Slayer. Headsman. Hunter. Bastard. Murderer. Monster. They Cried Monster You have been called many thingsYour kind are found in every corner of the land yet your numbers are so small, and dwindle with each passing year. Despite this, your kin tend to find one another, banding together and finding solace in the darker corners of the world. But with each each hunt and every life lost, a question plagues your every thought: "Are the monsters the one you hunt, or perhaps the ones you serve?" Sheet: 1 - File: merged.pdf They Cried Monster is a monster-hunting hack for the world’s most popular role-playing game. Based on stories like Hellboy, The Witcher, or Mushishi, They Cried Monster tasks a group of world-weary Hunters to track monsters, solve mysteries, and face the ethical dilemma of protecting humanity or the monsters they have been hired to slay. Hunters must balance social standing with the settlements and locals, as well as being quick to action facing down the dangerous creatures that lurk in the wilderness. FERAL-INDIE-STUDIOS.ITCH.IO mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 [280.0mm X 216.0mm] Qualities They Cried Monster Name Nickname Str Health Dex Max Quirks/Abilities Level Current Armor Int Cha Sheet: 2 - File: merged.pdf Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hamlet - Population 3d10+10, Prominent NPCs3 Name Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Village - Population 5d10+20, Prominent NPCs5 Wants Town - Population 7d10+40, Prominent NPCs7 Name Wants Title Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Prominent NPCs Wis � � Alchemist Set � Bear Trap � Bottle, Glassor Metal � Boots, Spiked � Bucket � Caltrops � Chain, 10 ft � � Chest � Chisel � Crowbar � Drill � Grappling Hook � Hammer � Holy Water � Iron Tongs � � Ladder(10 ft) � Lockpicks � Magnet � Manacles � MetalFile � Mirror, Silver � Nails, Iron � Net Name Wants Type City - Population 9d10+60, Prominent NPCs9 Name Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Qualities Wants Con Inventory They Cried Monster - Settlement Prominent NPCs Mood Name Maximum Load(CON) Wealth � Pick � Pole, 10ft � Rope,50ft � Sack,Waterproof Sack, � Shovel � Soapstone,Writing Soapstone, � Spyglass � Tent � Waterskin Weapons � Candle � Lantern � Oil, Flammable � Tinderbox � Torch �__________________________ �__________________________ �__________________________ �__________________________ �__________________________ �� � �_______________________ _______________________ � �_______________________ _______________________ ��� ��� ��� Lighting Armor � Shield, +1 Armor � Helmet, +1 Armor � Wrappings or Leather � � Studded or Piecemeal � � � ChainMail � � � � Splint Mail � � � � � Full Plate � BrassKnuckle, Club, Knife � � Axe, Morning Star, Spear, Sword � � � Claymore,Great Axe, Halberd, War Hammer � � Bow � � � Crossbow � Arrows or Bolts, 10 Miscellaneous Silver: 100 SPper Item Slot mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 [280.0mm X 216.0mm] Hostile/Wary/Helpful Mood Population Using This Zine Slayer. Headsman. Hunter. Bastard. Murderer. Monster. You have been called many thingsYour kind are found in every corner of the land yet your numbers are so small, and dwindle with each passing year. Despite this, your kin tend to find one another, banding together and finding solace in the darker corners of the world. But with each each hunt and every life lost, a question plagues your every thought: "Are the monsters the one you hunt, or perhaps the ones you serve?" They Cried Monster is a monsterhunting hack for the world’s most popular role-playing game. Based on stories like Hellboy, The Witcher, or Mushishi, They Cried Monster tasks a group of world-weary Hunters to track monsters, solve mysteries, and face the ethical dilemma of protecting humanity or the monsters they have been hired to slay. Hunters must balance social standing with the settlements and locals as well as being quick to action and facing down the dangerous creatures that lurk in the wilderness. Sheet: 1 - File: body.pdf This Zine details how players create and play a Hunter, rules for interacting with settlements and locals, how a monster hunt works, and a few sample monsters to use. Players and tables are free to pick whatever rule-set they find the most enjoyable or are most comfortable using. Some recommended rule-sets: • DCC • Knave • Black Hack • B/X Essentials • D&D • Pathfinder mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 You Are a Hunter You are a Hunter: a freelance specialist with years of experience and training who is paid to hunt down monsters. It is grim, bloody work that tends to weigh heavily on your mind. Thankfully you are not alone, as