For Flight Training Reference Only NOTICE AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE, THIS INFOR MATION MANUAL WAS AN EXACT DUPLI CATE OF THE OFFICIAL PILOT'S OPERAT ING HANDBOOK AND FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AND IS TO BE USED FOR GENERAL PURPOSES ONLY. IT WILL NOT THEREFORE, BE KEPT CANNOT CURRENT AND, BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE OFFICIAL PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK APPROVED AIRPLANE AND FAA FLIGHT MANUAL INTENDED FOR OPERATION OF THE AIR PLANE. CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY 1 JULY 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only INFORMATION MANUAL CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY 1980 MODEL 152 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY M.mb.r of GAMA WICHITA, KANSAS, USA 1 July 1979 D1170-13-RPC-1OOOO-12/79 For Flight Training Reference Only iii PERFORMANCE- CESSNA SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 152 PERFORMANCE - SPECIFICATIONS *SPEED: Maximum at Sea Level 110 KNOTS Cruise, 75% Power at 8000 Ft 107 KNOTS CRUISE: Recommended lean mixture with fuel allowance for engine start, taxi, takeoff, climb and 45 minutes reserve. 75% Power at 8000 Ft 24.5 Gallons Usable Fuel 75% Power at 8000 Ft . ' 37.5 Gallons Usable Fuel Maximum Range at 10,000 Ft Range 320 NM Time 3.1 HRS Range Time 545 NM 5.2 HRS Range 415 NM Time 5.2 HRS Range 690 NM Time RATE OF CLIMB AT SEA LEVEL 8.7 HRS 715 FPM SERVICE CEILING 14,700 FT TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE: Ground Roll 725 FT 24.5 Gallons Usable Fuel Maximum Range at 10,000 Ft 37.5 Gallons Usable Fuel Total Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle 1340 FT LANDING PERFORMANCE: Ground Roll 475 FT Total Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle 1200 FT STALL SPEED (CAS): Flaps Up, Power Off Flaps Down, Power Off r 48 KNOTS 43 KNOTS n n MAXIMUM WEIGHT: Ramp 1675 LBS Takeoff or Landing 1670 LBS — STANDARD EMPTY WEIGHT: 152 1109 LBS 152 II 1142 LBS MAXIMUM USEFUL LOAD: 152 566 LBS 152 II 533 LBS BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE WING LOADING: Pounds/Sq Ft 120 LBS 10.5 POWER LOADING: Pounds/HP 15.2 FUEL CAPACITY: Total Standard Tanks 26 GAL. Long Range Tanks 39 GAL. OIL CAPACITY 6 QTS ENGINE: Avco Lycoming O-235-L2C n 110 BHP at 2550 RPM PROPELLER: Fixed Pitch, Diameter 69 IN. "Speed performance is shown for an airplane equipped with optional speed fairings, which increas-3 the speeds by approximately 2 knots. There is a corresponding difference in range, while all other performance figures are unchanged when speed fairings are n installed. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n TABLE OF CONTENTS CESSNA MODEL 152 _ TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION GENERAL 1 LIMITATIONS 2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 3 NORMAL PROCEDURES 4 PERFORMANCE 5 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST 6 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS 7 AIRPLANE HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE 8 SUPPLEMENTS (Optional Systems Description & Operating Procedures) 9 n iv 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 1 GENERAL SECTION 1 GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Three View Introduction Descriptive Data Engine Propeller Fuel Oil 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 Maximum Certificated Weights 1-5 Standard Airplane Weights 1-5 Cabin And Entry Dimensions 1-5 Baggage Space Dimensions 1-5 Specific Loadings 1-5 Symbols, Abbreviations And Terminology 1-5 General Airspeed Terminology And Symbols 1-5 Meteorological Terminology 1-6 Engine Power Terminology Airplane Performance And Flight Planning Terminology Weight And Balance Terminology 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only . . . 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-1 CESSNA SECTION 1 MODEL 152 GENERAL n n n 1. Wing span shown with conical camber wing tips and strobe lights installed. If standard wing tips without strobe lights are installed, wing span is 32' - 8 1/2". 2. Maximum height shown with nose gear depressed, all tires and nose strut prop erly inflated and flashing beacon installed. 3. Wheel base length is 58". 4. Propeller ground clearance is 12' 5. Wing area is 159 1/2 square feet. Minimum turning radius [sfcpivot point to outboard wing tip) is 24' - 8". n n n H n n Figure 1-1. Three View 1 July 1979 1-2 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION i GENERAL INTRODUCTION This handbook contains 9 sections, and includes the material require! to be furnished to the pilot by CAR Part 3. It also contains supplementa data supplied by Cessna Aircraft Company. Section 1 provides basic data and information of general interest. I also contains definitions or explanations of symbols, abbreviations, am terminology commonly used. DESCRIPTIVE DATA ENGINE Number of Engines: 1. Engine Manufacturer: Avco Lycoming. Engine Model Number: O-235-L2C. Engine Type: Normally-aspirated, direct-drive, air-cooled, horizontally opposed, carburetor equipped, four-cylinder engine with 233.3 cu. in displacement. Horsepower Rating and Engine Speed: HO rated BHP at 2550 RPM. PROPELLER Propeller Manufacturer: McCauley Accessory Division. Propeller Model Number: 1A103/TCM6958. Number of Biades: 2. Propeller Diameter, Maximum: 69 inches. Minimum: 67.5 inches. Propeller Type: Fixed pitch. FUEL Approved Fuel Grades (and Colors): 100LL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue). 100 (Formerly 100/130) Grade Aviation Fuel (Green). NOTE Isopropyl alcohol or ethylene glycol monomethyl ether may be added to the fuel supply. Additive concentrations shall not exceed 1% for isopropyl alcohol or .15% for ethylene glycol monomethyl ether. Refer to Section 8 for additional information. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 1-E SECTION 1 GENERAL CESSNA MODEL 152 Fuel Capacity: n Standard Tanks: Total Capacity: 26 gallons. Total Capacity Each Tank: 13 gallons. Total Usable: 24.5 gallons. n Long Range Tanks: Total Capacity: 39 gallons. Total Capacity Each Tank: 19.5 gallons. n Total Usable: 37.5 gallons. NOTE Due to cross-feeding between fuel tanks, the tanks should be re-topped after each refueling to assure maximum — capacity. OIL _ Oil Grade (Specification): MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oil: Use to replenish supply during first 25 hours and at the first 25-hour oil change. Continue to use until a total of 50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. NOTE The airplane was delivered from the factory with a corro sion preventive aircraft engine oil. This oil should be drained after the first 25 hours of operation. MIL-L-22851 Ashless Dispersant Oil: This oil must be used after first 50 hours or oil consumption has stabilized. Recommended Viscosity for Temperature Range: MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oil: SAE 50 above 16°C (60°F). SAE 40 between -1°C (30°F) and 32°C (90°F). SAE 30 between -18°C (0°F) and 21°C (70°F). SAE 20 below -12°C (10°F). MIL-L-22851 Ashless Dispersant Oil: SAE 40 or SAE 50 above 16°C (60°F). SAE 40 between -1°C (30°F) and 32°C (90°F). SAE 30 or SAE 40 between -18°C (0°F) and 21°C (70°F). SAE 30 below -12°C (10°F). Oil Capacity: Sump: 6 Quarts. i Total: 7 Quarts (if oil filter installed). 1-4 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 1 GENERAL MAXIMUM CERTIFICATED WEIGHTS Ramp: 1675 lbs. Takeoff: 1670 lbs. Landing: 1670 lbs. Weight in Baggage Compartment: Baggage Area 1 (or passenger on child's seat)-Station 50 to 76: 120 lbs. See note below. Baggage Area 2 - Station 76 to 94: 40 lbs. See note below. NOTE The maximum combined weight capacity for baggage areas 1 and 2 is 120 lbs; STANDARD AIRPLANE WEIGHTS Standard Empty Weight, 152: 1109 lbs. 152 II: 1142 lbs. Maximum Useful Load, 152: 566 lbs. 152 II: 533 lbs. CABIN AND ENTRY DIMENSIONS Detailed dimensions of the cabin interior and entry door openings are illustrated in Section 6. BAGGAGE SPACE DIMENSIONS Baggage area dimensions are illustrated in detail in Section 6. SPECIFIC LOADINGS Wing Loading: 10.5 lbs./sq. ft. Power Loading: 15.2 lbs./hp. SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGY GENERAL AIRSPEED TERMINOLOGY AND SYMBOLS KCAS Knots Calibrated Airspeed is indicated airspeed corrected for position and instrument error and expressed in knots. Knots calibrated airspeed is equal to KTAS in standard atmosphere at sea level. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 1-5 SECTION 1 CESSNA GENERAL MODEL 152 KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed is the speed shown on the airspeed indicator and expressed in knots. KTAS Knots True Airspeed is the airspeed expressed in knots relative to undisturbed air which is KCAS corrected for altitude and temperature. VA Manuevering Speed is the maximum speed at which you may use abrupt control travel. Vpg Maximum Flap Extended Speed is the highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a prescribed extended position. Maximum Structural Cruising Speed is the speed that should not be exceeded except in smooth air, then only with caution. VNE Never Exceed Speed is the speed limit that may not be exceeded at any time. Vg ~ Stalling Speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable. V« Stalling Speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable in the landing configu ration at the most forward center of gravity. V.. Best Angle-of-Climb Speed is the speed which results in the greatest gain of altitude in a given horizontal distance. Vv Best Rate-of-Climb Speed is the speed which results in the greatest gain in altitude in a given time. METEOROLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY OAT Outside Air Temperature is the free air static temperature. " It is expressed in either degrees Celsius or degrees Fah renheit. Standard Tempera- Standard Temperature is 15°C at sea level pressure altitude and decreases by 2°C for each 1000 feet of altitude. _ ture Pressure Altitude Pressure Altitude is the altitude read from an altimeter when the altimeter's barometric scale has been set to 29.92 inches of mercury (1013 mb). 1-6 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only _ CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 1 GENERAL ENGINE POWER TERMINOLOGY BHP Brake Horsepower is the power developed by the engine. RPM Revolutions Per Minute is engine speed. Static RPM Static RPM is engine speed attained during a full-throttle engine runup when the airplane is on the ground and stationary. AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE AND FLIGHT PLANNING TERMINOLOGY Demon- Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity is the velocity of the strated Crosswind Velocity crosswind component for which adequate control of the airplane during takeoff and landing was actually demonstrated during certification tests. The value shown is not considered to be limiting. Usable Fuel Usable Fuel is the fuel available for flight planning. Unusable Unusable Fuel is the quantity of fuel that can not be safely Fuel used in flight. GPH Gallons Per Hour is the amount of fuel (in gallons) consumed per hour. NMPG Nautical Miles Per Gallon is the distance (in nautical miles) which can be expected per gallon of fuel consumed at a specific engine power setting and/or flight configura tion. g g is acceleration due to gravity. WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY Reference Datum Reference Datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes. Station Station is a location along the airplane fuselage given in terms of the distance from the reference datum. Arm Arm is the horizontal distance from the reference datum to the center of gravity (C.G.) of an item. Moment Moment is the product of the weight of an item multiplied 1 July 1979 1.7 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 1 CESSNA MODEL 152 GENERAL by its arm. (Moment divided by the constant 1000 is used in this handbook to simplify balance calculations by reduc ing the number of digits.) Center of Gravity Center of Gravity is the point at which an airplane, or equipment, would balance if suspended. Its distance from (C.G.) the reference datum is found by dividing the total moment by the total weight of the airplane. C.G. Arm Center of Gravity Arm is the arm obtained by adding the airplane's individual moments and dividing the sum by the total weight. C.G. Center of Gravity Limits are the extreme center of gravity Limits locations within which the airplane must be operated at a given weight. Standard Standard Empty Weight is the weight of a standard air Empty Weight plane, including unusable i'uel, full operating fluids and full engine oil. Basic Empty Basic Empty Weight is the standard empty weight plus the Weight weight of optional equipment. Useful Useful Load is the difference between ramp weight and the Load basic empty weight. Maximum Maximum Ramp Weight is the maximum weight approved Ramp for ground maneuver. (It includes the weight of start, taxi Weight and runup fuel.) Maximum Maximum Takeoff Weight is the maximum weight ap Takeoff proved for the start of the takeoff run. Weight Maximum Maximum Landing Weight is the maximum weight ap Landing proved for the landing touchdown. n n Weight Tare Tare is the weight of chocks, blocks, stands, etc. used when weighing an airplane, and is included in the scale read ings. Tare is deducted from the scale reading to obtain the actual (net) airplane weight. n n 1-8 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA SECTIOi MODEL 152 3 LIMITATIONS SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Airspeed Limitations Airspeed Indicator Markings Power Plant Limitations Power Plant Instrument Markings Weight Limits Center Of Gravity Limits Maneuver Limits 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-6 Flight Load Factor Limits Kinds Of Operation Limits Fuel Limitations Other Limitations Flap Limitations Placards 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-8 1 July 1979 2-3 2-1/(2-2 blank) For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS MODEL 152 INTRODUCTION Section 2 includes operating limitations, instrument markings, and basic placards necessary for the safe operation of the airplane, its engine, standard systems and standard equipment. The limitations included in this section and in Section 9 have been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. Observance of these operating limitations is required by Federal Aviation Regulations. NOTE Refer to Section 9 of this Pilot's Operating Handbook for amended operating limitations, operating procedures, performance data and other necessary information for airplanes equipped with specific options. Your Cessna is certificated under FAA Type Certificate No. 3A19 as Cessna Model No. 152. AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS Airspeed limitations and their operational significance are shown in figure 2-1. SPEED VNE vN0 Never Exceed Speed KCAS KIAS 145 149 REMARKS Do not exceed this speed in any operation. Maximum Structural 108 111 Cruising Speed Do not exceed this speed except in smooth air, and then only with caution. vA VFE Maneuvering Speed: 1670 Pounds 101 104 1500 Pounds 96 98 control movements above 1350 Pounds 91 93 this speed. 87 85 with flaps down. 145 149 Maximum Flap Extended Speed Do not exceed this speed Maximum Window Open Speed Figure 2-1. Do not make full or abrupt Do not exceed this speed with windows open. Airspeed Limitations 1 July 1979 2-3 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA SECTION 2 MODEL 152 LIMITATIONS AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS Airspeed indicator markings and their color code significance are shown in figure 2-2. MARKING White Arc KIAS VALUE SIGNIFICANCE OR RANGE 35 - 85 Full Flap Operating Range. Lower limit is maximum weight Vg landing configuration. in Upper limit is maximum speed permissible with flaps extended. Green Arc 40 - 111 Normal Operating Range. Lower limit is maximum weight Vg at most forward C.G. with flaps retracted. Upper limit is maximum structural cruising speed. Yellow Arc Operations must be conducted with 111 - 149 caution and only in smooth air. 149 Red Line Figure 2-2. " Maximum speed for all operations. Airspeed Indicator Markings POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS Engine Manufacturer: Avco Lycoming. Engine Model Number: O-235-L2C. Engine Operating Limits for Takeoff and Continuous Operations: Maximum Power: 110 BHP rating. Maximum Engine Speed: 2550 RPM. NOTE The static RPM range at full throttle (carburetor heat off and mixture leaned to maximum RPM) is 2280 to 2380 RPM. Maximum Oil Temperature: 245°F (118°C). Oil Pressure, Minimum: 25 psi. Maximum: Propeller Model Number: 1A103/TCM6958. Propeller Diameter, Maximum: 69 inches. 71 Minimum: 67.5 inches. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n r 115 psi. Propeller Manufacturer: McCauley Accessory Division. 2-4 n n SECTION 2 CESSNA LIMITATIONS MODEL 152 POWER PLANT INSTRUMENT MARKINGS Power plant instrument markings and their color code significance are shown in figure 2-3. GREEN ARC RED LINE INSTRUMENT NORMAL MINIMUM RED LINE MAXIMUM LIMIT OPERATING LIMIT Tachometer: Sea Level 1900 - 2350 RPM 4000 Feet 1900 - 2450 RPM 8000 Feet 1900 - 2550 RPM Oil Temperature 25 psi Oil Pressure Fuel Quantity 2550 RPM 100° - 245°F 245° F 60 - 90 psi 115 psi E (0.75 Gal. Unusable Each Tank) 4.5 - 5.4 in. Hg Suction Figure 2-3. - — Power Plant Instrument Markings WEIGHT LIMITS Maximum Ramp Weight: 1675 lbs. Maximum Takeoff Weight: 1670 lbs. Maximum Landing Weight: 1670 lbs. Maximum Weight in Baggage Compartment: Baggage Area 1 (or passenger on child's seat) - Station 50 to 76: 120 lbs. See note below. Baggage Area 2 - Station 76 to 94: 40 lbs. See note below. NOTE The maximum combined weight capacity for baggage areas 1 and 2 is 120 lbs. CENTER OF GRAVITY LIMITS Center of Gravity Range: Forward: 31.0 inches aft of datum at 1350 lbs. or less, with straight line variation to 32.65 inches aft of datum at 1670 lbs. 1 July 1979 2-5 For Flight Training Reference Only ■ SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 Aft: 36.5 inches aft of datum at all weights. _ Reference Datum: Front face of firewall. MANEUVER LIMITS This airplane is certificated in the utility category and is designed for limited aerobatic flight. In the acquisition of various certificates such as commercial pilot and flight instructor, certain maneuvers are required. All of these maneuvers are permitted in this airplane. No aerobatic maneuvers are approved except those listed below: MANEUVER r RECOMMENDED ENTRY SPEED* Chandelles Lazy Eights Steep Turns Spins Stalls (Except Whip Stalls) 95 knots 95 knots 95 knots Use Slow Deceleration Use Slow Deceleration "Higher speeds can be used if abrupt use of the controls is avoided. The baggage compartment and/or child's seat must not be occupied during aerobatics. Aerobatics that may impose high loads should not be attempted. The important thing to bear in mind in flight maneuvers is that the airplane is clean in aerodynamic design and will build up speed quickly with me nose down. Proper Speed control is an essential requirement for execution of any maneuver, and care should always be exercised to avoid excessive — speed which in turn can impose excessive loads. In the execution of all maneuvers, avoid abrupt use of controls. FLIGHT LOAD FACTOR LIMITS Flight Load Factors: *Flaps Up: +4.4g, -1.76g *Flaps Down: +3.5g _ "The design load factors are 150% of the above, and in all cases, the structure meets or exceeds design loads. KINDS OF OPERATION LIMITS The airplane is equipped for day VFR and may be equipped for night VFR and/or IFR operations. FAR Part 91 establishes the minimum required instrumentation and equipment for these operations. The refer- 2-6 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS ence to types of flight operations on the operating limitations placard reflects equipment installed at the time of Airworthiness Certificate issuance. Flight into known icing conditions is prohibited. FUEL LIMITATIONS 2 Standard Tanks: 13 U.S. gallons each. Total Fuel: 26 U.S. gallons. Usable Fuel (all flight conditions): 24.5 U.S. gallons. Unusable Fuel: 1.5 U.S. gallons. 2 Long Range Tanks: 19.5 U.S. gallons each. Total Fuel: 39 U.S. gallons. Usable Fuel (all flight conditions): 37.5 U.S. gallons. Unusable Fuel: 1.5 U.S. gallons. NOTE Due to cross-feeding between fuel tanks, the tanks should be re-topped after each refueling to assure maximum capacity. Takeoffs have not been demonstrated with less than 2 gallons of total fuel (1 gallon per tank). Fuel remaining in the tank after the fuel quantity indicator reads empty (red line) cannot be safely used in flight. Approved Fuel Grades (and Colors): 100LL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue). 100 (Formerly 100/130) Grade Aviation Fuel (Green). OTHER LIMITATIONS FLAP LIMITATIONS Approved Takeoff Range: 0° to 10°. Approved Landing Range: 0° to 30°. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 2-7 " CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS PLACARDS The following information must be displayed in the form of composite or individual placards. 1. In full shown view of the pilot: (The "DAY-NIGHT-VFR-IFR" entry, on the example below, will vary as the airplane is equipped). The markings and placards installed in this airplane contain operating limitations which must be complied with when operat n n ing this airplane in the Utility Category. Other operating limita tions which must be complied with when operating this airplane in this category are contained in the Pilot's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual. NO ACROBATIC MANEUVERS APPROVED EXCEPT THOSE LISTED BELOW Rec. Entry Maneuver Rec. Entry Speed Maneuver Chandelles 95 KIAS Spins Lazy 8's 95 KIAS Stalls (Ex Steep Turns 95 KIAS cept Whip Speed Slow Decel. Stalls) Slow Decel. n Intentional spins prohibited with flaps extended. Flight into known icing conditions prohibited. This airplane is certified for the following flight operations as of date of original airworthiness certificate: n DAY—NIGHT—VFR—IFR 2. n In the baggage compartment: 120 LBS. MAXIMUM BAGGAGE AND/OR AUXILIARY SEAT PAS SENGER. FOR ADDITIONAL LOADING INSTRUCTIONS SEE WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA. 1 July 1979 2-8 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 3. SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS Near fuel shutoff valve (standard tanks): FUEL - 24.5 GALS - ON-OFF Near fuel shutoff valve (long range tanks): FUEL- 37.5 GALS - ON-OFF 4. Near fuel tank filler cap (standard tanks): FUEL 100LL/100 MIN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE CAP. 13 U.S. GAL. Near fuel tank filler cap (long range tanks): FUEL 100LL/ 100 MIN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE CAP. 19.5 U.S. GAL. CAP 13.0 U.S. GAL. TO BOTTOM OF FILLER COLLAR 5. On the instrument panel near the altimeter: SPIN RECOVERY 1. VERIFY AILERONS NEUTRAL AND THROTTLE CLOSED 3. MOVE CONTROL WHEEL BRISKLY FORWARD TO BREAK 4. NEUTRALIZE RUDDER AND RECOVER FROM DIVE 2. APPLY FULL OPPOSITE RUDDER STALL 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS 6. A calibration card is provided to indicate the accuracy of the magnetic compass in 30° increments. 7. On oil filler cap: 8. On control lock: " n CONTROL LOCK - REMOVE BEFORE STARTING ENGINE 9. p Near airspeed indicator: MANEUVER SPEED - 104 KIAS n n 2-10 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Airspeeds For Emergency Operation Page 3-3 3-3 OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS Engine Failures Engine Failure During Takeoff Run 3-3 3-3 Engine Failure Immediately After Takeoff 3-3 Engine Failure During Flight 3-4 Forced Landings 3-4 Emergency Landing Without Engine Power 3-4 Precautionary Landing With Engine Power 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-6 Ditching Fires During Start On Ground Engine Fire In Flight Electrical Fire In Flight Cabin Fire Wing Fire Icing Inadvertent Icing Encounter 3-6 3-7 Landing With A Flat Main Tire 3-8 Electrical Power Supply System Malfunctions 3-8 3-7 3-7 Ammeter Shows Excessive Rate Of Charge (Full Scale Deflection) 3-8 Low-Voltage Light Illuminates During Flight (Ammeter Indicates Discharge) 3-8 AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES Engine Failure Forced Landings 3-9 3-10 Landing Without Elevator Control 3-10 Fires 3-10 1 July 1979 3-1 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) mergency Operation In Clouds (Vacuum System Failure) Executing A 180° Turn In Clouds Page . . . 