TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY j: INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2080 Baishakh BE ..f_qli.i-ptil" "."lii S ubject." '/ { '/ '/ '---' Leyel --T6' FuII Marta ' Pra,o"rrrrrre BEL, RtrI BEX, Rtr\a E!.-r r, ji Programme p*u, fVfurf,, BCT n^' :l: I - Instrumentation II - i_i" fi*;- - j h;, -i GX 602) candidates are required to give their answers in trreir ou,'tt wordq :lq fqr Anempt All questions,. Thefigures in the ntargin inclicate Full Marks. Assume suitable data i/'necessan,. oo practicable. @rucm LIBRARY 1. a) Describe the various pC inlerlacing technieiues while interfacing anUA b) Draw circuit diagram of an interfacing circuit controlling one 4KB 4Kts ROM assuming base address 4000H. devices. RAM ancl t3l one i{l A microprocessor kit has an onbcard 8255. Interibce to the g255 eight single-poledoublethrow (SPDT) sw'itches numbereci Si; 1o 57 anci zr seven segment comrnon ano6e LED display' Draw the cornplete circLrit setup. neljne ciearJy the-functions of all p.rts. write a program to initialize 82-55. Detect a ir,r,itch closure ar:d tlisplay the of the switch number on the l,ED display. 'alue 3. 4. 5. a) Iliustrate digitai data transmission using moelem and stanciard phone li,es. b) Explain check surn error iretection technique v,,ith suitable example" a) b) F] l4l architecture rvith suitable block diagram. 'fak about inductive coripling in short, Explain Ground Loop mechanism issues with suitable diagram. an<tr fair design. L4j ral LIJ also discuss the elimination of the grounci loop ' Any circuit design rnusl be capable to provide the high speed and iow power perfonnance' t4l Discuss various terminologies in detail to achieve the aborre witnesses in What are the general rules for piacement of components in a circuit? L)escribe grounding in terms of circuit lavout. What do you mean by software reiiability? htxplain prototyping model for software development. 10' lel i diagram. b) Explain Bluetooth protocor 9. L"l i4l why do r've need cligitai to analog conversion? Design an interfacing circuit tliagram lor an 8 bit ADC using srarus check. Explain it rvith the zuitable flowchai ,; p;;** [2+rrj a) what are the components used in l)ata Acquisition system? Explain with necessar' block 7 -l .what have you leamed from case study? Draw the cornplete block diagram of the industrial process control invoh,ed in your case stuclv. what are the critical factors effecting the production 5iou have noticed in the visited industry anci what measure ,vou can suggest for the same? What problems you might face after impleiaenting 3rour suggested process control system? {<** t6l {4+2) [2+ 6] [12] TzuBHUVAN LINIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Full Marks Examination Control Division Pass Marks 2fi79 Bhadra Time 80 Subject: - Instrumentation II (EX 602) "/ ,/ ,/ ,/ Candidates are required to girre their answers in their r.vorcis as tar as practicable. Alternpt ._4ll questions. Jigure.s in tke margin indicute FU$ Warks Assume s,uitable ddto if'nec:e .tsary. T'he k- i. a) Define a microprocessor 'trased instrr-rrucntation systenr. loop and c,losed loop microprocessor based b) 2. l)escribe dircct memorv Diflcrentiate between open insrrumcnration. access. l1+4j [3] Design an interfacing circr"rit to set up bidirectional data conrr:rluricatii;n in the masterslave format between two 80854 microcompLiiers. LIse the 8255A as the interfacing between the master and the slave micrcloomputers. What r,r,ill be the port addresses ancl control rvord" Write necessary program to transl'er a block data ftom the master to the slal,e along with its flow'chart diagram" t10] 3. a) Explain how comn.runication takes place betu'een PC (DB9 por-t) and printer (DB 25 port) using Null modern ccnnectiou. b) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are conlrnon USB packet field? h.xpiain difltrent I ISII packets. Interface a suitable DAC using 825,5 PPI to an 8085 microprocessor to generate a square wave oscillating betr,veen 0V and 5V having a frequency of 1 KI{2. Describe the interfacing circuit along with the necessarv prograrn. l4l li*i I i8] the characteristics of Bluetooth. Explain the conrponents of data logger with the help of block diagram. [2+61 Describe any three mechanisms of noise coupiing. Irxplain briefly on prevention of noise coupling. 13+31 Write an importance of decoupling, ground bounce, cross talk and impendence matching in designing circuit. L6l S'hat are the diflerent types of bc.arcls for electronics prototl'ping? List out each circuit I'\ L^-l LL'1} boards characteristics. 9. Explain about Embedded and Real Tirne Sofiivare used to run and controi various modern instruments. As an instrumentation engineer, ciiscuss the diflerent apprcraches of'coupling and cohesion techniclue to definc tasks arrd dcsign an integrated rnodule. study is relate,d to the basic rneasLrroment requiremcnts. accuacy and specific hardware emplcyed envirortmental conditions under rvhich the instmments must operate. signal processing, tlartsmission and output devices. Regarding )'ollr case stud_v visit; drat, a biock diagram of the existing control system and meniion thc problerns lound in the existing system. You siroulci also draw' an interfacing diagram for soiving the problem with discussing merits and denterits of -v<iur recommended s-vstem in terms of cost. manpower and piant automation. 16l 10. Case :i.,ir + Il2l t TBIBHUVAN LNIVER.SITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Exarnination Control Division 2078 Bhadra Fyfirr:! Ex*m. Level Itt'gulai BE Full Marks 80 Programme BEL, BBX, BCT Pass Marks Year / Part Time 32 m/i - Instnrmertation II 3 hrs, (EX 602) Candidates are required to give their answers in their or+,n words as far as practicable. Attempt 4ll questions. Tlte figures in tl.te margin indicate {$tl il{{gks. Assutne suitctble data if necessary. 1' 2. Define instrutnentation system. Compare status check I/O, Interrupt driven VO and DMA. [2 Design an interiacing circ.uit to set up bidirectionai data communication in the masterslave fcrrmat betweelt tu'o 80854 microcomputers. Use the 8255A as the interfacing betrveen the master and the slave microcomputers. What will be the port addresses and control n-ord' Write neoessary program tc transfer a block of d.ata from the master to the slave along w.ith its ilowchart diagraln. 3. a) Explain simplex, half duplex and full riuplex operation of RS-232 seriai standard. b) 4. Describe different types of USB proiocols along with the corrunon USB packet fieids. Explain the principle in',zolved u'hile intertacing an 8-bit ADC using intenupt; inclu,Jing suitable bltck diagrarn. process ilcu'diagram and necessary ALp subroutine. 