for CASES: Evoked Set and Strategy Team Project Due Group Work: Peer Evaluations Due Alternatives, Recommendatio ns Implementation Final Final Case Outline