柯 名 陽 電 研 半導體物理 柯 名 陽 編 授 第七章 雙極性接面電晶體(BJT) 基本結構及操作 N-type Emitter " !! !! N Collector P Collector Base P-type Emitter !!! "! Base u操作定義 一、主動區 E(n) B(p) C(n) %$ (#) !! (# " ) #"# #"$ !# (# "" ) #"# #"$ 二、飽和區 E(n) B(p) C(n) %$ (#) !! (# " ) !# (# "" ) #"# #"$ #"# #"$ 三、截止區 E(n) B(p) !! (# " ) C(n) !# (# "" ) %$ (#) #"# #"$ #"# #"$ 四、反向主動區 E(n) B(p) C(n) %$ (#) !! (# " ) !# (# "" ) #"# #"$ #"# #"$ 主動區分析 E(n) B(p) C(n) %$ (#) !! (# " ) !# (# "" ) # " =0 #=0 #=#$ # "" =0 A. 基極: %$& '!" ) '# δn% # = #$ − # # − 1 sinh − sinh / /$ $ # sinh /$ $ (!" . (# −-&' δn% * = *& ∵ x% ≪ '& B. 射極: δp( # " = δp( C. 集極: #" !!& '!" ) '# #! − # " − 1 sinh /! #! sinh / ! !!& )'!" = ) *+ − 1 #! − # " #! δp, # "" = −!#& -. $$ ) /% ⋅ * + -&' (!" . (# 低頻共基極電流增益 u NPN主動區電荷流動圖 E &%# &%! &&! C &&)* &' &( B &%! :基極中,# = 0的少數載子擴散電流 J0( #$ ''!" −23$ %$& cosh / ) # '!" 45%$ # % 23 $& $ $ '# = 23$ = ≅ ) 6 # 4# #=0 #$ /$ sinh /$ $ &&! :射極中,# " = 0之少數載子擴散電流 ;1( 45!! # " 23! !!& ''!" 23! !!& ''!" = −23! = ) # = ) # 6 " " 4# # =0 #! #! &%) :基極中,# = #$ 之少數載子擴散電流 '!" ) '# ;23 #$ −23$ %$& + cosh / 45%$ # $ = 23$ = # < 4# # = #$ /$ sinh $ /$ %$& ⋅ 23$ ''!" ≈ ) # #$ u 共基極電流增益 2) 3) 3#) + 3+ + 3,)' 1' = = = 2* 3* 3#* + 3,* + 33#* + 3,* 43) 3#) 3#* 3#) 小訊號時: 1 = 43 = 3 + 3 + 3 = 3 + 3 + 3 × 3 + 3 × 3 * #* ,* #* ,* #* ,* #* ()) ):復合因子(recombination factor) *:射極注入效率(Emitter injection efficiency) + + :基極傳輸因子(Base transport factor) (*) (+ + ) 3#* + 3#, 1 3#* 1 = 6= ≈ = !" 3#* + 3,* + 3- 3#* + 3- 1 + 330' 2( /(# 1 + . 3#* 3 1' 1 1 9= ≈ 3,* "& *& :* 1+ 1+ "* ** :& 3#* 3#) 1 1 1. = = ≈ * 1 *& 3#* cosh & 1+2 ' '& & ∴A= / 1 B # 3 1 + B$ #$3! ! ! $ 1 # 1 + 2 /$ $ 4 !" ;5& -' 1 + ; ) 4'# 6& ≈ 1 B # 3 1 #$ 1+ $ $ !+ B! #! 3$ 2 /$ 4 !" ;5& -' + ) 4'# ;6& 非理想效應 Ø 基極寬度調變(Base Width Modulation) @)& 變大 使空乏區移動 *&4 *&/ *&3 產生輸出電導 A, ≡ 2) @)* -.! -/!" 當 ;#$ 一直增加使 <$ = 0 = .! /#0/!" 穿透崩潰(Punch through) Ø 高階注入 !$ (#) B$ %$ (#) Low level B 高階注入效應 High level -&' #=0 ln 2) 復 合 電 流 高 階 注 入 # = #$ 2) 基極的過量少數載子增加量不如Emitter多 降低射極注入效率 ∵ @&* ↑ → 3,* ↑ @&* Ø Kirk effect:電流增益在 2) 0 E(% ) B(p) K 0 K 0 _ _ _ _ D$ _ _ _ 很大時也可能因為Kirk Effect而降低 + + + + + + + + + + + C(% ) + _ _ _ + + 過! − #空乏區,基極 * D# D$" 高集極電流下,電子流 1 + D#" * 端負電荷濃度等效↑,集 極端正電荷減少,∴基 極端空乏區縮減集極端 空乏區增加,使&! ↑ , ( ↓ , * ↓,稱為Kirk效 應。 Ø 射極能隙窄化 當射極濃度增加,也會增加 /,∵ 1"# ↓ , 2"# ↑ 1"# 2$% 4& 4' ("! = = 5 )* 4" 4" 但濃度增加,使施體能階分裂且變多,形成能帶,始能隙等效變小 ∴ 1"# 4+ 4' = 5 4" "! (,"! ( )* 2$% Δ7= → 4" ↑→ Δ7- ↑→ 1"# ↑→ / ↓ 4" 89 Ø 電流聚集效應(Current Crowding) 主動區時,電流由基極流向射極,由於基極寬度 窄而電阻大,使電流流過產生大電壓,使電流聚 集在邊緣處導致局部高注入與熱效應現象。功率 元件中,常設計成狹窄的射極寬度以避免電流聚 集,稱為交指式電極(Interdigitated electrode) Ø 非均勻基極摻雜 基極中,熱平衡時, N型射極區的濃度B7 P型基極區的濃度B8 N型集極區的濃度B7 ?1 ;. = 1<=. 7 − <>. =0 ?@ 1 ?1 ∴ 7 = B* ⋅ 1 ?@ 若不均勻摻雜 /. /0 ≠0 存在電場 加速電場 Ø 崩潰(Breakdown) u 穿透(Punch-through):當B,C逆偏增加使空乏區佔滿 Base中性區。 