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ECE Homework: CISC, RISC, Assembly, Processor Performance

ECE 5504
Fall 2023
Homework 2
PART I (60pt)
1. CISC (15pt)
Let us begin by the following C code, which rotates the bits in a 32-bit value by n times.
unsigned int rotate(unsigned int x, unsigned int n) {
unsigned int msb;
while (n != 0) {
msb = x >> 31;
x = (x << 1) | msb;
return x; }
The above loop compiles to the following x86 instruction sequence.
On entry to this code, register %eax contains x and register %ecx contains n.
test %ecx,%ecx
jz done
mov %eax,%ebx
shr $31,%ebx
shl $1,%eax
or %ebx,%eax
dec %ecx
jmp loop
done: ...
The meanings and instruction lengths of the instructions used above are given in the following table.
Registers are denoted with RSUBSCRIPT, register contents with <RSUBSCRIPT>.
2 bytes
test RSRC1, RSRC2
temp = <RSRC1> & <RSRC2>
Set flags based on value of temp
2 bytes
<RDEST> = <RDEST> - 1
1 byte
shl $imm8, RDEST
<RDEST> = <RDEST> << imm32
2 bytes
shr $imm8, RDEST
<RDEST> = <RDEST> >> imm32
2 bytes
2 bytes
jmp label
jump to the address specified by label
2 bytes
jz label
if (ZF == 1), jump to the address specified by label
2 bytes
a. (5pt) How many bytes are there in the program in total?
b. (5pt) For the above x86 assembly code, how many bytes of instructions need to be fetched if n
= 5?
(hint: the loop will iterate for n times, and execute the test and jz to end the loop)
c. (5pt) Assuming 32-bit data values, how many bytes of data memory need to be loaded? Stored?
2. RISC (25pt)
a. (5pt) Translate each of the x86 instructions in the following table into RISC-V instructions. Use
the following RISC-V instructions, and fill in the RISC-V instruction sequence in the table:
or x1, x6, x1
srli x6, x1, 31
slli x1, x1, 1
addi x2, x2, -1
jal x0, loop
beq x2, x0 done
Assume that register x1 contains value x upon entry, and register x2 receive value n. Use registers x6,
x7, etc., for temporaries.
References about RISC-V instructions:
x86 Assembly
RISC-V Assembly
test %ecx,%ecx
jz done
RISC-V instruction sequence
mov $eax,%ebx
shr $31,%ebx
shl $1,%eax
or %ebx,%eax
dec %ecx
jmp loop ...
a. (5pt) Which register holds the value of msb in the above RISC-V code?
b. (5pt) How many bytes is the RISC-V program using your direct translation?
c. (5pt) How many bytes of RISC-V instructions need to be fetched for n = 5 with your direct
d. (5pt) Assuming 32-bit data values, how many bytes of data memory need to be loaded? Stored?
3. Iron law of processor performance (20pt)
Mark whether the following modifications will cause each of the first three categories to increase,
decrease, or whether the modification will have no effect. Explain your reasoning.
For the final column “Overall Performance”, mark whether the following modifications increase,
decrease, have no effect, or whether the modification will have an ambiguous effect. Explain your
reasoning. If the modification has an ambiguous effect, describe the tradeoff in which it would be a
beneficial modification or in which it would be a detrimental modification (i.e., as an engineer would
you suggest using the modification or not and why?).
Instructions /
Cycles /
(5pt) Adding
three NOP
after each
(hint: hazards in
(5pt) Reduce
(hint: data
Seconds / Cycle
number of
registers in the
hazards in
(5pt) Improving
memory access
(5pt) Adding 16bit versions of
the most
instructions in
RISC-V (normally
32 bits in length)
to the ISA (i.e.,
make RISC-V a
(hint: latency of
PART II (40pt)
The goal of this part is to compare the differences in ISA between RISCV and x86.
Just follow the following steps:
1. We will be using the same matrix multiplication code to compare the two ISA’s. Use the following link to accept
the assignment and clone the required source code file and Makefile for this programming task in your
/home/rocket directory.
- https://code.vt.edu/ece5504_f23/ece5504-fall23-lab2
2. X86 compilation: Use the native GCC compiler, compile the multiplication.c to generate the object file. Then use
the objdump command to generate the object-dump file.
$ cd ~/ece5504-fall23-lab2
$ gcc multiplication.c -O0 -o multiplication
$ objdump -d multiplication > multiplication_x86.dump
3. RISC-V compilation: We have prepared a makefile for you. You have to run the Makefile. Make sure to run the
source command whenever you log back into the session/server.
$ source ~/rocket/chipyard-clean/env.sh
$ make
4. Upon running the Makefile, you should see two additional files in the same directory. One is the binary file
(multiplication.riscv) and the other is the objdump file (multiplication.dump). These files are
generated when the matrix multiplication is compiled using the RISCV-GCC.
5. Now there is a way to compile the source code using the full 32-bit instruction set in RISCV architecture. Just run
the following make command in the same directory as before.
$ make uncompressed
You will see a new objdump file (multiplication_uncompressed.dump) in the same folder.
6. After doing this you will have a total of three objdump files, one compiled with native GCC compiler and the
other two with RISCV-GCC. Compare only the multiplication function in all these files and summarize your
7. Look for the multiplication functions.
In the dump files, search for: <multiplication>:
In all the .dump files the starting of the function should look like the following:
Now look at the assembly of the multiplication function
a. (12pt) How many bytes are there for the multiplication function? in x86 and RISC-V (with and
without the uncompressed instructions)
(5pt) How many bytes are there in the longest instruction in x86 executable? How about the
shortest instruction?
(5pt) How many bytes are there in the instruction in RISC-V? Describe the difference between
the two compilation options (make vs make uncompressed). Why are they different?
(6pt) What is the multiplication instruction in the objdump? (x86, RISC-V) (show the machine
code and assembly)
(6pt) For the x86 instruction in (d), look up the encoding of the multiplication instruction.
i. What is the opcode for the multiplication instruction in binary?
ii. What are the source registers? i.e., which two registers hold the inputs.
iii. What is the destination register? i.e., which register holds the product of the
(6pt) For the RISC-V instruction in (d), look up RISC-V for the encoding of the multiplication
instruction. https://riscv.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/riscv-spec-v2.2.pdf
i. What is the opcode for the multiplication instruction in binary?
What are the source registers? i.e., which two registers hold the inputs.
What is the destination register? i.e., which register holds the product of the
1. How long did it take for you to complete the assignment?
2. Do you have any suggestions for the course?