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Anatomical Terminology: Planes, Directions, Movements

superior, inferior, cranial, caudal,
external, internal, superficial, deep,
palmar, dorsal, plantar
Anatomical position
Reference position in anatomy: The
person is standing upright, with the arms
hanging by the side, palms facing
forward, and thumbs pointing away from
the body. The feet are slightly parallel,
and toes oriented to the front.
Directional terms and relations
● Anterior
In front of or front
Anatomical planes
● Imaginary planes that intersect the body,
creating slices of various organs and
Main anatomical planes:
Mid-sagittal/median, sagittal, frontal
(coronal), transverse (axial)
Mid-sagittal/median - vertical plane
passing through the centre of the body
(midline) that cuts it longitudinally into
right and left halves.
Sagittal - arbitrary vertical plane
passing through the body parallel to the
midline, slicing it longitudinally into right
and left parts. To aid your
understanding, imagine that you are
slicing an apple - each slide is a sagittal
Frontal (coronal) - vertical plane at
right angle to the sagittal plane that
divides the body into anterior (front) and
posterior (back) portions.
Transverse (axial) - horizontal plane at
right angles to the sagittal and frontal
planes, slicing the body into a superior
(upper) and inferior (lower) portions. The
obtained cuts are transverse or axial
Towards the front of the body
Towards the back of the body
Away or farthest away from the trunk or
the point origin of the body part
In behind of or behind
Closer or towards the trunk or the point
of origin of the body part
Midline of the body
Towards the median
Away from median
Towards the top of the head
Towards the feet
Towards the head
Towards the tail
Towards the surface, superficial
Away from the surface, deep
Nearer to the surface
Directional terms
Anatomical terms used to describe the
position and relation between various
Main directional terms: Anterior,
posterior, ventral, dorsal, proximal,
distal, median, medial, lateral,
Farther from the surface
Anterior hand or palm of hand (palmar)
Dorsal (of hand)
Posterior surface of hand (dorsum)
Moving backwards (tongue, mandible)
Moving forwards and laterally
Moving backwards and medially
Moving downwards
Body planes and directional terms
Changing the position of a body part
around a certain axis and in one of the
anatomical planes.
When describing joint movements, two
factors are included:
★ Axis, or fulcrum, around which
the specific part moves
★ Plane of the movement
Main types of movements: Flexion,
extension, abduction, adduction,
lateral rotation, medial rotation,
circumduction, pronation, supination,
inversion, eversion
Medial (internal) rotation
Decreasing the angle between two
Flexion of the plantar (underside) part of
the foot
Flexion of the dorsum (top) part of the
Moving away from the midline
Moving towards the midline
Moving straight ahead or forwards
(tongue, mandible)
Side (lateral flexion) or forward (anterior
flexion) bending
Extension (trunk)
Bending backwards
Medial rotation of the radius, resulting in
the palm of the hand facing posteriorly
(if in anatomical position) or inferiorly (if
elbow is flexed)
Lateral rotation of the radius, resulting in
the palm of the hand facing anteriorly (if
in anatomical position) or superiorly (if
elbow is flexed)
Combined movement starting with
flexion, then abduction, extension, and
ending with adduction
Twisting motion towards or away from
the midline (left or right)
Flexion (trunk)
Increasing the angle between two
Spiral movement away from the midline
Rotation (trunk)
Spiral movement towards the midline
Lateral (external) rotation
Movement terms
Moving upwards
Movement of the wrist join towards the
rafdial or ulnar sides (radial deviation,
ulnar deviation)
Touching the pad of any of your fingers
from the thumb of the same hand
Separating the pad of any of your
fingers from the thumb of the same
Plantar side of the foot is rotated
towards the median plane
Plantar side of the foot is rotated away
from the median plane
Anatomical regions
Areas of the human body defined by the
landmarks provided by evident
structures that are easily palpable or
Main regions: Head, neck, thorax,
abdomen, pelvis, upper extremity,
lower extremity
The human body is divided into regions. The
main ones in the human body are the head,
neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, together with
the upper and lower extremities. The upper
limb is divided into shoulder, arm, elbow,
forearm, wrist, and hand. The lower limb
consists of the hip, gluteal, thigh, knee, leg,
ankle, and foot. All of the anatomical regions
are defined by precise landmarks making them
universally accepted terms that every healthcare
professional instantly recognizes and
understands. Generally speaking, these
landmarks are provided by evident structures
that are easily palpable or visible. This is known
as surface anatomy.
On the trunk (thorax and abdomen) there are
several lines and surface landmarks, as follows:
anterior/posterior median lines, sternal line,
parasternal line, midclavicular line,
anterior/middle/posterior axillary lines,
paravertebral line, scapular line, ribs, sternum,
vertebral spinous processes, clavicle, and
pectoral muscles. These imaginary lines
intersect at various points, creating particular
regions between them. These are named:
● Presternal region
● Infraclavicular fossa
● Clavipectoral triangle
● Deltoid region
● Axillary region
● Pectoral region
● Inframammary region
● Vertebral region
● Suprascapular region
Scapular region
Interscapular region
Lateral pectoral region
Infrascapular region
Lumbar triangle
Sacral region
Gluteal region
Anal region
The head and neck also consist of regions. They
are not formed by precise planes, but they are
named according to the anatomical structures
contained within them. Therefore, the terms are
easy to understand: frontal, orbital, infraorbital,
nasal, oral, mental, sternocleidomastoid, lateral
cervical, posterocervical, buccal,
parotideomasseteric, infratemporal, zygomatic,
temporal, occipital, and parietal regions. In
addition, there are submandibular, submental,
carotid, and muscular triangles, supraclavicular,
jugular, and retromandibular fossae.