M& = 2# @5$ + @L 1 1 ") + × "& ") "& + ") LM&/ ⋅ "& "& + ") @- = 2N") u 累增 (Avalanche) (a)射極開路 E " !! !! "2 E#$9 C B (b)基極開路 E " !! !! E#!9 "2 AE#!9 E#$9 B C 2) 基極開路 2)*6 射極開路 2)&6 O@)*6 O@)&6 @)* BJT等效電路模型 (1) Ebers-Moll Model:直流模型 (2) Hybrid-N Model:小訊號模型 (3) Gummel-Poon Model:精確模型→描述非理想效應 Early effect 非理想效應: High level injection 不均勻基極摻雜 Ø Ebers – Moll model: C C B B 28) 2& 28* E 2) − 1" 28* @&) 28* = 2*7 (!" . (# −1 28) = 2)7 (!" . (# −1 + 其中 + @&* 1- 28) − 1" 2*7 = 1- 2)7 = 21 倒置條件 Reciprocity condition E 2* (!" . (# 2* = 2*7 2) = 1" 2*7 (!$ . (# − 1 − 1- 2)7 (!" . (# (!$ . (# − 1 − 2)7 (!$ 21 ((!" −1 = . # − 1 − 21 . (# − 1 1" − 1 = 21 (!" . (# 2& = 2* − 2) = = 329% 9% :( ;% . 21 . &!" &# &!" &# −1 + −1 + :( ;' . 329' &!$ &# 9' −1 21 . &!$ &# −1 21 ((!$ −1 − . # −1 1- u 主動區:;$! > 0 , ;$# < 0 F& = (1 F1 − F2 = (1 F"3 5 "#$ "% + F&3 u 反向主動區: ;23 < 0 , ;24 > 0 F5" ≈ −F"3 F5& = F&3 4#& 5 4% F& = −(1 F"3 − F&3 4#& 5 4% = −F&3 4#& 5 4% H 4#& F" = −F"3 − (2 F&3 5 4% = (2 F& − F"3 u 飽和區: ;23 > 0 , ;24 > 0 2) = 21 由 (!" . (# 21 ((!$ − . # 1- 2) = B<=0>? 2& , 2& = 21 ⋅ (!" . (# 3 ;% . &!" &# + :( ;' . &!$ &# 1 ((!$ B<=0>? ((!" B<=0?>? ((!$ − . # = . # + . # 1B" B- B<=0>? (!" B<=0>? (!$ 1 1− . (# = + . (# B" 1B@)* 1 B<=0?>? + 1B" PQR = @. ln B<=0?>? 1− B" @)* 1 STTP.R = @. ln 1- Ø Hybrid - N model: u 基極到射極之間: ! J7 u 集極到射極之間 !: #89 J6 #6 7 : #: K; L79 J+ J< #= J90 7 F; , F3 , F<. :歐姆接觸之串聯電阻 F= :接面之擴散電阻 F> :基極調變之output電阻 7: J= :之擴散電容 J?< :接面電容 J6 :集極與基板之寄生電容 # J> u 基極到集極之間 !: #> #: J> :逆偏電阻 #> :逆偏接面電容 J> u 完整混合 N 模型 ! J7 #6 #> #89 J+ K; L79 J6 J90 7 J< #= # u 高頻等效電路 二階近似: #6 #> J6 K; L79 #6 J6 在一階近似中 忽略#6 : U> = X@ YA = B V U5 @)* = 0 #> 一階近似: J< 考慮ZA : K; L79 1 U> = X@ [A , U5 = + ]ZA [A YA U> X@ X@ YA B ∴B P = = = = 1 ] U5 1 + ]Y Z A A + ]Z 1 + A YA M' u Gummel Poon Model: log電流 ◎ Gummel Plot @&* B @&* 頻率限制 BJT是一種傳輸-時間的元件,當頻率增加,傳輸的時間可 能和輸入的週期很接近,此時,輸出的反應不再與輸入同 相位,gain也會降低。 射極至集極的傳輸時間: S5) = S5 + S6 + S- + S) S5 :射極至基極接面電容的充電時間:U9 = J9 #89 + #6 @?2 S6 :基極傳輸時間:U7 = 2> A @/+ S- :集極空乏區傳輸時間:U/ = B = S) :集極電容充電時間:U+ = J+ #> + #= * W = * W 1+ XD (# ( W = (# W = Z 1+ XB 1 + Y ZC (# :低頻共基極電流增益 U7 :+ 截止頻率 8 U7 = 9:; = U+ $% 若 @! ↓ ,U7 ↓ , U9+ ↓ , Z* ↑ → ( W = * W = G' ( EF8 (* → ZG ⋅ *# = Z* → ZG = C' ( EF8 () H% G' , ∵ (# = 1 ∴ Z* = ZC fD :β 截止頻率 BJT大訊號切換 2 ) B&& B!! ]& 2) (sat) 0.9 R1 ]! @&& @&&' -@- K=0 RB R0 R< 0.1 0 KA K4 K@ KB KC R RB :2> 從 0 到最大值之10%的延遲時間(delay time) K = K@ R R0 :10%~90%上升時間(rise time) R1 :儲存時間(storage time) R< :下降時間(fall time) u 降低V< 方法:利用Schottky電晶體 異質接面雙極性電晶體(HBT) P-GaAs N-AlGaAs P-GaAs N-GaAs N-AlGaAs (1) 利用寬能隙材料,使電洞注入大幅降低,∴射極濃度不需過高, 優點: 即可得大 α 高階注入 (2)可避免j 之非理想效應 射極能隙窄化 優點: (1) 利用寬能隙材料,使電洞注入大幅降低, ∴ 射極濃度不需過高, 即可得大 α P-GaAs N-AlGaAs 高階注入 (2)可避免j 之非理想效應 射極能隙窄化 (3) GaAs 之 µ 較 Si 為高,可做高速元件 缺點: (1) GaAs之載子生命週期短→B,E復合電流大 (2) 製程複雜 範例一 To calculate the common-emitter current gain of a silicon npn bipolar transistor at T=300K. Given a set of parameters : oC = p. rpst oD = p. zpst ~D = w×wpHI xt−K ~C = w×wpHO xt−K €CD = p. •z€ uD = wpxtE ⁄y :F = 25|}2 ⁄P •L0 = 1×10−7 P •F0 = 5×10−7 P 3P0 = 5× 10−8 ‚⁄|}2 the following parameters are calculated : !!