3-11 3-11 Emergency Descent Through Clouds 3-11 Recovery From A Spiral Dive Inadvertent Flight Into Icing Conditions 3-12 Spins 3-12 Rough Engine Operation Or Loss Of Power 3-13 — 3-12 Carburetor Icing 3-13 Spark Plug Fouling Magneto Malfunction 3-13 3-14 Low Oil Pressure Electrical Power Supply System Malfunctions Excessive Rate Of Charge — _ 3-14 3-14 3-14 1 P n n n 3-2 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 152 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Section 3 provides checklist and amplified procedures for coping with emergencies that may occur. Emergencies caused by airplane or engine malfunctions are extremely rare if proper preflight inspections and maintenance are practiced. Enroute weather emergencies can be minim ized or eliminated by careful flight planning and good judgment when unexpected weather is encountered. However, should an emergency arise, the basic guidelines described in this section should be considered and applied as necessary to correct the problem. Emergency procedures associated with ELT and other optional systems can be found in Section 9. AIRSPEEDS FOR EMERGENCY OPERATION Engine Failure After Takeoff Maneuvering Speed: 60 KIAS 1670 Lbs 104 KIAS 1500 Lbs 98 KIAS 1350 Lbs 93 KIAS Maximum Glide 60 KIAS Precautionary Landing With Engine Power 55 KIAS Landing Without Engine Power: Wing Flaps Up 65 KIAS Wing Flaps Down 60 KIAS OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS ENGINE FAILURES ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF RUN 1. Throttle -- IDLE. 2. Brakes -- APPLY. 3. Wing Flaps - RETRACT. 4. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. 5. Ignition Switch -- OFF. 6. Master Switch -- OFF. ENGINE FAILURE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF 1. Airspeed -- 60 KIAS. 2. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. 1 July 1979 3.3 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 3. Fuel Shutoff Valve -- OFF. 4. 5. 6. Ignition Switch -- OFF. Wing Flaps -- AS REQUIRED. Master Switch -- OFF. CESSNA MODEL 152 ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT 1. Airspeed -- 60 KIAS. 2. Carburetor Heat -- ON. 3. Primer -- IN and LOCKED. 4. Fuel Shutoff Valve -- ON. 5. Mixture -- RICH. 6. Ignition Switch -- BOTH (or START if propeller is stopped). ~ FORCED LANDINGS EMERGENCY LANDING WITHOUT ENGINE POWER 1. 2. 3. 4. Airspeed -- 65 KIAS (flaps UP). 60 KIAS (flaps DOWN). Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. Fuel Shutoff Valve -- OFF. Ignition Switch -- OFF. 5. Wing Flaps -- AS REQUIRED (30° recommended). 6. Master Switch -- OFF. 7. 8. 9. Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN. Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY. " PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER 1. Airspeed -- 60 KIAS. 2. Wing Flaps--20°. 3. — Selected Field -- FLY OVER, noting terrain and obstructions, then retract flaps upon reaching a safe altitude and airspeed. 4. Radio and Electrical Switches -- OFF. 5. 6. Wing Flaps -- 30° (on final approach). Airspeed -- 55 KIAS. 7. Master Switch -- OFF. 8. Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN. 9. Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. 10. Ignition Switch -- OFF. 11. Brakes - APPLY HEAVILY. 3-4 — —« 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES DITCHING 1. Radio -- TRANSMIT MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz, giving location and 2. 3. intentions and SQUAWK 7700 if transponder is installed. Heavy Objects (in baggage area) -- SECURE OR JETTISON. Approach -- High Winds, Heavy Seas - INTO THE WIND. Light Winds, Heavy Swells -- PARALLEL TO 4. Wing Flaps --30°. 5. Power -- ESTABLISH 300 FT/MIN DESCENT AT 55 KIAS. SWELLS. 6. Cabin Doors -- UNLATCH. 7. Touchdown - LEVEL ATTITUDE AT 300 FT/MIN DESCENT. 8. Face -- CUSHION at touchdown with folded coat. 9. Airplane -- EVACUATE through cabin doors. If necessary, open windows and flood cabin to equalize pressure so doors can be opened. 10. Life Vests and Raft -- INFLATE. FIRES DURING START ON GROUND 1. Cranking -- CONTINUE, to get a start which would suck the flames and accumulated fuel through the carburetor and into the engine. If engine starts: 2. Power -- 1700 RPM for a few minutes. 3. Engine -- SHUTDOWN and inspect for damage. If engine fails to start: 4. 5. Cranking -- CONTINUE in an effort to obtain a start. Fire Extinguisher -- OBTAIN (have ground attendants obtain if not 6. Engine -- SECURE. installed). a. 7. 8. Master Switch -- OFF. b. Ignition Switch -- OFF. c. Fuel Shutoff Valve -- OFF. Fire - - EXTINGUISH using fire extinguisher, wool blanket, or dirt. Fire Damage -- INSPECT, repair damage or replace damaged components or wiring before conducting another flight. ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. Mixture - IDLE CUT-OFF. 1 July 1979 3:5 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 2. 3. CESSNA MODEL 152 — Fuel Shutoff Valve -- OFF. Master Switch -- OFF. 4. Cabin Heat and Air -- OFF (except wing root vents). 5. Airspeed -- 85 KIAS (If fire is not extinguished, increase glide speed to find an airspeed which will provide an incombustible mixture). 6. Forced Landing - - EXECUTE (as described in Emergency Landing Without Engine Power). ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. Master Switch -- OFF. 2. All Other Switches (except ignition switch) -- OFF. 3. Vents/Cabin Air/Heat -- CLOSED. 4. Fire Extinguisher -- ACTIVATE (if available). After discharging an extinguisher within a closed cabin, ventilate the cabin. If fire appears out and electrical power is necessary for continuance of n flight: 5. Master Switch -- ON. 6. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK for faulty circuit, do not reset. 7. Radio/Electrical Switches -- ON one at a time, with delay after 8. Vents/Cabin Air/Heat -- OPEN when it is ascertained that fire is n each until short circuit is localized. completely extinguished. CABIN FIRE 1. 2. Master Switch - OFF. Vents/ Cabin Air/Heat -- CLOSED (to avoid drafts). 3. Fire Extinguisher -- ACTIVATE (if available). | WARNING ' After discharging an extinguisher within a closed cabin, ventilate the cabin. 4. Land the airplane as soon as possible to inspect for damage. 3-6 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only _ CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 152 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES WING FIRE 1. Navigation Light Switch -- OFF. 2. Strobe Light Switch (if installed) -- OFF. 3. Pitot Heat Switch (if installed) -- OFF. NOTE Perform a side slip to keep the flames away from the fuel tank and cabin, and land as soon as possible, with flaps retracted. ICING INADVERTENT ICING ENCOUNTER 1. Turn pitot heat switch ON (if installed). 2. Turn back or change altitude to obtain an outside air temperature that is less conducive to icing. 3. Pull cabin heat control full out to obtain maximum defroster air temperature. For greater air flow at reduced temperatures, adjust 4. 5. the cabin air control as required. Open the throttle to increase engine speed and minimize ice build up on propeller blades. Watch for signs of carburetor air filter ice and apply carburetor heat as required. An unexpected loss in engine speed could be caused by carburetor ice or air intake filter ice. Lean the mixture 6. 7. 8. for maximum RPM, if carburetor heai is used continuously. Plan a landing at the nearest airport. With an extremely rapid ice build-up, select a suitable "off airport" landing site. With an ice accumulation of 1/4 inch or more on the wing leading edges, be prepared for significantly higher stall speed. Leave wing flaps retracted. With a severe ice build-up on the horizontal tail, the change in wing wake airflow direction caused by wing flap extension could result in a loss of elevator effective ness. 9. 11. Open left window and, if practical, scrape ice from a portion of the windshield for visibility in the landing approach. Perform a landing approach using a forward slip, if necessary, for improved visibility. Approach at 65 to 75 KIAS depending upon the amount of ice 12. Perform a landing in level attitude. 10. accumulation. 1 July 1979 3-7 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 LANDING WITH A FLAT MAIN TIRE 1. 2. 3. Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED. Approach -- NORMAL. Touchdown - - GOOD TIRE FIRST, hold airplane off flat tire as long as possible with aileron control. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS AMMETER SHOWS EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE (Full Scale Deflection) 2. 1. Alternator -- OFF. Alternator Circuit Breaker -- PULL. 3. 4. Nonessential Electrical Equipment -- OFF. Flight -- TERMINATE as soon as practical. _ LOW-VOLTAGE LIGHT ILLUMINATES DURING FLIGHT (Ammeter Indicates Discharge) NOTE Illumination of the low-voltage light may occur during low RPM conditions with an electrical load on the system such as during a low RPM taxi. Under these conditions, the light will go out at higher RPM. The master switch need not be recycled since an over-voltage condition has not occurred to de-activate the alternator system. 1. 2. Radios--OFF. Alternator Circuit Breaker -- CHECK IN. 3. 4. 5. Master Switch -- OFF (both sides). Master Switch -- ON. Low-Voltage Light - CHECK OFF. 6. Radios -- ON. n n If low-voltage light illuminates again: 7. 8. 9. Alternator - OFF. • -- OFF. Nonessential Radio and Electrical Equipment ] Flight -- TERMINATE as soon as practical. 3-8 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only — n CESSNA SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 152 AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES ENGINE FAILURE If an engine failure occurs during the takeoff run, the most important thing to do is stop the airplane on the remaining runway. Those extra items on the checklist will provide added safety after a failure of this type. Prompt lowering of the nose to maintain airspeed and establish a glide attitude is the first response to an engine failure after takeoff. In most cases, the landing should be planned straight ahead with only small changes in direction to avoid obstructions. Altitude and airspeed are seldom sufficient to execute a 180° gliding turn necessary to return to the runway. The checklist procedures assume that adequate time exists to secure the fuel and ignition systems prior to touchdown. After an engine failure in flight, the best glide speed as shown in figure 3-1 should be established as quickly as possible. While gliding toward a suitable landing area, an effort should be made to identify the cause of the failure. If time permits, an engine restart should be attempted as shown in the checklist. If the engine cannot be restarted, a forced landing without power must be completed. 12,000 u- 10,000 8000 ft* — LLI i 6000 O < h 4000 * SPEED 60 KiAS 2000 * PROPELLER WINDMILLI NG * FLAPS UP A 6 8 1 1 10 12 - *ZERO WIN D 14 ± i 16 18 20 GROUND DISTANCE - NAUTICAL MILES Figure 3-1. Maximum Glide 1 July 1979 3-9 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 — FORCED LANDINGS If all attempts to restart the engine fail and a forced landing is imminent, select a suitable field and prepare for the landing as discussed under the Emergency Landing Without Engine Power checklist. Before attempting an "off airport" landing with engine power available, one should fly over the landing area at a safe but low altitude to inspect the terrain for obstructions and surface conditions, proceeding as discussed under the Precautionary Landing With Engine Power checklist. Prepare for ditching by securing or jettisoning heavy objects located in the baggage area and collect folded coats for protection of occupants' face at touchdown. Transmit Mayday message on 121.5 MHz giving location and intentions, and squawk 7700 if a transponder is installed. Avoid a landing flare because of difficulty in judging height over a water surface. n LANDING WITHOUT ELEVATOR CONTROL Trim for horizontal flight (with an airspeed of approximately 55 KIAS n and flaps lowered to 20°) by using throttle and elevator trim controls. Then do not change the elevator trim control setting; control the glide angle by adjusting power exclusively. At flareout, the nose-down moment resulting from power reduction is an adverse factor and the airplane may hit on the nose wheel. Consequent ly, at flareout, the trim control should be set at the full nose-up position and the power adjusted so that the airplane will rotate to the horizontal attitude for touchdown. Close the throttle at touchdown. " FIRES Although engine fires are extremely rare in flight, the steps of the appropriate checklist should be followed if one is encountered. After completion of this procedure, execute a forced landing. Do not attempt to restart the engine. The initial indication of an electrical fire is usually the odor of burning insulation. The checklist for this problem should result in elimination of the fire. 3-10 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only _ CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 152 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY OPERATION IN CLOUDS (Vacuum System Failure) In the event of a vacuum system failure during flight, the directional indicator and attitude indicator will be disabled, and the pilot will have to rely on the turn coordinator if he inadvertently flies into clouds. The following instructions assume that only the electrically-powered turn coordinator is operative, and that the pilot is not completely proficient in instrument flying. EXECUTING A 180° TURN IN CLOUDS Upon inadvertently entering the clouds, an immediate plan should be made to turn back as follows: 1. Note the compass heading. 2. Note the time of the minute hand and observe the position of the 3. When the sweep second hand indicates the nearest half-minute, sweep second hand on the clock. initiate a standard rate left turn, holding the turn coordinator symbolic airplane wing opposite the lower left index mark for 60 seconds. Then roll back to level flight by leveling the miniature airplane. 4. Check accuracy of the turn by observing the compass heading which should be the reciprocal of the original heading. 5. If necessary, adjust heading primarily with skidding motions rather than rolling motions so that the compass will read more accurately. 6. Maintain altitude and airspeed by cautious application of elevator control. Avoid overcontrolling by keeping the hands off the control wheel as much as possible and steering only with rudder. EMERGENCY DESCENT THROUGH CLOUDS If conditions preclude reestablishment of VFR flight by a 180° turn, a descent through a cloud deck to VFR conditions may be appropriate. If possible, obtain radio clearance for an emergency descent through clouds. To guard against a spiral dive, choose an easterly or westerly heading to minimize compass card swings due to changing bank angles. In addition, keep hands off the control wheel and steer a straight course with rudder control by monitoring the turn coordinator. Occasionally check the compass heading and make minor corrections to hold an approximate course. Before descending into the clouds, set up a stabilized let-down condition as follows: 1. Apply full rich mixture. 1 July 1979 3-11 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 2. CESSNA MODEL 152 Use full carburetor heat. 3. Reduce power to set up a 500 to 800 ft/min rate of descent. 4. 5. 6. Adjust the elevator trim for a stabilized descent at 70 KIAS. Keep hands off control wheel. Monitor turn coordinator and make corrections by rudder alone. 7. Check trend of compass card movement and make cautious corrections with rudder to stop turn. 8. Upon breaking out of clouds, resume normal cruising flight. RECOVERY FROM A SPIRAL DIVE If a spiral is encountered, proceed as follows: 1. 2. Close the throttle. Stop the turn by using coordinated aileron and rudder control to align the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator with the horizon reference line. 3. Cautiously apply elevator back pressure to slowly reduce the 4. Adjust the elevator trim control to maintain a 70 KIAS glide. 5. Keep hands off the control wheel, using rudder control to hold a straight heading. 6. Apply carburetor heat. airspeed to 70 KIAS. 7. Clear engine occasionally, but avoid using enough power to disturb the trimmed glide. 8. Upon breaking out of clouds, resume normal cruising flight. " INADVERTENT FLIGHT INTO ICING CONDITIONS Flight into icing conditions is prohibited. An inadvertent encounter with these conditions can best be handled using the checklist procedures. The best procedure, of course, is to turn back or change altitude to escape icing conditions. ~ SPINS Should an inadvertent spin occur, the following recovery procedure should be used: 1. PLACE AILERONS IN NEUTRAL POSITION. 2. RETARD THROTTLE TO IDLE POSITION. 3. APPLY AND HOLD FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE TO THE DIRECTION OF ROTATION. 3-12 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only _ CESSNA SECTION 3 MODEL 152 4. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES JUST AFTER THE RUDDER REACHES THE STOP, MOVE THE CONTROL WHEEL BRISKLY FORWARD FAR ENOUGH TO BREAK THE STALL. Full down elevator may be required at aft center of gravity loadings to assure optimum recoveries. 5. HOLD THESE CONTROL INPUTS UNTIL ROTATION STOPS. Premature relaxation of the control inputs may extend the recov ery. 6. AS ROTATION STOPS, NEUTRALIZE RUDDER, AND MAKE A SMOOTH RECOVERY FROM THE RESULTING DIVE. NOTE If disorientation precludes a visual determination of the direction of rotation, the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator may be referred to for this information. For additional information on spins and spin recovery, see the discus sion under SPINS in Normal Procedures (Section 4). ROUGH ENGINE OPERATION OR LOSS OF POWER CARBURETOR ICING A gradual loss of RPM and eventual engine roughness may result from the formation of carburetor ice. To clear the ice, apply full throttle and pull the carburetor heat knob full out until the engine runs smoothly; then remove carburetor heat and readjust the throttle. If conditions require the continued use of carburetor heat in cruise flight, use the minimum amount of heat necessary to prevent ice from forming and lean the mixture slightly for smoothest engine operation. SPARK PLUG FOULING A slight engine roughness in flight may be caused by one or more spark plugs becoming fouled by carbon or lead deposits. This may be verified by turning the ignition switch momentarily from BOTH to either L or R position. An obvious power loss in single ignition operation is evidence of spark plug or magneto trouble. Assumingthat spark plugs are the more likely cause, lean the mixture to the recommended lean setting for cruising flight. If the problem does not clear up in several minutes, determine if a richer mixture setting will produce smoother operation. If not, proceed to the nearest airport for repairs using the BOTH position of 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 3-13 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 the ignition switch unless extreme roughness dictates the use of a single ignition position. MAGNETO MALFUNCTION A sudden engine roughness or misfiring is usually evidence of magneto problems. Switching from BOTH to either L or R ignition switch position will identify which magneto is malfunctioning. Select different power settings and enrichen the mixture to determine if continued operation on BOTH magnetos is practicable. If not, switch to the good magneto and proceed to the nearest airport for repairs. LOW OIL PRESSURE If low oil pressure is accompanied by normal oil temperature, there is a possibility the oil pressure gage or relief valve is malfunctioning. A leak in the line to the gage is not necessarily cause for an immediate precautionary landing because an orifice in this line will prevent a sudden loss of oil from the engine sump. However, a landing at the nearest airport would be advisable to inspect the source of trouble. If a total loss of oil pressure is accompanied by a rise in oil temperature, there is good reason to suspect an engine failure is imminent. Reduce engine power immediately and select a suitable forced landing field. Use only the minimum power required to reach the desired touchdown spot. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS Malfunctions in the electrical power supply system can be detected by periodic monitoring of the ammeter and low-voltage warning light; however, the cause of these malfunctions is usually difficult to determine. A broken alternator drive belt or wiring is most likely the cause of alternator failures, although other factors could cause the problem. A damaged or improperly adjusted alternator control unit can also cause malfunctions. Problems of this nature constitute an electrical emergency and should be dealt with immediately. Electrical power malfunctions usually fall into two categories: excessive rate of charge and insufficient rate of charge. The paragraphs below describe the recommended remedy for each situation. EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE After engine starting and heavy electrical usage at low engine speeds 3-14 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only " J CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (such as extended taxiing) the battery condition will be low enough to accept above normal charging during the initial part of a flight. However, after thirty minutes of cruising flight, the ammeter should be indicating less than two needle widths of charging current. If the charging rate were to remain above this value on a long flight, the battery would overheat and evaporate the electrolyte at an excessive rate. Electronic components in the electrical system can be adversely affected by higher than normal voltage. The alternator control unit includes an over-voltage sensor which normally will automatically shut down the alternator if the charge voltage reaches approximately 31.5 volts. If the over-voltage sensor malfunctions or is improperly adjusted, as evidenced by an excessive rate of charge shown on the ammeter, the alternator should be turned off, alternator circuit breaker pulled, nonessential electrical equipment turned off and the flight terminated as soon as practical. INSUFFICIENT RATE OF CHARGE NOTE Illumination of the low-voltage light and ammeter dis charge indications may occur during low RPM conditions with an electrical load on the system, such as during a low RPM taxi. Under these conditions, the light will go out at higher RPM. The master switch need not be recycled since an over-voltage condition has not occurred to de-activate the alternator system. If the over-voltage sensor should shut down the alternator, or if the alternator circuit breaker should trip, a discharge rate will be shown on the ammeter followed by illumination of the low-voltage warning light. Since this may be a "nuisance" trip-out, an attempt should be made to reactivate the alternator system. To do this, turn the radios off, check that the alternator circuit breaker is in, then turn both sides of the master switch off and then on again. If the problem no longer exists, normal alternator charging will resume and the low-voltage light will go off. The radios may then be turned back on. If the light illuminates again, a malfunction is confirmed. In this event, the flight should be terminated and/ or the current drain on the battery minimized because the battery can supply the electrical system for only a limited period of time. If the emergency occurs at night, power must be conserved for later use of the landing light and flaps during landing. 