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English Tenses Grammar Guide

Akmal Abdullayev
Karshi - 2023
Akmal Abdullayev
Present Continuous Tense
( Hozirgi davomli oddiy zamon)
+ Subject + am/is/are + verbing.
? Am/Is/Are + subject + verbing?
-Subject + am/is/are + verbing.
For instance:
I am working now.
Are you working now?
He isn`t working now.
1. Ayni vaqtda sodir bo`layotgan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
Tom is sleeping at the moment.
2. Hozirgi davrda sodir bo`layotgan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
I am reading “Ikki eshik orasi” nowadays.
3. Kelajakda biror – bir qilishni oldindan rejalashtirib qo`ygan bo`lsak, lekin ma`no kelasi zamoda
bo`ladi va kelasi zamonning signal so`zlari ham ishlatilishi mumkin.
Tom is buying a new car next month.
4. Davomiy ravishda o`zgarayotgan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun
The population of the world is rising very fast.
The weather is getting colder and colder day by day.
5. Always , frequently , constantly , continually kabi ravish hollari ham present continuous zamonida
qo`llanib shikoyatni, g`azabni , jaxlni ifodalaydi va o`zbek tiliga “nuqul” deb tarjima qilinadi.
Tom is always losing his things.
6. Today, this week, this month, this season , this year – kabi hali tugamagan vaqt ko`rsatgichlari bilan
ishlatilib hali ham davom etayotgan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
Jack is working very hard today.
Note: Chaqriqqa undovchi so`zlardan keyin ham present continuous zamoni ishlatiladi.
Shhh! – Tss!
Come on! – kelaqol!
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Be careful! – ehtiyot bo`l!
Watch out! – ehtiyot bo`l!
Look out! – ehtiyot bo`l!
Look ! – qarang!
Hurry up! – shoshil!
Listen ! – tinglang!
Key words:
Now = right now = at present – hozir
At the moment – ayni vaqtda
Nowadays = these days – shu kunlarda
For the time being = currently – hozir , ayni vaqtda
Still – hali ham
Present Simple Tense
( hozirgi oddiy zamon)
+ Subject + verb1 (s-es).
I / you / we / they + verb1.
She / he / it + verbs/es
? Do / Does + subject + verb1 ?
-Subject + do/does + not + verb1.
For example:
Jasur watches his favourite film every month.
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I don’t know that people very well.
1. Doimiy, takroriy va tez-tez sodir bo`lib turadigan ish - harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
I go to the theatre every month.
2. Umumiy haqiqat va tabiat qonunlariga oid ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
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The sun sets in the west. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius .
3. Jadvallarga asoslangan ish – harakatlarga nisbatan ya`ni ( poyezd , samaliyot, avtobuslarning kelib
ketishi, kino, filmlarning boslanishi tugashi) ma`no kelasi zamonda bo`lsa ham present simple
zamonidan foydalanamiz.
The plane leaves Karshi at 9.30 and arrives in Toshkent at 12.30.
The football match starts at 8 o`clock.
4. Sport kommentariyalari va hikoyalardagi voqealarni aytish uchun
Alisher overtakes Kamron and wins the race.
Then the prince gets on his horse and quickly rides away.
5. Kimgadir qo`llanma va ko`rsatma berganimizda.
You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it.
6. Quydagilar birikmalar asosan gapning boshida keladi va present simple zamonida qo`llanadi.
I apologize
I insist
I promise
I advise
I agree
I suggest
Key words:
Always / normally / permanently – har doim
Usually / typically - odatda
Often / frequently – tez - tez
Rarely / seldom – kamdan kam
Sometimes / from time to time – ba`zan
Never – hech qachon
Every day – har kuni
Every other day – kun ora
In the morning/afternoon/evening –
Once a week – haftasiga 1 marta
Twice a month – 1 oyga 2 marta
Three times a day – 1 kunga 3 marta
State verbs
( holat fe`llari)
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Holat fe`llari 2 bo`linadi.
1) Real state verbs ( haqiqiy holat fe`llari)
2) Semi state verbs ( yarim holat fe`llari)
1. Haqiqiy holat fe`llari hech qachon continuous zamonlarda ishlatilmaydi. Quydagilar haqiqiy holat fe`llari.
belong to
2. Yarim holat fe`llari ham holat fe`li , ham harakat fe`li bo`lib keladi.
Present simpleda ishlatilishi
Present continuousda ishlatilishi
Think – deb o`ylmoq, o`ylashimcha ( o`zidan
keyin ega kesim keladi).
