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Media Industries & Trends: Source Comparison Worksheet

COM120: Media Industries and Trends
Source Comparison Exercise Worksheet
Name: Victoria Lama
Assignment Guidelines: Find three recent articles, one of each type (scholarly, trade, and
journalistic/popular), dealing with major issues or trends related to the media. At least one article must focus on
issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). See assignment guidelines for additional information. Answer
each question below (except Question 1) using complete, grammatically correct sentences.
1. Using MLA style, provide a complete citation for each source under the headers below. In subsequent
responses, refer to each article using correct in-text citation format. If you have never learned MLA style
in a class, an excellent online resource is Purdue’s Online Writing Lab’s MLA page. If you still have
questions, seek assistance from the Learning Commons.
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Article
Trade Publication Article
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article
2. What was the main point/argument of each article? Note: This response should offer a 1 – 3 sentence
summary of each article.
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: The purpose of this article is to show and analyze
the technological strategies suggested by publishers and their representative organizations
in the United Kingdom and the United States to address the increasing issue of e-book piracy.
Trade Publication Article: This article talks about BookTok which is a community on TikTok where
readers discuss their favorite books, series, and authors. The author states that users can create
reviews, share their favorite books, show off their book collections, and even promote their own
creations. Authors can learn what their readers love, find new fans, and answer questions from both
readers and fellow authors. This article helps get authors started on the platform, if it is something
they are interested in.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: The main point of this article is to show how authors urge
the DOJ to stop the merge between Simon Schuster and Penguin Random House. Mergers can
have many negative impacts to the print industry due to its monopolizing nature.
3. What types of evidence/outside sources were used in the articles (direct quotes, paraphrased
information, statistics, descriptive anecdotes, etc.)? How is information cited or attributed to the sources
that are referenced?
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: In this scholarly article, there are many sources and
references shown. This is what makes this article scholarly. There are multiple authors and
reviewers to this article as well, which is another sign that this article is an academic journal.
Trade Publication Article: In the BookTok article, there are no citations or many statistics, other
than important dates and number of users on the platform.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: In this article, there are one or two references, and it is
written by a professional writer for LA Times.
4. How do the publication date and timeliness impact the information presented in the articles?
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: This article was not published as recently as the
others, but it was important to add because of the importance of this to the print industry.
Trade Publication Article: Booktok is a more recent innovation on the platform TikTok, and there
is much more to learn about it.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: This article was presented during the time where the two
print companies wanted to merge, and people urged it to stop. The timing of this article was
important to inform readers what may happen if they do end up merging, which would create
issues in the print industry and more issues of DEI.
5. Do the articles detail a specific situation/incident or attempt to describe a broad pattern/address a larger
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: Yes, this article reviews and describes the increasing
issue of e-book piracy in both the US and UK.
Trade Publication Article: No, this article gives a background and investigate what booktok is and
what the rave is about. It also talks about how booktok will affect the industry.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: Yes, this article details a pattern in the print industry where
monopolies are being created with the mergers of huge print companies.
6. What are the advantages of each type of article (scholarly, trade, journalistic/popular)?
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: The articles in scholarly journals go through a
peer review process, which means they have been checked over and given a stamp of
approval by experts and scholars of a field.
Trade Publication Article: A trade publication article provides industry-specific information,
analysis and insights to professionals in a particular field, helping them to stay informed
and make better business decisions.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: A journalistic publication article provides diverse
perspectives, investigative reporting, and comprehensive coverage of current events,
making it a valuable source of information for a wide audience.
7. What are the disadvantages of each type of article?
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: Articles in scholarly articles are not geared
toward general interests. They are more focused on academic topics.
Trade Publication Article: The content of a trade publication article may be limited in scope
and biased towards a particular industry perspective, potentially overlooking wider
trends or alternative viewpoints.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: The main disadvantage of a journalistic publication
article is that it may be subject to editorial bias, sensationalism, or lack of depth due to
time or resource constraints.
8. How would you use each of these articles in your group presentation?
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: I would use this article to touch upon the issues and
struggles in the book industry and give the examples of the pirated e-books.
Trade Publication Article: For this article, I would use it to show the future growth of the book
industry, as the print industry is making way more money due to the internet and booktok.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: For this article, I will touch upon the issues of DEI and use
the book mergers as an example.
9. What did you learn from reading the articles?
Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal: from reading this article, I learned that people are
pirating books, and it is difficult to shut down the people doing this because it is underground.
Enough people are getting pirated eBooks, that the print industry is losing money, and this is an
issue in both the US and UK.
Trade Publication Article: I learned that Booktok is fairly new and still evolving. Booktok allows
people to recommend their favorite books for free, and in turn, give authors free advertising.
Journalistic/Popular Publication Article: Although mergers aren’t new news, they are still trying to
make as much money as possible. They are finding ways to continue to merge, in turn making
more power within the industry.