5. List tlie major characteristics of Bluetooth. system and explain eaoh biock. 6' Explain the principle of remeclies. 7. Discitss and differentiate purpose r:f circuit design. r-6] tel t4l t6l t8I Draw the hlock diagram of data acquisition [3+5] energy coupling. Describe about capacitive coupling with l6l betrveen different types of fault tolerance schemes used in the t6l 8. Explain ground, returns and shields in the context of circuit layout. 9. a) Draw the complete block diagram for prototype model in softwme process and explain its component in brief, b) t6l development Write about White box testing and Black box testing. 10. Draw the complete block diagram of industrial process controi system involved in your case study. Explain why you want to irnplement this control system over existing one in terms of cost, maripower and plant automation. What probllms you might faie after implementing this control system. *** t4l i3I 1121 TRIBHUVAN IiNIVERSITY Exam. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division ?078 Kartik Level tsE FulI Marks 80 Programme Year / Fart BEL, BEX, BCT Marks Time 3Z mlr Pass 3 hrs. Sypjgct: : Iffl*rmenration II (EX 602) '/ { ,/ { candidates are required to give their answers in their own All questions. Thefigures in the margin indicate ull Marks. Asswne suitable data if necessory. 1' e.) Whr:t is the rationale behind using a rnicropiocessoi in instrumentation systems? Ileserii:e twcl silrmtirjns r,vh,:rc an open-loop Mtsl system performs better riian a closed-lnop lBl s3,'s1gm" lllir:;ii'atir:g your answer with illoc,k diagrarns. Attempt b] 2. h$ffiR&RY Describe the DMa active and idle cycles wirh appropriate figures" proyide at least fir'* disadvantages of using DMA controllers, Drar'v the circr-iit diagram to interiace 8255A PPI with g0g5 microprocessor at base address B0I{' assembl,v pr,.rgrain that determines the addition r:f contcnts of port A and port B and display the resuii iir pr:rt C. Use apprr:priate control word to initialize the 82554. 3' a) Llefine bit rate and baud rate. Determine a character transmissicrn rate using i1.+3] L2rz} [3+5j as1'nchronr:tls seriai data transfer method at Lraud late 9600. Suppose a character has ? bits data. cre bit start trit" two hiis stcp liit and none parity". Calculate the time required to senri a \v61.q1. Engineer. b) 4' i5] Describe the problems c*cur ',r'hen you try to connect RS-232 devices that are configured as DTE. Hovi tiris probii?m can be resolved? \&/hat are the pararneters with 8085 microprocessor using 82554 ppl. 5' a) Drarv the block diagran'l of a digital transrnission system that can be used to transniit analog as r'l'ell as digitai data. Llr:mpare and contrast anaiog and digitai iranslnissicn iechniques v,,irh at ieast five <listinguishing characteristics. b) 6" ' 8' 7 9' .Desigfl a data logging and storage system that is capable of receiving and sturing signals flom optical fibers, sa.tellites antl Bluetooth tlevices. provide the block diagram of the overall system, whicir should shr.rrai how messages get transmitted over the three transrnission sciremes and how the logger receives them. How ground l.op can be prevented? Explain the Electromagnetic coupiing. Explain ground bounce, decoupling ancl crosstalk in the context of circuit design. \\hat are the fhctors that need to be consi,Jered while routing the signai traces in circui,i layout. How da you avoid crosstalk whiie making lay.out of the circuil? s/itat are the diflerent phases of bugs in software types of"techniqucs used frrr software 10' Draw the cornplete I5l to characterize ADcs? Design a circuit tg interface ADCgggg testing. I p+6J [2 i-2 i t4] i6l tfr, LZ+41 --. der,,elopment? Explain the different blcck diagram of.industrial process controi system involved your in case study' Explain *'hy you want to irnplement your control s1'stlm over existing one in terms of cost, manpowef, and plant automationz wt at probllms y*u *igrrt face after implementing this control systenr? What are the benefits oi.n*,, system over otA oneZ *+* [3+5] tl12l TRIBHUVAN TJNIVERSITY rNbrrutp oF ENcINEERING Examination Control Division 2076 Chaitra .' - Instrumentation 1l (EX 6A2) i *'ords as far Canciiilates are required to give their answers in their oll'n Attempt + ::ik*,. as AII questittns, Murlis' figures in tlte margin indicate Fuli Assunte suitable data if necessary. Tlze belrveen Explain the basic rnodes of data transftr iechniques available and peripheral devices. b) N{eruion the features of Microprocessor Based Instrumentation system' and Port B as the Port A is to design as the input for a keytroard in intenupt driven VO as microprocessoi 8085 with output for a printer in status iheck I/O using mode i of 8255 shorvit below: a) 'Irind poft addresses by analyzing decoding logic' bj netermine the coitrol word to set up port A as input and port B as output. c) Determine the BSR word to enable INTEA' b$e to veriS the OBFa line' dj Deterrnine the masking"urri u read and write subroutines to accept characters from prcgrarn main 1. a) 2. "j t5l t?1 t-" _! iel \\" keyboard and to send them to Print. +5V GMT'A, Data, Bus From Peripheral pC+ Au PC: pCr Ao . A1 A.o From Keyboard Port A PAo To Peripheral rsirn" OBFn PCr ,ACKg 8085 intemrpt (RST 6.5) To Prirrier From Printer 16f, 4 row To Parallcl Printer ITE.SEI GUt. 3. Iixpiain the Null modem u'ith and rvithoui haldshaking mechalisin. b) Iixplain Cyclic Redundzurcy Code with suitable exa:npie' a) i5j t1l 4. Design the inierfacir,g of i408 DAC rvith an cutput poi't of address AF H for 0v to 10v . range. Note ihat take appropriate values for resistors and capacitors. t8] 5. a) Holr, can ]'ou design the cornmunication system. *'ith satellite as an unguided tralsmission scheme? Expiain tiie I)ata Acquisition sl'stem with the help of compact data loggcr. i4l Explain different types of fiitering rnechanisms used to reduce conductive noise coupling on the basis of lrequency, mode arrd amplitude. t6l Define ground bounce and crosstaik in circuit design. List their reduction r,vays. t6l b) 6. 7. 8. Describe tire differenl terminologies used commercial circuit layout. 