Think – o`ylamoq ( o`zidan keyin of / about predlogi
I think he is a lier.
I am thinking about my future
See – ko`rmoq.
See – uchrashmoq/ko`rshmoq
I see a bird over there.
I am seeing my doctor tonight.
Smell – hid taratmoq (o`zidan keyin sifat
Smell – hidlamoq (o`zidan keyin ot keladi)
Nozima is smelling the rose.
Flowers smell nice.
Taste – ta`m bildirmoq (o`zidan keyin sifat
Taste – ta`mini tatib ko`rmoq (o`zidan keyin ot
The soup tastes awful.
Jack is tasting the soup.
Weigh – og`irlikka ega bo`lmoq (o`zidan keyin
sifat keladi)
Weigh – tarozida tortib ko`rmoq
Sardor is weighing potatoes.
This bag weighs very heavy.
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Appear – tuyilmoq /o`rinmoq (o`zidan keyin
sifat keladi)
Appear – paydo bo`lmoq / ko`rinmoq (o`zidan
keyin ravish keladi)
She appears asleep.
The sun is appearing slowly.
Cost – narx turmoq
Cost – davom etmoq
The flowers on March 8 cost very high.
March 8 is still costing.
Look – ko`rinmoq / tuyilmoq (o`zidan keyin
Look – qaramoq / qidirmoq ( o`zidan keyin
at/for/after etc.) keladi.
You look tired today.
Salima is looking for a new job.
Be – doimiy holat haqida gapirganda holat
fe`li hisoblanadi.
Be – biror bir vaziyatda xulq atvori o`zgarganda
harakat fe`li bo`lib keladi.
You are stupid. (sen ahmoqsan)
You are being stupid ( sen ahmoq bo`lib boryapsan)
Have – bor , ega bo`lmoq
Have – haveli birikmalar bilan kelganda harakat
fe`li bo`lib keladi.
I have two cars.
We are having dinner now.
Past Simple Tense
(O’tgan oddiy zamon)
+ Subject +verb2/ed.
? Did + subject + verb1?
- Subject + did not (didn’t) + verb1.
For example;
I worked hard yesterday.
Did you work yesterday?
He didn’t work yesterday.
1) O’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lgan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
We started our lesson last week.
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2) O’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lgan ish – harkat so’zlovchi va tinglovchiga aniq bo’lganda.
Vohid forgot to invite his friends to his wedding.
3) O’tmishda ketma – ket sodir bo’lgan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
The teacher came into the room, took off his coat, then sat down on a chair and started the lesson.
4) Tarixiy voqealar yoki dunyodan ko’z yumgan insonlar haqida gapirganimizda.
Tomas Edison invented electron bulb.
5) Past simple zamonini yasash uchun fe’llarning 2 turidan foydalanamiz;
1. Regular verbs – to’g’ri fe’llar – ed qo’shimchasini qo’shish orqali
2. Irregular verbs – noto’g’ri fe’llar – noto’g’ri fe’llar jadvalining ikkinchi ustunidan foydalanamiz.
Past simplening kalit so’zlari:
Last week/month/year
The other day – bir necha kun oldin
Ago - oldin
Just now – sal oldin , hozirgina
In 2005
The day before yesterday – kechadan oldingi kun
Once upon a time = once there – qadim zamonlarda
Past Continuous Tense
(O’tgan davomli zamon)
Formulasi :
+ Subject + was/were + verb+ing.
? Was/Were + subject + verb +ing.
- Subject + was/were ( wasn’t/weren’t) + verb +ing.
For intance:
I was playing tennis.
Were you playing tennis?
He was not playing tennis.
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1. O’tgan zamonda , aniq paytda davom etayotgan gaplarda ishlatiladi. Ish – harakat qachon boshlagani
va tugagani muhim emas.
Salim was reading a book at 11 o’clock last night.
2. Birinchi sodir bo’layotgan ish – harakatga ikkinchi ish – harakat halaqit bersa. Ya’ni sodir bo’layotgan
ish – harakat past continuousda, halaqit qilgan ish – harakat esa past simpleda ishlatiladi.
When + past simple , past continuous.
Mansur was reading a book when lights went out.
When Tom arrived , we were having dinner.
3. Ikki yoki undan ortiq ish – harakat bir vaqtda sodir bo’layotgan bo’lsa.
While / As + past continuous , past simple.
While I was writing essay, Tom was cooking meal.