1 July 1979 3-15/(3-16 blank) For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Speeds For Normal Operation Page 4-3 4-3 CHECKLIST PROCEDURES Preflight Inspection 4-5 Cabin 4-5 Empennage Right Wing, Trailing Edge 4-5 Right Wing 4-5 Nose 4-6 Left Wing 4-6 4-5 Left Wing, Leading Edge 4-6 Left Wing, Trailing Edge 4-6 Before Starting Engine 4-6 Starting Engine (Temperatures Above Freezing) 4-7 Before Takeoff 4-7 Takeoff 4-8 Normal Takeoff 4-8 Short Field Takeoff 4-8 Enroute Climb 4-8 Cruise 4-8 Descent 4-9 Before Landing 4-9 Landing 4-9 Normal Landing 4-9 Short Field Landing 4-9 Balked Landing 4-9 After Landing 4-10 Securing Airplane 4-10 AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES Starting Engine (Temperatures Above Freezing) 4-11 Taxiing 4-11 1 July 1979 4-1 For Flight Training Reference Only ■ SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) — Page Before Takeoff 4-13 Warm-Up Magneto Check 4-13 4-13 Alternator Check Takeoff Power Check Wing Flap Settings Crosswind Takeoff 4-13 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-15 Enroute Climb Cruise 4-15 4-15 4-16 4-17 Leaning With A Cessna Economy Mixture Indicator (EGT) Fuel Savings Procedures For Flight Training Operations . .... Stalls Spins Landing Short Field Landing Crosswind Landing Balked Landing Cold Weather Operation Noise Abatement 4-18 4-18 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-21 4-21 4-22 _ ~ n H 4-2 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Section 4 provides checklist and amplified procedures for the conduct of normal operation. Normal procedures associated with optional systems can be found in Section 9. SPEEDS FOR NORMAL OPERATION Unless otherwise noted, the following speeds are based on a maximum weight of 1670 pounds and may be used for any lesser weight. Takeoff: Normal Climb Out Short Field Takeoff, Flaps 10°, Speed at 50 Feet 65-75 KIAS .... 54 KIAS Climb, Flaps Up: Normal Best Rate of Climb, Sea Level Best Rate of Climb, 10,000 Feet Best Angle of Climb, Sea Level thru 10,000 Feet 70-80 67 61 .... 55 KIAS KIAS KIAS KIAS Landing Approach: Normal Approach, Flaps Up Normal Approach, Flaps 30° Short Field Approach, Flaps 30° 60-70 KIAS 55-65 KIAS 54 KIAS Balked Landing: Maximum Power, Flaps 20° Maximum Recommended Turbulent Air Penetration Speed: 1670 Lbs 1500 Lbs 1350 Lbs Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 55 KIAS 104 KIAS 98 KIAS 93 KIAS 12 KNOTS 4-3 CESSNA SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 152 n n n n n n NOTE Visually check airplane for general condition during walk-around inspection. In cold weather, remove even small accumulations of frost, ice or snow from wing, tail and control surfaces. Also, make sure that control surfaces contain no internal accumulations of ice or debris. Prior to flight, check that pitot heater (if installed) is warm to touch within 30 seconds with battery and pitot heat switches on. If a night flight is planned, check operation of all lights, and make sure a flashlight is available. Figure 4-1. Preflight Inspection 1 July 1979 4-4 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CHECKLIST PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (T)CABIN 1. 2. 3. 4. Pilot's Operating Handbook -- AVAILABLE IN THE AIRPLANE. Control Wheel Lock -- REMOVE. Ignition Switch -- OFF. Master Switch -- ON. WARNING When turning on the master switch, using an external power source, or pulling the propeller through by hand, treat the propeller as if the ignition switch were on. Do not stand, nor allow anyone else to stand, within the arc of the propeller, since a loose or broken,wire, or a component malfunction, could cause the propeller to rotate. 5. Fuel Quantity Indicators - CHECK QUANTITY. 6. Master Switch -- OFF. 7. Fuel Shutoff Valve -- ON. @EMPENNAGE 1. 2. 3. Rudder Gust Lock - REMOVE. Tail Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. Control Surfaces -- CHECK freedom of movement and security. (3) RIGHT WING Trailing Edge 1. Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security. * (?) RIGHT WING 1. Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. 2. Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation. 3. Before first flight of the day and after each refueling, use sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump quick- drain valve to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel grade. 4.. Fuel Quantity--CHECK VISUALLY for desired level. 5. Fuel Filler Cap - SECURE. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 4-5 n SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 152 5)I\IOSE 1. Engine Oil Level -- CHECK, do not operate with less than four n quarts. Fill to six quarts for extended flight. 2. Before first flight of the day and after each refueling, pull out strainer drain knob for about four seconds to clear fuel strainer of possible water and sediment. Check strainer drain closed. If water is observed, the fuel system may contain additional water, and further draining of the system at the strainer, fuel tank sumps, and fuel line drain plug will be necessary. 3. 4. Propeller and Spinner -- CHECK for nicks and security. Carburetor Air Filter -- CHECK for restrictions by dust or other foreign matter. _ 5. Landing Light(s) -- CHECK for condition and cleanliness. 6. Nose Wheel Strut and Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation. 7. Nose Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. 8. Static Source Opening (left side of fuselage) -- CHECK for stoppage. ©LEFT WING 1. Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation. 2. Before first flight of day and after each refueling, use sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump quick-drain valve to check for water, sediment and proper fuel grade. 3. Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY for desired level. 4. Fuel Filler Cap - SECURE. (?) LEFT WING Leading Edge 1. Pitot Tube Cover -- REMOVE and check opening for stoppage. 2. Stall Warning Opening -- CHECK for stoppage. To check the system, place a clean handkerchief over the vent opening and apply suction; a sound from the warning horn will confirm system operation. 3. Fuel Tank Vent Opening -- CHECK for stoppage. 4. Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. (?) LEFT WING Trailing Edge 1. Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security. BEFORE STARTING ENGINE 1. Preflight Inspection -- COMPLETE. 4-6 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only ' CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES 2. Seats, Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK. 3. Fuel Shutoff Valve -- ON. 4. Radios, Electrical Equipment -- OFF. 5. Brakes -- TEST and SET. 6. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK IN. STARTING ENGINE (Temperatures Above Freezing) NOTE For cold weather starting procedures, refer to page 4-21. 2. 1. Mixture -- RICH. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. 3. Prime -- AS REQUIRED (up to 3 strokes - none if engine is warm). 4. Throttle -- OPEN 1/2 INCH (CLOSED if engine is warm). 5. Propeller Area -- CLEAR. 6. Master Switch -- ON. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ignition Switch -- START (release when engine starts). Throttle -- ADJUST for 1000 RPM or less. Oil Pressure -- CHECK. Flashing Beacon and Navigation Lights -- ON as required. Radios -- ON. BEFORE TAKEOFF 1. Parking Brake -- SET. 2. Cabin Doors -- CLOSED and LATCHED. 3. Flight Controls -- FREE and CORRECT. 4. Flight Instruments -- SET. 5. Fuel Shutoff Valve -- ON. 6. Mixture -- RICH (below 3000 feet). 7. Elevator Trim -- TAKEOFF. 8. Throttle -- 1700 RPM. a. Magnetos -- CHECK (RPM drop should not exceed 125 RPM on either magneto or 50 RPM differential between magnetos). 9. b. Carburetor Heat -- CHECK (for RPM drop). c. Engine Instruments and Ammeter -- CHECK. d. Suction Gage -- CHECK. e. Throttle -- 1000 RPM OR LESS. Radios -- SET. 10. Strobe Lights -- AS DESIRED. 11. Throttle Friction Lock -- ADJUST. 12. Brakes -- RELEASE. 1 July 1979 4-7 For Flight Training Reference Only " SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 TAKEOFF NORMAL TAKEOFF 1. Wing Flaps -- 0°- 10°. 2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. 3. Throttle - FULL OPEN. 4. 5. Elevator Control - LIFT NOSE WHEEL at 50 KIAS. Climb Speed -- 65-75 KIAS. P SHORT FIELD TAKEOFF 1. Wing Flaps -- 10°. 2. 3. Brakes - APPLY. 4. 5. Throttle - FULL OPEN. Mixture -- RICH (above 3000 feet, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM). 6. 7. 8. Brakes -- RELEASE. Elevator Control - SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. Climb Speed -- 54 KIAS (until all obstacles are cleared). 9. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT slowly after reaching 60 KIAS. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. ENROUTE CLIMB 1. Airspeed -- 70-80 KIAS. NOTE If a maximum performance climb is necessary, use speeds shown in the Rate Of Climb chart in Section 5. 2. 3. Throttle - FULL OPEN. Mixture — RICH below 3000 feet, LEAN for maximum RPM above 3000 feet. CRUISE 1. Power -- 1900-2550 RPM (no more than 75%). 2. Elevator Trim -- ADJUST. 3. Mixture -- LEAN. 4-8 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 152 NORMAL PROCEDURES DESCENT 1. 2. 3. Mixture -- ADJUST for smooth operation (full rich for idle power). Power -- AS DESIRED. Carburetor Heat -- FULL HEAT AS REQUIRED. BEFORE LANDING 1. Seats, Belts, Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK. 2. Mixture -- RICH. 3. Carburetor Heat -- ON (apply full heat before reducing power). LANDING NORMAL LANDING 1. 2. Airspeed -- 60-70 KIAS (flaps UP). Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED (below 85 KIAS). 3. Airspeed -- 55-65 KIAS (flaps DOWN). 4. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST. 5. Landing Roll -- LOWER NOSE WHEEL GENTLY. 6. Braking -- MINIMUM REQUIRED. SHORT FIELD LANDING 1. Airspeed - 60-70'KIAS (flaps UP). 2. Wing Flaps - 30° (below 85 KIAS). 3. 4. 5. 6. Airspeed - MAINTAIN 54 KIAS. Power -- REDUCE to idle as obstacle is cleared. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY. 7. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT. BALKED LANDING 1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN. 2. Carburetor Heat - COLD. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT to 20°. Airspeed -- 55 KIAS. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT (slowly). 3. 4. 5. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 4-9 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 — AFTER LANDING 1. Wing Flaps -- UP. 2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. SECURING AIRPLANE 1. 2. 3. Parking Brake -- SET. 4. Ignition Switch -- OFF. 5. Master Switch -- OFF. 6. Control Lock -- INSTALL. Radios, Electrical Equipment -- OFF. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF (pull full out). ~ n n n n n 4-10 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES STARTING ENGINE (Temperatures Above Freezing) During engine starting, open the throttle approximately 1/2 inch. In warm weather, one stroke of the primer should be sufficient. In tempera tures near freezing, up to 3 strokes of the primer may be necessary. As the engine starts, slowly adjust the throttle as required for 1000 RPM or less. If the engine is still warm from previous operation, it may be started with the throttle closed and no priming. Weak intermittent firing followed by puffs of black smoke from the exhaust stack indicates overpriming or flooding. Excess fuel can be cleared from the combustion chambers by the following procedure; set the mixture control in the idle cut-off position, the throttle full open, and crank the engine through several revolutions with the starter. Repeat the starting procedure without any additional priming. If the engine is underprimed (most likely in cold weather with a cold engine) it will not fire at all, and additional priming will be necessary. After starting, if the oil gage does not begin to show pressure within 30 seconds in the summertime and about twice that long in very cold weather, stop the engine and investigate. Lack of oil pressure can cause serious engine damage. After starting, avoid the use of carburetor heat unless icing conditions prevail. — NOTE Details concerning cold weather starting and operation at temperatures below freezing may be found under Cold Weather Operation paragraphs in this section. TAXIING When taxiing, it is important that speed and use of brakes be held to a minimum and that all controls be utilized (see Taxiing Diagram, figure 42) to maintain directional control and balance. 1 July 1979 4-11 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 152 NORMAL PROCEDURES n n USE UP AILERON USE UP AILERON ON LH WTNG AND ON RH WING AND NEUTRAL ELEVATOR NEUTRAL ELEVATOR USE DOWN AILERON B ON LH WING AND DOWN ELEVATOR n USE DOWN AILERON ON RH WING AND DOWN ELEVATOR n n n NOTE CODE Strong quartering tail winds require caution. WIND DIRECTION Avoid sudden bursts of the throttle and sharp braking when the airplane is in this attitude. Use the steerable nose wheel and rudder to maintain direction. Figure 4-2. n Taxiing Diagram 1 July 1979 4-12 For Flight Training Reference Only n n CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES The carburetor heat control knob should be pushed full in during all ground operations unless heat is absolutely necessary. When the knob is pulled out to the heat position, air entering the engine is not filtered. Taxiing over loose gravel or cinders should be done at low engine speed to avoid abrasion and stone damage to the propeller tips. The nose wheel is designed to automatically center straight ahead when the nose strut is fully extended. In the event the nose strut is overinflated and the airplane is loaded to a rearward center of gravity position, it may be necessary to partially compress the strut to permit steering. This can be accomplished prior to taxiing by depressing the airplane nose (by hand) or during taxi by sharply applying brakes. BEFORE TAKEOFF WARM-UP Most of the warm-up will have been conducted during taxi, and additional warm-up before takeoff should be restricted to the checklist procedures. Since the engine is closely cowled for efficient in-flight cooling, precautions should be taken to avoid overheating on the ground. MAGNETO CHECK The magneto check should be made at 1700 RPM as follows. Move ignition switch first to R position and note RPM. Next move switch back to BOTH to clear the other set of plugs. Then move switch to the L position, note RPM and return the switch to the BOTH position. RPM drop should not exceed 125 RPM on either magneto or show greater than 50 RPM differen tial between magnetos. If there is a doubt concerning operation of the ignition system, RPM checks at higher engine speeds will usually confirm, whether a deficiency exists. An absence of RPM drop may be an indication of faulty grounding of one side of the ignition system or should be cause for suspicion that the magneto timing is set in advance of the setting specified. ALTERNATOR CHECK Prior to flights where verification of proper alternator and alternator control unit operation is essential (such as night or instrument flights), a positive verification can be made by loading the electrical system momentarily (3 to 5 seconds) with the landing light, or by operating the wing flaps during the engine runup (1700 RPM). The ammeter will remain 1 July 1979 4-13 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 within a needle width of its initial position if the alternator and alternator — control unit are operating properly. TAKEOFF POWER CHECK It is important to check full-throttle engine operation early in the takeoff run. Any sign of rough engine operation or sluggish engine acceleration is good cause for discontinuing the takeoff. If this occurs, you are justified in making a thorough full-throttle static runup before another takeoff is attempted. The engine should run smoothly and turn approxi mately 2280 to 2380 RPM with carburetor heat off and mixture leaned to maximum RPM. Full throttle runups over loose gravel are especially harmful to propeller tips. When takeoffs must be made over a gravel surface, it is very important that the throttle be advanced slowly. This allows the airplane to start rolling before high RPM is developed, and the gravel will be blown back of the propeller rather than pulled into it. When unavoidable small dents appear in the propeller blades, they should be immediately corrected as described in Section 8 under Propeller Care. ~ Prior to takeoff from fields above 3000 feet elevation, the mixture should be leaned to give maximum RPM in a full-throttle, static runup. After full throttle is applied, adjust the throttle friction lock clockwise to prevent the throttle from creeping back from a maximum power position. Similar friction lock adjustment should be made as required in other flight conditions to maintain a fixed throttle setting. WING FLAP SETTINGS Normal takeoffs are accomplished with wing flaps 0°- 10°. Using 10° wing flaps reduces the total distance over an obstacle by approximately " 10%. Flap deflections greater than 10° are not approved for takeoff. If 10° wing flaps are used for takeoff, they should be left down until all obstacles are cleared and a safe flap retraction speed of 60 KIAS is reached. On a short field, 10° wing flaps and an obstacle clearance speed of 54 KIAS should be used. This speed provides the best overall climb speed to clear obstacles when taking into account turbulence often found near ground level. Soft or rough field takeoff s are performed with 10° wing flaps by lifting 4-14 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA SECTION 4 MODEL 152 NORMAL PROCEDURES the airplane off the ground as soon as practical in a slightly tail-low attitude. If no obstacles are ahead, the airplane should be leveled off immediately to accelerate to a higher climb speed. CROSSWIND TAKEOFF Takeoffs into strong crosswinds normally are performed with the minimum flap setting necessary for the field length, to minimize the drift angle immediately after takeoff. With the ailerons partially deflected into the wind, the airplane is accelerated to a speed slightly higher than normal, and then pulled off abruptly to prevent possible settling back to the runway while drifting. When clear of the ground, make a coordinated turn into the wind to correct for drift. ENROUTE CLIMB Normal climbs are performed with flaps up and full throttle and at speeds 5 to 10 knots higher than best rate-of-climb speeds for the best combination of performance, visibility and engine cooling. The mixture should be full rich below 3000 feet and may be leaned above 3000 feet for smoother operation or to obtain maximum RPM. For maximum rate of climb, use the best rate-of-climb speeds shown in the Rate Of Climb chart in Section 5. If an obstruction dictates the use of a steep climb angle, the best angle-of-climb speed should be used with flaps up and maximum power. Climbs at speeds lower than the best rate-of-climb speed should be of short duration to improve engine cooling. CRUISE Normal cruising is performed between 55% and 75% power. The engine RPM and corresponding fuel consumption for various altitudes can be determined by using your Cessna Power Computer or the data in Section 5. NOTE Cruising should be done at a minimum of 75% power until a total of 25 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. Operation at this higher power will ensure proper seating of the rings engines, and engines in and is service applicable to new following cylinder replacement or top overhaul of one or more cylinders. The data in Section 5 shows the increased range and improved fuel economy that is obtainable when operating at lower power settings. The use of lower power settings and the selection of cruise altitude on the basis of the most favorable wind conditions are significant factors that should be considered on every trip to reduce fuel consumption. 1 July 1979 4-15 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 75% POWER 65% POWER 55% POWER KTAS NMPG KTAS NMPG KTAS NMPG Sea Level 100 16.4 94 17.8 87 19.3 4000 Feet 103 17.0 97 18.4 89 19.8 8000 Feet 107 17.6 100 18.9 91 20.4 ALTITUDE Standard Conditions Figure 4-3. n Zero Wind Cruise Performance Table The Cruise Performance Table, figure 4-3, shows the true airspeed and nautical miles per gallon during cruise for various altitudes and percent powers. This table should be used as a guide, along with the available winds aloft information, to determine the most favorable altitude and power setting for a given trip. To achieve the recommended lean mixture fuel consumption figures shown in Section 5, the mixture should be leaned until engine RPM peaks and drops 25-50 RPM. At lower powers it may be necessary to enrichen the mixture slightly to obtain smooth operation. Carburetor ice, as evidenced by an unexplained drop in RPM, can be by application of full carburetor heat. Upon regaining the original RPM (with heat off), use the minimum amount of heat (by trial and error) to prevent ice from forming. Since the heated air causes a richer mixture, readjust the mixture setting when carburetor heat is to be used removed continuously in cruise flight. The use of full carburetor heat is recommended during flight in very heavy rain to avoid the possibility of engine stoppage due to excessive water ingestion. The mixture setting should be readjusted for smoothest operation. LEANING WITH A CESSNA ECONOMY MIXTURE INDICATOR (EGT) Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) as shown on the optional Cessna Economy Mixture Indicator may be used as an aid for mixture leaning in cruising flight at 75% power or less. To adjust the mixture, using this indicator, lean to establish the peak EGT as a reference point and then 1 July 1979 4-16 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ CESSNA SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 152 MIXTURE EXHAUST GAS DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RECOMMENDED LEAN (Pilot's Operating Handbook 25°F Rich of Peak EGT and Power Computer) Peak EGT BEST ECONOMY Figure 4-4. EGT Table enrichen the mixture by the desired increment based on figure 4-4. As noted in this table, operation at peak EGT provides the best fuel economy. This results in approximately 8% greater range than shown in this handbook accompanied by approximately a 4 knot decrease in speed. Under some conditions, engine roughness may occur while operating at peak EGT. In this case, operate at the Recommended Lean mixture. Any change in altitude or throttle position will require a recheck of EGT indication. FUEL SAVINGS PROCEDURES FOR FLIGHT TRAINING OPERATIONS For best fuel economy during flight training operations, the following procedures are recommended. 1. Use 55% to 60% power while transitioning to and from the practice 2. Lean the mixture for maximum RPM during climbs above 3000 area (approximately 2200-2250 RPM). feet. The mixture may be left leaned for practicing such maneuvers as stalls. 3. Lean the mixture for maximum RPM during all operations at any altitude, including those below 3000 feet, when using 75% or less power. NOTE When cruising at 75% or less power, the mixture may be further leaned until the RPM peaks and drops 25-50 RPM. This is especially applicable to cross-country training flights, but may also be practiced during transition flights 1 July 1979 4-17 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 to and from the practice area. Using the above recommended procedures can provide fuel savings of up to 13% when compared to typical training operations at a full rich mixture. j-i STALLS The stall characteristics are conventional for the flaps up and flaps down condition. The stall warning horn produces a steady signal 5 to 10 knots before the actual stall is reached and remains on until the airplane flight attitude is changed. Stall speeds for various combinations of flap setting and bank angle are summarized in Section 5. SPINS Intentional spins are approved in this airplane (see Section 2). Before H attempting to perform spins, however, several items should be carefully considered to assure a safe flight. No spins should be attempted without first having received dual instruction in both spin entries and spin recoveries from a qualified instructor who is familiar with the spin characteristics of the Cessna 152. The cabin should be clean and all loose equipment (including the microphone) should be stowed. For a solo flight in which spins will be conducted, the copilot's seat belt and shoulder harness should be secured. Spins with baggage loadings or occupied child's seat are not approved. The seat belts and shoulder harnesses should be adjusted to provide proper restraint during all anticipated flight conditions. However, care should be taken to ensure that the pilot can easily reach the flight controls and produce maximum control travels. ' It is recommended that, where feasible, entries be accomplished at high enough altitude that recoveries are completed 4000 feet or more above ground level. At least 1000 feet of altitude loss should be allowed for a 1turn spin and recovery, while a 6-turn spin and recovery may require somewhat more than twice that amount. For example, the recommended entry altitude for a 6-turn spin would be 6000 feet above ground level. In any case, entries should be planned so that recoveries are completed well above the minimum 1500 feet above ground level required by FAR 91.71. Another reason for using high altitudes for practicing spins is that a greater field of view is provided which will assist in maintaining pilot orientation. 