9. Exp)ain spiral softrvare development Descrit,e cohesion and coupling. in routing signal traces for designing a c) t6] model rvith its advantages and disadvantages. [5+3] following questions with regard to yorir case sludy. Describe the existing work flow'mechanism of tire industr"ial instrumentation system. What are the critical tbctors affecting the production of existing slrstem and what nleaslrres you can recommend for mitigating those factors? Design a proposed system using microprocessor/ microcontrolier, input/ output 10. Ansrver the a) b) t4l devices, interfacing process, communication protocols, data converters and handshake signals with neatly iabeled block diagram. d) List out the different advantages of the proposed plan in terms of technology, prcduction rate, quality assurance, cost-benefit and return on investment (ROI). *** U21 I I TRIBHWA}TUNTVERSITY INSTITI.ITE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2076 Ashwin '' -f iOGk :.;', -t.,- Exam. .l,l;;'. Level BE Full llfarks 80 Programme Year / Part BEL, BEX, BCr -Pass Marks 3? m/r Time Subiecl: - Instrumentation II ...,:.:.'" .i.''",r:.1.1;a 3 hrs. (EX 602) words as far as Candidates are required tb give their ansrvers in their own l.t t e mpt A, t I q u e s t iottsThefigures in the margin indicate lnll Udlcx Assame suitable data if necxsary- ffiffifqlffi\,#i$ ."1: ! i i I 1. a) b) Explain microprocessor based instnrmentation system with its block diagram. -,&'^l tsl processor. t3I List out the factors to be consider while selecfing a in{igure An g255A ppl card is connected to 8085 microprocessor has systern as shown Ll+3+2+2+21 below in which contol word is stored in address of F3H. : a) What are the addresses captured by 8255A PPI card? b) Drlw the minimum interfacing circuit. c) write down the control word to initialize the 8255A FPi card. -word format for 8255A PPI card for the system. d) Write down the status requeste) Write down BSR conhol rvord to initialize port A intemlpt INTERRUPT REOUEST PCi tic. FAT PA2 PA3 PA4 R2 R3 RE FULLY DEcoDED KEYBOARD R5 PA6 PA? r SI{IFT P0'{ FCs E2c55A m0 BO PBI B1 82 83 84 BURRogcHs SEI-F-SCAN DlsPtAY B5 BACKSPACE CLEAR OATA READY ACK BrSNXlH6 CANCEL WORC INTERRUPT REOUEST of RS- 232-C in serial communication? Explain the RS 232-C [1+4] working prirrciite with its differcrrr types of 3. a) trfu,hat is the irirportance signals. b) What is USB? Explain its cornmon packet fields' illustrations 4. a) Describe INt and DNL error of data converter with necessary 8 bit ADC with 8085 b) with necessary diagranr, r.xr.rain interfacing of 8 chanrrel mic-roprocc# J;6;til timing 5. a) Discuss ana]og commuaication diagrasr u'ith system and digital communication system U+31 [4] tsi an t4I apProPtiate block diagram' b) Differentiate between piconet and scatternet Mention the characteristics of Bluetooth. neturork topology used in Bluetooth environment 6.a)Whatwillhappeu-totheelectoniccircuitconnectedinsinglepointgrountlsystem UfUt Explain with"necessary illusbation' when operated in frequen.y gr*ut.ith* t b) t4l : What used to suppress the banSient current" Explain how decorrpling capacitor can be your in connertr:'d is decouplin-f capacitor ef[ects do you obs.rue *,hen very large [3+2] eircuit? ll+21 7.a)Whatisreliabitity?Listouttlrefactoraffectingreliability. b) t3l while designing higbsp€ed What are the factors that need to be considered S..HowdoyoureducecrosstalkwhenroutingsignaltracesonaPCB? softwafe' How &ese bugs cau iig. Explain different types of software bugs that might "Yt i" i;]' ilffi;-d;*rr1Ji*prrrnenring diffeient tlpes of software testing" trxlY with ' '' nnntrnl svstem invo involved m. fur :ilt:0. fxplain existing industrial_process control system -: for the aecossarJr t!a1 fou deem th, necessary block diagram. n "iru,,gt* should ,,.,, improvement of oierali .system peirg**.g.lp*nrrio h'nut.rit tU. pt"Uable probleins yori might face after *'', implement these "t*g.r. implementation of yo*iecommended system? t3l t4I t6l * ,,' "o**A *trv 112I TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY Full Marks j 80 INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division IIi Year / Part 2075 Chaitra Subject: - lnstrumentation Candidates are required to give their answers in their Attempt All questions. Thefigures in the margin indicare Assume suitable data dnecessary. full lI I I tme J nl-s. (EX 602) oun rvrrr<is as far as practicabie. Marks- "& a) b) 1. Z. Define closed loop MBI system with suitable example- l2l Among full or partial address decoding, which method of address decoding do you choose while interfacing memory device? Give reasons with suitable example. Interface a parallel bus centronics,printer with 8085 rnicroprocessor using 82554 in mode 1 output configuration. a) Draw the .ry ne'cesSar y interfacing circuit required for this purpose using 8255 PPI id t3l t2l handshake mode. Determine port address as per your chip select logic' b) c) Determine the confrol word required for printing operation. d) Draw the timing waveform for transfbrring data to the printer. .j 3. a) b) 4. a) b) 5. 6. 7. t4l 121 121 Write an ALP to print characters rvhose ASCII code is available in memory location from 9000H. Explain the transferring of serial data using asynchronous transfer. One character is formed with 7-bit ASCII code, 1-bit start, 2-bit stop and 1-bit parity. [3] t4l standards. Differentiate different USB data transfer mechanisms with suitable example of each' Explain the interfacing technique of 12-bit DAC to B-bit Data bus. l6l Explain different types of errors in ADC & DAC' t4l Describe up to date USB t6l Explain Bluetooth network topology in detail. Why optical fiber has high demand in the 14+2) field of communication. Explain different types of Energy coupling rnechanisms w'ith suitable example of each. t6l How can a circuit be protected from ESD? What do you mean by reliability in a circuit design? Discuss horv the reliablity can be t6l achieved by incorporating fault tolerance- 8. a) What is PCB? Write dorvn the advantages of PCB' b) Ho'*. do you reduce cross talk when routing signal traces on a PCB? g. Define roll back recovery with suitable example. Explain the spiral development cYcle. [1+2] t3l model softu'are l2+41 l0- Explain your industrial visit carried out on your case study in terms of existing system circumstalces, problem identihcation and analysis, recommendation plan, requiremenl lisr and feasibility analysis of the recommended plan and rollback plzrn if necessary. Also rate, production technology. terms of pian in proposed outthe diflerent advantages of the cluality assurance, cost-benelht and rcturn on invcstrnent (Rol) lbr the particular industr.v- 112) .