Hunters tend to find one another, forming close knit “packs” that roam the lands and answer the call for work, wherever it may take them. Hunter Creation Characters are created normally for whatever system or rules the table has agreed to use, with the following exceptions: Disciplines and Quirks: Hunters come from all walks of life and whether through formal training or experience have picked up skills and abilities that make them adept at their job. Upon creation, each Hunter may pick one ability from the list below. Sheet: 2 - File: body.pdf Disciplines and Quirks 1. Hunter’s Eyes - Mutation, a popular surgery among Hunters that gives the eyes a terrifying cat-like appearance. You can see in low-light perfectly and in total darkness out to 30 feet. 2. Gutter Rat - Informal training, Hunters who survived and grew up on the street know how to make themselves scarce and keep to the shadows. You have advantage on rolls to remain hidden or silent. 3. School of the Gryphon - Formal training, the last school that trained and taught some of the greatest Hunters in history, tragically burned down by superstitious locals a decade back. Once per day, you may call upon your training to re-roll any failed roll, taking the higher of the two. 4. Unkillable - Quirk, covered in scars, marks, and freshly healed wounds, you have a knack for surviving what would kill any normal person. Once per day, when you drop to 0 Hit Points you remain conscious and heal 1 Hit Point. 5. Grand-Trail Hunter - Formal training, legendary packs of venerable hunters circle the farthest and harshest parts of the world, taking on and training apprentices in the most inhospitable of environments. You are unaffected by anything less than extreme hot or cold environments. 6. War Ghost - Formal training, the warring armies of the east and west become breeding grounds for some of the most dangerous and ruthless killers, including deserters like yourself. You have a +1 to attack with any martial weapon you wield. 7. Bertle’s Gland - Mutation, a defamed magician named Bertle is a close ally of the Hunter network and performs a special magic-implant surgery to Hunters in exchange for stories and exotic teas. You gain one low level spell that you can cast once per day. 8. Unbowed - Quirk, hard-labor, slavery, or some other brutal life has broken your back more times than you can count. You gain an extra 2 inventory slots (See Hunter’s Inventory) 9. Silver Tongue - Informal training, a little charm and wit can go a long way in your profession, something that you have picked up and honed over the years. Once per day, you may use your words to charm one NPC with a 4-in-6 chance of changing their attitude from “Wary” to “Friendly”. 10.Black Blood - Mutation, a dangerous procedure performed by the remaining members of the House of the Adder that infuses the blood with a cocktail of deadly chemicals and oxidized silver. You blood is toxic and harmful to anything living or dead, dealing 1d3 damage on contact or 1d6 if consumed. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Collateral Damage: automatically suffers 1d8 damage. This represents the deft and unpredictable strikes a Hunter makes in the heat of combat. This allows for smaller encounters or mass combat to move quicker, moving the adventure towards the monsters as well as making them more formidable. Inventory: given point during the adventure you may draw any common item from your inventory, record it, and fill in the appropriate amount of slots. Unique, silver, and magical items must be recorded before the adventure starts and typically have a gold cost that must be paid. While abstract, this allows play to move quickly, cut down on inventory micromanagement, and allow players to react in decisive and calculated fashion. Hunter’s are well-versed in killing and few people can stand toe-to-toe with one in martial combat. After a Hunter has completed their attacks, each enemy creature with HD less than the Hunter and within reach of them or their weapon Sheet: 3 - File: body.pdf Each hunter can carry a number of items equal to their Constitution modifier (referred to as “slots”) with some items requiring more than one inventory slot. This represents an abstract way of tracking the space and weight items take up. Additionally, as a Hunter, it is assumed that you prepare and equip yourself very carefully whenever embarking on an adventure. Rather than buy and equip items before the adventure starts, at any � � Alchemist Set � Bear Trap � Bottle, Glassor Metal � Boots, Spiked � Bucket � Caltrops � Chain, 10 ft � � Chest � Chisel � Crowbar � Drill � Grappling Hook � Hammer � Holy Water � Iron Tongs � � Ladder(10 ft) � Lockpicks � Magnet � Manacles � MetalFile � Mirror, Silver � Nails, Iron � Net Inventory � Pick � Pole, 10ft � Rope,50ft � Sack,Waterproof Sack, � Shovel � Soapstone,Writing Soapstone, � Spyglass � Tent � Waterskin Lighting Weapons � BrassKnuckle, Club, Knife � � Axe, Morning Star, Spear, Sword � � � Claymore,Great Great Axe, Halberd, War Hammer � � Bow � � � Crossbow � Arrows or Bolts, 10 � Candle � Lantern � Oil, Flammable � Tinderbox � Torch Armor � Shield, +1 Armor � Helmet, +1 Armor � Wrappings or Leather � � Studded or Piecemeal � � � ChainMail � � � � Splint Mail � � � � � Full Plate mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Settlements and Locals One of the more difficult aspects of your job is dealing with the locals. More often than not they are distrustful and wary, only becoming helpful if you assist them and perform favors. The real trouble is when they become upset with you and a perceived lack of action, potentially becoming hostile and outright dangerous. Each settlement can be broken down like so- Type and Population: PROMINENT NPC Sheet: 4 - File: body.pdf Each settlement has a population and number of prominent NPC’s based on size. Hamlet - Population 3d10+10 - Prominent NPCs 3 Village - Population 5d10+20 - Prominent NPCs 5 Town - Population 7d10+40 - Prominent NPCs 7 City - Population 9d10+60 - Prominent NPCs 9 While Hunters are free to interact with any of the locals, the prominent NPCs tend to hold sway over the mood of the settlement as a whole. It is their opinions that determine the actions of the settlement. As well, they are the ones who present the final payment to the Hunters. Prominent NPCs: Each prominent NPC can be broken down as such Position: Their job or title Descriptor: Looks and sounds. Wants:: Something the Hunters can do. Secret: Details the Hunters don’t know. Attitude towards PCs: Helpful/Wary/Hostile All Prominent NPC’s start with an initial attitude of “Wary”. Interacting with the NPC’s is the main way to improve their attitude to “Helpful”. Discovering what they want, spending an evening or day with them, and generally being amicable are all ways to change their attitude to “Helpful”. As a GM it is important to keep track of the attitudes of the Prominent NPC’s since it influences whether or not the settlement becomes hostile towards the Hunters. Commoner HD 1 HP 4 Armor: Unarmored Attack: As Weapon Commoner Mob HD 1/local HP 4/local Armor: As Leather Attack: As Weapon #/local D10 Position Physique Speech 1 Artisan Giant Quick 2 Blacksmith Stout Torpid 3 Butcher Obese Regal 4 Clergy Slender Flowery 5 Cult Leader Lanky Blunt 6 Elder Burly Foul-mouthed 7 Innkeeper Gaunt Sparse 8 Leader (Formal) Short Cryptic 9 Magician Delicate Stumbling 10 Merchant Lithe Overly-descriptive They are... Altruistic Brave Empathetic Kind Courteous Cunning Stoic Trustworthy Determined Joyful But... Bitter Jaded Arrogant Deceitful Greedy Violent Lazy Idiotic Cowardly Paranoid Recover som Ingredient fr mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Example Community Name: STRAUT’S WHARF Type: Hamlet Population: 25 Qualities: Impoverished, Sea-side, Reeks Prominent NPCs: Elder Al-Sheef, Blacksmith Allie, Innkeeper Gormund COMMUNITY ELDER AL-SHEEF Descriptor: They are Giant and Quick. Brave but Jaded Wants: To know why the monster is attacking. Secret: Wants some of the locals killed by the monster. Sheet: 5 - File: body.pdf But... D10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BLACKSMITH ALLIE Descriptor: They are Obese and Blunt. Cunning but Cowardly. Wants: Find their lover, who has disappeared. Secret: Has a secret love child. Wealth Destitute Impoverished Troubled Meager Middling Rising Doing well Well-off Wealthy Rich Location Sea-side Mountainous Quagmire Lowlands Tundra Taiga Grasslands Foothills Tropical Ashlands Wants A trophy from the monster. The location of the monster’s den. To know why the monster is attacking. Find their lover, who has disappeared. Reclaim land lost by the monster. Recover something taken by the monster. Treasure hidden in monster territory. Ingredient from the monster for potions. Revenge for a dead family member. Clear name from this conflict. INNKEEPER GORMUND Descriptor: They are Short and Flowery. Trustworthy but Arrogant. Wants: A trophy from the monster. Secret: Only pays half the Hunters are owed. Quirk Reeks Strange Currency Paranoid Dark Festival Worships Primal Deity Vegetarian Terrible Mood Behind the Times No Alcohol Books are Banned Secret Has a secret love child. Only pays half the Hunters are owed. Wants some of the locals killed. Wants a scapegoat. Enjoys the power the panic has given them. Knows why the monster is attacking. Spreads rumors about the Hunters Killed someone. Despises Hunters. Dark and dangerous cult leanings. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Settlement Mood Mob Mentality Nightly Events Sheet: 6 - File: body.pdf One of the important factor the hunters Each night the PC’s are in the need to keep track of is the mood of settlement something happens that the settlement. If the town grows too affects the mood of the town. fearful or impatient the surviving population will form a mob and attempt 2D6 Chart of Events to kill or drive out the hunters. No signs of the monster are 2 An angry mob will form if: spotted. The population is reduced to less 3 Local claims to see the monster. than half AND a majority of the Prominent NPC’s are Hostile to the Tracks or signs of the monster Hunters. 4 are spotted at the edges of the settlement. - OR All of the prominent NPC’s are 5 Local disappears (-1 population) Hostile to the Hunters. Locals grow restless and tensions - OR rise… (add +1 to all rolls from The population is reduced to less 6-9 here on, rolling on this again than a quarter. stacks) 10 Idiot mob goes out to hunt the monster (-2d6 population) 11 Superstitious rumors (Random NPC’s attitude is reduced by one tier [helpful to wary, wary to hostile]) 12 Friend or family of Prominent NPC is killed (-1 population, Random NPC becomes Hostile) 13 Frightening stories are being spread... (add +1 to all rolls from here on, rolling on this again stacks) Monster attack in broad daylight! (-2d6 population and random +14 NPC’s attitude is reduced by one tier [helpful to wary, wary to hostile]) mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 How Did We Get Here? Whenever the Hunters receive a contract or are called upon, the situation is usually far more complicated than the locals let on; more often stemming from a series of escalating conflicts between the settlements and the monsters. While it is the “job” of the Hunters to kill the monster without question, they are likely to either stumble across or seek out the true cause of the conflict. For inspiration and use at the table, each monster has a flowchart for generating the inciting incident and chain of events that lead to the Hunters being called in. (Remember, the Hunters initially only know the “Situation” at the start of any contract.) Issue - A circumstance out of everyone’s control. Inciting Incident - A trigger or conflict. Escalation - How the conflict was made worse. Situation - What the Hunter’s are hired to “fix.” Tracking Monsters At any point, the Hunters may attempt to track the monster. This is done with the following process: 1. Determine Marks 2. Roll dice and consult the tracking chart D20 Tracking Chart 1-5 3. Tally marks and repeat steps 1 & 2 6-10 Lost the Trail - No Marks Encounter - Random wilderness encounter and 1 Mark 1. Determine Marks Marks are the point value of any given monster and represent how difficult it is to hunt. These are determined by the monster’s HD (6HD = 6 Marks). Sheet: 7 - File: body.pdf When the total of marks are reached, the Hunters have found the monster’s lair and can make preparations to ambush it. 2. Roll Dice and Consult Tracking Chart Each day of Hunting the Hunters collectively roll a d20 and consult the tracking chart to see if they were successful tracking the monster that day. Every full day they spend in town gathering information increases this roll by +1. 3. Tally marks and repeat steps 1 & 2 At the end of the day, Hunters total the amount of Marks, make camp for the evening and repeat steps 1 & 2 the next day. 11 12+ Ambush - The monster has caught your scent and attacks you! Tracks or Markings - 1 Mark Clues Whenever the Hunters gain a mark, they also gain a clue as to why the monster is attacking the settlement. 1D3 Clues 1 Sign of Issue 2 Sign of Inciting Incident 3 Sign of Escalation mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Bronzebeak Gryphon • Armor Class: As Scale • Hit Dice: 6-9 • Hit Points: 36-54 • Move: Standard, Fly Double Standard • Damage: Beak 1d8 or Claws 1d6/1d6 • Gold: 400 • Rend:: If the Gryphon hits an opponent with both Claws it deals an additional 1d8 damage as it bites and tears into the opponent. • Airborne Tackle: As Attack while airborne, the Gryphon dive-bombs an opponent, pinning them to the ground. Save versus hold or become grappled and suffer 2d6 damage. • Serrated Beak: A fully grown Gryphon has a beak hard and sharp enough to shear steel. Its beak attack ignores armor class and critical hits sever a random limb. (1-3 Arm, 4-5 Leg, 6 Head) A massive beast with the body of a lion and the wings and face of a fierce avian predator. It’s wingbeats shake the tops of trees and screech can be heard for miles. Habits • Mothers never willingly leave their nests except to find food. • Solitary and territorial • Become hyper-aggressive during mating season. • Prefer game animals and livestock Sheet: 8 - File: body.pdf • Create nests made of debris on high, hidden vantage points Weaknesses • It has hyper-sensitive sight and smell, overwhelming either stuns it for a round. • High winds and bad weather make flight difficult or impossible. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Flowchart D6 Issue 1 Mating Season 2 Hunting grounds are depleted 3 Migrating to new territory 4 Settlement has encroached into territory 5 New road runs through hunting ground 6 Gryphon is curious D6 1 Incident Gryphon begins stealing livestock 2 Locals stumbled on its nest 3 Local trappers shot at the Gryphon Gryphon attacked a merchant (no major injuries) Local kid goes missing (coincidence) Gryphon has begun circling the settlement 4 D6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Escalation Locals steal the Gryphon’s eggs Locals kill one or all of its offspring Locals set fire to the Gryphon’s territory Gryphon kills and eats a local Gryphon begins hunting down and killing intruders Locals have begun buying crossbows 5 6 D6 1 Sheet: 9 - File: body.pdf 2 3 4 5 6 Situation “The Gryphon is murdering our children!” “We can’t leave our homes during the day!” “The Monster has a taste for human flesh!” “It’s begun to prey on our settlement!” “We’ve been cut off from the outside world!” “The creature has gone mad!” mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Cindermander • Armor Class: As Hide • Hit Dice: 4-10 • Hit Points: 24-60 • Move: Standard • Damage: Bite 1d8 • Gold: 200-500 • Immune to Fire • Trample:: The Cindermander is clumsy and erratic. Anyone caught in its path of movement must Save versus Breath or Hold or suffer 1d6 damage and be knocked down. • Gout of Cinders: As Attack, once per day the Cindermander may belch a 30ft by 30ft cloud of superheated ash. Save versus Breath or suffer 3d6 fire damage. • Burning Blood: A fully grown Cindermander’s blood is hot enough to burn firewood. Anyone within arms length of who makes a successful attack must save versus breath or suffer 1d4 fire damage and anything flammable within the vicinity catches fire. A giant lumbering salamander the color of boiling tar and polished coal. Its breath smells of brimstone and body simmers with a burning heat. Sheet: 10 - File: body.pdf Habits • Is omnivorous but prefers to consume trees, brush, and dried wood. • Eggs laid by them are as hot as furnaces and tend to start bush fires. • They prefer warm covered dens with good ventilation. • Not very intelligent, but clumsy and strong. • Will not attack unless provoked or food is interfered with. Weaknesses • Stomach acts as a furnace but coal burns too hot for them to handle, harming them. • Completely food motivated and predictable. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Flowchart D6 1 Egg laying season. 2 Nearby forest used for logging 3 Cindermander has grown too large for territory. 4 Settlement constructed mostly with wood. 5 Dry and blistering summer. 6 New Cindermander looking for food. D6 Sheet: 11 - File: body.pdf Issue Escalation 1 Locals burn down forest. 2 Loggers hire armed guards. 3 Starving Cindermander attacks a sawmill. 4 Locals Destroy its den. 5 Wildfires break out. 6 Cindermander begins eating wooden buildings. D6 1 Incident Local loggers fend Cindermander off from its food. 2 Nearby forest has been depleted. 3 Cindermander clumsily destroyed a cottage. (no injuries). 4 Brush-fires originating from Cindermander den. 5 Locals attack Cindermander for eating firewood. 6 Hungry Cindermander ate a cow. D6 Situation 1 “It destroyed our forest!!” 2 “The monster has gone rabid!” 3 “The beast is destroying our homes!” 4 “Our town is burning to the ground!” 5 “It’s taking our firewood, we’ll freeze this winter!” 6 “A giant fire-breathing creature is rampaging!” mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Rivengeist Armor Class: As Leather Hit Dice: 3-7 Hit Points: 18-42 Move: Hover Standard Damage: Bloody claws and weapons 1d4/1d4/1d4 and Memories of Pain • Gold: 200 • Memories of Pain: Those touched by the Rivengeist are assaulted with its final, painful memories. Save versus madness or become stunned with pain for 1 round • Ethereal: Non-Silver or Magical weapon attacks are at a disadvantage. Additionally, the Rivengeist can pass through 1 foot ((⅓ meter) of any nonsilver or magical substance. • Shattering Scream: As Attack, The Rivengeist lets out a ear-splitting shriek, any non-magical or untempered glass immediately shatters. A floating corpse, its body desecrated and broken with instruments of “justice”. Its movements are erratic and its eyes burn with a terrifying anger. A Rivengeist is a vengeful spirit created when someone is wrongfully executed or killed. • • • • • Habits Sheet: 12 - File: body.pdf • Is fueled by anger. • Hyper-aggressive to any living mortal. • Will systematically seek and hunt down anyone connected to its death, starting with the most significant connections. Weaknesses • Always returns to its burial location before sunrise. • Can be exorcised if it’s kept from returning to its burial site before sunrise. • Can be exorcised if its body is given a proper burial and the persecutors are brought to justice. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Flowchart D6 1 Settlement is incredibly superstitious. 2 Local leader is a tyrant. 3 Famine from a bad harvest. 4 A plague has broken out. 5 Settlement prides itself on “traditional values.” 6 Settlement has deep-seated prejudice. D6 1 Escalation Locals deliver mob justice to victim. 3 A rigged jury delivers an execution Leader has victim publicly executed as an example. 4 Victim is murdered in their own home. 5 Victim is exiled and left to die in the cold 6 Victim is secretly imprisoned and dies of starvation. 2 Sheet: 13 - File: body.pdf Issue D6 Incident 1 Superstition surrounds a stranger. 2 Someone is accused of witchcraft. 3 Someone kills an official in self-defense 4 Someone accuses leader of crimes. 5 Someone speaks out against community. 6 A murder is pinned on someone. D6 1 2 Situation “A ghost is haunting our people!” “A criminal has returned from the grave!” 4 “The dead have begun to rise!” “The witch is here to kill us all!” 5 “We are being wrongfully punished by a demon!” 6 “A curse has been placed on us!” 3 mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 The Blaakhart Armor Class: As Hide Hit Dice: 7-10 Hit Points: 42-60 Move: Standard, Swim Double Standard • Damage: Trample 1d6/1d6, or Gore 1d12 • Gold: 400-600 • Frightful Presence: Anyone within vision, save versus fear or become frightened. Critical failures cause victims to flee. • Gift of Rot: Any contact with the body of the Blaakhart causes living flesh to rot. Save versus poison or suffer 1d6 damage and disadvantage on strength and dexterity checks. • Impale: As attack, if the Blaakhart moves and successfully makes a Gore attack, the victim is impaled and hoisted onto its antlers. Each turn, the victim must save versus Hold. Success: Victim escapes. Failure: Victim automatically suffers 1d12 damage and remains impaled. Legs like the trunks of rotted trees, the smell of putrefying flesh, and the body of rotting elk. Corpses dangle from its antlers and its eyes gaze out at the world with despair. The Blaakhart is the dying spirit of the surrounding wilderness. • • • • Sheet: 14 - File: body.pdf Habits • Remains in territory. • Prefers to ambush intruders. • Hides in deep and putrid swamps. Weaknesses • Ritual performed on full moon can “purify” the Blaakhart and have it reborn. • Silver charms fend off its Frightful Presence. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Flowchart D6 1 Natural disaster destroys ecosystem. 2 Rampant pollution from locals. 3 Over-farming from settlement 4 Natural environment has died off. 5 Plant-borne disease ravages wildlife. 6 Nature revolts against civilization. D6 Sheet: 15 - File: body.pdf Issue Escalation 1 Plant die-off continues to spread. 2 Hunting parties are being killed off. 3 Disease runs rampant. 4 Locals begin torching wilderness. 5 Famine has overtaken settlement. 6 Settlement has been quarantined. D6 Incident 1 Disease breaks out in settlement. 2 Local hunters spot Blaakhart. 3 Wilderness becomes dangerous and deadly. 4 Crops and cattle begin dying off. 5 Children disappear in the wilderness. 6 Trapper’s body discovered rotted and mutilated. D6 Situation “The monster brings a great disaster!” 1 2 3 4 “Our dreams are plagued by a living nightmare!” “A demon has come to drive us mad!” “The apocalypse is coming!” 