Similar to the head and neck, the extremities are
divided into regions according to their
anatomical contents. Regions in the upper limb
are named scapular, axillary, deltoid, brachial
(anterior, posterior), cubital (anterior, posterior),
antebrachial (anterior, posterior), carpal
(anterior, posterior), palmar, and dorsal regions.
Regions of the upper limb (anterior and posterior
The regions of the lower limb are the following:
femoral triangle, gluteal, femoral (anterior,
posterior), genicular (anterior, posterior),
popliteal, crural (anterior, posterior), lateral
retromalleolar, dorsal, plantar, and calcaneal
Regions of the lower limb (anterior and posterior
Abdominopelvic Region
Regarding the abdominal regions, we’ll look at
them separately because they are a favourite
exam question and crucial clinical topic. Two
approaches are used in medical practice. The
simpler one takes advantage of a horizontal and
vertical axis crossing at right angles directly on
the umbilicus. This results in the formation of
four abdominal quadrants called right upper
(RQQ), left upper (LUQ), right lower (RLQ),
and left lower (LLQ) quadrants.
The second one involves four planes: two
vertical lines running through the middle of the
clavicles and middle of the inguinal ligaments,
and two horizontal axes. One of which passes
directly subcostally, while the second traverses
the iliac tubercles. The intersection of these
planes forms 9 abdominal regions; the right
hypochondriac, epigastric, left
hypochondriac, left lumbar, umbilical, right
lumbar, right iliac, hypogastric, and left iliac
Cavities of the human body (anterior view)
Regions of the thorax and abdomen (anterior and
posterior views)
Body Cavities
Many anatomical structures are housed inside
open fluid filled spaces, or cavities, located
throughout the body. The most important ones
are located axially, meaning inside the skull,
vertebral column, thorax, and abdomen.
What’s the importance of such spaces? Cavities
compartmentalise the body, they also protect
and lubricate organs; reducing friction during
organ movement.
The human body has two cavitary groups anterior and posterior. The latter is composed
of two cavities called the cranial cavity and
vertebral canal, which are continuous with each
other and contain the central nervous system
(brain plus spinal cord). It is filled with
cerebrospinal fluid which bathes the central
nervous system
The larger anterior cavitary group is composed
of several smaller cavities called the thoracic
and abdominopelvic cavities. The former is
composed out of the superior, anterior, middle,
and posterior mediastinal cavities, as well as
the two pleural cavities. The latter is subdivided
into the abdominal and pelvic cavities. The
thoracic and abdominal cavities are separated
by the diaphragm. Each of these spaces is
home to the typical neurovasculature structures
and organs specific to each respective region.
The pericardial cavity, sitting within the
mediastinum, deserves a special mention
because it contains the heart.
Synovial joint
One set of structures making these actions a
daily reality are joints, which are the union of
two or more bones. There are many types of
joints classified according to many criteria, one
example being synovial joints. Also known as
diarthrosis, a synovial joint is a potential space
containing synovial fluid that separates two
bones. It is the most flexible out of all types,
allowing a great degree of motion and joint
movements. The bone ends are covered with
cartilage. There are six main types of synovial
● Pivot joint
● Ball and socket joint
● Condyloid joint
● Saddle joint
● Hinge joint
● Plane joint
Almost every major joint in the human body is
synovial in nature, including the shoulder, elbow,
hip, knee, and ankle joints.
Brain anatomy
Housed within the cranium, more specifically the
cranial cavity, the brain consists of folds (gyri),
grooves (sulci), and clefts (fissures). It is
composed of several parts, such as:
Cerebral hemispheres (cerebral cortex)
Several lobes of the brain (parietal, occipital,
temporal, frontal, and insular) form the
cerebral hemispheres, each one having several
distinct roles. For example, the frontal lobe
function includes motor function, problem
solving, memory, language, judgement, and
many more. The brainstem is the vegetative
and most primitive part, consisting of the
midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. Here’s a
brain diagram illustrating its various parts:
Overview of the brain (lateral and sagittal views)
What about the cerebellum function? This
structure is unique in terms of structure and
roles, being involved in balance and movement
coordination, to name a few. The ventricles are
part of an entire system called the ventricular
system of the brain that is involved in the
production and drainage of the cerebrospinal
fluid within the central nervous system.
In terms of directional terms, axes, and planes,
the brain is quite special. It has neuraxes which
are different than the normal body axes. There
are two in total called rostral/caudal and
ventral/dorsal neuraxes. As you can see, the
previous four relation terms are preferred in the
brain, but they can change to the normal terms
used in other parts of the human body when
referring to structures above or below the