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MAT201 Problem Set 1: Calculus Exercises

MAT201 – PSET 1
Fall 2023
You are encouraged to collaborate on all PSET assignments. However, you
are required to write up you own solutions, along with all explanations and
work. All questions are from Thomas’ Calculus, 14th edition.
Submit your work over Gradescope by the posted deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted for credit.
Please consult the Academic Integrity Policy and Standard of Work pages
for more guidelines.
Section 6.1: EX 8, 15, 16†
Section 12.1: EX 22, 26, 32, 56, 70
Section 12.6: EX 1 - 12 (valued as one problem)∗ , 16, 42, 46
For 6.1: 16, compute the integral. You may still use geometry rather than
direct integration techniques.
There is a misprint in the book in problems 12.6: 1-12. The image e.
should be