4-18 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES The normal entry is made from a power-off stall. As the stall is approached, the elevator control should be smoothly pulled to the full aft position. Just prior to reaching the stall "break", rudder control in the desired direction of the spin rotation should be applied so that full rudder deflection is reached almost simultaneously with reaching full aft eleva tor. A slightly greater rate of deceleration than for normal stall entries or the use of partial power at the entry will assure more consistent and positive entries to the spin. Both elevator and rudder controls should be held full with the spin until the spin recovery is initiated. An inadvertent relaxation of either of these controls could result in the development of a nose-down spiral. NOTE Careful attention should be taken to assure that the aileron control is neutral during all phases of the spin since any aileron deflection in the direction of the spin may alter the spin characteristics by increasing the rotation rate and changing the pitch attitude. For the purpose of training in spins and spin recoveries, a 1 to 2-turn spin is adequate and should be used. Up to 2 turns, the spin will progress to a fairly rapid rate of rotation and a steep attitude. Application of recovery controls will produce prompt recoveries of from 1/4 to 1/2 of a turn. If the spin is continued beyond the 2 to 3-turn range, some change in character of the spin may be noted. Rotation rates may vary and some additional sideslip may be felt. Normal recoveries from such extended spins may take up to a full turn or more. Regardless of how many turns the spin is held or how it is entered, the following recovery technique should be used: 1. 2. 3. VERIFY THAT AILERONS ARE NEUTRAL AND THROTTLE IS IN IDLE POSITION. APPLY AND HOLD FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE TO THE DIREC TION OF ROTATION. JUST AFTER THE RUDDER REACHES THE STOP, MOVE THE CONTROL WHEEL BRISKLY FORWARD FAR ENOUGH TO BREAK THE STALL. Full down elevator may be required at aft 4. center of gravity loadings to assure optimum recoveries. HOLD THESE CONTROL INPUTS UNTIL ROTATION STOPS. Premature relaxation of the control inputs may extend the recov ery. 5. AS ROTATION STOPS, NEUTRALIZE RUDDER, AND MAKE A SMOOTH RECOVERY FROM THE RESULTING DIVE. 1 July 1979 4-19 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 152 NOTE If disorientation precludes a visual determination of the direction of rotation, the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator may be referred to for this information. Variations in basic airplane rigging or in weight and balance due to installed equipment or cockpit occupancy can cause differences in behav ior, particularly in extended spins. These differences are normal and will result in variations in the spin characteristics and in the recovery lengths for spins of more than 3 turns. However, the above recovery procedure should always be used and will result in the most expeditious recovery from any spin. Intentional spins with flaps extended are prohibited, since the high speeds which may occur during recovery are potentially damaging to the flap/wing structure. LANDING Normal landing approaches can be made with power-on or power-off at speeds of 60 to 70 KIAS with flaps up, and 55 to 65 KIAS with flaps down. Surface winds and air turbulence are usually the primary factors in determining the most comfortable approach speeds. Actual touchdown should be made with power-off and on the main wheels first. The nose wheel should be lowered smoothly to the runway as speed is diminished. SHORT HELD LANDING For a short field landing in smooth air conditions, make an approach at " 54 KIAS with 30° flaps using enough power to control the glide path. After all approach obstacles are cleared, progressively reduce power and maintain 54 KIAS by lowering the nose of the airplane. Touchdown should be made with power-off and on the main wheels first. Immediately after touchdown, lower the nose wheel and apply heavy braking as required. For maximum brake effectiveness, retract the flaps, hold full nose-up elevator, and apply maximum brake pressure without sliding the tires. Slightly higher approach speeds should be used under turbulent air — conditions. CROGSWIND LANDING When landing in a strong crosswind, use the minimum flap setting 4-20 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES required for the field length. Use a wing low, crab, or a combination method of drift correction and land in a nearly level attitude. BALKED LANDING In a balked landing (go-around) climb, the wing flap setting should be reduced to 20° immediately after full power is applied. Upon reaching a safe airspeed, the flaps should be slowly retracted to the full up position. COLD WEATHER OPERATION Prior to starting with temperatures below freezing, it is advisable to pull the propeller through several times by hand to "break loose" or "limber" the oil, thus conserving battery energy. NOTE When pulling the propeller through by hand, treat it as if the ignition switch is turned on. A loose or broken ground wire on either magneto could cause the engine to fire. Preheat is generally required with outside air temperatures below -18°C (0°F) and is recommended when temperatures are below -7°C (20°F). Cold weather starting procedures are as follows: With Preheat: 1. Ignition Switch -- 2. Throttle -- CLOSED. OFF. 3. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. 4. Parking Brake -- SET. 5. Prime -- 2 to 4 STROKES as the propeller is being turned over by hand. RECHARGE for priming after engine start. NOTE Caution should be used to ensure the brakes are set or a qualified person is at the controls. 6. Mixture - RICH. 7. Throttle -- OPEN 1/2 to 3/4 INCH. 8. Propeller Area -- CLEAR. 1 July 1979 4-21 For Flight Training Reference Only ' SECTION 4 CESSNA NORMAL PROCEDURES 9. MODEL 152 Master Switch -- ON. 10. Ignition Switch -- START (release when engine starts). 11. Prime -- AS REQURIED until the engine runs smoothly. 12. n Throttle -- ADJUST for 1200 to 1500 RPM for approximately one minute after which the RPM can be lowered to 1000 or less. 13. Oil Pressure -- CHECK. 14. Primer -- LOCK. Without Preheat: n — The procedure for starting without preheat is the same as with preheat except the engine should be primed an additional two strokes while pulling the propeller through by hand. Carburetor heat should be applied after the — engine starts. Leave the carburetor heat on until the engine runs smoothly. NOTE If the engine fires but does not start or continue running, repeat the above starting procedure beginning with step 6. If the engine does not start during the first few attempts, or if engine firing diminishes in strength, it is possible that the spark plugs have been frosted over, in which case preheat must be used before another start is attempted. During cold weather operations, no indication will be apparent on the oil temperature gage prior to takeoff if outside air temperatures are very cold. After a suitable warm-up period (2 to 5 minutes at 1000 RPM), accelerate the engine several times to higher engine RPM. If the engine accelerates smoothly and oil pressure remains normal and steady, the airplane is ready for takeoff. When operating in temperatures below -18°C, avoid using partial carburetor heat. Partial heat may increase the carburetor air temperature to the 0° to 21°C range, where icing is critical under certain atmospheric conditions. " NOISE ABATEMENT Increased emphasis on improving the quality of our environment requires renewed effort on the part of all pilots to minimize the effect of airplane noise on the public. We, as pilots, can demonstrate our concern for environmental improvement, by application of the following suggested procedures, and thereby tend to build public support for aviation: 4-22 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only r CESSNA MODEL 152 1. SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES Pilots operating aircraft under VFR over outdoor assemblies of persons, recreational and park areas, and other noise-sensitive areas should make every effort to fly not less than 2000 feet above the surface, weather permitting, even though flight at a lower level may be consistent with the provisions of government regulations. 2. During departure from or approach to an airport, climb after takeoff and descent for landing should be made so as to avoid prolonged flight at low altitude near noise-sensitive areas. NOTE The above recommended procedures do not apply where they would conflict with Air Traffic Control clearances or instructions, or where, in the pilot's judgment, an altitude of less than 2000 feet is necessary for him to adequately exercise his duty to see and avoid other aircraft. The certificated noise level for the Model 152 at 1670 pounds maximum weight is 64.8 dB(A). No determination has been made by the Federal Aviation Administration that the noise levels of this airplane are or should be acceptable or unacceptable for operation at, into, or out of, any airport. 1 July 1979 4-23/(4-24 blank) For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 5-3 Use of Performance Charts 5-j Sample Problem 5-3 Takeoff 5-4 Cruise 5-!> Fuel Required 5-5 Landing 5-7 Demonstrated Operating Temperature Figure 5-1, Airspeed Calibration Figure 5-2, Temperature Conversion Chart Figure 5-3, Stall Speeds 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 Figure 5-4, Takeoff Distance 5-11 Figure 5-5, Rate Of Climb - Maximum 5-12 Figure 5-6, Time, Fuel, And Distance To Climb Figure 5-7, Cruise Performance Figure 5-8, Range Profile - 24.5 Gallons Fuel 5-14 Range Profile - 37.5 Gallons Fuel Figure 5-9, Endurance Profile - 24.5 Gallons Fuel Endurance Profile - 37.5 Gallons Fuel Figure 5-1G, Landing Distance 1 July 1979 5-13 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-1/(5-2 blank) For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE INTRODUCTION Performance data charts on the following pages are presented so that you may know what to expect from the airplane under various conditions, and also, to facilitate the planning of flights in detail and with reasonable accuracy. The data in the charts has been computed from actual flight tests with the airplane and engine in good condition and using average piloting techniques. It should be noted that the performance information presented in the range and endurance profile charts allows for 45 minutes reserve fuel at the specified cruise power. Fuel flow data for cruise is based on the recommended lean mixture setting. Some indeterminate variables such as mixture leaning technique, fuel metering characteristics, engine and propeller condition, and air turbulence may account for variations of 10% or more in range and endurance. Therefore, it is important to utilize all available information to estimate the fuel required for the particular flight. USE OF PERFORMANCE CHARTS Performance data is presented in tabular or graphical form to illus trate the effect of different variables. Sufficiently detailed information is provided in the tables so that conservative values can be selected and used to determine the particular performance figure with reasonable accuracy. SAMPLE PROBLEM The following sample flight problem utilizes information from the various charts to determine the predicted performance data for a typical flight. The following information is known: AIRPLANE CONFIGURATION Takeoff weight 1610 Pounds Usable fuel 24.5 Gallons TAKEOFF CONDITIONS Field pressure altitude 1500 Feet Temperature Wind component along runway 28° C (16°C above standard) 12 Knot Headwind Field length 3500 Feet 1 July 1979 5-3 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE — CRUISE CONDITIONS 265 Nautical Miles Total distance Pressure altitude 5500 Feet Temperature Expected wind enroute 20° C (16°C above standard) 10 Knot Headwind LANDING CONDITIONS Field pressure altitude 2000 Feet Temperature 25°C Field length 3000 Feet TAKEOFF The takeoff distance chart, figure 5-4, should be consulted, keeping in mind that the distances shown are based on the short field technique. Conservative distances can be established by reading the chart at the next higher value of altitude and temperature. For example, in this particular sample problem, the takeoff distance information presented for a pressure altitude of 2000 feet and a temperature of 30°C should be used and results in the following: Ground roll 980 Feet Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle 1820 Feet These distances are well within the available takeoff field length. Howev n er, a correction for the effect of wind may be made based on Note 3 of the takeoff chart. The correction for a 12 knot headwind is: 12 Knots 9 Knots 10% = 13% Decrease n This results in the following distances, corrected for wind: Ground roll, zero wind Decrease in ground roll (980 feet * 13%) Corrected ground roll 980 127 853 Feet ■ Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle, zero wind n 1820 Decrease in total distance (1820 feet x 13%) 237 Corrected total distance to clear 5G-foot obstacle 1583 Feet 1 July 1979 5-4 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CRUISE The cruising altitude should be selected based on a consideration of trip length, winds aloft, and the airplane's performance. A typical cruising altitude and the expected wind enroute have been given for this sample problem. However, the power setting selection for cruise must be deter mined based on several considerations. These include the cruise perfor mance characteristics presented in figure 5-7, the range profile chart presented in figure 5-8, and the endurance profile chart presented in figure 5-9. The relationship between power and range is illustrated by the range profile chart. Considerable fuel savings and longer range result when lower power settings are used. For this sample problem, a cruise power of approximately 65% will be used. The cruise performance chart, figure 5-7, is entered at 6000 feet altitude and 20°C above standard temperature. These values most nearly corres pond to the planned altitude and expected temperature conditions. The engine speed chosen is 2400 RPM, which results in the following: Power 64% True airspeed 99 Knots Cruise fuel flow 5.2 GPH The power computer may be used to determine power and fuel consump tion more accurately during the flight. FUEL REQUIRED The total fuel requirement for the flight may be estimated using the performance information in figures 5-6 and 5-7. For this sample problem, figure 5-6 shows that a climb from 2000 feet to 6000 feet requires 1 gallon of fuel. The corresponding distance during the climb is 9 nautical miles. These values are for a standard temperature (as shown on the climb chart) and are sufficiently accurate for most flight planning purposes. However, a further correction for the effect of temperature may be made as noted on the climb chart. The approximate effect of a non-standard temperature is to increase the time, fuel, and distance by 10% for each 10°C above standard temperature, due to the lower rate of climb. In this case, assuming a temperature 16°C above standard, the correction would be: JqJ£ * 10% = 16% Increase 1 July 1979 5-5 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 152 _ With this factor included, the fuel estimate would be calculated as follows: Fuel to climb, standard temperature 1.0 Increase due to non-standard temperature (1.0 x 16%) Corrected fuel to climb OJL 1.2 Gallons , 1 Using a similar procedure for the distance to climb results in 10 nautical miles. The resultant cruise distance is: Total distance With an 265 Climb distance -10 Cruise distance 255 Nautical Miles expected 10 knot headwind, the ground speed for cruise is predicted to be: 99 -10 89 Knots Therefore, the time required for the cruise portion of the trip is: 255 Nautical Miles 89 Knots = 2.9 Hours n The fuel required for cruise is: r 2.9 hours * 5.2 gallons/hour = 15.1 Gallons The total estimated fuel required is as follows: Engine start, taxi, and takeoff 0.8 Climb 1.2 n Cruise 15.1 Total fuel required 17.1 Gallons Once the flight is underway, ground speed checks will provide a more accurate basis for estimating the time enroute and the corresponding fuel required to complete the trip with ample reserve. 5-6 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE LANDING A procedure similar to takeoff should be used for estimating the landing distance at the destination airport. Figure 5-10 presents landing distances for various airport altitude and temperature combinations using the short field technique. The distances corresponding to 2000 feet and 30°C are as follows: Ground roll Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle 535 Feet 1300 Feet A correction for the effect of wind may be made based on Note 2 of the landing chart using the same procedure as outlined for takeoff. DEMONSTRATED OPERATING TEMPERATURE Satisfactory engine cooling has been demonstrated for this airplane with an outside air temperature 23°C above standard. This is not to be considered as an operating limitation. Reference should be made to Section 2 for engine operating limitations. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 5-7 CESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 152 PERFORMANCE AIRSPEED CALIBRATION CONDITIONS: Power required for level flight or maximum rated RPM dive. FLAPS UP KIAS 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 KCAS 46 53 60 69 78 88 97 107 117 127 136 KIAS 40 50 60 70 80 KCAS 44 52 61 70 80 CM KIAS 40 50 60 70 80 PR KCAS 43 51 61 71 82 07 " FLAPS 10° " FLAPS 30° Figure 5-1. Airspeed Calibration n n n n 1 July 1979 5-8 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE MODEL 152 TEMPERATURE CONVERSION CHART 120 100 80 (30 X 40 20 -20 -40 e -40 -20 0 20 40 DEGREES - CELSIUS Figure 5-2. Temperature Conversion Chart 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 5 CESSNA MODEL 152 PERFORMANCE STALL SPEEDS CONDITIONS: Power Off NOTES: 1. 2. Altitude loss during a stall recovery may be as much as 160 feet. KIAS values are approximate and are based or airspeed calibration data with power off. MOST REARWARD CENTER OF GRAVITY ANGLE OF BANK WEIGHT FLAP LBS DEFLECTION 1670 0° 30° 45° 60° KIAS KCAS KIAS KCAS KIAS KCAS KIAS KCAS UP 36 46 39 49 43 55 51 65 10° 36 43 39 46 43 51 51 61 30° 31 41 33 44 37 49 44 58 ~ MOST FORWARD CENTER OF GRAVITY ANGLE OF BANK WEIGHT FLAP LBS DEFLECTION 0° KIAS 1670 30° KCAS 45° 60° KIAS KCAS KIAS KCAS KIAS KCAS UP 40 48 43 52 48 57 57 68 10° 40 46 43 49 48 55 57 65 30° 35 43 38 46 42 51 49 61 Figure 5-3. P Stall Speeds 5-10 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE ^' WIND COMPONENTS NOTE: Maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity is 12 knots (not a limitation). o z 2 LJJ c u Q Z i 5 10 15 20 25 30 CROSSWIND COMPONENT - KNOTS Figure 5-4. 20 April 1982 Wind Components 5-10A (5-10B BLANK) For Flight Training Reference Only For Flight Training Reference Only SHORT FIELD I Prior to takeoff from fields above 3000 feet elevation, the mixture should be leaned to give maximum RPM in a full throttle, 1670 LBS AT SOFT 54 LIFT OFF 50 KIAS SPEED TAKEOFF 50*F io°c ?0°C c. '•-, 30°C 40°C 1270 1405 7000 8000 1525 1795 1615 1455 2610 2960 3395 1315 1190 1080 980 2320 1870 2080 1690 810 890 1390 1530 Takeoff Distance 1655 1375 2470 2800 Figure 5-4. 1490 2705 3080 1245 2200 1345 6000 1125 1775 1970 2395 1145 5000 1100 1040 4000 1000 1215 925 1020 1600 855 940 2140 1565 840 1445 775 2000 3000 825 910 755 1730 1920 1420 765 1310 705 1290 695 1190 640 1000 1770 2750 3125 1570 1745 1940 2855 3255 3765 3590 4195 2440 2185 1960 1605 875 960 1055 1165 1285 1420 1495 1645 1820 2020 2250 2525 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL GRND TO CLEAR GRND TO CLEAR GRND TO CLEAR GRND TO CLEAR GRND TO CLEAR ROLL 50 FT OBS ROLL 50 FT OBS ROLL 50 FT OBS ROLL 50 FT OBS ROLL 50 FT OBS 0°C S.L. ALT FT PRESS For operation on a dry, grass runway, increase distances by 15% of the "ground roll" figure. for each 2 knots. Decrease distances 10% for each 9 knots headwind. For operation with tailwinds up to 10 knots, increase distances by 10% static runup. WEIGHT 4. 3. 2. NOTES: 1. Short field technique as specified in Section 4. Zero Wind Paved, Level, Dry Runway Full Throttle Prior to Brake Release Flaps 10° CONDITIONS: TAKEOFF DISTANCE I [ S) I8 a si S 3 to ra i n CESSNA SECTION 5 MODEL 152 PERFORMANCE RATE OF CLIMB MAXIMUM CONDITIONS: n Flaps Up Full Throttle NOTE: n Mixture leaned above 3000 feet for maximum RPM. WEIGHT LBS 1670 PRESS ALT FT n RATE OF CLIMB - FPM CLIMB SPEED KIAS -20°C 0°C 20°C 40°C 630 S.L. 67 835 765 700 2000 66 735 670 600 535 4000 65 635 570 505 445 6000 63 535 475 415 355 8000 62 440 380 320 265 10,000 61 340 285 230 175 12,000 60 245 190 135 85 Figure 5-5. Rate of Climb 1 July 1979 5-12 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE MODEL 152 TIME, FUEL, AND DISTANCE TO CLIMB |MAXIMUM RATE OF CLIMB] CONDITIONS: Flaps Up Full Throttle Standard Temperature NOTES: 1. Add 0.8 of a gallon of fuel for engine start, taxi and takeoff allowance. 2. Mixture leaned above 3000 feet for maximum RPM. 4. Distances shown are based on zero wind. 3. Increase time, fuel and distance by 10% for each 10°C above standard temperature. WEIGHT LBS PRESSURE ALTITUDE 1670 TEMP °C FT CLIMB RATE OF SPEED CLIMB KIAS FPM FROM SEA LEVEL TIME FUEL USED DISTANCE MIN GALLONS NM S.L. 15 67 715 0 0 0 1000 13 66 675 1 0.2 2 2000 11 66 630 3 0.4 3 9 % 7 65 65 65 590 5 0.7 5 550 6 0.9 7 5000 5 64 505 6000 3 63 465 7000 1 63 425 8000 -1 62 380 3000 3Si Id 4000 55OC 5 4?5 8 1.2 9 10 13 1.4 1,55 1.7 12 13 14 15 2.0 17 1 "•5 Ii3 9000 -3 62 340 18 2.3 21 10,000 -5 61 300 21 2.6 25 11,000 -7 61 255 25 3.0 29 12,000 -9 60 215 29 3.4 34 Figure 5-6. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Climb 1 July 1979 5-13 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ SECTION 5 CESSNA MODEL 152 PERFORMANCE CRUISE PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS: 1670 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture (See Section 4, Cruise) NOTE: Cruise speeds are shown for an airplane equipped with speed fairings which increase the speeds by approximately two knots. PRESSURE A I TITI I PlP ML I M U L/C ROM nrlvl FT 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000 20°C BELOW STANDARD 20°C ABOVE STANDARD FEMP TEMPERATURE STANDARD TEMP % BHP 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 2450 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 KTAS GPH % BHP KTAS GPH % BHP KTAS 49 97 92 87 81 5.7 5.1 4.5 4.1 75 66 59 53 47 101 96 91 86 80 6.1 5.4 4.8 4.3 3.9 70 63 56 51 46 101 95 90 85 79 76 67 60 53 48 102 96 91 86 81 6.1 5.4 4.8 4.4 3.9 75 71 63 56 51 46 103 101 95 90 85 80 6.1 5.7 5.1 4.6 4.2 3.8 70 67 60 54 49 45 102 100 72 101 96 90 85 80 5.8 5.2 4.6 4.2 3.8 75 67 60 54 49 45 105 100 95 89 84 79 6.1 5.4 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.7 71 64 57 52 48 44 104 99 94 88 83 77 5.7 5.2 4.7 4.3 3.9 107 104 99 94 89 83 6.1 5.8 5.2 4.7 4.3 3.9 71 67 61 55 51 46 106 103 98 93 87 82 5.7 5.4 4.9 4.5 4.2 3.8 5.5 5.0 64 5.2 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.8 4.8 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.7 64 57 51 46 2550 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 76 68 61 55 49 105 100 95 90 84 6.2 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.1 75 71 64 58 52 48 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 72 65 58 53 48 105 99 94 89 83 5.8 5.3 4.7 4.3 4.0 68 61 56 51 46 103 98 93 88 82 4.5 4.2 3.9 49 45 103 97 92 86 81 101 99 5.3 5.0 4.6 4.2 3.9 62 59 54 49 45 100 97 92 87 81 5.0 4.8 4.4 4.1 3.8 59 56 52 48 44 99 96 91 85 79 2450 2400 2300 2200 2100 - 65 62 56 51 47 _ _ 93 88 82 Figure 5-7. 