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Year 10 Biology: Global Systems & Climate Revision

Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Explain the Nitrogen Cycle:
Explain the Carbon Cycle:
Explain the image on the left:
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Explain the Thermohaline Current (left):
What is the Gulf Stream (Left):
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
What is happening in this image:
Explain what is happening in the image to the
Explain what melting sea ice is doing to
biodiversity in the Antarctic:
Explain what melting sea ice is doing to
biodiversity in the Arctic:
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
What is a Carbon Sink ?
Explain what sustainable ecosystems are and the different regions on the Earth (think spheres)?
What is the carbon Cycle? Explain.
What are the causes of the enhanced green house effect and what are the effects of climate
change on the Earth?
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Quiz - Ocean Currents
1. Upwelling currents bring water to the surface that is _____________ and ______________rich.
2. _______ What causes the downwelling in the Northern Atlantic Ocean?
a. strong winds from the Arctic Ocean
b. salty water becoming very cold and dense in the Northern Atlantic
c. extra strong tradewinds
d. the delivery of warm water by the Gulf Stream
3. _______ The Ocean Conveyor Belt is also called thermohaline circulation because it is driven
a. winds
b. coriolis Effect
c. differences in temperature and salinity
d. El Nino
4. _______ During an El Nino year, the tradewinds
a. are weaker
b. are stronger
c. don’t change
5. _______ When would you expect seabirds along the coast of Ecuador/Peru/Galapagos to
have mass die-offs due to a lack of food (fish)?
a. during a normal year
b. during an El Nino year
c. during an La Nina year
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
6. _______ Downwelling delivers water from the surface to the deep that is rich in
a. fish
b. nutrients
c. oxygen
7. _______ Which of the following is not true of the Gulf Stream?
a. it is strongest in the winter
b. it has a warming effect on the climate of western Europe
c. it influenced the downwelling in the North Atlantic where thermohaline circulation
d. if it weakened or stopped, climate would be dramatically affected
8. _______ There is more cloud formation and rainfall over
a. cold water
b. warm water
9. _______ Which of the following is true?
a. Currents traveling from the equator carry a lot of heat energy towards the poles.
b. Currents traveling from the equator carry a lot of nutrients towards the poles.
c. Currents traveling from the equator carry a lot of oxygen towards the poles.
10. _______ Which of the following is NOT a major factor affecting ocean currents?
a. Coriolis Effect
b. Winds
c. Temperature and Density
d. Gravitational pull of the Moon
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Cold, nutrient
10. D
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
1. Nitrogen is used by plants as ____________
(Nitrates or Nitrogen Monoxide)
2. True or False: Animals get nitrogen by eating plants and other animals
3. Where are nitrogen fixing bacteria found? Circle ALL that apply:
a. Soil
b. In the roots of plants
c. Air
d. Outer space
4. What is the nitrogen cycle?
a. The process of atmospheric nitrogen getting absorbed into the soil
b. The process of bacteria breaking down organic matter into ammonium
c. The process of denitrifying bacteria turning nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen
d. All of the above
5. What do plants do with the nitrogen they absorb?
a. Use it for photosynthesis
b. Build proteins
c. Make glucose
d. Respiration
6. True or False: Animals use nitrogen to build proteins just like plants
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
7. When is ammonia released in the nitrogen cycle? Circle ALL that apply:
a. When animals poo
b. When decomposers turn decaying plants into ammonium
c. Nitrifying bacteria turn nitrates into ammonia
d. Denitrifying bacteria turn nitrates into atmospheric ammonia
8. During nitrification, bacteria convert ____________ into ____________
a. (N2 to N2O) or nitrogen into nitrous oxide
b. (NH4+ to NO3) or ammonium into nitrates
c. (NO3- to NH4+) or nitrates into ammonium
d. (N2O to N2) or nitrous oxide into nitrogen
9. What step returns nitrogen back into the atmosphere?
a. Assimilation
b. Denitrification
c. Ammonification
d. Nitrogen Fixation
10. Once nitrogen has been ____________ , other bacteria convert it into nitrate, in a process
known as ____________.
11. Which option releases carbon into the atmosphere?
a. Burning fossil fuels
b. Deforestation
c. Eating
d. Growing plants
12. Which molecule do producers take from the atmosphere?
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
13. True or False: Animals, plants, fungi, and some bacteria produce carbon during respiration.
14. How does carbon get into the soil? Choose ALL that apply:
a. When a plant dies
b. When an animal dies
c. When a human dies
15. Which of the following uses carbon dioxide from the air to produce glucose?
a. Plants
b. Plants and cyanobacteria
c. Animals
d. Humans
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
16. Which of the following would affect the carbon cycle? Choose all that apply:
a. Burning fossil fuels
b. Deforestation
c. Using fertilizer on farmland
d. Taking a bath
17. Scientists believe that an overabundance of what molecule in our atmosphere is leading to
global warming?
a. O2
b. CO2
c. N2
d. NH4
18. A ____________ is a biotic factor that utilizes carbon from the atmosphere to make their
own food
a. Tertiary consumer
b. Primary consumer
c. Producer
d. Secondary consumer
19. The leaching of nitrogen into our water sources increases ____________ ____________
which in turn leads to the decrease of ____________ in water, thus killing marine life.
a. algal bloom, oxygen
b. algal bloom, carbon
c. cellular respiration, oxygen
d. cellular respiration, nitrogen
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Answer Key
1. Nitrates
2. True
3. Soil, roots
4. D
5. B
6. True
7. A and B
8. B
9. B
10. Fixed, nitrification
11. A
12. B
13. True
14. A, B and C
15. B
16. A, B and C
17. B
18. C
19. A
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
1 a Refer to Figure 7.1.8 on page 282, for the answer. (4 correct = 2 marks, 2 or 3 correct =
1 mark, 1 or 0 correct = 0 marks)
b The loss of nitrogen fixing soil bacteria would reduce the amount of ammonium in the soil.
Some ammonium would still be present due to the action of decomposers. (1 mark)
This would result in reduced nitrites and then reduced nitrates in the soil. Many, but not all,
plants rely on soil nitrates for their nitrogen. These plants will likely die over time. Plants with
root nodules should survive. (1 mark)
The loss of many plants will reduce food for herbivores so their numbers will decrease and
so will the carnivores which rely on the herbivores for food. (1 mark)
3 The graph shows that the Arctic Sea ice is decreasing. The data indicates that most of the
reflection of light energy is reflection off sea ice. (1 mark)
A reduction in sea ice will mean that there is less reflection into space and more of the Sun’s
energy will be absorbed. As a result temperature is likely to increase. (1 mark)
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Year 10 Biology Revision: Global Systems – Effects on Climate
Explain the Southern Oscillation and how it affects climate?
Key Points:
Make sure you understand each of the three cycles and in detail.
The Southern Oscillation and Blue Carbon are not in your book – make sure you know and
understand them both.
What role do greenhouse gases have in Climate Change and trapping of heat?
Ocean currents play a big role in transferring energy around the globe and affecting climates
world-wide. How? What is the thermohaline Circulation?
GO OVER THE REVIEW QUESTIONS IN YOUR BOOK. Even if it’s just bullet points or you are reading
the questions, they will help you.
The answers to the review questions are on SEQTA on Mondays lesson.