4. Hikoyadagi tabiatni , atrof muhitni tasvirlab berishda.
One beautiful autumn afternoon. Zokir was walking in the garden. The sun was shining and the birds were
Key words:
At 7 o’clock yesterday – kecha soat 7 da
This time last week / yesterday – o`tgan hafta / kecha xuddi shu paytda
At midnight yesterday – kecha yarim tunda
At that moment - o’shanda
While / as – da / paytida
Present Perfect Tense
(Hozirgi tugallangan zamon)
+ Subject + have / has + verb3/ed.
? Have / Has + subject + verb3 / ed ?
-Subject + have / has + not + verb3 / ed.
I,you,we,they – have + verb3/ed
He, she,it – has +verb3/ed
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For example:
I have played tennis.
Have you played tennis?
He has not played tennis.
Ishlatilishi :
1) O’tgan zamoda sodir bo’lgan , lekin natijasi hozirgi zamonda ko’rinib turgan ish – harakatlarga
Surayyo has just washed her hair. (natijasi ma’lum – hozir uning sochi nam)
2) O’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lgan, lekin sodir bo’lgan vaqti aniq ko’rsatilmagan ish – harakatlarga
Tom has bought a new jacket. (qachon sotib olganligini bilmaymiz )
3) Yangilik va o`zgarishlarni aytganimizda.
I have bought a new house.
The price has gone up. (narxlar o`sdi) o`zgarish.
4) Umrimiz davomida bir marta qilgan yoki qilmagan ish – harakatlar haqida so’raganimizda.
Bunday vaziyatda quydagi signal so’zlardan foydalanamiz.
A) Ever – biror marta .
(Have/has + subject +ever + verb3/ed? – so’roq gaplarda)
Have you ever ridden horse?
B) Never - hech qachon.
( Subject + have/has+never + verb3/ed. – never qatnashgan gapda
not inkor yuklamasi ishlatilmaydi)
I have never seen such kind of horror film.
C) All / in / during my (your/our/her/their) life – butun umrim davomida
I have never seen ostrich all my life.
5) This/It is + the first time / second time / third time + present perfect.
It is the first time I have eaten Chines food.
Gone to/ been to …
A) … been to … - ikki yoqlama ish – harakatni ifodalaydi ya’ni biror joyga borgan va qaytib kelgan.
I have been to China, Russia , and America in my life.
B) … gone to … - bir yoqlama ish – harakatni ifodalaydi ya’ni biror joyga ketgan lekin hali qaytib
Where is Jack? She has gone to school.
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C) … been in … - da ( biror joyda)
Vohid has been in his uncle’s for 5 days.
6) How many times + have / has + Subject + verb3/ed? – necha marta.
How many times have you been to the United States?
7) Hali tugamagan vaqt ko’rsatkichlari ( today/this week/this month/ this year … ) qatnashgan
gaplarda ham present perfect zamoni ishlatiladi.
Jim has written 3 letters today. ( bugun hali ish – harakat tugagani yo’q, hali yana ertaga ham yozishi
Note: today / this week/this month/this year – kabi hali tugamagan vaqt ko’rsatgichlari present
continuous zamonida ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Bunday holatda ish harakat hali ham davom etayotganli
Jack is working very hard today.
Key words:
Ever – biror marta
Never – hech qachon
Just – hozirgina ( S+ have /has +just + verb3/ed)
He has just finished to clean the room.
Already – allaqachon (S+have/has+already+verb3/ed)
I have already finished my work.
Yet – hali ham ( gapning oxirida ishlatiladi – asosan inkor ham shuningdek so’roq gaplarda ishlatiladi)
Recently / lately – yaqin kunlarda (asosan gapning oxirida ishatiladi)
So far – shu paytgacha, hozirgacha ( gapning oxirida) – hozirgacha o’zgarmagan ish – harakatlar uchun.
Until now – shu paytgacha , hozirgacha (gapning oxirida) – hozirgacha o’zgargan ish-harakatlar uchun.
Up to now = up till now=by now – hozirgacha (gapning oxirida)
Before / earlier – oldinlari ( gap oxirida keladi)
In the last 5 days – o’tgan 5 kun davomida
Over the past 2 hours – o’tgan 2 soat davomida.
Note : recently – agar egadan keyin kelsa, past simple zamonida ishlatiladi.
Jack recently bought a new shirt. (past simple)
Vohid hasn’t come to our flat recently. (present perfect)
Your son hasn’t slept yet, Or Has Tom arrived yet ?
The company hasn’t made profit so far.
My sister has finished her housework until now.
