Uploaded by Kim Fairchild

School Rally Skit: Dress Code & Phone Policy

Welcome Back Rally Skits:
Dress Code Violators and Phone Policy Violators
Dress Code Skit:
<after Introduction, inappropriately-dressed Staffulty (playing kids) walk out>
< London.A >: “Umm, excuse me boys…”
<Teachers>: “Huh? Us? What’s up Ms. Garza?”
<London. G>: “Oh dear, Mr. Garcia and Mr. Erickson, you’re definitely not following dress code
<London A>: “Yep, we’re going to have to send you to the Office to put on some loaner clothes.”
<Teachers>: “But what’s wrong??”
<London G>: “Well, Mr. Garcia, ________________________________”
<London A>: “And Mr. Erickson, did you hear that today was Pajama Day? Because I certainly
didn’t. Remember, you can’t wear pajamas to school unless it’s PJ Day! So unprofessional!”
<London G>: “And also, even if you weren’t wearing pajamas, your pants are sagged waaaay
too low. No one needs to see that!”
<Teachers walk off stage>
<London G>: “Remember everyone, coming to school dressed professionally is really important.
<London A> Keep it classy, Rio Vista!”
Phone Policy Violators Skit:
<after Introduction, two Staffulty members walk on stage with their phones out>
<Delaway>: “OMG did you see what they posted about me?”
<Fairchild>: “No way, I can’t believe that!”
<Student 1>: “Excuse me ladies, are you both on your phones right now??>
<Delaway>: <hides phone> “Nope, not me!”
<Fairchild>: …. “Well, yeah…. I was… I’m so sorry Ms. _____!”
<Ruby>: “You both know the rules, if we see it, we take it to the Office.”
<Nico>: “Yep, we’ll need both your phones.”
<Fairchild> <hands over phone> “I’m so sorry I won’t have it out ever again! Oh man, my mom’s
gonna kill me!”
<Delaway>: “You can’t take my phone. I’m not giving it to you.”
<Ruby>: “Come on Ms. Delaway, we both saw you with it, and you have to hand it in.”
<Delaway>: “You can’t take my personal property.”
<Nico>: “Actually we can, under Ed Code _____________ we can confiscate your personal
property, especially since Rio Vista doesn’t have any responsibility for your electronics you bring
to school.”
<Delaway> “Aww man! Fine, here it is!”
<Ruby>: “And Ms. Delaway, let’s try to be more like Mrs. Fairchild next time, and just cooperate,
ok? Because now you might be in more trouble…”
<Fairchild walks away, students escort Ms. Delaway off stage>.