58 53 5.7 5.1 4.6 4.2 3.8 5.7 5.4 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.7 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n 3.6 Cruise Performance 5-14 n GPH 71 62 55 95 89 84 78 n n n CESSNA SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE MODEL 152 RANGE PROFILE 45 MINUTES RESERVE 24.5 GALLONS USABLE FUEL CONDITIONS: 1670 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture for Cruise Standard Temperature Zero Wind NOTES: 1. This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start, taxi, takeoff and climb, and the distance during climb as shown in figure 5-6. 2. Performance is shown for an airplane equipped with speed fairings which increase the cruise speeds by approximately two knots. 12,000 i c 10,000 Sj y T~ 8( ) i 102 S 9' in K TAS A 1 ■s/ i f 8000 _^ K TAQ- M 07 K TAS 6000 i_ M05 KTAS s _J 98 .KTAS L79 30 <TAS1 KTAS 4000 cC Iu LL < O Q_ 2000 - S.L. i <o 100 "KTA S" 300 350 34 KTAS" 61 i * II a A 400 450 500 RANGE - NAUTICAL MILES Figure 5-8. Range Profile (Sheet 1 of 2) 1 July 1979 5-15 For Flight Training Reference Only n SECTION 5 CESSNA PERFORMANCE MODEL 152 RANGE PROFILE n 45 MINUTES RESERVE 37.5 GALLONS USABLE FUEL n CONDITIONS: 1670 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture for Cruise Standard Temperature Zero Wind NOTES: 1. 2. This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start, taxi, takeoff and climb, and the distance during climb as shown in figure 5-6. Performance is shown for an airplane equipped with speed fairings which increase the cruise speeds by approximately two knots. n 12,000 p80 n KTAS]"KTAS <ta: <-> 10,000 94 02 nV 11 n \, 1X1 /I 8000 M07 -KTAS i LJJ g 6000 r 105 KTAS 1 4000 _ ■« 5 1 / I ( c a _ 1 /KTAS 500 179 lL If a. 2000 1 KTAS _KTAS n cc -C S.L. / 1 ■98 KTAS 550 I -i u TA S 600 1 r u — 8 7TAS" 650 5 - s n "77 ;ktas 700 750 RANGE - NAUTICAL MILES Figure 5-8. n Range Profile (Sheet 2 of 2) 1 July 1979 5-16 For Flight Training Reference Only n SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 152 ENDURANCE PROFILE 45 MINUTES RESERVE 24.5 GALLONS USABLE FUEL CONDITIONS: 1670 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture for Cruise Standard Temperature NOTE: This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start, taxi, takeoff and climb, and the time during climb as shown in figure 5-6. 12,000 I > k 10,000 Q I 6000 | I kf 3 cc 11 [ 4000 i 2000 S.L. II L ( 8000 LU / 3 4 : 5 ENDURANCE - HOURS Figure 5-9. Endurance Profile (Sheet 1 of 2) 1 July 1979 5-17 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE MODEL 152 ENDURANCE PROFILE n 45 MINUTES RESERVE 37.5 GALLONS USABLE FUEL n CONDITIONS: 1670 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture for Cruise Standard Temperature NOTE: This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start, taxi, takeoff and climb, and the time during climb as shown in figure 5-6. 12,000 10,000 i k j f n < n y I- n 8000 LU U. a 6000 < 4000 c ccl_ D 1 — l; n i | II u Jj L — n < r ( ( ( SI nl <*] — 2000 1 | S.L. 7 8 9 10 ENDURANCE - HOURS Figure 5-9. n Endurance Profile (Sheet 2 of 2) 1 July 1979 5-18 For Flight Training Reference Only n For Flight Training Reference Only z 33. I— CO o ro I Cn 1670 50 FT LBS 54 KIAS AT SPEED 0°C 50 FTOBS FT 1375 1410 560 585 605 7000 8000 20°C 1440 1480 650 1410 1370 1305 1335 1270 1215 1240 625 580 605 520 540 560 485 500 Landing Distance 1450 1335 1370 1410 1305 1275 1240 1215 1185 Figure 5-11. 630 540 560 580 605 1305 1340 1275 540 5000 6000 500 520 1215 1240 485 500 520 465 485 2000 3000 4000 10°C GRND TOTAL FT GRND TOTAL FT ROLL TO CLEAR ROLL TO CLEAR FT 50 FT OBS FT 50 FT OBS t ""' 1185 450 465 1160 TO CLEAR ROLL GRND TOTAL FT 3t\ 1000 S.L. FT ALT PRESS P 30°C IO-{f 40°C 1480 675 1440 1520 1400 1370 650 1300 1335 1270 1240 560 580 600 625 520 535 500 1265 1400 600 1475 695 1555 1515 645 670 1435 620 575 1330 1360 1295 555 535 515 GRND TOTAL FT GRND TOTAL FT ROLL TO CLEAR ROLL TO CLEAR FT 50 FT OBS 50 FT OBS FT y, If a landing with flaps up is necessary, increase the approach speed by 7 KIAS and allow for 35% longer distances. WEIGHT 3. 4. For operation with tailwinds up to 10 knots, increase distances by 10% for each 2 knots. For operation on a dry, grass runway, increase distances by 45% of the "ground roll" figure. NOTES: 1. Short field technique as specified in Section 4. 2. Decrease distances 10% for each 9 knots headwind. Zero Wind Power Off Maximum Braking Paved, Level, Dry Runway Flaps 30° CONDITIONS: SHORT FIELD LANDING DISTANCE CESSNA SECTION 6 MODEL 152 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Airplane Weighing Procedures Weight And Balance Equipment List 1 July 1979 6-3 6-3 6-6 6-13 6-1/(6-2 blank) For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST INTRODUCTION This section describes the procedure for establishing the basic empty weight and moment of the airplane. Sample forms are provided for reference. Procedures for calculating the weight and moment for various operations are also provided. A comprehensive list of all Cessna equip ment available for this airplane is included at the back of this section. It should be noted that specific information regarding the weight, arm, moment and installed equipment list for this airplane can only be found in the appropriate weight and balance records carried in the airplane. It is the responsibility of the pilot to ensure that the airplane is loaded properly. AIRPLANE WEIGHING PROCEDURES 1. Preparation: a. Inflate tires to recommended operating pressures. b. 2. c. Remove the fuel tank sump quick-drain fittings and fuel line drain plug to drain all fuel. Remove oil sump drain plug to drain all oil. d. e. f. Move sliding seats to the most forward position. Raise flaps to the fully retracted position. Place all control surfaces in neutral position. Leveling: a. Place scales under each wheel (500# minimum capacity for b. Deflate nose tire and/ or lower or raise the nose strut to center scales). bubble on level (see figure 6-1). 3. Weighing: a. With the airplane level and brakes released, record the weight shown on each scale. Deduct the tare, if any, from each reading. 4. Measuring: a. Obtain measurement A by measuring horizontally (along the airplane center line) from a line stretched between the main wheel centers to a plumb bob dropped from the firewall. b. Obtain measurement B by measuring horizontally and paral lel to the airplane center line, from center of nose wheel axle, left side, to a plumb bob dropped from the line between the main wheel centers. Repeat on right side and average the measure ments. 5. Using weights from item 3 and measurements from item 4, the 6. Basic Empty Weight may be determined by completing figure 6-1. airplane weight and C.G. can be determined. 1 July 1979 6-3 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ MODEL 152 EQUIPMENT LIST Datum (Firewall, Front Face) Sta. 0.0 Level on Leveling Screws (Left Side of Tailcone) N " L & R Scale Reading Scale Position Tare Symbol Left Wheel L Right Wheel R Nose Wheel N Sum of Net Weights (As Weighed) W Net Weight )x ( X = ARM= (A)-(N) x (B) ; X = ( ~ ) IN. W Moment/1000 Weight (Lbs.) Item X C.G. Arm (In.) = (Lbs.-ln.) Airplane Weight (From Item 5, page 6-3) " Add Oil: No Oil Filter (6 Qts at 7.5 Lbs/Gal) -14.7 With Oil Filter (7 Qts at 7.5 Lbs/Gal) -14.7 Add Unusable Fuel: Std. Tanks (1.5 Gal at 6 Lbs/Gal) 40.0 L.R. Tanks (1.5 Gal at 6 Lbs/Gal) 40.0 Equipment Changes Airplane Basic Empty Weight Figure 6-1. n Sample Airplane Weighing 1 July 1979 6-4 For Flight Training Reference Only n For Flight Training Reference Only a; DATE In Out ITEM NO. AIRPLANE MODEL Figure 6-2. Arm (In.) Wt. (Ib.) ADDED (+) Moment /1000 (Ib.) Wt. (In.) Arm (Ib.) Wt. Moment /1000 RUNNIN G BASIC EMPTY V HEIGHT PAGE NUMBER Moment /1000 REMOVED (-) Sample Weight and Balance Record OF ARTICLE OR MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION WEIGHT CHANGE SERIAL NUMBER Continuous History of Changes in Structure or Equipment Affecting Weight and Balance SAMPLE WEIGHT AND BALANCE RECORD M 8° r z M en n^ ~- ?* ^ S W Cfi i—i 0 0 a to an SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ CESSNA MODEL 152 EQUIPMENT LIST WEIGHT AND BALANCE The following information will enable you to operate your Cessna within the prescribed weight and center of gravity limitations. To figure weight and balance, use the Sample Problem, Loading Graph, and Center of Gravity Moment Envelope as follows: Take the basic empty weight and moment from appropriate weight and balance records carried in your airplane, and enter them in the column titled YOUR AIRPLANE on the Sample Loading Problem. NOTE In addition to the basic empty weight and moment noted on these records, the C.G. shown, but arm (fuselage station) is also need not be used on the Sample Loading Problem. The moment which is shown must be divided by 1000 and this value used as the moment/1000 on the loading problem. Use the Loading Graph to determine the moment/1000 for each additional item to be carried; then list these on the loading problem. NOTE Loading Graph information for the pilot, passengers and baggage is based on seats positioned for average occu pants and baggage loaded in the center of the baggage areas as shown on the Loading Arrangements diagram. For loadings which may differ from these, the Sample Loading Problem lists fuselage stations for these items to indicate their forward and aft C.G. range limitation (seat " travel and baggage area limitation). Additional moment calculations, based on the actual weight and C.G. arm (fuselage station) of the item being loaded, must be made if the position of the load is different from that shown on the Loading Graph. Total the weights and moments/1000 and plot these values on the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope to determine whether the point falls within the envelope, and if the loading is acceptable. n il 6-6 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n SECTION 6 CESSNA WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST MODEL 152 LOADING ARRANGEMENTS *Pilot or passenger center of gravity on adjustable seats positioned for average occupant. Numbers in parenthesis indicate forward and aft limits of occupant center of gravity range. "Arms measured to the center of the areas shown. 1. NOTES: The usable fuel C.G. arm for standard tanks is located at station 42.0; the C.G. arm for usable fuel in long range tanks is station 39.5. 2. The aft baggage wall (approximate station 94} can be used as a convenient interior reference point for determining the location of baggage area fuselage stations. STATION (C.G. ARM) STATION C.G. ARM) JL JL •39 — (33 TO 41) •39 (33 TO 41) "64 "84 :hild seat _ AREA 1 64 ■ - AREA 2 **84- - AREA 2 94- 94 STANDARD SEATING Figure 6-3. OPTIONAL SEATING Loading Arrangements BAGGAGE LOADING and TIE-DOWN BAGGAGE AREA MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LOADS AREA ® = 120 POUNDS AREA © = 40 POUNDS AREAS Q + © =120 POUNDS TIE-DOWN NET ATTACH POINTS : A cargo tie-down net is provided to secure baggage in the baggage area. The net attaches to six tie-down rings. Two rings are located on the floor just aft of the seat backs and one ring is located two inches above the floor on each cabin wall at the aft end of area (T) . Two additional rings are located at the top, aft end of area (2) . At least four rings should be used to restrain the maximum baggage load of 120tf. Figure 6-4. Baggage Loading and Tie-Down 1 July 1979 6-7 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST CESSNA MODEL 152 CABIN _ HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS 1 FIREWALL^ n n -FACE OF INSTRUMENT PANEL 56° REAR WALL OF CABIN- DOOR OPENING DIMENSIONS WIDTH WIDTH HEIGHT (TOP) (BOTTOM) HEIGHT (FRONT) (REAR) 31" 33'/4" 31'/2" WIDTH • LWR WINDOW LINE * CABIN FLOOR 31" CABIN WIDTH MEASUREMENTS TIE DOWN RINGS (6) • 27'/2" *24'/2" CABIN STATIONS (C.G. ARMS) 0.0 10 20 30 Figure 6-5. 40 50 60 560 70 80 9094 Internal Cabin Dimensions 6-8 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n For Flight Training Reference Only en Includes unusable Pilot and Passenqer (Station 33 to 41) Reduced Fuel (As limited by maximum weight) Long Range Tanks (37.5 Gal. Maximum) Standard Tanks (24.5 Gal. Maximum) Usable Fuel (At 6 Lbs./Gal.) fuel and full oil) airplane as it is presently equipped. Basic Empty Weight (Use the data pertaining to your TAKEOFF WEIGHT AND MOMENT 8. 9. Fuel allowance for engine start, taxi, and runup 7. .... 1670 -5 1675 52 340 147 1136 (lbs.) Weight (lbs.) Figure 6-6. Sample Loading Problem * The maximum allowable combined weight capacity for baggage areas 1 and 2 is 120 pounds. and since this point falls within the envelope, the loading is acceptable. 56.6 -.2 56.8 3.3 13.3 6.2 34.0 Moment (Ib.-ins. /1000) Weight Moment YOUR AIRPLANE (Ib. -ins. /1000) SAMPLE AIRPLANE Locate this point (1670 at 56.6) on the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope, (Subtract Step 7 from Step 6) RAMP WEIGHT AND MOMENT 6. 5. * Baggage - Area 2 (Station 76 to 94, 40 Lbs. Max.) (Station 50 to 76, 120 Lbs. Max.) 4. * Baggage - Area 1 (Or passenger on child's seat) 3. 2. 1. LOADING PROBLEM SAMPLE W CM > H CO r H n^ SI tr1 O H h2 £> a to 01 §8 For Flight Training Reference Only 400 NOTES: [0 72 KG/LITERI [51 4 KG MAXI KG MAXI liters) max:;; 12 I 3 14 LOADING GRAPH 37.5 GAL. (141 125 LOAD MOMENT/1000 (POUND-INCHES) (92.7 LITERS) MAX 100 Refer to the Loading Arrangements Diagram for Figure 6-7. Loading Graph forward and aft limits of occupant C.G. range. seats positioned for an average occupant. Line representing adjustable seats shows the pilot or passenger center of gravity on adjustable 118 1 BAGGAGE IN AREA @ 4CU MAX 120» MAX PASSENGER ON CHILD'S SEAT) BAGGAGE IN AREA ® 1OR 816./GAL FUEL (STANDARD TANKS! @ 6«/GAL. [0 72 KG/LITERI FUEL ILONG RANGE TANKS} PILOT. PASSENGER AND 75 LOAD MOMENT/1000 (KILOGRAM-MILLIMETERS) 50 I 5 - 25 - 50 - 75 - 100 : -125 X <3 1- .■■ ID cr r-H-H-- 150 7R Ltt- 175 - 200 ( H 1—I H I H 0 CD o a 8^ M O tr1 trJ H 0 m For Flight Training Reference Only O Q < UJ Q O Z D to _ 1000 1100 30 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 450 500 35 40 45 ENVELOPE 50 600 55 i 650 Figure 6-8. Center of Gravity Moment Envelope LOADED AIRPLANE MOMENT/1000 (POUND-INCHES) MOMENT 550 LOADED AIRPLANE MOMENT/1000 (KILOGRAM-MILLIMETERS) CENTER OF GRAVITY i l 1700 400 350 I 700 60 , 65 500 r 525 ^-550 -575 600 E-625 r 650 ^675 ^700 725 r 750 r775 r800 &■ lu SQ. I CESSNA SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ MODEL 152 EQUIPMENT LIST (SIAIVH9O1IX) 1HDI3M 3NVldHIV Q3QVOT CD C co (D in i LT 5 11 < Ln CM en /2rb IS c_ ) c) L •> _> r- CM c3 u: p» I 1 cd C tD ir LT C3 L "i L 1 ] 11 i - "1—•" - o D : ■ 1 f D 1 j_Q — r-. J H n LO a LL CO o <j- LL. co cr Ln LU 5 n CO — O r475 mit """ f _ - o a a ^~ X o o h -IN =1 °° 2 5 ■ ro CO D H d O s ■ 1 d d v s —i d s CJ LU CM CO o — 09 CD « _ LU s _J \ 0- \ < s v *^- H LD ■ a o o CO o o o o CM o o n n 1HDI3M 3NV1dUIV 1 July 1979 6-12 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST EQUIPMENT LIST The following equipment list is a comprehensive list of all Cessna equipment available for this airplane. A separate equipment list of items installed in your specific airplane is provided in your aircraft file. The following list and the specific list for your airplane have a similar order of listing. This equipment list provides the following information: An item number gives the identification number for the item. Each number is prefixed with a letter which identifies the descriptive grouping (exam ple: A. Powerplant & Accessories) under which it is listed. Suffix letters identify the equipment as a required item, a standard item or an optional item. Suffix letters are as follows: -R = required items of equipment for FAA certification -S = standard equipment items -O = optional equipment items replacing required or standard items -A = optional equipment items which are in addition to required or standard items A reference drawing column provides the drawing number for the item. NOTE If additional equipment is to be installed, it must be done in accordance with the reference drawing, accessory kit instruc tions, or a separate FAA approval. Columns showing weight (in pounds) and arm (in inches) provide the weight and center of gravity location for the equipment. NOTE Unless otherwise indicated, true values (not net change values) for the weight and arm are shown. Positive arms are distances aft of the airplane datum; negative arms are distan ces forward of the datum. NOTE Asterisks (*) after the item weight and arm indicate complete assembly installations. Some major components of the assem bly are listed on the lines immediately following. The summa tion of these major components does not necessarily equal the complete assembly installation. 1 July 1979 6-13 For Flight Training Reference Only For Flight Training Reference Only ACCESSORIES r u A M r c WARNER) (SPIN-JN VALVE £ ACCESSORIES BRAKE BRAKE TIRE, TUBE ASSY, CLEVELAND ASSY, CLEVELAND 4-PLY BLACKWALL (EACH) Tint ASSY, CLEVELAND 30-75A 30-75A (EACH) 6.00X6 M-1I3 (LEFT) (RIGHT) MAIN (2) (EACH) (2) CHANGE! •IHEELi 3R4KE i WHEEL ASSY, GEAR (NET BO1-R-? LANDING DRAIN 3RAKE ASSEMBLY, ^CCAJLEY (LEFT) BRAKE ASSEMBLY, MCCAULtY (RIGHT) TIRE, .+ -PLY BLACKWALL (EACH) TUflP (EACH) B. PRIMING SYSTEM ENGINE OIL QUIC< PUMP RELIEF PU"P WHFEL, BRAKE S TIRE ASSY, 6.00X6 MAIN WHEEL ASSEMBLY, MCCAULEY (FACH) ENGINE VALVF, VACUUM VACJJM VACUUM OR ELEMENT) DRIVE) FIXED 3ITCH 1A103/TCM6958 SPINNER INSTALLATION, PROPELLER SPINNER DOME AFT BULKHEAD (BACK SIDE OF PRl)P) FWO BULKHEAD (FWD SIDE OF PROP) VACUUM SYSTEM, ENGINE iRIVEN M f- T PROPELLER INSTALLATION "KDPELLER, MCCAULEY J T TIL COOLER (STEWART OIL FILTFR INSTALLATION (BELT BO1-R-1 A73-A A73-S Abl-A A4 1 - R 433-R A21-A AIR BRACKETS) ^TFRNATOR, 60 AM', ?3 \I31T 'TIL COOLER INSTALLATION CARBURETOR ALTERNATOR FILTER, £ A"-R 409-R A17-R POWERPLANT ENGINE, LYCOMING O-235-L2C (INCLUDES STARTER, CARBJRETOR, SPARK PLJGS AND A. EQUIPMENT LIST DESCRIPTION AOl-R 'ITEM NO :262023-0102 1241156-iO C 163 001-310 1 C163033-01 11 C 163033-31 12 C262003-0101 C2S2023-D10Z C262 303-0101 C163019-0201 C163006-3101 C163332-0111 C163032-0112 1701Olb C4B2001-0401 C431003-T101 C431003-01 (H 0413466 0450 377 C450073-1 0453372-1 '1450076-1 0450077 C 161001-3501 C294510-02Cl 3 611503-0102 0453^71 3406J OR 8406M C450412 0450371 REF DRAWING 8.5 1.8 37.6* 6.2 1.9 1.9 8.5 1.8 40.3* 7.4 1.7 1.7 1 .8 0.5 0.5 0.0 1.8 2 .8* 2.4* 0.3 1 .1 0.3 ?8.2* 26.6 3.6 1.9 2.5 0.5 10.7 243.5 WT LBS 47. 1 47. 1 43.7 43.7 47. 1 — 46.8* 47. 1 43.7 43.7 47. 1 47. 1 46.8* _ 1.5 3.1 -7. 5 -38.6* -33.4 -38.3 -37.4 -5.2 -7.5 -36.5* -36.5 -16.3 -27.5 -2 4.0* -27.4 -6.0 -13.2 ARM INS ro o o a 3S tn t"1 CESSNA SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST MODEL 152 CO SE * Lninin o» in 0 m 0 f"— fN cr^opinin ooooot- rnunn 1-* oe CO CD * * COCOcOCOODCOaOCCrOirtlALn 1 1 1 1 1 # 1 1 1 1 1 £££££ 1 * ^n in r\j ro ro ^1 corn j-—:a>rr mino ►— 1 1 ■» -tf- r--*ar\lt—i- OlMO—I(T>-O COO) LTvtNJ--tPsJrO oco -0 rvoocOHOoociON 0 cc a CO f*-f\l oo OOOO C:C5 .—iryp-t^-1 r\ i—t*-t 1^^^ p~* -J^t OOOOtNJ — oo 0000 O —IOO 1 1 i 1 CNJf\J r\i—t COCO 1 1 1 1 1 1 mnmfnN 1 1 1 1 r-J \ 1 1 i cooo? OOOO—I — OOMOMN 1 t— CO S! o o lup- LLj oor^ )— Q o 1 > k- X oo CO =) XO LT\ ■-• LT X _l XC OLU< _l O< < LL LU il. LO XLU O •—' UJ f>X < <r _1 CC LJ >->- i-i — >- 1 _j !/:»-•»—'oo ooSIcq o0c_ m UJ 1 UJ OO (/> ■■-»■< <O LLU_2" Q_ U'OOQ, LUoOQ. 2LULUI—' a.oo r£oo »-tUJUJ<I .^ ^ r£XXU- fvjr\ifi;i Z3 <I -V < 1 »J1— |— _J LLJ ■■ _J 111 <y cc lL - LUo; c^ OO < »—" " LU ^'tE^Lo — « Mr5_Jn<fY U-" UJ ^ "3: X X LU - 3cD | ccy—m \— CZiUCL <_5—) ►- I— — t— LL L/l < az k- (_)I5>—(- 00 ouu —5 <yio 1 1 • □ i- z LLJ QC <O • >- X _j CD LUGO •J 0. O 2* LL >- i-« LUX «"5Oa. >-t_) _J > fMt— O (_! —J ••UJ «3 Z C 3 ~Z)~ LU< <2l-Jfl. O"3 T li-LJ ccn o_) 1— •O<t — ^ -iO h- w-)— UJ J 1 LU >- LJ "^ 0 a CDUJ lu vt" 00 LL r-i|i M CO UJ 0 ■0 n <r _IO _ 0 On Uj 0 _ 1 ■J- ljoooo 1/] 0 in 1 000 ( H.JOOOO Q_ 0 III rsj^r^r^or\ r-i—*r\)(\J<Nt\ CvJ f\J Lf^ LA l/^ >J" OU( H 1^ — 1—tf~ OO 1 uj LU _j <rx _JUJ UOX u O»- O ^ 1 c^^ ~z. C1QLU 1 (_ a_c — ono. -J_ji—< OOZ IjIGZ1-'00 h- CD <J an h-i— X • 00 a a (JC-l- a. LUt/l LU LU >~<3:c<i CC I—^> _j»—q. -^ <r _i Q MM 2-J »— LLJ LLJ l— 1— ^J LU z on EC x< -1— CUUJ - •'t—UJl/J UJh-OOLUIJJ Q- Xuo^cax O h— 22 lulu ctiac:^ >- UO_JJ~U_ -JLUh-k-_J — w" LJ I— Wh- CDh~ X CE C 1— LO (_} CL C.D Z7 dJCO< O CLCL5" 7" _t O 2! «J_J •— ^<t _J cC o 1 s LU 1 a. a. < o£Oc£ i i til <■ o ^" o 1 e CO CO _ a: •< <t«a <r <i<£ 1 1 I 1 1 1 ■—j,—1 ^- r*- sOO-JLH 00 rn ore 000 0 oouooo | <»- U 1 July 1979 1 1 1 1 Cm 1 O 6-15 For Flight Training Reference Only For Flight Training Reference Only ) CLOCK INSTALLATION, DIGITAL READOUT CLOCK-TIMER, DIGITAL COMPASS INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (LH FJEL £ RH FUEL) INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (LH £ RH FUEL) (USED WITH G92-O, LONG RANGE WINGS ONLY) INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (OIL PRES. £ OIL TEMP.) ECONCMY MIXTURE INDICATOR (EGTI INDICATOR, 'G' METER GYRO INSTALLATION (REQUIRES ITEM A61-A) DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR ATTITUDE INDICATOR RECORDER, ENGINE HOUR METER OUTSIOE AH TEMPERATURE INDICATOR TACHOMETER INSTALLATION, ENGINE RECORDING TACH INDICATOR INDICATOR, TURN COORDINATOR (24 VOLT ONLY) O25-A-2 I E05-R E05-0 D9 1 - A 08S-A-? 038-A-l 082-A 085-R 067-A 040-R 04 9-A D59-A D64-A 03 7-n 02 8 -P. D3 7-R MARKINGS) ALTITUDE PANEL D19-R D25-A-1 FT. (INCLUDES RELOCATION ALTIMETER) MILLIBARSI SEAT, SEAT, CABIN (10-30 NOT ACCOMMODATIONS TURN COORDINATOR VERTICAL SPEED DOES PILOT INDIVIDUAL SLIDING VERTICALLY ADJUSTABLE, PILOT E. INDICATOR, INDICATOR, AMMETER CLOCK INSTALLATION CLOCK, ELECTRIC ENCODER (BLIND, MOUNTING) V3LT) REQUIRE ENCOiD I)JG ALTI M jET'ER , -rf fi|Tr,& r ^N\7ENt I ^NAI ALTIMETER) ANO D16-A-3 D16-A-2 (FEET ALTIMETER, ENCODING ALTIMETER OF CONVENTIONAL (50 C661025-0102 0414084 0414085 C669535-0101 0401028-1 0400335 0413466-1 C661075 C661076 0401017 C6685070400500 C668020-0120 C661003-0505 C661003-0506 C661080-0101 S-1320-5 0400341 C 664508-0102 0470426-1 C664511-0101 C660501-0102 C669537~01C4 C669537-0105 0401019 0401013 0401013 C661071-01G2 C661071-0101 C661065-0105 MARKINGS) (0513279) REF DRAWING FT 016-A-l SENSITIVE INDICATOR, TRUE AIRSPE€O ALTIMETER, SENSITIVE ALTIMETER, SENSITIVE (20 (FEET A«0 MILLIBARS) EQUIPMENT LIST DESCRIPTION D07-H-2 0T7-G-1 f) rj — p Til -0 ITEM NO 17.6 17.0 0.7 0.7 2.9 17.0 11.1 1.3 1.3 1.0 2.2 0.6 0.1 1.0* 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.7 6.3* 2.5 8:4- 0.5 0.4* 0.3 0.4* 0.3 0.5 1.5 2.9 45.2 45.2 5.2 22.0 12.5* 17.0 17.2 17.2 18.0 15.3 18.0 9.0 17.4 13.0* 14.7 18.0 18.6 18.0 14.4* 18.1 14.4* 18. 1 20.0 2.0 17.0 17.3 17.6 17.6 0.7 0.7 ARM INS WT LBS CD a > Z ^ O5 CD For Flight Training Reference Only IT 'in 1 f AIRPLANE 6 INTERNAL CAbIN TOP EQUIPMENT INSTALLED) AIRCRAFT PROOFING, RINGS, AUXILIARY FACTORY CORROSION G13-A (NOT HOISTING G. APPROVED IFR-DAY AUDIBLE FAA MANUAL PLACARD VFR-UAY VF^-DAY MANUALS PLACARD PLACARD FLIGHT LIMITATIONS LIMITATIONS LIMITATIONS WARNINGS STALL WARNING HORN, PNFJMATIC, PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK AND \| I 1 OPERATIONAL k I SYSTEM) PLACARDS, OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL ■NIGHT F. EXHAUST SFAT, CO-PILOT INDIVIDUAL SLIDING SEAT, VERTICALLY ADJUSTABLE, CJ-PILOT SFAT INSTALLATION, AUXILIARY UPPER BACK REST CUSHION LOWER SEAT CUSHION ASSEMBLY LAP BELT ASSEMBLY Bt-LT ASSY, PILOT LAP SHTULDER HARNESS ASSY, PILOT SHOULDER HARNESS INERTIA INSTL., PILOT & CO-PILOT (NET CHANGE) HFLT L SHOULDER HARNESS ASSY, CO-PILOT INTERIOR, DELUXE (NET CHANGE) .JJNmwS, OVERHEAD CABIN TOP (MET INCREASE) SUN VISOKS (SET OF 2) WINDOWS, TINTEO, CABIN (NET CHANGE) BAGGAGE NET DUAL CONTROLS (WHEEL, PEDALS & THE BRAKES) ALL PURPOSE CONTROL WHEEL (RQD WITH C25-A) (KT-NET CHANGF) HEATING SYSTEM, CABIN (INCLUDES ENGINE EQUIPMENT LIST DESCRIPTION G?7-A F16-R F04-» f-.m-o-? F'M-P F'U-0-1 E93-R E39-A C55-A E57-O E65-S E35-A E89-0 E34-U F23-S E15-R E15-S El 9-0 E09-A F n ~? — n ev-7-s ITEM NO 0414084 0400027-2 0 541115 0413029 D1170-13PH 0405068-3 040 5 06 8-1 04C5068-2 0450071 2015009-2 0460118-2 0514166 0 400324-1 S-2275-4 0415020 0413492 3400134-1 0711030-1 0400136-9 S-1746-2 S-2275-104 S-2275-202 0401012-1 0414085 REF DRAWING 0.5 4.