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Ann has read 5 books up to now.
Jill hasn’t watched such an interesting film before/earlier.
You haven’t learned any words in the last 5 days.
I have been waiting for you over the past 2 hours.
Present Perfect Continuous
(hozirgi tugallangan davomli zamon)
+ Subject +have/has been + verb+ing.
? Have /Has + subject + been + verb+ing ?
-Subject + have /has + not + been + verb +ing.
For example:
I have been working in the garden for 2 hours.
How long have you been working in the garden?
Tom hasn’t been smoking for 2 years.
Using :
1. O`tgan zamonda boshlanib hozirgacha davom etib kelgan va hozirdan sal oldin to’xtagan ish –
harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
Is it raining? - No, it isn’t but the ground is wet. It has been raining.
2. O`tgan zamonda boshlanib hozirgacha davom etib kelgan va hali ham davom etayotgan ish –
harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
How long has it been raining? - It has been raining in our village for 2 hours.
3. Yaqin kunlarda sodir bo`layotgan jaxl,g`azab va jig`iga tegadigan ish-harakatlarga nisbatan.
Somebody has been giving away our plans. Kimdir bizning rejalarimizni fosh qilyapti.
4. How long +have/has + subject + been +verb+ing ? - qachondan beri
How long have you been learning English ?
5) Live/teach/work/feel/learn – fe`llari present perfect va present perfect continuous zamonlarida
farqsiz ishlatildi.
I have lived in Karshi all my life. Or I have been living in Karshi all my life.
Note: always – so`zi present perfect zamonida ishlatiladi ammo present perfect continuous da
I have always worked as a teacher.
Key words:
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For – dan beri
Since – dan beri
How long – qachondan beri
All day/month/year... – kun/oy/yil davomida
1.Ish – harakat o`tgan zamonda sodir bo`lgan,
1.Ish – harakat o`tgan zamonda sodir bo`lgan,
lekin ish – harakatning hozirgi zamonga umuman
aloqasi yo`q.
natijasi hozirgi zamonda ko`rinib turadi.
I have lost my keys! ( natijasi hozir men uyga
I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible! ( bu
yerda natija yo`q, men kecha yana bitta yangi
kalit olgandim).
2.O`tgan zamonda sodir bo`lgan,lekin aniq sodir
bo`lgan vaqti ko`rsatilmagan.
2.O`tgan zamonda sodir bo`lgan va sodir bo`lgan
vaqti aniq ko`rsatilgan.
Tom has bought a new bicycle.
Tom bought a new bicycle last week.
3. Yaqin o`tmishda sodir bo`lgan ish –
harakatlarni ifodalaydi.
3. Uzoq o`tmishda sodir bo`lgan ish – harakatlarni
Ann has had a baby. – Oh! Really?
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Hali tugamagan vaqt ko`rsatkichlari ( today,this
week/month/year) bilan ishlatiladi.
Tugan vaqt ko`rsatkichlari ( yesterday/last
week/month/year) bilan ishlatiladi).
I have bought 5 pens today.
I bought 5 pens yesterday.
Note: How long have / has +subject + verb3/ed?
How many times have/has +subject +verb3/ed?
When +past simple
What times + past simple
Difference between Present perfect va Present perfect continuous Tenses
1. Present perfect zamonida biror bir ish – harakatning tugaganligi va o`sha ish – harakatning natijasi biz
uchun muhim hisoblanadi.
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2. Present perfect continuous zamonida esa ish – harakat tugagan yoki tugamaganligi bizga muhim emas,
bizga faqat ish – harakat muhim.
For example:
Tom`s clothes are covered in paint. He has been painting the ceiling. (present perfect continuous)
The ceiling was white. Now it`s blue. Tom has painted the ceiling. – uyni bo`yashdan oldin shift oq edi,
hozir ko`k rang bo`ldi. Tom uni bo`yadi. ( natijasi ko`rinib turibdi, hozir shift ko`k rangda)
Tom`s hands are dirty. He has been repairing the car. (present perfect continuous)
The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it. (present perfect)
You`ve been smoking too much recently. You should smoke less. (present perfect continuous)
Somebody has smoked all my cigarettes . The packet is empty. (present perfect)
For and Since
1) For – ( dan beri/ davomida) – biror bir ish-harakatning qancha muddatdan beri sodir
bo`layotganini ko`rsatadi.