*1 ,t 13 l I'i TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division Programme i BEL, BEX, BCT Year/Part iIII/I -?HlAplsi: S ubi e ct : - Itttlq*9ltqtio{I_ (H!92 practicable' Candipates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as Anen{pt All questions. Thef.gures in the margin indicste Full Marks. Assume suitable data if necessory. What do you mean by interfacing? A RAM chip of 512 bytes is given for interfacing with B0g5 microprocessor systeri. Design an address decoding hardware for the same. [1+3] b) What is an intemrpt driven data uansfer? Explain the operation of intemrpt driven sequence. [1+5] data transfer with flowchart of intemrpt subrouiine and main prograillme the end of 2. AID converter requires signal to start the conversion and indicates with conversion signal. 8255t PPI is interfaced with 8085 microprocessors at 80H. Microprocessor reads 8-bits OIP data of the ADC at port A and display the same data to eight iED's connected at port B of 8255A. State any assumptions made. 1. a) tu a) Identify the address captured by the cmd b) Determine the necessary control words c) Draw the schematic interfacing circuit d) Write a program to perform the operation 3. a) What is the importance of RS232-C in serial communication? tzt t21 t3l Determine the time required to transmit a string: "Life is beautiful." using asynchronorrs serial data transfer method in baud rate of 4800 Baud. Suppose a character has 7 bits data, one [2+4] p*ity bit start bit, one bit stop bit and one bit "nett tU b) Differentiate between USB 1.0 and USB ALP to Interface a l0-bit DAC with 8255 PPI and 8085 CPU rurudngat2 MHz. Write an The circuit. generate a triangular wave of frequency 500 Hz using the same interfacing t8l i*ptitoar of thJtriangular wave should be bit. 2.0. 4. +5V. 5. a) ,In satellite corlmunication the uplink frequency and downlink frequency are [1+3] different.' Why? Explain the Bluetooth network topology, the describe diagram block the With b) Compare data archiving and data storage. [1+4] characteristics of data logger. 6. Explain different types of filtering based on frequency, mode (common and differential) t6l and amplitude (surgl suppression). 7. While selecting a processor for an embedded system product, you have to specifr the performanc", nu*6", of peripherals functions, memory and tool support to determine the appropriate processor for the product. As a system designer, prwide a technical t6l each of these factors required to achieve the proper funetional design' "rpt*utioofor g. What are general guidelines to avoid the crosstalk while routing signal traces on Printed 14+21 Circuit Board? Wliat are the problems due to impedance mismatch? g. what is software reliability? compare waterfall and prototyping model. Describe Ernbedded and Real Time Software. 10. Answer the a) ' [2+3+3] following questio.ns with regard to your case study. Design a proposed system using microprocessor/microcontroller inputloutput devices, interfacirrg pio"esr, tommunication protocols, data converters and handshake signals with neatly labeled block diagram. that mieht occur after implementing the t6l 13 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2074 Chaitta Subiect: - Instrumentation tI lE4!9?) Z Ca"did;6ffi;ediied { ,/ '/ Attempt All questionsThefigures in the margin tndicate Full Marks. Assume suitable dota if necessary. 1. a) b) 2. a J. Describe various well-known techniques while interfacing an IIO device with a personnel comPuter sYstem. Differentiate I/O maPPed VO and memory mapped I/O with suitable examples. How can you generate I/O maPPed and memory mapped signals using IOA4, RD and WR signals? t3l tsl Explain the different schemes of parallel data transfer with suitable timing diagram' [4+4] Explain the functional block diagram of 82554 PPI with neat diagram a) bj 4. to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Describe the various error detection techniques used in serial data transmission. Explain the functions of USB Host, USB Hub and USB Device. Discuss different packets used in USB Protocol. t3l t5l S&at are the different types dynamic errors in ADC and DAC? What will be the control wor6 for interfacing as shown figure below? Also write the subroutine program to read [4+61 the digital data from ADC. CI.K lftt il'S Vinl+; rfint_l AG$IS Vreff;Z ,ilI GNTI itNTfi 5. Expiain the advantages of optical fiber over copper wire? Explain each block of data logger. 12+61 5. a) Wirat are the different noise coupling mechanism? b) I{ow'canyou reduce the conductive noise coupling? Explain in detail. 7. \V[at are general approaclres of establishing requirements for circuit design? What are the [4+2] two factors that drive reliability of a product? 8. q Poor circuit layout and signal propagating principle may cause many problems in the circuit operation, manufacturing ease and probability of design elrors. What factors will yo.t consider while routing the signal traces on PCB. t3l t3l t6] Expiain Prototyping Model for software developrnerit in brief. Explain different phases of [3+5] inti'oduction of bugs in software. i0. Describe the different processing plants that you have studied in case study. With neat further improvement of these plants can tt 22 . Tft.IBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Full Marks INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division ':.* ;'" BEL, BEX, BCT m 2074 Ashwin i"i-^ 80 32 ***- Sabject: - Instrumentation U (EX602) r' '/ { ,/ (l) Ifthe Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt 4!!qwestions. Thefigures in tlte margin indicate F.gE Marks. Assume suitable data if necessary. spoeds ofllO dEvices do not match the speed ofthe microprocessor, what types ofdata transfer techniques are with necessary block diagrams and control signals. used? Describe them Q\ t6I A microprocessor kit has an onboard 8255. Interface to the 8255 eight single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) switches numbered S0 to S? and a seven segment common anode LED display. Draw the complete circuit setup. Define clearly the functions of al! ports, write a program to initialize 8255, detect a switch closure, and display the value of the switch number on the LED display. {8} ' -) (a) Explain the design of a USB to RS-232 adapter with the aid of a neat circuit diagranr, appropriate voltige translation '\--/ - chips, andnecesiary handshakelcontrol signals. t6] (b) What is the time required for transmission of a charaoter with one start bit, seven data bits, one parity bit, and one stop bit with 1200 (4) baud? The data converter that is being used in your project is suffering from differontial nonlinearity and harmonic distortion. Instead ofpurchasing a new converter, you are required to use the defertive converter. Discuss technical measrres that can be implemented