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 NEGL NEGL NEGL 14.0 4.1 NEGL 2.0 1.5 0.5 l.C 0.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 17.0 10.5* 1.3 6.4 11.1 WT LBS 68.0 42.0 21.5 23.C 23.0 23.0 -22.0 84.0 12.1 39.0 40.C 49.0 27.0 45.2 45.2 66.5* 72.9 64.5 66.0 39.0 39.0 71.1 ARM INS (3d > to For Flight Training Reference Only H38-A-1 H07-A HH-A G9?-A G88-A G55-A G58-A G6 7-A G49-H G34-A 3 31 - A G16-A G19-A G22-A G25-S ITEM NO f j AMI' C I AUTOPILOTS UN-346A1 (K-546E) £ EXCHANGE H?5-A FOR INDICATOR VOR/LOCIN ITE^S MOUNTING, RIGID ANTENNA AUTO RAOIAI CENTERING I ARC/LOC H22-A AND ANTENNA INSTALLATION LOOP ANTENNA INSTALLATION CABLE INSTALLATION MISC. INSTALLATION COMPONENTS CESSNA 400 GLIDESLOPE WITH ILS INDICATOR EXCHANGED FOR LOC INDICATOR RECEIVER (R-443B) INDICATOR BFO AVIONICS CESSNA 300 ADF RECEIVER WITH H. CRAVIKCASE I3RFATHER TUBE INSULATION WINGS WITH 39 GALLON CAPACITY, EXTENDED RANGE FUEL TANKS, (NET CHANGE) LIGHTER, CIGARETTE WING TIPS, MODIFIED CONICAL (NET CHANGE) FIRE EXTINGUISHER, HAND TYPt STEPS S HANDLES, REFUELING ASSIST 3EOAL EXTENSIONS, RUDDER, REMOVABLE - SET OF 2 (STOWABLE - INSTALLED \R* SHOWN) AVAILABLE FROM DEALERS ONLY WINTERIZATION KIT INSTALLATION, ENGINE COVER PLATES, FWO COWL (SET OF 2 INSTALLED) COVER PLATES, FORWARD COWL (STOWED) L n A \ lj C I STATIC DISCHARGERS (SET OK 10) STABILIZER A3RAS10N SOOTS TOW 3 A*, AIRCRAFT NOSE WHEEL (STOWED) PAINT, OVERALL EXTERIOR OVERALL <USE WHITE COLUK STRIPE CARt.FS, CORROSION RESISTANT CONTROL (NET EQUIPMENT LIST DESCRIPTION _ _ 42100-0000 36450-3CD0 1200098-2 46860-1203 3910157-13 3950104-14 0473400-62 1 3919159-11 41240-0001 40980-1001 0401018 — — 0401024 04010C1 0413456 0701048 0401023 0523565 0400027 0404034 D501019-1 0500341 0 401015 REF DRAWING 2.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 3.3 0.9 0.2 1.4 1.8 0.6 4.1* 22.0 15.5 105.3 105.3 15.5 96.5 24.2 12.3 14.4 78.9* 17.4* 13.5 84.0 -12.0 37.3 0.1 0.2 5.9 8.2* -20.9* -3 3.0 13.0 41.0 9. 5 9.9 8.0 79.0 115.1 84.0 80.3* 117.6 179.4 ARM INS 0.5* 0.1 0.1 2.5 3.0 2. 1 2.3 0.3 0.0 0.4 2.5 1.6 9.4* 8.7 WT LBS 2 a Q 5 CO For Flight Training Reference Only H08-A-2 CD ■5 CO 03 CD H37-A H34-A H28-A-2 H28-A-1 H?5-A H22-A H16-A-2 H16-A-1 H13-A ITEM NO P e-i CENTERING INDICATOR, USE) ARC/ILS IN ITEM <0 COM & M DMELT-6-1C) ANTENNA CABLE ANTENNA £ OMNI COUPLER KIT OMMI ANTENNA INSTALLATION VHF L.H. COM ANTENNA MICROPHONE INSTALLATION AUOIO CONTROL CABIN SPEAKFR INSTL HEADPHONE INSTALLATION OMNI UNIT (AVAILABLE ALTERNATOR) (USED rf ITH 1ST INSTALLATION) RAOIO COOLING NOISE FILTER (AU0I0K0N LH COM ANTENNA CABLE 3ASIC AVIONICS KII NAV/COM FACTORY ANTENNA TRANSMITTER LANAJAI r a hi a n a t 1ST UNIT (REQUIRES H34-A TO BE OPERATIONAL) RECEIVER-TRANSCEIVER (RT-385A) VOR/LQC INDICATOR (IN-385A) MOUNT, WIRING & MISC ITEMS CESSNA 300 NAV/CQM, 720 CH COM 2N0 UNIT (REQUIRES H37-A TO BE OPERATIONAL) RECEIVER-TRANSCEIVER (RT-385A) VOR/LOC INDICATOR (IN-385A) MOUNT, WIRING £ MISC ITEMS EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER TRANSMITTER (0 S M DMELT-6-1) ANTENNA EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (USED IN ANTENNA CFSSNA 400 TRANSPONDER (EXPORT TRANSCEIVER (RT-459A) ANTENNA CESSNA 3?T NAV/COM, 720 CH COM RECEIVER (R-402A) ANTENNA, L SHAPED RJD CESSNA 300 TRANSPONOER TRANSCEIVER (RT-359A) FOR VOR/ILS INDICATOR H17-A ONLY CESSNA 40C MARKER BEACON AUTO RADIAL EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT LIST DESCRIPTION — 5.5 1.6 46660-100T 46860-1003 3.5* 3.3 0.1 3.5* C470419-1 C589511-0117 C589511-0109 0470419-2 1.0* 30.6* 51.1 17.2 14.0 223.9 55.9 18.2 20.2 105.0 15.6 -25.0 1.0 0.1 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 1.1 0.2 3930208 3940148-1 3950104-3 3950104-4 3960132-9 3960113-1 3970117-1 3970145 3970123-6 3970125-1 102.6 101.3 60.2* 3.3 0.1 5.3* 13.6 15.5 12.9 102.5* 102.6 131.3 102.5* 13.6 15.5 12.9 13.9* 18.6* 13.0 67.0 18.6* 13.0 67.0 13.9* 86.0 35.4* 11.7 15.5 ARM INS C589511-0113 C589511-0109 3910186 1.3 8.1* 5.5 1.6 3910183 46660-1000 46860-1000 1.0 3.6* 2.8 0.1 8.1* 0.6 3.6* 2.7 0.1 0.8 2.2* 0.2 WT LBS 41420-0028 42943-0030 3910128-20 41470-1028 42940-0000 3913183 3910127-1 42410-5128 0770681-1 — 46860-2200 REF DRAWING cn go I For Flight Training Reference Only CD c-i o N J04-A JO1-A H56-A H"55-A ITEM NO ?ND COM COM ANTENNA CABLE rsLJL "diCLt u ij c r i OMNI FLASHING OPTION (FOR 3YRDS) BFAC3N PACKAGES REQUIRES ALL- CABLE ONLY) H^7-A H25-A I COM ?ND ANTENNA RT-385A E, COUPLER UNIT KIT C49-A-1 LANDING LIGHT SINGLE BJLB 064-A GYRH INSTALLATION D82-A OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE IND 088-A TURN COORDINATOR D91-A RATE OF CLIMB IND. E55-A SUN VISORS G05-A DUAL CONTROLS G34-A CIGARETTE LIGHTER H22-A CESSNA 300 MAV/CQM RT-385A H34-A B4SIC AVIONICS KIT 152 II NAV-PAC EQUIPMENT H16-A-1 CESSNA 301 TRANSPONDER 3T-3S9A C43-A SPECIAL 152-11 PACKAGE EQUIPMENT A61-A VACUUM SYSTFM J. PADDED HEADPHONE-MIKE ASSY, PURPOSE CONTROL WHEEL 'N 1 roMTfjni O "- INSTL SPLITTER) & ALL'PURPOSE UNIT NAV/COM FACTURY ANTENNA INSTALLATION OMNI COUPLER (SIGNAL HtMlSET-MICRUPHONE, RQS RH ON RH EQUIPMENT LIST DESCRIPTION 3910127 3910183 C661080-0101 0514166 0460 118-2 040102 3 3910 183 C663507-n01 C661003-0505 0401022 0 413 466 0406003-1 0413466-2 C596531-0101 C 596530-0101 S-2086-1 REF DRAWING 1.0 5.3 12.7* 3.6 8.1 0. 1 8. 1 1.3 1 .0 6.3 0.1 1.3 0.7 1.0 4.1 32.1* 2.8 1 .1 0.4 0.4 0.? 0.2 WT LBS 26 1* -5.2 193.7 -28.3 13.0 22.0 17.2 17.3 27.0 12.1 18.0 13.9 60.2 16.5* 18.6 13.9 3 0.6 55.9 20.2 1.0 17.2 ARM INS o h a Z & «» H o_ -^ ci i-i O H < Cfi CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 7-3 Airframe 7-3 Flight Controls Trim System Instrument Panel Ground Control Wing Flap System 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-9 7-10 Landing Gear System 7-10 Baggage Compartment 7-10 Seats 7-11 Seat Belts And Shoulder Harnesses Seat Belts Shoulder Harnesses Integrated Seat Belt/Shoulder Harnesses With Inertia Reels Entrance Doors And Cabin Windows Control Locks 7-13 7-14 7-14 7-15 Engine 7-15 7-13 7-13 Engine Controls 7-15 Engine Instruments 7-16 New Engine Break-In And Operation 7-17 Engine Oil System 7-17 Ignition-Starter System 7-18 Air Induction System 7-18 Exhaust System 7-18 Carburetor And Priming System 7-18 Cooling System 7-19 Propeller 7-19 Fuel System Brake System Electrical System 7-19 Master Switch 7-22 Ammeter 7-24 1 July 1979 7-22 7-22 7-1 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 _ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Alternator Control Unit And Low-Voltage Warning Light Circuit Breakers And Fuses Ground Service Plug Receptacle . . 7-24 7-25 7-25 Lighting Systems Exterior Lighting 7-25 7-25 Interior Lighting 7-26 Cabin Heating, Ventilating And Defrosting System 7-27 Pitot-Static System And Instruments 7-27 Airspeed Indicator 7-29 Vertical Speed Indicator 7-29 Altimeter 7-29 Vacuum System And Instruments 7-29 Attitude Indicator 7-31 Directional Indicator 7-31 Suction Gage Stall Warning System 7-31 7-31 Avionics Support Equipment 7-32 Audio Control Panel 7-32 . Transmitter Selector Switch Audio Selector Switches Com Auto Audio Selector Switch Coin Both Audio Selector Switch 7-32 7-34 7-34 7-35 Annunciator Lights Brightness And Test Switch Sidetone Operation n 7-35 7-35 Microphone-Headset Installations 7-36 Static Dischargers 7-36 n n n 7-2 . For Flight Training Reference Only 1 July 1979 CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS INTRODUCTION This section provides description and operation of the airplane and its systems. Some equipment described herein is optional and may not be installed in the airplane. Refer to Section 9, Supplements, for details of other optional systems and equipment. AIRFRAME The airplane is an all-metal, two-place, high-wing, single-engine airplane equipped with tricycle landing gear and designed for general utility purposes. The construction of the fuselage is a conventional formed sheet metal bulkhead, stringer, and skin design referred to as semimonocoque. Major items of structure are the front and rear carry-through spars to which the wings are attached, a bulkhead and forgings for main landing gear attachment at the base of the rear doorposts, and a bulkhead with attaching plates at the base of the forward door posts for the lower attachment of the wing struts. Four engine mount stringers are also attached to the forward door posts and extend forward to the firewall. The externally braced wings, containing the fuel tanks, are construct ed of a front and rear spar with formed sheet metal ribs, doublers, and stringers. The entire structure is covered with aluminum skin. The front spars are equipped with wing-to-fuselage and wing-to-strut attach fit tings. The aft spars are equipped with wing-to-fuselage attach fittings, and are partial-span spars. Conventional hinged ailerons and single-slotted flaps are attached to the trailing edge of the wings. The ailerons are constructed of a forward spar containing balance weights, formed sheet metal ribs and "V" type corrugated aluminum skin joined together at the trailing edge. The flaps are constructed basically the same as the ailerons, with the exception of the balance weights and the addition of a formed sheet metal leading edge section. The empennage (tail assembly) consists of a conventional vertical stabilizer, rudder, horizontal stabilizer, and elevator. The vertical stabiliz er consists of a spar, formed sheet metal ribs and reinforcements, a wrap around skin panel, formed leading edge skin and a dorsal. The rudder is constructed of a formed leading edge skin containing hinge halves, a wrap around skin panel and ribs, and a formed trailing edge skin with a ground adjustable trim tab at its base. The top of the rudder incorporates aleading edge extension which contains a balance weight. The horizontal stabilizei is constructed of a forward spar, main spar, formed sheet metal ribs anc stiffeners, a wrap-around skin panel, and formed leading edge skins. The 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 7-; SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 n n n n AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM r n n n RUDDER CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 7-1. .7-4 Flight Control and Trim Systems (Sheet 1 of 2) 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n n u CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 152 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM ELEVATOR TRIM CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 7-1. Flight Control and Trim Systems (Sheet 2 of 2) 1 July 1979 7- For Flight Training Reference Only n SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 n n n n n n Figure 7-2. 7-6 n Instrument Panel (Sheet 1 of 2) 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n For Flight Training Reference Only -.1 CD CD Master Switch 40. ADF Bearing Indicator Additional Instrument Space Low-Voltage Warning Light Ammeter 19. 20. 21. 22. Ignition Switch 39. Economy Mixture Indicator (EGT) Primer Parking Brake Control 41. 42. Quantity Indicators Left and Right Fuel Dial Lights Rheostat 18. 38. Instrument Panel and Radio Tachometer 37. Audio Control Panel 15. Flight Hour Recorder 36. 14. 16. 35. and Switches Nav/Com Radio 17. 34. 33. ADF Radio Marker Beacon Indicator Lights 13. 32. Transponder Slope Indicator Elevator Trim Control Wheel and Position Indicator Carburetor Heat Control Electrical Switches Oil Pressure Gage Oil Temperature Gage Cigar Lighter Microphone 30. 31. Course Deviation and ILS Glide 11. 12. 10. 29. Indicator Mixture Control Throttle (With Friction Lock) 28. Airplane Registration Number Wing Flap Switch and Position Circuit Breakers Cabin Air Control Cabin Heat Control Map Compartment Vertical Speed Indicator Altimeter Digital Clock 27. Attitude Indicator 5. 9. 26. Directional Indicator 4. 8. 25. Suction Gage 3. 7. 24. Airspeed Indicator 6. 23. Turn Coordinator 1. 2. I I—I > CD -J w O Cfi M H ra w EP K z t-< a n SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 horizontal stabilizer also contains the elevator trim tab actuator. Con struction of the elevator consists of a main spar and bellcrank, left and right wrap-around skin panels, and a formed trailing edge skin on the left half of the elevator; the entire trailing edge of the right half is hinged and forms the elevator trim tab. The leading edge of both left and right elevator tips incorporate extensions which contain balance weights. " FLIGHT CONTROLS The airplane's flight control system (see figure 7-1) consists of conventional aileron, rudder, and elevator control surfaces. The control surfaces are manually operated through mechanical linkage using a control wheel for the ailerons and elevator, and rudder/brake pedals for the rudder. Extensions are available for the rudder/brake pedals. They consist of a rudder pedal face, two spacers and two spring clips. To install an exten sion, place the clip on the bottom of the extension under the bottom of the rudder pedal and snap the top clip over the top of the rudder pedal. Check that the extension is firmly in place. To remove the extensions, reverse the above procedures. TRIM SYSTEM _ A manually-operated elevator trim tab is provided. Elevator trimming is accomplished through the elevator trim tab by utilizing the vertically mounted trim control wheel. Forward rotation of the trim wheel will trim nose-down; conversely, aft rotation will trim nose-up. INSTRUMENT PANEL The instrument panel (see figure 7-2) is designed to place the primary flight instruments directly in front of the pilot. The gyro-operated flight instruments are arranged one above the other, slightly to the left of the control column. To the left of these instruments are the airspeed indicator, turn coordinator, and suction gage. The clock, altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and navigation instruments are above and/or to the right of the control column. Avionics equipment is stacked approximately on the centerline of the panel, with space for additional equipment on the lower right side of the instrument panel. The right side of the panel also contains the tachometer, ammeter, low-voltage light, economy mixture indicator (EGT) and additional instruments such as a flight hour recorder. The left switch and control panel, under the primary instrument panel, contains 7-8 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS the fuel quantity indicators, cigar lighter, and engine instruments posi tioned below the pilot's control wheel. The electrical switches, panel and radio light rheostat knob, ignition and master switches, primer, and parking brake control are located around these instruments. The engine controls, wing flap switch, and cabin air and heat control knobs are to the right of the pilot, at the center of the switch and control panel. Directly below these controls are the elevator trim control wheel, trim position indicator, microphone, and circuit breakers. A map compartment is on the extreme right side of the switch and control panel. For details concerning the instruments, switches, circuit breakers, and controls on this panel, refer in this section to the description of the systems to which these items are related. GROUND CONTROL Effective ground control while taxiing is accomplished through nose wheel steering by using the rudder pedals; left rudder pedal to steer left and right rudder pedal to steer right. When a rudder pedal is depressed, a spring-loaded steering bungee (which is connected to the nose gear and to the rudder bars) will turn the nose wheel through an arc of approximately 8.5° each side of center. By applying either left or right brake, the degree of turn may be increased up to 30° each side of center. >>> Figure 7-3. Wing Flap System 1 July 1979 7-9 For Flight Training Reference Only n SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 Moving the airplane by hand is most easily accomplished by attaching a tow bar to the nose gear strut. If a tow bar is not available, or pushing is required, use the wing struts as push points. Do not use the vertical or horizontal surfaces to move the airplane. If the airplane is to be towed by vehicle, never turn the nose wheel more than 30° either side of center or structural damage to the nose gear could result. The minimum turning radius of the airplane, using differential n braking and nose wheel steering during taxi, is approximately 24 feet 8 inches. To obtain a minimum radius turn during ground handling, the airplane may be rotated around either main landing gear by pressing down on the tailcone just forward of the vertical stabilizer to raise the nose wheel off the ground. WING FLAP SYSTEM The wing flaps are of the single-slot type with a maximum deflection of n 30° (see figure 7-3). They are extended or retracted by positioning the wing flap switch lever on the instrument panel to the desired flap deflection position. The switch lever is moved up or down in a slot in the instrument panel that provides mechanical stops at the 10° and 20° positions. For flap settings greater than 10°, move the switch lever to the right to clear the stop and position it as desired. A scale and pointer on the left side of the switch lever indicates flap travel in degrees. The wing flap system circuit is protected by a 15-ampere circuit breaker, labeled FLAP, on the right side of the instrument panel. " LANDING GEAR SYSTEM The landing gear is of the tricycle type with a steerable nose wheel and two main wheels. The landing gear may be equipped with wheel fairings. Shock absorption is provided by the tubular spring-steel main landing gear struts and the air/ oil nose gear shock strut. Each main gear wheel is equipped with a hydraulically actuated disc-type brake on the inboard side of each wheel. When wheel fairings are installed an aerodynamic fairing covers each brake. n BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT The baggage compartment consists of the area from the back of the pilot and passenger's seats to the aft cabin bulkhead. Access to the baggage 7-10 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS compartment is gained from within the airplane cabin. A baggage net with six tie-down straps is provided for securing baggage and is attached by tying the straps to tie-down rings provided in the airplane. When loading the airplane, children should not be placed or permitted in the baggage compartment, unless a child's seat is installed, and any material that might be hazardous to the airplane or occupants should not be placed anywhere in the airplane. For baggage area dimensions, refer to Section 6. SEATS The seating arrangement consists of two separate adjustable seats for the pilot and passenger and, if installed, a child's seat in the rear cabin area. The pilot's and passenger's seats are available in two designs: fourway and six-way adjustable. Four-way seats may be moved forward or aft, and the seat back angle changed. To position either seat, lift the lever under the inboard corner of the seat, slide the seat into position, release the lever, and check that the seat is locked in place. To adjust the seat back, pull forward on the knob under the center of the seat and apply pressure to the back. To return the seat back to the upright position, pull forward on the exposed portion of the seat back frame. Both seat backs will also fold full forward. The six-way seats may be moved forward or aft, adjusted for height, and the seat back angle changed. Position either seat by lifting the tubular handle under the inboard front corner of the seat bottom and slide the seat to the desired position. Release the lever and check that the seat is locked in place. To raise or lower the seat, rotate the crank located under the outboard corner of each seat. Seat back angle is adjustable by rotating a lever on the rear inboard corner of each seat. To adjust either seat back, rotate the lever aft and apply pressure against the back until it stops moving; then release the lever. The seat back may be returned to the upright position by pulling forward on the exposed portion of the lower seat back frame. Check that the release lever has returned to its vertical position. Both seat backs will fold full forward. A child's seat is available for installation in the rear of the cabin. The seat back is secured to the cabin sidewalls, and the seat bottom is attached to brackets on the floor. This seat is non-adjustable. 1 July 1979 7-11 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS STANDARD MODEL 152 SHOULDER n HARNESS - NARROW RELEASE ST (Pull up when lengthi harness) FREE END OF HARNESS (Pull down to tighten! SHOULDER HARNESS (PILOT'SSEATSHOWN) CONNECTING LINK (Snap onto retaining st SEAT BELT/SHOULDER HARNESS WITH INERTIA REEL SEAT BELT LINK HALF \ND SHOULDER HARNE DETAINING STUD FREE END OF SEAT BELT (Pull to tighten) - r SEAT BELT BUCKLE (Non adjustable) r SEAT BELT/SHOULDER HARNESS ADJUSTABLE LINK (Position link just below shoulder level; pull link and harness down ward to connect to seat belt buckle) Figure 7-4. n Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses 1 July 1979 7-12 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS SEAT BELTS AND SHOULDER HARNESSES All seat positions are equipped with seat belts (see figure 7-4). The pilot's and passenger's seats are also equipped with separate shoulder harnesses. Integrated seat belt/shoulder harnesses with inertia reels can be furnished for the pilot's and passenger's seat positions if desired. SEAT BELTS The seat belts used with the pilot's seat, passenger's seat, and the child's seat (if installed) are attached to fittings on the floorboard. The buckle half of the seat belt is inboard of each seat and has a fixed length; the link half of the belt is outboard and is the adjustable part of the belt. To use the seat belts for the pilot's and passenger's seats, position the seat as desired, and then lengthen the link half of the belt as needed bygrasping the sides of the link and pulling against the belt. Insert and lock the belt link into the buckle. Tighten the belt to a snug fit by pulling the free end of the belt. The seat belt for the child's seat (if installed) is used in the same manner as the belts for the pilot's and passenger's seats. To release the seat belts, grasp the top of the buckle opposite the link and pull upward. SHOULDER HARNESSES Each shoulder harness is attached to a rear doorpost above the window line and is stowed behind a stowage sheath above the cabin door. To stow the harness, fold it and place it behind the sheath. No harness is available for the child's seat. The shoulder harnesses are used by fastening and adjusting the seat belt first. Then, lengthen the harness as required by pulling on the connecting link on the end of the harness and the narrow release strap. Snap the connecting link firmly onto the retaining stud on the seat belt link half. Then adjust to length. Removing the harness is accomplished by pulling upward on the narrow release strap and removing the harness connecting link from the stud on the seat belt link. In an emergency, the shoulder harness may be removed by releasing the seat belt first and allowing the harness, still attached to the link half of the seat belt, to drop to the side of the seat. Adjustment of the shoulder harness is important. A properly adjusted harness will permit the occupant to lean forward enough to sit completely erect, but prevent excessive forward movement and contact with objects during sudden deceleration. Also, the pilot will want the freedom to reach all controls easily. 