For ko`pincha quydagi birikmalar bilan keladi:
For two hours – 2 soatdan beri
For 10 minutes – 10 minutdan beri
For 5 days – 5 kundan beri
For a long time – uzoq vaqtdan beri
For six month - 6 oydan beri
For 50 years – 50 yildan beri
For ages – uzoq vaqtdan beri
For a week – 1 haftadan beri
For years – yillardan beri
For centuries – asrlardan beri
For a fortnight – 2 haftadan beri
For example:
Sally has been working here for six month.
Note: for – ham present perfect (continuous) ham past simple zamonlarida ishlatilishi mumkin;
Agar present perfect (continuous) zamonida kelsa ish – harakat hozirgacha sodir bo`lib kelgan va hozir ham
davom etayotganligini ko`rstadi.
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I have been learning Chinese for 2 years. ( men 2 yildan beri xitoy tilini o`rganayapman, hali yana ham
o`rganishim mumkin)
Agar past simple zamonida kelsa ish – harakat o`tgan zamonda ma`lum bir vaqt oralig`ida sodir
bo`lganligini ko`rsatadi.
I learnt Chinese for 2 years , from 2010 till 2012. ( o`sha davr oralig`ida o`rgangan hozir o`rganmaydi).
Note: inkor gaplarda for ning o`rniga in dan ham foydalanishimiz mumkin.
They haven`t had a holiday in (for) 10 years.
Note: for – bilan hech qachon all (all day / all my life ...) so`zlar ishlatilmaydi.
I have lived here all my life. ( not for all my life)
2) Since – (dan beri) – biror bir ish – harakatning aniq boshlangan vaqtini ko`rsatadi.
Since - asosan quydagi birikmalar bilan ishlatiladi:
Since 7 o`clock – soat 7 dan beri
Since Monday – dushanbadan beri
Since 14 Nowember – 14 noyabrdan beri
Since 2001 – 2001 – yildan beri
Since Navruz/ Christmas –
Since lunchtime – tushlik vaqtidan beri
Since last week- o`tgan haftadan beri
Since last year – o`tgan yildan beri
Since yesterday – kechadan beri
Since my brithday – tug`ilgan kunimdan beri
Since breakfast – nonushtadan beri
Since then – o`shandan beri
Note : since - 3 xil vazifada kelishi mumkin.
1) Ravish – o`zidan keyin hech narsa olmaydi va undan oldingi gapga ishora qiladi.
Karim graduated school in 2019. He hasn`t seen his classmates since.
2) Predlog – o`zidan keyin vaqt ko`rsatgichlarini oladi.
Jack has known Aktam since 2011.
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3) Bog’lovchi – bu holatda since 2 ta gapni bog`laydi va quydagi formula bo`yicha ishlatiladi.
 Present perfect (continuous) + since + past simple. (golden rule)
I haven`t seen my coursemates since I graduated university.
 How long is it since + past simple? - qancha vaqt o`tdi.
It is + (time) + since + past simple. – shuncha vaqt o`tdi.
How long is it since you graduated university?
It is a year since I graduated university.
Past Perfect Tense
(O`tgan tugallagan zamon)
+ Subject + had + verb3/ed.
? Had + subject + verb3/ed?
-Subject + had not (not) + verb3/ed.
For example:
I had played tennis before you came.
Had you played before he came?
I hadn`t played tennis before you came.
1) O`tgan zamonda biror bir ish-harakatdan yoki ma`lum bir vaqtdan oldin sodir bo`lgan ishharakatlarni ifodalash uchun past perfect zamoni ishlatiladi. Ya`ni o`tgan zamoning ham o`tgan
zamoni deyish mumkin.
When I arrived at the party,Tom wasn`t here. He had gone home.
2) O`tgan zamonda ma`lum bir vaqtdan oldin sodir bo`lgan va natijasi o`sha o`tgan zamonda ko`rinib
turgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
I didn`t want to go to the cinema with my friends yesterday. Because I had watched that film 2 times before.
3) Hardly , scarcely va barely so`zlari qatnashgan gaplar asosan past perfect zamonida ishlatiladi.
I had barely arrived at home when Mardona phoned.
Key words:
By that time =by then – o`shangacha ( o`zidan keyin hech narsa olmaydi, asosan o`zidan oldingi gapga
ishora qiladi)
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By ... yesterday – kecha ...- gacha
By the time/until /till – gacha
John came home at 10 o`clock yesterday evening. By then everybody had gone to bed.
4) After + past perfect , past simple.
Past simple + after + past perfect.
After I had finished my work, I had lunch.
I had lunch after I had finished my work.
5) Before + past simple , past perfect.