5 “The winged monster is killing us!” 6 “We have been cursed by some cruel fate!” mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Tyrant Centipede • • • • • Armor Class Class: As Leather Hit Dice: 3-8 Hit Points: 24-64 Move: Double Standard, Climb Standard Damage: Slap 1d8 or Headbutt 1d12, Gum 1d4 or Throw 1d10 • Gold: 300-400 • Wail: The Tyrant wails if it hears outsiders approaching and cannot hide, unless they do so in a calm, comforting manner. Targets save or fall into a rage and attack the nearest target, friend or foe, dealing damage as a raging Barbarian of their level. • Headbutt: The Tyrant throws its head forward or back, smacking the target in the nose or mouth, stunning the target for one round, and immediately delivering a Slap. • Slap: Target saves, is knocked back 30’ on a failure and only knocked prone on a success. • Gum: Tyrant Centipede grabs a target in its massive, chubby baby hand and puts the targets head in its mouth, they’re blinded for one round by the excessive slobber and then thrown into the nearest party member. Legend tells of a former king, cursed for his arrogance and petulance to take the form of a giant centipede with the head, torso and arms of a giant, blind infant. As with any infant, the tyrant centipede sleeps for the majority of the day and is extremely sensitive to external stimuli. Sheet: 16 - File: body.pdf Habits • Sleeps the majority of the day as infants do. • Is ashamed of his curse and tries to hide himself away, is scared of things that aren’t a threat to it. • Prefers to live underground in dark, twisting places - a mine for instance. • Forages at night, prefers sweet and soft foods such as fruits. Weaknesses • Shies away from light and loud noise. Stunned by sudden loud noise. • Easily distracted by bits and bobbles or baby talk. • Can be fed and then put to bed by the exceptionally brave. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 D6 Flowchart Issue 1 An influx of visitors in his territory, making too much noise, bringing too much light. 2 The Tyrant is tired, but fighting sleep. 3 The Tyrant is hungry! 4 Tyrant is curious and trying to play. 5 Tyrant is scared, migrating to a new lair. 6 D6 1 2 3 Tyrant is teething! 4 5 D6 1 2 3 4 Sheet: 17 - File: body.pdf 5 6 Escalation Locals try to scare the Tyrant from his lair. Locals are becoming agitated and aggressive about the Tyrant. Locals set trap for the Tyrant by trees/gardens. Locals want to capture Tyrant and train it. Locals have spied the Tyrant’s new lair and is selling the info to Adventurers. Locals gather with weapons drawn to attack the Tyrant as a group. D6 1 Tyrant was glimpsed stealing fruit from local trees and gardens. Tyrant tries to play with a local child and witnesses interpret it as a hostile act. Tyrant was spotted traveling to new lair. Tyrant is in pain, has left its lair and is attacking anyone that gets close. Situation “The creature is ruining our business!” (eventually, it will) 2 “We have to shut it up, the noise is too much to bear!” 3 “It’s eating us out of house and home!” (it isn’t) 4 “We can capture it, force it to work for us!” 5 Concept and Writing by: Jesse Martin 6 Incident Tyrant collapsed a tunnel on miners/cavers/etc. Tyrant is wailing, can be heard outside the lair. 6 “If we’re lucky, they’ll kill it - if we’re not, we’ll still be rich!” “This has gone on long enough, we have to put it down!” mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 The Mothman Sheet: 18 - File: body.pdf • • • • • • • Armor Class: Chainmail Hit Dice: 5-7 Hit Points: 30-42 Move: Fly Double Standard Damage: Claws 1d6/1d6 Gold: 500 Disorienting Aura:: Anyone with eyesight, each turn, save versus poison or become disoriented. Gain disadvantage on attack and skill rolls. • Gaze of Oblivion: As attack, one person who makes eye contact, save versus madness (averting eyes gives advantage) or become overcome with visions of death and despair. Paralysis for 1d6 rounds and nightmares for 1d6 days. • Harbinger of Doom: Any time The Mothman is encountered, there is a 1in-20 chance that some terrible event occurs, and a 1-in-100 chance that a catastrophic event occurs. Soundless, wings suspended and drifting in a non-existent wind. The humanoid body is thin and emaciated, while its face is illuminated with two gleaming red eyes. Habits • Appears when disasters are imminent. • Will not attack or physically harm another living thing unless harmed. • Prefers to observe and give premonitions in the form of nightmares. Weaknesses • Silver causes it great pain. • Lead protects against its Disorienting aura. mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Sheet: 19 - File: body.pdf D6 Flowchart Issue 1 A disaster is approaching. 2 A natural disaster has occurred. 3 Superstition on the rise. 4 Recent tragedy. 5 Important building crumbling. 6 Unknown danger lurks unseen. D6 Escalation 1 Mothman appears in the sky. 2 Accidents continue to occur. 3 Nightmares plague everyone. 4 Architecture is failing. 5 Mothman spotted regularly at night. 6 Locals begin growing into a mob. D6 Incident 1 Comet signals a dark portent. 2 Strange shape spotted in sky. 3 Children complain of nightmares. 4 An accident kills locals. 5 Doomsayer is prophesying in the main square. 6 Artist begins sketching nightmare visions. D6 Situation 1 “The monster brings a great disaster!” 