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Facebook & Social Issues: A Powerful Platform Analysis

Our group will be talking about how Facebook is a powerful platform in the
discussion of social issues. Facebook is a social networking service launched as The
Facebook on February 4, 2004. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommate
and fellow Harvard University student Eduardo Saverin. By 2006, anyone over the age of 13
with a valid email address could join Facebook. Today, Facebook is the world's largest social
to send messages and post status updates to keep in touch with friends and family. You can also
share different types of content, like photos and links. But sharing something on Facebook is a
bit different from other types of online communication. Unlike email or instant messaging,
which are relatively private, the things you share on Facebook are more public, which means
they'll usually be seen by many other people. Facebook has also become another source of
information for most people today.
One of the reasons why people enjoy using Facebook is because it helps them
communicate with people who are far away from them. It keeps them updated of what is
happening in our society. It is also a way of expressing oneself through the internet.
When people cannot express themselves freely in personal, they use Facebook as a tool to
convey what they want. But like any other social networking sites, Facebook has its own
advantage and disadvantages. Facebook can be used as an instrument in promoting and
discussing social issues, it is easier to receive feedbacks from other people who want to
be involved in a certain issue. While social media brings an increased aw areness about
societal issues, questions remain as to whether this awareness is translating into real
Social sharing has encouraged people to use computers and mobile phones to express
their concerns on social issues without actually having to enga ge actively with campaigns
in real life. Their support is limited to pressing the ‘Like’ button or sharing content.
When a person decides to share or react to a post online, it would somehow mean that
he/she relates to it in some way. Moreover, Facebook has several features other than
messaging, playing, reacting, commenting, or sharing. It also enables people to create
polls which would help them decide on certain things. For example, since electoral
campaigns are rampant, some people would turn into using polls to know who among the
candidates are more or less deserving. Facebook also allows a person to tag friends on
posts which makes dissemination of information faster.
Overall, Facebook is a very powerful social media tool that enables people to connec t,
express, and inform since it can be used by any age group. Verify information before
believing and re-sharing them. And most of all, understand the limitations. With proper use of
this application, Facebook is one of the most useful social media tool ever made in this
unknown, u. (2019, February 6). Facebook. Retrieved from https://efnepdigitalresources.org/facebook/