Past perfect + before + past simple.
Before Tom went to school , he had cleaned his room.
He had cleaned his room before Tom went to school.
6) By the time + past simple , past perfect.
Past perfect + by the time + past simple.
By the time Bekhruz was 25 , he had done many kinds of jobs.
He had done many kinds of jobs by the time Bekhruz was 25.
7) As soon as + past perfect , past simple.
Past simple + as soon as + past perfect.
As sooon as Olim had graduated university , he went to abroad to work.
He went to abroad to work as soon as Olim had graduated university.
8) No sooner + had + S + verb3/ed , than + S + verb2/ed. ( - endigina ... - deganda )
No sooner had I sat down on a chair , than the doorbell rang.
9) This /it + was the first / second / third time + past perfect.
It was third time Abbos had shouted at Laylo. She was angry.
Past perfect continuous tense
( o`tgan tugallan davomli zamon )
+ Subject + had been + verb + ing.
? Had + subject + been + verb + ing?
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-Subject + had not been + verb + ing.
I had been working.
Had I been working ?
I hadn`t been working.
1. O` tgan zamonda ma`lum bir vaqtdan oldinroq boshlanib davomiy sodir bo`lib kelgan va o`sha
vaqtdan sal oldin to`xtagan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun. Bunday holatda natija o`sha o`tgan
zamonda ko`rinib turadi.
When I woke up at 7 yesterday morning , I looked outside through the window. The ground was wet. But
the sun was shining. So it had been raining.
2. O`tgan zamonda ma`lum bir vaqtdan oldinroq boshlanib dvomiy sodir bo`lib kelgan va o`sha
vaqtda ham davom etayotgan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash. Bunda asosan ,, for ‘’ dan
When I woke up at 7 yesterday morning , I looked outside through the window. It was raining. It had been
raining for 2 hours.
Key words:
For – dan beri
Since – dan beri
All day/week/year – kun/hafta/yil bo`yi
Future simple tense
( kelasi oddiy zamon)
+ Subject + will / shall + verb1.
? Will / Shall + subject + verb1 ?
-Subject + will / shall not + verb1.
- Oh , I`ve left the door open. I will go and shut it.
Will you shut the door, please?
He will not go home tomorrow.
Note: shall faqatgina I / we olmoshlariga nisbatan ishlatiladi, will esa I / we ham boshqa olmoshmoshlarga
ham farqsiz ishlatiladi.
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+ will + verb1.
I / we – shall / will + verb1.
1. Umuman kelajakda sodir bo`ladigan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
Vohid will get married in 2025.
2. Gapirib turgan paytimizning o`zida kelajakda nimadir qilishni qaror qilganimizda.
A: Ureee! I have passed my enterance tests!
B: Oh! Really! I will go and buy a cake to celebrate.
3. Kimgadir nimanidir qilish uchun va`da berganimizda , va asosan quydagi so`zlardan keyin
I promise
I guarantee
+ future simple.
I swear
I promise I won`t tell anybody what happened.
4. Kimnidir qo`rqitganimizda.
I will kill you!
5. Kimnidir ogohlantirganimizda.
If you don`t do your homework next time, I will call your parents.
6. Kimdandir nimadir qilishni iltimos qilganimizda va quydagi struktura bo`ladi.
Will you + verb1 ?
Will you open the door , please ?
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7. Kimgadir nimanidir qilishni taklif qilganimizda va keling deb tarjima qilanadi , quydagi strukturadan
Shall + I / we + verb1? Shall we have a party?
Let`s + verb1.
Let`s have a party.
8. Kelajakda sodir bo`lishi 100 foiz aniq bo`lgan ish – harakatlarga nisbatan.
The temperature will reach 35C tomorrow.
9. Biror bir inson yoki narsa nimanidir qilishni rad etganda va S + won`t + verb1 strukturasidan
The car won`t start. I don`t know what the reason is.
10. Hozirgi zamonda biror bir vaziyatni taxmin qilganimizda.
A: There is somebody on the phone for you.
B: That will be my friend.
I think
I don`t think
Do you think
I expect
+ future simple
I believe
I am sure
I hope
I suppose/ assume
Subject + will/shall + perhaps/probably/possibly + verb1
Do you think we will win the match?
I expect Carol will get the job.
I will probably be a bit late this evening.
11. Qo’shma gaplarning when, while, if, unless, before, after, as long as, as soon as, by the time kabi
bo’glovchilar bilan boshlangan qismida Future Simple o’rnida Present Simple keladi. Ma’no kelasi zamon
bo’lsa ham Future Simple ishlatilmaydi.