2 “Our dreams are plagued by a living nightmare!” 3 “A demon has come to drive us mad!” 4 “The apocalypse is coming!” 5 “The winged monster is killing us!” 6 “We have been cursed by some cruel fate!” mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 From the Creators: They Cried Monster comes from two places: The first is a love for the “melancholy anti-hero,” characters who are constantly challenged and beaten by the world despite their best efforts to be good and serve it. The second is a deep and furious angst at the loss of wilderness and wildlife. The purpose of They Cried Monster was to craft something that married the two and took a swing at breaking the “go kill the monster” adventure narrative. Instead of making a game out of hunting monsters, I wanted to create a game out of the moral character of the players themselves. Do they kill they monster and make the locals happy? Or do they find another way to end the situation? Sheet: 20 - File: body.pdf Music to set the mood Hozier - In the Woods Somewhere Shiver - Lucy Rose Broadripple is Burning - Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s Back Pack - AJJ Beck + Call July Talk, Tanya Tagaq Witcher 3 OST - Marcin Przyblowicz, Mikolai Stronski Into the Wyrd and Wild - Section Nine A FERAL INDIE PROJECT FERAL-INDIE-STUDIOS.ITCH.IO FOLLOW AND SUPPORT US ON: ALEX COGGON CHARLES FERGUSON-AVERY • PATREON: • TWITTER: @AlexCoggonArt • WEBSITE: • INSTAGRAM: @charlie_fergusonavery • TWITTER: @charliefergaves Additional Writing by: Jesse Martin mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 Qualities They Cried Monster Name Nickname Str Health Dex Max Quirks/Abilities Level Current Armor Int Cha Sheet: 2 - File: merged.pdf Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hamlet - Population 3d10+10, Prominent NPCs3 Name Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Village - Population 5d10+20, Prominent NPCs5 Wants Town - Population 7d10+40, Prominent NPCs7 Name Wants Title Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Name Wants Wants Title Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Name Wants Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Prominent NPCs Wis � � Alchemist Set � Bear Trap � Bottle, Glassor Metal � Boots, Spiked � Bucket � Caltrops � Chain, 10 ft � � Chest � Chisel � Crowbar � Drill � Grappling Hook � Hammer � Holy Water � Iron Tongs � � Ladder(10 ft) � Lockpicks � Magnet � Manacles � MetalFile � Mirror, Silver � Nails, Iron � Net Name Wants Type City - Population 9d10+60, Prominent NPCs9 Name Title Hostile/Wary/Helpful Qualities Wants Con Inventory They Cried Monster - Settlement Prominent NPCs Mood Name Maximum Load(CON) Wealth � Pick � Pole, 10ft � Rope,50ft � Sack,Waterproof Sack, � Shovel � Soapstone,Writing Soapstone, � Spyglass � Tent � Waterskin Weapons � Candle � Lantern � Oil, Flammable � Tinderbox � Torch �__________________________ �__________________________ �__________________________ �__________________________ �__________________________ �� � �_______________________ _______________________ � �_______________________ _______________________ ��� ��� ��� Lighting Armor � Shield, +1 Armor � Helmet, +1 Armor � Wrappings or Leather � � Studded or Piecemeal � � � ChainMail � � � � Splint Mail � � � � � Full Plate � BrassKnuckle, Club, Knife � � Axe, Morning Star, Spear, Sword � � � Claymore,Great Axe, Halberd, War Hammer � � Bow � � � Crossbow � Arrows or Bolts, 10 Miscellaneous Silver: 100 SPper Item Slot mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 [280.0mm X 216.0mm] Hostile/Wary/Helpful Mood Population Slayer. Headsman. Hunter. Bastard. Murderer. Monster. They Cried Monster You have been called many thingsYour kind are found in every corner of the land yet your numbers are so small, and dwindle with each passing year. Despite this, your kin tend to find one another, banding together and finding solace in the darker corners of the world. But with each each hunt and every life lost, a question plagues your every thought: "Are the monsters the one you hunt, or perhaps the ones you serve?" Sheet: 1 - File: merged.pdf They Cried Monster is a monster-hunting hack for the world’s most popular role-playing game. Based on stories like Hellboy, The Witcher, or Mushishi, They Cried Monster tasks a group of world-weary Hunters to track monsters, solve mysteries, and face the ethical dilemma of protecting humanity or the monsters they have been hired to slay. Hunters must balance social standing with the settlements and locals, as well as being quick to action facing down the dangerous creatures that lurk in the wilderness. FERAL-INDIE-STUDIOS.ITCH.IO mixamcom - Assets Server on 2020-03-18, 18:33 order: 398660 [280.0mm X 216.0mm]