to mitigate the aforementioned (5) I2l enors. t6l Sigrrals from ttree different transducsrs need to be recorded in a data togger. The analog signals supplied by the three transducers are dual polarity (- 50 mV to 50 mV) having frequencies of 5 KHa l0 KHz and 15 KHz Explain the design ofthe following stages of the data logger: signals (a) Input scanner stage of the data logger such that it can appropriately sample the incoming (b) signah ADC u)cu lrr)rss the rrrs ua,o data rvg'cr logger cvvePrr accepts only urrr)' positive used inside Signal conditioner stage if the 8-bit A,v Pvrs*J'Srrsrr Pvrr'Y! polarity t3l fanglngfrOm0VoltStOsvOltS. t3] (6) Explain the mechanism of filtering line noise with the aid of chokes. How does a choke differentiate bctween signal that it needs to pass and the noise that it needs to srrppress? Describe the circumstances where chokes prefened over othernoise filtering -,) approaches. During circuit design proc€ss, what are some general technical^dilemmas the are t8] P*uO UV engineers? Explain how an engineer can anive at an optimal solution given the requirements of a customer? (8) (a) In a tSl multi-layer PCB, describe how grounding is performed and how coupling amongst the layers is minimized. t4l (b) A faulty computer srotherboard has severe clock jitter. The crystal producing the clock pulses is functioning properly, but clock signals arriving at various motherboard chips suffer from jitter, Dlscuss the source of the problem and provide some (9) (a) O) (10) remedies. t4l Discuss the shortcomings of existing soft\a,are development models, and suggest m€asures to overcome them. The testing tim€ fdr software cannot be too long yet software needs to be thoroughly tested before commercialized. Explain how this paradox is overcome in a real'world software development it I5l can be environment. tS] Answer the following questions with regard to your study: (a) Discuss the main architectural differences between the existing system and the proposed system. {21 (b) Does your proposed system use a microcontroller or a microprocessor? Justiff your choice, and make a neatly [3] labeled block diagram of your proposed system. (c) In your proposed s),stem, explain in detail the interfacing process of peripheral deviQes with the microcontroller or [5J miooprocessor in terms of data format, data rate, data converters, communication protocols, timing diagrams, and handshaking signals, (d) List the technical drawbaclcs present in your proposed design. 12l , TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTTTUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2073 Shrawan Subiect: - Insffumentation II l4M Full Marks i 80 Timc 3 1 hrs._i - own words as far as practicable' Candidates are required to give their answers in their Anempt AUquestians- fnriy"Tes in the margin.indicate Full Marks' Assume suitable data if necessary' t3l instrumentation system. a) Explain the features of microprocessor based b) Differentiate between open -F--'loop and closed loop instrumentation system along with blockdiagrams. 2. based instrumentation Assume that your group has decided to make microprocessor address 5000H in base at system for an tce 6ream Factory using an 8255 PPI card *r*ory mapped I/O mode for controlling Purpose. You need to measure pressure and t1+1+2+2+41 ternperature of a manufacturing plant. i) List out the collected documents and components' ii firt out different signals you need to derive and or can be directly iii) ivj v) 3. a) connected to your interfacing circuit. Draw minimum mapping circuit for above system control word for the Wirat are the addresses-captured by your card? Generate the system Write a pro$am module for measuring temperature and control not in the range. Assume suitable data if necessary' if the temperature is over longer distance and Explairr why system that uses the RS 422A cantransmit data at higher baud rate than Rs 232C and RS 4234' of communication on the USB data Bus is a packet' l4l Discuss various types of packets used in USB protocol' t4l b) The fundamental elements 4. 5. a) criteria for Why analog signal needs to be converted to digital? What are the selection selecting ADC? b) What are the characteristics of ADC and DAC? write the application a) what is spread spectrum frequency hopping in Bluetooth? of what is data iogger? Explain the operation of data logger along with its block diagram. mechanism How inductive noise is introduced in electronic system? Discuss the shielding il;;";;; 12+21 t4l Bluetooth. b) 6. t5l couplfng. be the t. Establishing requirements is the most difficult part of circuit design' What could basic tips-and'thoughts for setting requirements towards selecting the appropriate technology which heli you to achieve u r.J* circuit design? [1+2] I5l [3+3] t6l ".t 8. Write about the factors we should consider while doing component placement. Explaiir the role of grounding and shielding to reduce noise in 9" PCB. The essential components of software deveiopment interact in different ways in different process models which helps to plan the development of a project and estirnate the effort for it. Describe different types of software models used in Software Development platform. Also mention the merits and demerits of each model. [3+3] t8l dwing your c.rse study? Why do you think that the management should implement these ehanges? Asstrme ttrat you have a senior reporting engineer closely looking at work from the system development level, apart from convincing the management tearn at the visited industry to implement new 10. What changes do you recommend in the visited industry you also need to convince the senior engineer technically so that your recommendations will be implemented. How do you want to achieve this technically? system, Debate on your technical design to replace the current system and also relate probable problems you might face after system implementation. 'F* * tlzl ., TRIBHUVAN iJNIVERSITY 23 INSTiTUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2072 Chfitra Sabject: -Instrumentation II (EX602) / / ,/ / AuemptAllquestions, The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks' Assume suitable data if necessary- 1. a) What do you understand by a closed loop MBI system? lll b) Differentiate unique vs non unique address decoding. t4l Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. .c) specifi the addresses for the ports Er Ez of 8255PPI shown in figure below. t3l E: PA 3x8 Decoder Ao 8?55 cs_ RD 2. a) List out the technical benefits of using 8255 PPI in a MBI b) WR system. . of 8255 operation explain the example, appropriate an and diagram With a neat timing and an signals conffol necessary the show clearly should PPI in mode 2. You write the Also microprocessor. to 8085 8255PPI interfacing circuit to connect in this 8255 [3+3+2J n.""rruryiontrol words to configure the fashion. 