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+ present simple,
future simple
As long as
As soon as
By the time
When I go to Istanbul next time, I will go shopping only one day. Keyingi safar Istanbul borganimda,
faqatgina bir kun xaridga chiqaman.
Key words:
Tomorrow - ertaga
The day after tomorrow – ertadan keyin
Next (week/month/year)
Later - keyinroq
Soon – tez orada
Tonight - bugun kechqurun
Some day – biror kun
In the future – kelajakda
In 2 hours (weeks, days,years) – 2 soatdan keyin
To Be Going To
( - moqchi bo`lmoq)
+ Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb1.
? Am/Is/Are + Subject + going to + verb1?
-Subject + am/is/are + not + going to + verb1.
Tom is saving money. He is going to buy a car.
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I hear that Tom is saving money. Is he going to buy a car? Yes, he is.
Tom isn`t saving money. He isn`t going to buy a car.
1. Kelajakda biror bir ish qilishni oldindan qaror qabul qilgan yoki rejalashtirib qo`ygan ish –
harakatlarni ifodalash uchun ``to be going to verb1`` dan foydalanamiz. Lekin uning detallari haqida
gapirganimizda “future simple” zamoni ishlatiladi.
We are going to have a big party next week. We will decorate a big table on that day and I will invite all of
my friends.
2. “go” , “come” fe`llari bilan “to be going to v1” birikmasi ishlatilmaydi. Uning o`rniga present
continuous zamonini ishlatamiz.
We are going to the theatre tonight. (not going to go) (present continuous)
3. To be going to verb1 - moqchi ma`nosidan tashqari kelajakda sodir bo`lishi muqarrar (aniq) bo`lgan
ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun.
Look at those black clouds! It is going to rain. – anavi qora bulutlarga qarang! Aniq yomg`ir yog`adi.
Note: “to be going to v1” (moqchi bo`lmoq) – ma`nosiga teng ravishda quydagilarni ham ishlatishimiz
a) Present continuous Tense
b) Future continuous Tense
c) (to be) about to verb1 (kerak)
d) (to be) supposed to verb1 (kerak)
I am travelling to New York next week.
I will be travelling to New York next week.
I am about to travel to New York next week.
I am supposed to travel to New York next week.
4. “S + was/were going to + verb1” o`tgan zamonda biror ish qilishni rejalashtirgan ammo
bajarilmagan ish – harakatlarni ifdolash uchun ishlatiladi.
We were going to travel by train , but we decided to travel by car. ( biz poyezd orqali sayohat qilmoqchi edik
ammo mashina orqali sayohat qilishni qaror qildik).
Future simple – biror bir ish – harakatni gapirayotgan vaqtda qaror qabul qilganimizda ishlatiladi.
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To be going to verb1 – biror bir ish – harakatni qilishni oldindan rejalashtirib yoki niyat , maqsad qilib
qo`yganimizda ishlatiladi.
A) Tom: ‘Anna is in hospital’. (Anna kasalxonada)
Jack: Really? I didn`t know . I will go and visit her. (Rostanmi? Men bilmas ekanman. Men hozir
uni oldiga tashrif buyurgani boraman.)
Tom: ‘Anna is in hospital’. (Anna kasalxonada )
Jack: ‘Yes , I know. I am going to visit her this evening’. (ha men bilaman. Men bugun kechqurun uning
oldiga tashrif buyurmoqchiman).
B) A: ‘Nodir has been trying to contact you’.
B: ‘Has he? OK , I will call him’
A: ‘Nodir has been trying to contact you’.
B: ‘ Yes , I know. I am going to visit her this evening’.
C) Let`s have a party. That`s a great idea. We will invite lots of people.
Sarah and I have decided to have a party. We are going to invite lots of people.
Future Continuous Tense
( Kelasi davomli zamon)
+ Subject + will be +verb+ing.
? Will + subject + be + verb + ing?
-Subject + will not (won’t) + be + verb +ing.
For instance:
You will be working.
Will you be working?
You will not be working.
Ishlatilishi :
1) Kelasi zamonda aniq vaqtda davom etadigan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun;
This time next week we will be playing football at school.
2) Kelasi zamonda oldindan kelishilgan , aniq sodir bo’ladigan ish – harakatlarni ifodalash uchun;
Don’t send Jack’s invitation. I’ll be seeing her at work tomorrow , so I will give it to her.
