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Meeting Notes: Permit-to-Work Improvement Project

3rd Feb 2023
11am – 12:30pm
Project Number
(if applicable)
Project Name
RPS AAP Curtin Uni PTW Upgrade
(if applicable)
Curtin (AAP PM)
(if applicable)
Arissa Ang
Mark Noble
Sam Robinson
Tanya Tompkin
MEETING PURPOSE - Kick-off Meeting for Permit-to-Work Improvement Project (Applicant Guides).
Mark will be adding more context by giving further background about the project (before I
inherited this when I started last year).
Stakeholder Engagement plan
Programme status with key dates / milestones
Project Progress Update – review of draft update report
Any risks to the programme
1. Background
Ongoing over a period of years.
Legal review conducted by Freehills. Contains some advice about
the PTW.
1. Are the documents we ask for reasonable? Yes, but need
to review it.
Criteria for what you should be looking at. As a permit
manager, what do they need to be reviewing and what
criteria (what are the critical controls?)
2. Permit Mangers – review the material from the contractors.
What are they reviewing? What knowledge do they need to
have? These managers are not safety specialists. How do
we support these permit managers?
ENE-AAP-TMP-049 Meeting Agenda
Rev 0 – January 2020
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There is no appetite to change the current system to employ a
dedicated Permit Manager…due to peaks and troughs in the
Closing roads and isolation – mainly used for stakeholder
communication purposes.
Isolations - What is the scope of the isolation? Is a permit overkill
for a minor activity. Eg. isolation for the installation of a GPO.
Sam asked - Do Safety Team go out and verify any controls on
critical high risk activities? No.
We are listing items out of the scope that we identify in a separate
list for Curtin to address if they want.
Arrissa has done a review of the system (post meeting note:
perhaps a copy of this would be useful?)
Coring and excavation permit - Essential to consider - New building
has Carbon fibre strips that support the building.
Safety team do not have any risk assessment or bowties with any
identified critical controls.
The system has a list of questions that guide the permit managers.
General comments on the system
Like for like replacement – (eg irrigation) - do I need a dig permit?
Plants – removal of plants in the garden, root systems will be lower
than 150mm
Need to keep the separate permit, road closure, isolation etc.
Roof access points (most have a sign saying you need authoristion
to access)
Discusion with stakeholders. Identification of work that is being
conducted to determine if the permit system covers all of the
required activities as well as feedback from stakeholders on the
system. Additionally if there is any works that are falling outside of
the system.
Construction site – do we require them to use out permit system?
Do we give them ownership of an area in order to complete the
works so they use their own PTW system? What are the risks with
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Emergency works – how do we manage them
HV permits – sanction to test, etc
HV management plan… reasonably updated in the last douple of
years. – may need to move within the PTW not be outside the
system. HV access and excavation are closely linked. HV is a
paper system. The Excavation is on the electronic format.
Web form is a legacy form and can not make any changes.
Current database is unsupported and unable to make changes.
Cannot link the permits to each other or an activity.
It is not possible to make any changes to the IT elements of the
Arrisa to send:
Vehicle access guideline
2022 version of a document – not sure which one
Samples of all of the Permits
3. Stakeholder engagement plan
Meet and greet to be scheduled.
Set expectations
Possible times:
Wednesday next week – all day.
Monday arvo after 2pm
Wednesday 10am – block out the rest of the day.
Stakeholder workshops – inform stakeholders that the workshops
will be coming up in March, but not to provide an exact time.
Provide stakeholders at least a week notice.
Current projects/activities
117 – cranes
Demolition of a wall
Asbestos register
Asbestos removal
Fire panel – possible replacement of the whole panel or keep
the shell
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Possible Inspection activities
Monthly generator maintenance
Anchor point inspections – roof access
4. Schedule
Arissa has a proposed schedule.
Completion in end of April
Had a look at the proposed update report.
5. Risk to the Delivery of the Project
Numerous stakeholders and scheduling in engagement and
observation activities.
Sam and Tanya to do the online Curtin inductions (post meeting
note: Daniel to undertake inductions as well)
May need to do contractor inductions? Can we be escorted as a
Arissa to organise/assign required inductions once accesses
requested and initial induction complete.
ACTION - Kath W (RPS) – to organise for us to do the contractor
induction then Arissa can assign the other required inductions.
High risk activities – be useful to observe. To see what they are
doing and ensure they are not doing things that are not authorised.
After the meeting Arissa took Sam and Tanya on a tour of
Curtin past some current activities (an artist painting a mural, a
Lend Lease project, the replacement of some breezeblocks,
and repairs on the Aboriginal Studies building)
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