3. a) What are the errors associated with serial data transfer and their error checking 14l mechanism? b) What is USB on the Go? Write short note on USB packet types. 4. a) With necessary illustrations, explain the cause behind the and D/A conversion. ll+31 DNL and INL enors in AID tzl DAC using 8255 PPI to a 8085 microprocessor to generate a square w'ave oscillating between 0V and -5V having a frequency of I KHz. Show the b) Interface a suitable interfacing circuit and the necessary prograrn. [3+3] , I. 5. A datalogger receives signals from Bluetooth Scatte.rnet which consists of different Bluetooth devices. The data retrieved needs to be transmitted via option fiber iinks. a) What is frequency hopping? Relate it with the Bluetooth technology. b) Write in brief about the typical characteristics of a datalogger. c) Draw aneat and labelled block diagram of the complete system. d) Compare and conhast the terms data archiving and data storage. 6. a) Explain the remedial strategies for various energy couplirrg rnechanisms . b) An electronic circuit receives noise from a switching element. If voltage on the switching device swings from 4V to 6V within l00ps, during which current makes a transition from l0 pA to 25 $A in l0 ns, rvhat might be the noise coupling mechanism? IdentiS it using suitable calculations. tzJ t3l {Zl Il] t41 l2l 7. DOECE is looking for an expert engineer to work in the research projects of high frequency, high speed applications. What guidelines would you suggest as an engineer to design high speed and high frequency circuits? Explain in detail. 8. Circuit boards combine electronic components and connectors in to a functional system through electrical connections and mechanical support. Explain the factors that need to be considered while creating traces to connect the elechonic components. g. A 10. t6l ' i6] software company is planning to make new software. Suggest good procedure to develop software. Explain different types of software models. [3+5] Draw the complete block diagram of the industrial process control involved in your case study. What are the critical factors affecting the production you have noticed in the visited industry and what are the measures can you suggest for the same? Also mention advantages and disadvantages of suggested system. tl2] **+ FUII Yerr I 6 s -101- 5g XY o o9 10 ? OQ . I i 1i. 1'-' ' . ..: l-R.itsHiii,Al'I uNJi'Eit'i:T1' !r\4lii INSTITUTE OF ENGINE\JG Exaarirr a tion Co ntrol Division Level ffisffi#EH# BE Fsogramae BEL, BEX, BCT Year /Part rsE$xtri"Hffiru ffi Full Marks 80 Psss J|f,erlt: a1 Time 3 hrs.. Instrtirnentati . ,,::.: d) U&at a-re thg. addresses captrired by..,vour.card? Generate'ihe conuol rvord -for the t. "1. 3',.u) .b) A,rDror D/r'. ,s)'stem. indust-ial process control invoir,'ed in ;vgur the oioductibn you have noticecj in yiud -sug€est foi the ;ame?. $1at probieiae suggested process con6oI s1,'.sErn. li2i 17 :... . ":: .", ..1.._.:,.:.:r:':.r:ri:r.:-;1:j:1:.: i{,.. I 23 ! Itt:gtr le r Erem. TRIBHWAI{UNTVERSITY a INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING I I Examination Control Division .J BE Level Programme Year / Pert 2071 Chaitra BEI, BE)( BCT m/I Full Merks i-m Prss llflerks 32 fime 3 hrs. 1 S ubj ect : l iI T I I I J I II / { { { - lnstrumerfianon ll (H((l2 2) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt 4lguestiotts. The fig;ures in the margin indicate Fult Marks. Asswne suitable data if necessary. n I I I l. lyiow do you select a microprocessor or a microcontroller for your project? t3l b)r6xplain the block diagram of a microprocessor based instrumentation system. What are .-/ ttte basic features of a microprocessor based instrumentation system? 15l 2. ALllfk ,/ a short note en PCI Bus. 121 b)4nterfae, a keybqrd and a printer in mode l. Port A is designed as input for keyboard 1r - with interrup VOport B is designed as output for printer with status check VO. Draw the mapping circuit and write the control word and address map. t6I 3. /'i)Desien a cable that has a USB connector at one end and an RS422 @nnector at the other *\v%a.-Assume the USB is connected to a laptop and ttre RS-422 connector is attached to a printer. Your design strould include the following: t6I D Technical names of thepins and wires involved in the design. ii) lntermdiarc chips to maintain voltage uniformity betrveen the turo standards. iii) Neat and labeled sketch ofthe wiring between the two standards. (' \ \ b) What isa USB interface chip? Why arethey required? Compare and contrast USB device intedacerhips and USB host interface chips. .4. gYCalatlate the values of the LSB, MSB, resolution and full-scale ou9ut for an 8-bit DAC for the lOV range. \./ v ,. Ay{o*can you desigr a DAC with 12 bit resolution with the 8085 microprocessor having bits datalines? Explain with suitable block diagram. e,ffi;;[#;:*"ntial plifitain Bluetooth components of data acquisition system? Explain with the help I2l E t6I of t4I network topology in brief. What are the advantages of Bluetooth Vpplications? 6. t4l t4l are the characteristics ofa safety ground? 121 different types of noise coupling mechanism in brief. How do you check their in the circuit? t- I4l ..: , '.i..:.'\::'..,:Y:.:. ... .....,.. : .r...:.. r., i: _.-.:: . :.,. :...r,..1..1 7. 1 :...r'. :' n \A-ldata logger receives signals fiom a Bluetooth scattemet. The scatte,rnet consists of three piconets and within each piconet there. are four bluetooth devices. The piconets communicate within themselves and amongst each other using the masEr/slave protocol. [10] $/Descnbe an analog transmission mechanisrn to capture the blue tmth sigrrals by the - U/ tdata logger. Draw a complete system block diagram. picffi pgscriUe the mater/slave protocot that'is pr€sent in blue tooth and scattemets tyfiruw the scattemet topology depicting the scenario maintained in dre question. Make sure you adhere to the rules of the masterdglave protocol. g. a)Xhile J designing an electronic instrument you should group circuits according to their chaacteristics to maintain the correct operation of each circuil What are the considerations during grouping components and circuits and what is tre impact of such grouping? // )D.