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3) Biror kishidan bizga biron nima qilib berishlarini iltimos qilish maqsadida u kimsaning rejalarini
Will you be going to the bank today ?
Future continuousning kalit so’zlari;
Tomorrow – ertaga
At 5 o`oclock tomorrow – ertaga soat 5da
At noon next week – kelasi hafta peshinda
At midnight – yarim tunda
At that moment next year – kelasi yil o`sha vaqtda
Tonight –kechqurun
This time next week/month/year –kelasi hafta/oy/yil shu payt.
Next week/month – kelasi hafta/oy
The day after tomorrow –ertadan keyin
Soon – tez orada
Future perfect zamonining formulasi quydagicha:
+ Subject + will have + verb3/ed.
? Will + subject + have + verb3/ed?
- Subject + will not have + verb3/ed.
For instance:
Next year Tolib and Guli will have been married for 20 years.
Will you have graduated university when you get married?
They will not have finished their homework by 12 o’clock tomorrow.
Quydagi holatlarda ishlatiladi:
1) Kelajakda aniq bir vaqtdan oldin tugallanadigan ish-harakatlar uchun.
The film will have finished when we get to the cinema. Biz kinoteartga yetib borganimizda film tugab bo’lgan
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I’ll have had dinner by the time Po comes tomorrow. Erta Po kelgunicha men tushlik qilib bo’lgan bo’laman.
My uncle will have bought a new car by the end of this month.
(Birinchi sotib oladi keyin oy tugaydi)
2) Odatda until/till so’zlari Future perfectda inkor gaplarda ishlatiladi.
Sevara won’t have finished her housework until this evening.
3) By the time / until/till + present simple , future perfect.
By the time you arrive , I will have finished cooking.
I will have finished cooking by the time you arrive.
Future perfectning kalit so’zlari:
By – gacha
By the time – vaqtgacha
Until/ till – gacha
Before – oldin
By then – shu paytgacha
By the end of … - ning oxirigacha
By the end of June , Tom will have finished the school.
Before the guests come home tomorrow, we will have decorated the table.
Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamon bor, ularning hammasi ushbu formula asosida yasaladi.
1. The Present Simple Tense. (Oddiy hozirgi zamon)
S+ do / does + not+ V1.
Do / does + S + V1?
2. The Present Continuous Tense.(Hozirgi davom zamon)
S + am/ is / are + Ving.
S + am / is / are + not + Ving.
Am / Is / Are + S + Ving?
3. The Present Perfect Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan zamon)
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S + have / has + V3 / ed.
S + have / has + not + V3 / ed.
Have / Has + S + V3 / ed ?
4. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan davom zamon)
S + have / has + been + Ving.
S + have / has + not + been + Ving.
Have / Has + S + been + Ving?
5. The Simple Past Tense. (Oddiy o’tgan zamon)
S+ V2 /ed.
S + did + not + V1.
Did + S + V1?
6. The Past Continuous Tense. (O’tgan davomli zamon)
S + was/were + Ving.
S + was/were + not + Ving.
Was/were + S + Ving?
7. The Past Perfect Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan zamon)
S + had + V3 / ed.
S + had + not + V3 / ed.
Had + S + V3 / ed?
8. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan davom zamon)
S + had + been + Ving.
S + had + not + been + Ving.
Had + S + been + Ving?
9. The Future Simple Tense. (Oddiy kelasi zamon)
S + will / shall + V.
S+ will / shall + not + V.
Will / shall + S + V ?
10. The Future Continuous Tense. (Kelasi davom zamon)
S + will/shall + be + Ving.
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S + will / shall + not + be + Ving.
Will / shall + S + be + Ving?
11. The Future Perfect Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan zamon)
S + will / shall + have + V3 / ed.
S + will / shall + not + have + V3 / ed.
Will / Shall + S + have + V3 / ed?
12. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
S + will / shall + have + been + Ving.
S + will /shall + not + have + been + Ving.
Will / Shall + S + have + been + Ving?
13. The Future Perfect in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan zamon)
S + would / should + have + V3 / ed.
S + would / should + not + have + V3 /ed.
Would / Should + S + have + V3 /ed?
14. The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
S + would / should + have + been + Ving.
S + would / should + not + have + been + Ving.
Would / Should + S + have + been + Ving?
15. The Simple Future in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi zamon)
S + would / should + V1.
S + would / should + not + V1.
Would / should + S + V1?
16. The Future Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi davom zamon)
S + would / should + be + Ving.
S + would / should + not + be + Ving.
Would / should + S + be + Ving?
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