Yo uth Pro gra m me Vision 2020 To Provide Relevant Opportunit ies To All Students So They Are Able To Determine Their Latest Pote ntial And Accomplish Themselves As A Resourceful , Responsible And Productive Global Citiz en Who Are Able To Compete Confidently On All Platforms. Face Oneself Be a better human being and a more responsible citizen. Face People Be an effective person in the context of people with the ability to lead, influence and change. Face The World Acquire broader perspectives through exposure to cultures, nationalities & languages. The Cityzenship Programme Objectives: Social Awareness & Community Development Environmental Orientation Cultural &Historical Preservation Initiatives: Sensitivity to the Under Privileged Dealing with Teenage Menaces Human Rights of Different Groups Loving Humanity Recycling and Waste Management Energy and Water Conservation Hazards of Deforestation Wildlife and Marine Preservation World Heritage Day Peer Coaching Safety Measures Online Sessions Youth Leadership Programme Objectives: Confidence Communication Creativity Team Building Stress Management Conflict Management Problem Solving Initiatives Leadership Inter Action Program Leadership Workshops Business Idea Competition Visiting Business Centers and other sites around some of our nation’s greatest cities. Speaker Series MUN Experiential Learning Public Speaking Activities Virtual Tours Adventure Hospitality Programme Objectives: Exposure To Cultures, Nationalities, Languages Stretching The Comfort Zone To Overcome Fear/Anxiety Initiatives Individual Trips National Trips Trekking Adventure Sports e.g. archery, water sports, cliff diving and historical trips