{h"are t4l l2l the factors that derive reliability of an electronic system? Co prn and contrast their the three traditional models of softu,are developmcnt with respect to weaknesses. Propose a fourth software develolrrrcnt model that shengdrs -and outperforms the classical methods and jur*i$ your choice in terms of reliability, maintainability, flexibility, portability and reusability. t4I ]0.pfuw the comptete block diagram of industrial process conhol system involved in your case L,/ study. Explain why you want to implement this contol system over existing one in tcrms of cost, manpower and plant automation. What problems you might face afur implementating this control system. [2] ia I ! t. 24 TRIBHUVAN I.'NIVERSITY Exam. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING LeVel Examination Control Division 2069 Chaitra S ubieet { { { / 1. 2. . Prograinme u/I Year/Part : - lnstrumentation' BE BEL- BEX, BCT Itcgtt lrr t' Futl lt{arks 80 Marl$ 32 Pass Time 3 hrs. II (eY602) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as faras practicable. Afiempt All questions. Thefigures tn the margin fudicate Full Marks. Assume suitable data if necessqryl. Explain briefly the concept of DMA. Draw circuit Diagram of an interfacing circuit containing 4 KB ROM and 8 KB RAM. Assuming Base address in 4000H. You also need to draw write and read cycletiming diagram. [2+61 In a microprocessor based qrstem, an 82554 PPI card is used to interface a keyboard and a printer to the processor. The 8255A PPI is interfaced with the 8085 microprocessor in the systern such that the base address of 8255 A PPI is 4M4H. a) What are the addresses captured by the card? b) Draw the complete inter&cing circuit of 82554 PPI with 8085 micropnocessor for the given tU system. t3I c) If the printer is interfacod to port A andthe keyboard is interfacedto port B of the PPI generate the control qrerd to initialize the 8255A PPI with proper explanations. Both printer and keyboard use 8-bit parallel data tansfer with handshaking d) 3. a) b) 4. Derive the control word to enable intemrpt request to the microprooessor by port A 8255A PPI in above systerq with proper explanations Compare the USB standards: USB 1.1 and USB l2l of 121 2.0 t3I Describe simplex, halfduplex and full duplex operation using RS-232 port. I7l rylat are types of errors pre.sent in a A/E or D/A converters? With necessary diagram explain theTnterfacing a ADC using [3+5] a.' t.a I *: intemrpt. 5.-a) Explain different netuaork topologies of Bluetooth device with appropriate diagrams. 141 b) Vhat is a data logger? Erp[ain the desirable characteristics for adatalogger. tl+3] 6. Explain different types of Noise coupling Mechanism with concept of Pseudo ': 7. What are the reasons for using low power? Mention the guidelines to be considered for low power 12+41 design. 8. A careful circuit layout not only makes the pt'oduction of circuit 9. 10. boards easier but also makes them less error prone. What rules does a designer have to follow while routing signal tracks in PCBs in order to avoid the effects of impedance mismatch and crosstalk? [3+3] What is.fault tolerance in software? What do you mean by roll-back recovery and rollforward recovery? Exptaindifferent types of bugs in t2+2+41 softruare a) b) What are the types of Microprocessor based system used in instnrmentation system? Horv it rnakes more benefits in industry? t3I Explain detail about different processing plant which you have studied in case study. Also draw the block diagram for further improvement of these all plant and overall system. ., [9] rl ri rt 4i:!fi 24 .I'RIBHUVAN LINIVERSITY Exam. i INSTITUTE OF ENGINEER.ING Level Examination Control Division Progmmme m/I Year/Part 2069 Chaitra BE BEL, BEX, BCT l{rgu lrt t' Full Marks 80 Pass Marks 32 Time 3 hrs. : Subiect: - Instrumentation { r' / { II (D(602)_ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Affempt All questions. Thefigures in the margtn indicate Full Marks. Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. Explain briefly the concept of DMA. Draw circuit Diagram of an interfacing circuit containing 4 KB ROM and t KB RAM. Assuming Base address in 4000H. You also need to draw write and read cycletiming diagram. [2+61 2. In a microprocessor based system, an 82554 PPI card-is used to interface a keyboard and a printer to the proeessor. The 8255A PPI is interfaced with the 8085 microprocessor in the system such that the bas address of 8255 A PPI is 4044 H. a) What are the addresses captured by the card? b) Draw the complete interfacing circuit of 8255A PPI with 8085 microprocessor for the given system. tU t3I c) If the printer is interfaced to port A and the keyboard is interfaced to port B of the PPI generate the control word to initialize the 8255A PPI with proper explanations. Both printer and keyboard use 8-bit parallel data transfer with handshaking. l2l d) Derive the control word to-enable intemrpt request to the mtcroprocessor by port A of 82554 PPI in above sysGem, with proper explanations. 3. a) Compare the USB standrds: USB l.l and USB 2.0 b) Describe simplex, half duplex and full duplex operation 4. l2l t3I using RS-232 port. t7l What are types of errors pesent in a A/D or D/A converters? With necessary diagram explain ttre interfacing a ADC using [3+5] intemrpt. 5. a) Explain different networktopologies of Bluetooth device wtth appropriate diagrarns. t4l b) What is a data logger? F,rytain the desirable characteristics for a datalogger. [+3] 6. 7. Explain different types impedance of Noise coupling Mechanism with concept of Pseudo t6l What are the reasons for using low power? Mention the guidelines to be considered for low power [2+41 design. 8. A careful circuit 9. 