& = %$& = A.C×A&!" A×A&!$ A.C×A&!" A×A&!% # # = 2.25×104OP-@ = 2.25×10BOP-@ /! = 3! Q!& = 10-@OP /$ = 3$ Q$& = 3.54×10-@OP 範例二 To calculate the emitter-to-collector transit time and the cutoff frequency of a bipolar transistor, given the transistor parameters. Consider a silicon npn transistor at T=300K. Assume the following parameters: ƒD = wt„ …RS = w†‡ oC = p. zst :T = 25|}2 ⁄P oUV = ˆ. ‰st YW = 20Ω ZY = 0.1‹Œ …X = p. w†‡ 範例三 (a) Describe the physical meaning of the base transit time in an npn bipolar transistor. (b) Describe the physical meaning of the base transport factor in an npn bipolar transistor. (c) Describe the physical meaning of the emitter injection factor in an npn bipolar transistor. 範例四 For a bipolar junction transistor (BJT), the current gain generally varies with collector current. A representative plot is shown in Figure. Please explain why the current gain B increases first and then decreases with 2> . 範例五 Consider an npn Bipolar Junction Transistor, with 10 doping levels in emitter, base and collector respectively, answer the following questions. (a) Plot qualitatively its energy band diagrams at zero bias and at forward-active conditions. (b) Why the emitter is doped more heavily than the collector, in a typical BJT? (c) How does reducing base width affect the current gain, β ? (d) If a wide bandgap material with conductor band edge 0.2eV higher and valence band edge 0.3 eV lower that of silicon, is chosen to substitute the emitter. Plot the corresponding energy band diagram of the new BJT and explain how this will affect its current gain, β, and why? 範例六 For an npn bipolar junction transistor the emitter doping concentration is "B* , the base doping concentration is "Z& , and the collector doping concentration is "B) . (a) Fill the proper symbol ≪ , < , = , > , ≫ into the following parentheses "B? "Z& "B) (b) Explain the reason for making the choice in part (a). (c) If the base is non –uniformly doped there is a doping gradient in the base, which direction do you prefer? Collect-side concentration higher than the emitter-side concentration or vice versa? Why? 範例七 The current components of a BJT under forward active mode are shown below. If 2#* = 1.20}‚, 2,* = 0.10}‚, 2#) = 1.18}‚, neglect 2- , 2+ and 2,)' Determine (a)Emitter injection efficiency γ. (b)The base transport factor 1 . (c)The current gain β. 範例八 The metallurgical base width of a silicon npn bipolar transistor is M& = 0.6’}. The base and collector doping concentrations are "& = 3×103[ |}24 and ") = 103\ |}24 . Neglecting the space charge width of the B-E junction, find the punch-through breakdown voltage at the B-C junction.