1 July 1979 7-l£ For Flight Training Reference Only " SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 INTEGRATED SEAT BELT/SHOULDER HARNESSES WITH INERTIA REELS Integrated seat belt/ shoulder harnesses with inertia reels are availa " ble for the pilot and front seat passenger. The seat belt/ shoulder harnesses extend from inertia reels located in the upper cabin sidewall just aft of each cabin door to attach points outboard of the front seats. A separate seat belt half and buckle is located inboard of the seats. Inertia reels allow complete freedom of body movement. However, in the event of a sudden deceleration, they will lock automatically to protect the occupants. To use the seat belt/shoulder harness, position the adjustable metal link on the harness at about shoulder level, pull the link and harness downward, and insert the link in the seat belt buckle. Adjust belt tension across the lap by pulling upward on the shoulder harness. Removal is accomplished by releasing the seat belt buckle, which will allow the inertia reel to pull the harness outboard of the seat. ENTRANCE DOORS AND CABIN WINDOWS Entry to, and exit from the airplane is accomplished through either of two entry doors, one on each side of the cabin (refer to Section 6 for cabin and cabin door dimensions). The doors incorporate a recessed exterior and interior door handle, a key-operated door lock (left door only), a door stop mechanism, and an openable window. To open the doors from outside the airplane, utilize the recessed door " handle near the aft edge of each door. Grasp the forward edge of the handle and pull out. To close or open the doors from inside the airplane, use the recessed door handle and arm rest. Both cabin doors should be checked for security prior to flight, and should not be opened intentionally during flight. NOTE Accidental opening of a cabin door in flight due to improper closing does not constitute a need to land the airplane. The best procedure is to set up the airplane in a trimmed condition at approximately 65 KIAS, momentar ily shove the door outward slightly, and forcefully close the door. Exit from the airplane is accomplished by grasping the forward edge of the door handle and pulling. To lock the airplane, lock the right cabin door from the inside by lifting up on the lever near the aft edge of the door, close the left cabin door, and using the ignition key, lock the door. 7-14 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS Both cabin doors are equipped with openable windows. The windows are held in the closed position by a detent equipped latch on the lower edge of the window frame. To open either window, rotate the latch upward. The windows are equipped with a spring-loaded retaining arm which will help rotate the window outward, and hold it there. If required, the windows may be opened at any speed up to 149 KIAS. All other cabin windows are of the fixed type and cannot be opened. Two additional fixed windows may be installed in the cabin top. CONTROL LOCKS A control lock is provided to lock the aileron and elevator control surfaces to prevent damage to these systems by wind buffeting while the airplane is parked. The lock consists of a shaped steel rod with a red metal flag attached to it. The flag is labeled CONTROL LOCK, REMOVE BEFORE STARTING ENGINE. To install the control lock, align the hole in the top of the pilot's control wheel shaft with the hole in the top of the shaft collar on the instrument panel and insert the rod into the aligned holes. Installation of the lock will secure the ailerons in a neutral position and the elevators in a slightly trailing edge down position. Proper installation of the lock will place the red flag over the ignition switch. In areas where high or gusty winds occur, a control surface lock should be installed over the vertical stabilizer and rudder. The control lock and any other type of locking device should be removed prior to starting the engine. ENGINE The airplane is powered by a horizontally-opposed, four-cylinder, overhead-valve, air-cooled, carbureted engine with a wet sump oil system. The engine is a Lycoming Model O-235-L2C and is rated at 110 horsepower at 2550 RPM. Major engine accessories (mounted on the front of the engine) include a starter, a belt-driven alternator, and an oil cooler. Dual magnetos are mounted on an accessory drive pad on the rear of the engine. Provi sions are also made for a vacuum pump and full flow oil filter. ENGINE CONTROLS Engine power is controlled by a throttle located on the lower center portion of the instrument panel. The throttle operates in a conventional manner; in the full forward position, the throttle is open, and in the full aft position, it is closed. A friction lock, which is a round knurled disk, is located at the base of the throttle and is operated by rotating the lock clockwise to increase friction or counterclockwise to decrease it. 1 July 1979 7-15 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 The mixture control, mounted above the right corner of the control pedestal, is a red knob with raised points around the circumference and is equipped ■with a lock button in the end of the knob. The rich position is full forward, and full aft is the idle cut-off position. For small adjustments, the control may be moved forward by rotating the knob clockwise, and aft by rotating the knob counterclockwise. For rapid or large adjustments, the knob may be moved forward or aft by depressing the lock button in the end of the control, and then positioning the control as desired. ENGINE INSTRUMENTS Engine operation is monitored by the following instruments: oil pressure gage, oil temperature gage, and a tachometer. An economy mixture (EGT) indicator is also available. The oil pressure gage, located on the left switch and control panel, is operated by oil pressure. A direct pressure oil line from the engine delivers oil at engine operating pressure to the oil pressure gage. Gage markings indicate that minimum idling pressure is 25 PSI (red line), the normal operating range is 60 to 90 PSI (green arc), and maximum pressure is 115 PSI (red line). — Oil temperature is indicated by a gage located on the left switch and control panel. The gage is operated by an electrical-resistance type temperature sensor which receives power from the airplane electrical system. Oil temperature limitations are the normal operating range (green — arc) which is 100°F (38°C) to 245°F (118°C), and the maximum (red line) which is 245°F(118°C). The engine-driven mechanical tachometer is located near the upper center portion of the instrument panel. The instrument is calibrated in increments of 100 RPM and indicates both engine and propeller speed. An hour meter below the center of the tachometer dial records elapsed engine time in hours and tenths. Instrument markings include a normal operating range (green arc) of 1900 to 2550 RPM, and a maximum (red line) of 2550 RPM. The upper end of the green arc is "stepped" to indicate approximate RPM for 75% engine power at sea level (2350 RPM), at 4000 feet (2450 RPM), and at 8000 feet (2550 RPM). An economy mixture (EGT) indicator is available for the airplane and is located on the right side of the instrument panel. A thermocouple probe in the muffler tailpipe measures exhaust gas temperature and transmits it to the indicator. The indicator serves as a visual aid to the pilot in adjusting cruise mixture. Exhaust gas temperature varies with fuel-to-air ratio, power, and RPM. However, the difference between the peak EGT and the EGT at the cruise mixture setting is essentially constant and this provides a useful leaning aid. The indicator is equipped with a manually positioned reference pointer. 7-16 For Flight Training Reference Only 1 July 1979 —. CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS NEW ENGINE BREAK-IN AND OPERATION The engine underwent a run-in at the factory and is ready for the full range of use. It is, however, suggested that cruising be accomplished at a minimum of 75% power until a total of 25 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. This will ensure proper seating of the rings. The airplane is delivered from the factory with corrosion preventive oil in the engine. If, during the first 25 hours, oil must be added, use only aviation grade straight mineral oil conforming to Specification No. MILL-6082. ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Oil for engine lubrication is supplied from a sump on the bottom of the engine. The capacity of the engine sump is six quarts (one additional quart is required if a full flow oil filter is installed). Oil is drawn from the sump through an oil suction strainer screen into the engine-driven oil pump. From the pump, oil is routed directly to the oil cooler and returns to the engine where it passes through the pressure screen, if the engine does not incorporate a full flow oil filter. If the engine is equipped with a full flow oil filter, oil passes from the pump to a thermostatically controlled bypass valve. If the oil is cold, the bypass valve allows the oil to bypass the oil cooler and flow directly to the filter. If the oil is hot, the bypass valve routes the oil from the accessory case forward through a flexible hose to the engine oil cooler mounted on the left forward side of the engine. Returning to the accessory case, the oil passes through the filter. The filtered oil then enters a pressure relief valve which regulates engine oil pressure by allowing excessive oil to return to the sump, while the balance of the pressure oil is circulated to various engine parts for lubrication. Residual oil returns to the sump by gravity flow. An oil filler cap/oil dipstick is located at the rear of the engine on the right side. The filler cap/dipstick is accessible through an access door in the engine cowling. The engine should not be operated on less than four quarts of oil. To minimize loss of oil through the breather, fill to five quarts for normal flights of less than three hours. For extended flight, fill to six quarts (dipstick indication only). For engine oil grade and specifications, refer to Section 8 of this handbook. An oil quick-drain valve is available to replace the drain plug in the oil sump drain port, and provides quicker, cleaner draining of the engine oil. To drain the oil with this valve installed, slip a hose over the end of the valve and push upward on the end of the valve until it snaps into the open position. Spring clips will hold the valve open. After draining, use a suitable tool to snap the valve into the extended (closed) position and remove the drain hose. 1 July 1979 7-17 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 IGNITION-STARTER SYSTEM Engine ignition is provided by two engine-driven magnetos, and two spark plugs in each cylinder. The right magneto fires the lower right and the upper left spark plugs, and the left magneto fires the lower left and upper right spark plugs. Normal operation is conducted with both magne tos due to the more complete burning of the fuel-air mixture with dual ignition. Ignition and starter operation is controlled by a rotary type switch located on the left switch and control panel. The switch is labeled clock wise, OFF, R, L, BOTH, and START. The engine should be operated on both magnetos (BOTH position) except for magneto checks. The R and L positions are for checking purposes and emergency use only. When the switch is rotated to the spring-loaded START position, (with the master switch in the ON position), the starter contactor is energized and the starter will crank the engine. When the switch is released, it will automati cally return to the BOTH position. AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM H The engine air induction system receives ram air through an intake in the lower portion of the engine cowling. The intake is covered by an air filter which removes dust and other foreign matter from the induction air. Airflow passing through the filter enters an airbox. After passing through the airbox, induction air enters the inlet in the carburetor which is under the engine, and is then ducted to the engine cylinders through intake manifold tubes. In the event carburetor ice is encountered or the intake filter becomes blocked, alternate heated air can be obtained from a shroud around an exhaust riser through a duct to a valve, in the airbox, operated by the carburetor heat control on the instrument panel. Heated air from the shroud is obtained from an unfiltered outside source. Use of full carburetor heat at full throttle will result in a loss of approximately 150 RPM. EXHAUST SYSTEM Exhaust gas from each cylinder passes through riser assemblies to a muffler and tailpipe on the underside of the engine. The muffler is constructed with a shroud around the outside which forms a heating chamber for carburetor heat and cabin heater air. CARBURETOR AND PRIMING SYSTEM n The engine is equipped with an up-draft, float-type, fixed jet carburetor mounted on the bottom of the engine. The carburetor is equipped with an enclosed accelerator pump, an idle cut-off mechanism, and a manual mixture control. Fuel is delivered to the carburetor by gravity flow from 7-18 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS the fuel system. In the carburetor, fuel is atomized, proportionally mixed with intake air, and delivered to the cylinders through intake manifold tubes. The proportion of atomized fuel to air is controlled, within limits, by the mixture control on the instrument panel. For starting, the engine is equipped with a manual priming system. The primer is actually a small pump which draws fuel from the fuel strainer when the plunger is pulled out, and injects it into the cylinder intake ports when the plunger is pushed back in. The plunger knob, on the instrument panel, is equipped with a lock and, after being pushed full in, must be rotated either left or right until the knob cannot be pulled out. COOLING SYSTEM Ram air for engine cooling enters through two intake openings in the front of the engine cowling. The cooling air is directed around the cylinders and other areas of the engine by baffling, and is then exhausted through an opening at the bottom aft edge of the cowling. No manual cooling system control is provided. A winterization kit is available for the airplane. Details of this kit are presented in Section 9, Supplements. PROPELLER The airplane is equipped with a two-bladed, fixed-pitch, one-piece forged aluminum alloy propeller which is anodized to retard corrosion. The propeller is 69 inches in diameter. FUEL SYSTEM The airplane may be equipped with either a standard fuel system or long range system (see figure 7-6). Both systems consist of two vented fuel tanks (one in each wing), a fuel shutoff valve, fuel strainer, manual primer, and carburetor. Refer to figure 7-5 for fuel quantity data for both systems. Fuel flows by gravity from the two wing tanks to a fuel shutoff valve. With the valve in the ON position, fuel flows through a strainer to the carburetor. From the carburetor, mixed fuel and air flows to the cylinders through intake manifold tubes. The manual primer draws its fuel from the fuel strainer and injects it into the cylinder intake ports. Fuel system venting is essential to system operation. Blockage of the venting system will result in a decreasing fuel flow and eventual engine stoppage. Venting is accomplished by an interconnecting line from the right fuel tank to the left tank. The left tank is vented overboard through a vent line which is equipped with a check valve, and protrudes from the 1 July 1979 7-19 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 152 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS FUEL QUANTITY DATA (U. S. GALLONS) TOTAL USABLE FUEL TANKS ALL FLIGHT CONDITIONS STANDARD (13 Gal. Each) LONG RANGE (19.5 Gal. Each) TOTAL TOTAL UNUSABLE FUEL FUEL VOLUME 24.5 1.5 26.0 37.5 1.5 39.0 Figure 7-5. " Fuel Quantity Data bottom surface of the left wing near the wing strut attach point. The right fuel tank filler cap is also vented. Fuel quantity is measured by two float-type fuel quantity transmitters (one in each tank) and indicated by two electrically-operated fuel quantity indicators on the lower left portion of the instrument panel. An empty tank is indicated by a red line and the letter E. When an indicator shows an empty tank, approximately .75 gallon remains in either a standard or long range tank as unusable fuel. The indicators cannot be relied upon for accurate readings during skids, slips, or unusual attitudes. The amount of unusable fuel is relatively small due to the dual outlets at each tank. The maximum unusable fuel quantity, as determined from the ~ most critical flight condition, is about 1.5 gallons total. This quantity was not exceeded by any other reasonable flight condition, including pro longed 30 second full-rudder sideslips in the landing configuration. Takeoff s have not been demonstrated with less than 2 gallons total fuel (1 gallon per tank). The fuel system is equipped with drain valves to provide a means for the examination of fuel in the system for contamination and grade. The system should be examined before the first flight of every day and after each refueling, by using the sampler cup provided to drain fuel from the wing tank sumps, and by utilizing the fuel strainer drain under an access ■ panel on the right side of the engine cowling. The fuel tanks should be filled after each flight to prevent condensation. When the airplane is equipped with long range tanks, it may be serviced to a reduced fuel capacity to permit heavier cabin loadings. This is accomplished by filling each tank to the bottom of the indicator on the fuel filler neck. When filled to this level, the tank contains 13 gallons (12.25 ' usable in all flight conditions). 1 July 1979 7-20 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 FUEL QUANTITY INDICATORS FUEL FUEL QUANTITY QUANTITY TRANSMITTER TRANSMITTER TO ENGINE CONDITION: SYSTEM SHOWN WITH FUELSHUTOFF VALVE IN ON POSITION CODE LZZ] FUEL SUPPLY LZZD VENT TO ENGINE MECHANICAL LINKAGE Due to crossfeeding between fuel "*— ELECTRICAL tanks, the tanks should be re- CONNECTION topped after each refueling to Figure 7-6. assure maximum capacity- Fuel System (Standard and Long Range) 1 July 1979 7-21 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 BRAKE SYSTEM The airplane has a single-disc, hydraulically-actuated brake on each main landing gearwheel. Each brake is connected, by a hydraulic line, to a master cylinder attached to each of the pilot's rudder pedals. The brakes are operated by applying pressure to the top of either the left (pilot's) or right (copilot's) set of rudder pedals, which are interconnected. When the airplane is parked, both main wheel brakes may be set by utilizing the parking brake which is operated by a knob on the lower left side of the instrument panel. For maximum brake life, keep the brake system properly maintained, and minimize brake usage during taxi operations and landings. Some of the symptoms of impending brake failure are: gradual decrease in braking action after brake application, noisy or dragging brakes, soft or spongy pedals, and excessive travel and weak braking action. If any of these symptoms appear, the brake system is in need of immediate attention. If, during taxi or landing roll, braking action de creases, let up on the pedals and then re-apply the brakes with heavy pressure. If the brakes become spongy or pedal travel increases, pumping the pedals should build braking pressure. If one brake becomes weak or fails, use the other brake sparingly while using opposite rudder, as required, to offset the good brake. ~ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The airplane is equipped with a 28-volt, direct-current electrical system (see figure 7-7). This system uses a 24-volt battery mounted on the right forward side of the firewall as the source of electrical energy and a belt-driven 60-amp alternator to maintain the battery's state of charge. Power is supplied to a bus bar, and a master switch controls this power to all circuits, except the engine ignition system, clock, and flight hour recorder (if installed). The flight hour recorder receives power through activation of an oil pressure switch whenever the engine is operating, and the clock is supplied with current at all times. All avionics equipment should be turned off prior to starting the engine or using an external power source to prevent harmful transient voltages from damaging the transis — tors in this equipment. MASTER SWITCH The master switch is a split-rocker type switch labeled MASTER, and is ON in the up position and OFF in the down position. The right half of the switch, labeled BAT, controls all electrical power to the airplane. The left half, labeled ALT, controls the alternator. 