10. layout not only makes the production of circuit boards easier but also makes them less error prone- What rules does a designer have to follow while routing signal tracks in PCBs in orderto avoid the effects of impedance mismatch and crosstalk? [3+3] What is fault tolerance in softrrare? What do you mean by roll-back recovery and rollforward recovery? Explain different types of bugs in softrvare. t2+2+41 a) What are the types of Microprocessor based system used in instrumentation system? How it makes more benefits in industry? b) Explain t3I detail about different processing plant which you have studied in case study. Also draw the block diagram for further improvement of these all plant and overall system. t9I *** 4IR Exam. Level TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERT.NIG Examination Control Division Programme Year lPart- 2068 Baishakh Iar / Back FullMarks Pass Marks Time BE BCT III/I 80 32 3 hrs. Subjea: - M icroprocessor Based Instnrmentation '/ '/ '/ ./ Candidates are required to give'their answers in.their own words as far Attempt All questionsThe figures-in the margin indicate Full Marks. Assume suitable deta if necessary. l. lnterface two 8K RAM chips and two 4K EPROM chips with 8086 so as to furm a completely working syst€m configurati-on. We know that, after reset, 8086 starts from address FFFF0H. Select the starting'address of EPROM Such that this address (FFFF0H) lies in it. The RAM address must starr at 00000H. as practicable. [10] 2. a) If the speeds of UO devices do not match the speed of the microprocessor, what types of data transfer techniques are used? Describe them brieTly wirh-necessary block ' diagrams and control t8l An 8255A PPI cmnected to 8085 has a system base address of 80H. tsl s-ignals. b) i) ii) iii) What are the addresses assigned for Port A, Port B, Port C and control register? Write down the control word to initialize this card as follows: Port A mode 0 output, Port B handshake input, Port Crr*, output and reamingpin of Port Cro,,,o input. For above casgwrite down bit set/reset control word to initialize Port B intem-rpt request. 3. ' Differentiate betwee,n synchronous and asynchronous data transmission. What is the time required for transmission of a character with one start bit, 7 data bits, one parity bit and one stop bit with l20O baud? 14+4) What are the criteria for selection of Analog to Digital converter for your design? t4l 45. a) b) 6. a) b) An arc welder on lhe.end of the robotic arm generators noise interference in the local embedded controller. The welder produces l20A at i2V. What could be the couptring mechanism for noise interfereqce? How this can be minimized? t4l How would you-protect.against electrostatic discharge? t4l Define crosstalk- How can reduce crosstalk when routing signal traces on a PCB. t6l List out the factors which you need to consider for high speed design. [:t 7. Discuss the prototlping model of software development with its merits and demerits, .8. a) b) 9. Discuss the advantages of digital signal transmission over analog signal transmission. Draw the clear block Oiagffif data logger showing all necessary components. Write short notes on: t8l t4l {41 l6x2) a) Static and Dynamic errors in Digital to Analog Converters b) Software selection and purchase x*{. U Erem. TRIB}TT'VAI{T'NIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division _ lrr t' rr LgYel BE fultMerlts Programme BEL,BEX, BCT Post ltflrrks 32 Time 3 hrs. YearlPart 2068 Chaitra It cg m/I Subiect: .-lnsfitmeitation[IJEx602) r' r' / { Attempt&.questions. The figures in the mwgin indicate Full Marls. Assume sfitable data if necessuy. l. a) Candidates are required to give their answers in their orryn words as far as practicable. ' . . One thing embedded real time systems have in common is that they include some type of processor. They range any where from a serial-program input device to a fullfledged PC on a chip or board. At some point, an engineer decided on the type of processor to use. How did he pick it? Are there any rational Feasons for picking one over another? Or are all processor selections based on personal bias? And what are the situational factors imposing selection of a microproi"sor or microcontroller for a b) 2. design. Discuss at length. l7l Give a short introduction of ISA bus. t3I You have to interface ADC with 8085 using 82554 ports. Interface a fan and a heater using opto couplers to derive the I/O devices. If thi temperature is less than 10"C, tum on the heater and if the temperature is higher than 35oC, tum on the fan. [Jse port A of 8255 for.transfening digital data output of ADC to the CPU and part C for control signals. Assume that an analog input is present at second input. of the multiplexer and a clock input of suitable frequency is available for ADC. AIso write an appropriate flow chart and algorithm to facilitate your design. Draw the diagram of your design. 3. a) What is disaster recovery in software? How could it be implemented at your t3l organization? b) In the software developments .. .,,, process, proper planning is essential in finished product to the client. Equally it is important that bugs have to be removed from the product Discuss in details about the nature of bugs in software development process. What are the preventive steps you would take to minimize introduction of the delivering the bugs? * t8I 4. How t6l stub discontinuity cause impedance mismatch. Also point out the causes of crosstalk. Explain in your own words.with relevant figure. [4+2] 5. "Establishing requirement is the most diffrcultpart of circuit design". While designing the electronic circuit, speciff and explain the procedure of converting the requirements into design. 6. a) b) i 7. t6l Differentiate between USB 1.1 and USB 2.0. State briefly how USB 2.0 identifies itself with the interfacing unit and establishes communication protocol. Draw the necessary diagrams. t6l Explain the functions the DSR, DTR, RTS, CTS, TXD and RXD signals. tzl Signals from'three different transducers (A, B and C) lo-cated 100 meters away from a control room in a factory are very important to control sleppcr motors to give final tune to the products. The strength of these signals ranges frot tOmV tq 20mV and separated at 4KJJrz: TransducerA, B and C generate 6KHz, l0KHzand l4KHz signals : t) ' If yotr A/D convefier do not have S/H hold circuits, wlat qpecification of S/H chip you select for your design? Discuss also the errors associdte with the converter. 8. a) Why against ESD should be considered in design? b) Describe different types of noise coupling mechanism in brief and how do you check 9. .a) b) t6I tit theirpredominance in the circuit? t4l What is Bluetooth device? How does it uansmit data using pico and scatter net? t31 Draw the block diagram of a data logger and explain its operation in details. t4l 10. Recommendthe changes that you deem necessary in the visited industry during your case study?-Explain the neasons why management should implement these changes? Assume- ' that you have a senior reporting Computer/Electronics engineering closely looking at work from the system development level, apart from con'vincing the management team at the visited industry to implement new system, yoir also need to convince the senior engineer technically so that your recommendation will be implemented. How do you want to achieve this technically? Debate on your technical design to replace the current system and also relate probable problems you might face after system implementation. -l u2l *** i I I I I -'l I I -l i -l { I I '-! I