7-22 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only _ CESSNA SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 LOW-VOLTAGE WARNING LIGHT TO FUEL QUANTITY INDICATORS TO FLASHING BEACON TO PITOT HEAT rt I — ALTERNATOR TO DIGITAL CLOCK CONTROL UNIT TO STROBE LIGHTS TO CIGAR LIGHTER (WITH FUSE AND CIRCUIT BREAKER) ALTERNATOR FIELD CIRCUIT TO LANDING AND TAXI LIGHTS BREAKER TO STROBE LTS. TO IGNITION SWITCH CIRCUIT BREAKER (DIGITAL CLOCK ONLY) i| TO WING FLAP SYSTEM — TO RED DOORPOST MAPLIGHT — TO LOW-VOLTAGE WARNING LIGHT OIL PRESSURE SWITCH TO INSTRUMENT, RADIO, COMPASS AND POST LIGHTS — TO OIL TEMPERATURE GAGE FLIGHT HOUR — TO TURN COORDINATOR RECORDER — TO WHITE DOORPOST MAPLIGHT -TO AUDIO MUTING RELAY — TO CONTROL WHEEL MAP LIGHT — TO NAVIGATION LIGHTS — TO DOME LIGHT CIRCUIT BREAKER (AUTO-RESET) TO RADIO OR TRANSPONDER AND ENCODING ALTIMETER CIRCUIT BREAKER [PUSH-TO-RESET) -})- CAPACITOR INOISE FILTER) FUSE -|4« DIODE JVW RESISTOR CIRCUIT BREAKER (PULL-OFF, PUSH-TO-RESET) Figure 7-7. Electrical System 7-23 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 Normally, both sides of the master switch should be used simultane ously; however, the BAT side of the switch could be turned ON separately to check equipment while on the ground. The ALT side of the switch, when placed in the OFF position, removes the alternator from the electrical system. With this switch in the OFF position, the entire electrical load is placed on the battery. Continued operation with the alternator switch in the OFF position will reduce battery power low enough to open the battery contactor, remove power from the alternator field, and prevent alternator restart. n AMMETER The ammeter, located on the upper right side of the instrument panel, indicates the amount of current, in amperes, from the alternator to the battery or from the battery to the airplane electrical system. When the engine is operating and the master switch is turned on, the ammeter indicates the charging rate applied to the battery. In the event the alternator is not functioning or the electrical load exceeds the output of the alternator, the ammeter indicates the battery discharge rate. ALTERNATOR CONTROL UNIT AND LOW-VOLTAGE WARNING LIGHT n The airplane is equipped with a combination alternator regulator high-low voltage control unit mounted on the engine side of the firewall and a red warning light, labeled LOW VOLTAGE, under the ammeter on the instrument panel. In the event an over-voltage condition occurs, the alternator control unit automatically removes alternator field current which shuts down the alternator. The battery will then supply system current as shown by a discharge rate on the ammeter. Under these conditions, depending on electrical system load, the low-voltage warning light will illuminate when system voltage drops below normal. The alternator control unit may be reset by turning the master switch off and back on again. If the warning light does not illuminate, normal alternator charging has resumed; however, if the light does illuminate again, a malfunction has occurred, and the flight should be terminated as soon as practicable. NOTE Illumination of the low-voltage light and ammeter dis charge indications may occur during low RPM conditions with an electrical load on the system, such as during a low RPM taxi. Under these conditions, the light will go out at higher RPM. The master switch need not be recycled since an over-voltage condition has not occurred to de-activate 7-24 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS the alternator system. The warning light may be tested by turning on the landing lights and momentarily turning off the ALT portion of the master switch while leaving the BAT portion turned on. CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND FUSES Most of the electrical circuits in the airplane are protected by "push-toreset" type circuit breakers mounted under the engine controls on the instrument panel. However, alternator output is protected by a "pull-off" type circuit breaker. The cigar lighter is equipped with a manually-reset type circuit breaker located on the back of the lighter and a fuse behind the instrument panel. The control wheel map light (if installed) is protected by the NAV/DOME circuit breaker, and a fuse behind the instrument panel. Electrical circuits which are not protected by circuit breakers are the battery contactor closing (external power) circuit, clock circuit, and flight hour recorder circuit. These circuits are protected by fuses mounted adjacent to the battery. GROUND SERVICE PLUG RECEPTACLE A ground service plug receptacle may be installed to permit the use of an external power source for cold weather starting and during lengthy maintenance work on the electrical and electronic equipment. Details of the ground service plug receptacle are presented in Section 9, Supple ments. LIGHTING SYSTEMS EXTERIOR LIGHTING Conventional navigation lights are located on the wing tips and top of the rudder. Additional lighting is available and includes a single or dual landing/taxi light mounted in the cowling nose cap, a flashing beacon located on top of the vertical fin, and a strobe light installed on each wing tip. Details of the strobe light system are presented in Section 9, Supple ments. All exterior lights are controlled by rocker switches on the left switch and control panel. The switches are ON in the up position and OFF in the down position. The flashing beacon should not be used when flying through clouds or overcast; the flashing light reflected from water droplets or particles in the atmosphere, particularly at night, can produce vertigo and loss of orienta tion. 1 July 1979 7-25 For Flight Training Reference Only ■ SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 INTERIOR LIGHTING Instrument and control panel lighting is provided by flood lighting, integral lighting, and post lighting (if installed). Two concentric rheostat control knobs on the left switch and control panel, labeled PANEL LT and RADIO LT, control intensity of the instrument and control panel lighting. A slide-type switch (if installed) on the overhead console, labeled PANEL LIGHTS, is used to select flood lighting in the FLOOD position, post lighting in the POST position, or a combination of post and flood lighting in the BOTH position. Instrument and control panel flood lighting consists of a single red flood light in the forward part of the overhead console. To use the flood lighting, rotate the PANEL LT rheostat control knob clockwise to the desired intensity. The instrument panel may be equipped with post lights which are mounted at the edge of each instrument and provide direct lighting. The lights are operated by placing the PANEL LIGHTS selector switch, located in the overhead console, in the POST position and adjusting light intensity with the PANEL LT rheostat control knob. By placing the PANEL LIGHTS selector switch in the BOTH position, the post lights can be used in combination with the standard flood lighting. The engine instrument cluster (if post lighting is installed), radio equipment, and magnetic compass have integral lighting and operate independently of post or flood lighting. Light intensity of the radio lighting is controlled by the RADIO LT rheostat control knob. The integral compass and engine instrument cluster light intensity is controlled by the PANEL LT rheostat control knob. A cabin dome light, in the overhead console, is operated by a switch on the left switch and control panel. To turn the light on, move the switch to the ON position. A control wheel map light is available and is mounted on the bottom of the pilot's control wheel. The light illuminates the lower portion of the cabin just forward of the pilot and is helpful when checking maps and other flight data during night operations. To operate the light, first turn on the NAV LT switch; then adjust the map light's intensity with the rheostat control knob located at the bottom of the control wheel. A doorpost map light is available, and is located on the left forward doorpost. It contains both red and white bulbs and may be positioned to illuminate any area desired by the pilot. The light is controlled by a switch, above the light, which is labeled RED, OFF, and WHITE. Placing the switch in the top position will provide a red light. In the bottom position, standard 7-26 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only ~ CESSNA SECTION 7 MODEL 152 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS white lighting is provided. In the center position, the map light is turned off. Light intensity of the red light is controlled by the PANEL LT rheostat control knob. The most probable cause of a light failure is a burned out bulb; however, in the event any of the lighting systems fail to illuminate when turned on, check the appropriate circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker has opened (white button popped out), and there is no obvious indication of a short circuit (smoke or odor), turn off the light switch of the affected lights, reset the breaker, and turn the switch on again. If the breaker opens again, do not reset it. CABIN HEATING, VENTILATING AND DEFROSTING SYSTEM The temperature and volume of airflow into the cabin can be regulated by manipulation of the push-pull CABIN HT and CABIN AIR control knobs (see figure 7-8). Heated fresh air and outside air are blended in a cabin manifold just aft of the firewall by adjustment of the heat and air controls; this air is then vented into the cabin from outlets in the cabin manifold near the pilot's and passenger's feet. Windshield defrost air is also supplied by a duct leading from the manifold to a pair of outlets below the windshield. For cabin ventilation, pull the CABIN AIR knob out. To raise the air temperature, pull the CABIN HT knob out approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch for a small amount of cabin heat. Additional heat is available by pulling the knob out farther; maximum heat is available with the CABIN HT knob pulled out and the CABIN AIR knob pushed full in. When no heat is desired in the cabin, the CABIN HT knob is pushed full in. Additional ventilation air may be obtained by opening the adjustable ventilators near the upper left and right corners of the windshield. PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM AND INSTRUMENTS The pitot-static system supplies ram air pressure to the airspeed indicator and static pressure to the airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator and altimeter. The system is composed of either an unheated or heated pitot tube mounted on the lower surface of the left wing, an external static port on the lower left side of the forward fuselage, and the associated plumbing necessary to connect the instruments to the sources. 1 July 1979 7-27 For Flight Training Reference Only P CESSNA SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 H n 0 n DEFROSTER OUTLETS 0 n CODE 0 RAM AIR FLOW VENTILATING AIR HEATED AIR BLENDED AIR — Figure 7-8. MECHANICAL CONNECTION - Cabin Heating, Ventilating, and Defrosting System 1 July 1979 7-28 For Flight Training Reference Only r CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS The heated pitot system consists of a heating element in the pitot tube, a rocker-type switch labeled PITOT HT on the left switch and control panel, a 15-amp circuit breaker under the engine controls on the instrument panel, and associated wiring. When the pitot heat switch is turned on, the element in the pitot tube is heated electrically to maintain proper opera tion in possible icing conditions. Pitot heat _ should be used only as required. AIRSPEED INDICATOR The airspeed indicator is calibrated in knots and miles per hour. Limitation and range markings (in KIAS) include the white arc (35 to 85 knots), green arc (40 to 111 knots), yellow arc (111 to 149 knots), and a red line (149 knots). If a true airspeed indicator is installed, it is equipped with a rotatable ring which works in conjunction with the airspeed indicator dial in a manner similar to the operation of a flight computer. To operate the indicator, first rotate the ring until pressure altitude is aligned with outside air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure altitude should not be confused with indicated altitude. To obtain pressure altitude, momentarily set the barometric scale on the altimeter to 29.92 and read pressure altitude on the altimeter. Be sure to return the altimeter baromet ric scale to the original barometric setting after pressure altitude has been obtained. Having set the ring to correct for altitude and temperature, read the true airspeed shown on the rotatable ring by the indicator pointer. For best accuracy, the indicated airspeed should be corrected to calibrated airspeed by referring to the Airspeed Calibration chart in Section 5. Knowing the calibrated airspeed, read true airspeed on the ring opposite the calibrated airspeed. VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR The vertical speed indicator depicts airplane rate of climb or descent in feet per minute. The pointer is actuated by atmospheric pressure changes resulting from changes of altitude as supplied by the static source. ALTIMETER Airplane altitude is depicted by a barometric type altimeter. A knob near the lower left portion of the indicator provides adjustment of the instrument's barometric scale to the current altimeter setting. VACUUM SYSTEM AND INSTRUMENTS An engine-driven vacuum system (see figure 7-9) is available and 1 July 1979 7-29 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA SECTION 7 _ MODEL 152 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS OVERBOARD VENT LINE n VACUUM n PUMP VACUUM SYSTEM AIR FILTER aooo o o o 0 O o o •*: o 0 o o o VACUUM RELIEF VALVE 0 o o o o n n n DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR CODE INLET AIR VACUUM DISCHARGE AIR Figure 7-9. Vacuum System 1 July 1979 7-30 For Flight Training Reference Only n CESSNA MODEL 152 provides the SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS suction necessary to operate the attitude indicator and directional indicator. The system consists of a vacuum pump mounted on the engine, a vacuum relief valve and vacuum system air filter on the aft side of the firewall below the instrument panel, and instruments (including a suction gage) on the left side of the instrument panel. ATTITUDE INDICATOR An attitude indicator is available and gives a visual indication of flight attitude. Bank attitude is presented by a pointer at the top of the indicator relative to the bank scale which has index marks at 10°, 20°, 30°, 60°, and 90° either side of the center mark. Pitch and roll attitudes are presented by a miniature airplane superimposed over a symbolic horizon area divided into two sections by a white horizon bar. The upper "blue sky" area and the lower "ground" area have arbitrary pitch reference lines useful for pitch attitude control. A knob at the bottom of the instrument is provided for inflight adjustment of the miniature airplane to the horizon bar for a more accurate flight attitude indication. DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR A directional indicator is available and displays airplane heading on a compass card in relation to a fixed simulated airplane image and index. The directional indicator will precess slightly over a period of time. Therefore, the compass card should be set in accordance with the magnetic compass just prior to takeoff, and occasionally re-adjusted on extended flights. A knob on the lower left edge of the instrument is used to adjust the compass card to correct for any precession. SUCTION GAGE A suction gage is located on the left side of the instrument panel when the airplane is equipped with a vacuum system. Suction available for operation of the attitude indicator and directional indicator is shown by this gage, which is calibrated in inches of mercury. The desired suction range is 4.5 to 5.4 inches of mercury. A suction reading below this range may indicate a system malfunction or improper adjustment, and in this case, the indicators should not be considered reliable. STALL WARNING SYSTEM The airplane is equipped with a pneumatic-type stall warning system consisting of an inlet in the leading edge of the left wing, an air-operated horn near the upper left corner of the windshield, and associated plumbing. As the airplane approaches a stall, the lowpressure on the upper surface of the wings moves forward around the leading edge of the wings. This low 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 7-31 " SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS _ MODEL 152 pressure creates a differential pressure in the stall warning system which draws air through the warning horn, resulting in an audible warning at 5 to 10 knots above stall in all flight conditions. The stall warning system should be checked during the preflight inspection by placing a clean handkerchief over the vent opening and applying suction. A sound from the warning horn will confirm that the system is operative. AVIONICS SUPPORT EQUIPMENT If the airplane is equipped with avionics, various avionics support equipment may also be installed. Equipment available includes two types of audio control panels, microphone-headset installations and control surface static dischargers. The following paragraphs discuss these items. Description and operation of radio equipment is covered in Section 9 of this handbook. AUDIO CONTROL PANEL Two types of audio control panels (see figure 7-10) are available for this airplane, depending upon whether the avionics package includes a marker beacon receiver. The operational features of both audio control panels are similar and are discussed in the following paragraphs. TRANSMITTER SELECTOR SWITCH _ When the avionics package includes two transmitters, a two-position toggle-type switch, labeled TRANS SELECT or XMTR (depending upon which audio control panel is installed), is provided to switch the micro phone to the transmitter the pilot desires to use. The numbers 1 (up position) and 2 (down position) correspond to the first and second (from top to bottom) transmitters, respectively. The action of selecting a particular transmitter using the transmitter selector switch simultaneously selects the audio amplifier associated with that transmitter to provide speaker audio. For example, if the number one transmitter is selected, the audio amplifier in the number one NAV/COM is also selected and is used for ALL speaker audio. In the event the audio amplifier in use fails, as evidenced by loss of all speaker audio, selecting the other transmitter will reestablish speaker audio using the other transmitter audio amplifier. amplifier operation. Headset audio is not affected by audio 7-32 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 USED WITHOUT MARKER BEACON SIDETONE SPEAKER. NAV/COM 1 2 ADF (5) OFF J zTRANSMITTER AUDIO SELECTOR SWITCHES SELECTOR SWITCH I AUDIO SELECTOR SPEAKER SWITCH SIDETONE VOLUME CONTROL USED WITH MARKER BEACON COM BOTH AUDIOSELECTOR HEADSET SIDETONE INTERNAL ADJUSTMENT SWITCH ACCESS SPEAKER SIDETONE ■INTERNAL ADJUSTMENT ACCESS ANN XMTR TRANSMITTER- COM AUTO-1 SELECTOR SWITCH AUDIOSELECTOR SWITCH AUDIOSELECTOR' SWITCHES LTS ANNUNCIATOR LIGHTS BRIGHTNESS AND TEST SWITCH Figure 7-10. Audio Control Panel 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 7-33 " SECTION 7 CESSNA AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS MODEL 152 AUDIO SELECTOR SWITCHES Both audio control panels (see figure 7-10) incorporate three-position toggle-type audio selector switches for individual control of the audio from systems installed in the airplane. These switches allow receiver audio to be directed to the airplane speaker or to a headset, and heard singly or in combination with other receivers. To hear a particular receiver on the airplane speaker, place that receiver's audio selector switch in the up (SPEAKER) position. To listen to a receiver over the headset, place that receiver's audio selector switch in the down (PHONE) position. The center (OFF) position turns off all audio from the associated receiver. NOTE Volume level is adjusted using the individual receiver volume controls on each radio. When a marker beacon receiver is not installed, audio from both NAV and COM frequencies is combined, and is selected by the audio selector n n n switches labeled NAV/COM, 1 and 2. A special feature of the audio control panel used with a marker beacon receiver is separate control of NAV and COM audio from the NAV/COM radios. With this installation, the audio selector switches labeled NAV, 1 and 2 select audio from the navigation receivers of the NAV/ COM radios only. Communication receiver audio is selected by the switches labeled COM, AUTO and BOTH. Description and operation of these switches is described in later paragraphs. ' COM AUTO AUDIO SELECTOR SWITCH If the airplane is equipped with an audio control panel having marker beacon controls, a three-position toggle switch, labeled COM AUTO, is provided to automatically match the audio of the appropriate NAV/COM communications receiver to the transmitter selected by the transmitter selector switch. When the COM AUTO selector switch is placed in the up (SPEAKER) position, audio from the communications receiver selected by the transmitter selector switch will be heard on the airplane speaker. Switching the transmitter selector switch to the other transmitter auto matically switches the other communications receiver audio to the speaker. This automatic audio switching feature may also be utilized when 7-34 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only " CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS listening on a headset by placing the COM AUTO switch in the down (PHONE) position. If automatic audio selection is not desired, the COM AUTO selector switch should be placed in the center (OFF) position. COM BOTH AUDIO SELECTOR SWITCH If the airplane is equipped with an audio control panel having marker beacon controls, a three-position toggle switch, labeled COM BOTH, is provided to allow both COM receivers to be monitored at the same time. For example, if the COM AUTO switch is in the SPEAKER position, with the transmitter selector switch in the number one transmitter position, number one communications receiver audio will be heard on the airplane speaker. If it is also desired to monitor the number two communications receiver audio without changing the position of the transmitter selector switch, place the COM BOTH selector switch in the up (SPEAKER) position so that the number two communications receiver audio will be heard in addition to the number one communications receiver audio. This feature can also be used when listening on a headset by placing the COM BOTH audio selector switch in the down (PHONE) position. NOTE The combination of placing the COM AUTO switch in the SPEAKER position and the COM BOTH switch in the PHONE position (or vice versa) is not normally recom- ' mended as it will cause audio from both communications receivers (and any other navigation receiver with its audio selector switch in the PHONE position) to be heard on both the airplane speaker and the headset simultaneously. ANNUNCIATOR LIGHTS BRIGHTNESS AND TEST SWITCH When a marker beacon receiver is installed, the audio control panel includes a three-position toggle-type switch to control the brightness level of the marker beacon indicator lights. When the switch is placed in the center (DAY) position, the indicator lights will show full bright. When this switch is placed in the up (NITE) position, the lights are set to a reduced level for typical night operations and can be further adjusted using the RADIO LT dimming rheostat knob. The down (TEST) position illuminates all lamps (except the ARC light in the NAV indicators) which are controlled by the switch to the full bright level to verify lamp operation. SIDETONE OPERATION Cessna radios are equipped with sidetone capability (monitoring of the operator's own voice transmission). While adjusting sidetone on either audio control panel, be aware that if the sidetone volume level is set too high, audio feedback (squeal) may result when transmitting. 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only 7-35 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 152 On airplanes not equipped with marker beacon receivers, a control for speaker sidetone volume only is provided on the audio control panel. To adjust the level of the sidetone heard on the speaker, rotate the knob, labeled SIDETONE VOL, clockwise to increase volume or counterclock wise to decrease it. Sidetone provided through the headset is not adjustable by the pilot on audio control panels without marker beacon. On airplanes with marker beacon receivers, sidetone is provided in both the speaker and headset anytime the COM AUTO selector switch is utilized. Placing the COM AUTO selector switch in the OFF position will eliminate sidetone. Sidetone internal adjustments are available to the pilot through the front of the audio control panel (see figure 7-10). Adjustment can be made by removing the appropriate plug-button from the audio control panel (left button for headset adjustment and right button for speaker adjustment), inserting a small screwdriver into the adjustment potentiometer and rotating it clockwise to increase the sidetone volume level. MICROPHONE-HEADSET INSTALLATIONS Three types of microphone-headset installations are offered. The standard system provided with avionics equipment includes a hand-held microphone and separate headset. The keying switch for this microphone is on the microphone. Two optional microphone-headset installations are also available; these feature a single-unit microphone-headset combina tion which permits the pilot to conduct radio communications without interrupting other control operations to handle a hand-held microphone. One microphone-headset combination is offered without a padded headset and the other version has a padded headset. The microphone-headset combinations utilize a remote keying switch located on the left grip of the pilot's control wheel. The microphone and headset jacks are located on the pedestal below the instrument panel. Audio to all three headsets is controlled by the individual audio selector switches and adjusted for volume level by using the selected receiver volume controls. NOTE When transmitting, the pilot should key the microphone, place the microphone as close as possible to the lips and speak directly into it. n STATIC DISCHARGERS If frequent IFR flights are planned, installation of wick-type static dischargers is recommended to improve radio communications during flight through dust or various forms of precipitation (rain, snow or ice 7-36 1 July 1979 For Flight Training Reference Only — CESSNA MODEL 152 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS crystals). Under these conditions, the build-up and discharge of static electricity from the trailing edges of the wings, rudder, elevator, propeller tips, and radio antennas can result in loss of usable radio signals on all communications and navigation radio equipment. Usually the ADF is first to be affected and VHF communication equipment is the last to be affected. Installation of static dischargers reduces interference from precipita tion static, but it is possible to encounter severe precipitation static conditions which might cause the loss of radio signals, even with static dischargers installed. Whenever possible, avoid known severe precipita tion areas to prevent loss of dependable radio signals. If avoidance is impractical, minimize airspeed and anticipate temporary loss of radio signals while in these areas. 1 July 1979 7-37/(7-38 blank) For Flight Training Reference Only