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Psychology II Mental Disorders Review Sheet

Name: Madisyn Baumbach
Hour: 3rd Hour
Psychology II-Modules 29, 30, & 31-Mental Disorders-Review Sheet
1. Explain the diathesis-stress model of mental illness. Why is it important for people to understand their
psychological, biological, and sociocultural risk factors?
a. Low predisposition- low stress
- No genetic history
- No out-of-ordinary events
b. High predisposition- low stress
- Genetic history
- No out-of-ordinary events
c. Low predisposition high stress
out-of-ordinary events
- No genetic history
d. High predisposition- high stress
- Out-of-ordinary events
- Genetic history
2. Briefly list and explain the 3 rulings that deal with the mentally ill in the court system. Is it easy for people
to get away with a crime with the ruling “not guilty by reason of insanity”?
1. M’Naghten Rule- Created an insanity defense and he was found not guilty
2. Durham Rule- broadened insanity defense
3. Insanity defense reform act- Attempt of John Hickely in killing President Reagan to impress a girl.
3. What are 5 possible criteria that might determine whether someone needs psychological help? Relate these
to a disorder covered in class.
1. A Person suffers from discomfort more or less continuously
2. A Person may behave in a bizarre fashion
3. A Person who needs help may be inefficient
4. A Person is typically inflexible
5. A person sees all aspects of life as threatening
4. Why do mental health workers use the DSM-IV-TR? Does the DSM-IV-TR present treatment options for the
mental disorders?
This classifies the symptoms of mental disorders into categories. It just gives ways to diagnose mental illnesses.
5. ADHD affects what percent of the population? What percent of those diagnosed are male? What is the
average age of diagnosis?
Affects 8.4% of the population. Boys are 2x more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls. The average age is 317.
6. What is currently the best theory regarding the cause of ADHD?
Genes- thinner brain tissue in areas involving attention
Malfunction in the prefrontal cortex- no studies or research done
Environmental factors- Lead exposure, brain injury, and toxins
7. Name two ways to help those with ADHD. What is the most common treatment? How many cases of ADHD
continue into adolescence? Into adulthood?
Drugs, environmental structuring, and therapy help people with ADHD. The most common treatment is
drugs because it is highly effective. 47% of adolescents have ADHD diagnosis, and 75% of adults go
8. How many children does autistic disorder affect? Is it more prevalent in males or females? How is
Asperger’s disorder different?
Autism affects 6 in every 1,000 children. It is more prevalent in males by 4x the percentage. Aspergers is different
as it focuses more on the speaking part of the disorder, it is harder for people with Aspergers to speak with all of
their motor delays. Compared to ADHD as it focuses on the hyper-activity and attention part.
9. How is a phobic disorder different from a panic disorder?
A panic disorder is a disorder with a bunch of overwhelming anxiety that is not associated with specific objects or
events. Well, a phobic disorder is a bunch of overwhelming anxiety focused on certain objects or events.
10. What are the theories on the causes of OCD?
1. Faulty attempt to resolve guilt or insecurity( environment-only theory)
2. Defects in the number of brain chemicals particularly sections ( circuits in the brain being tiger over and over
11. What is the difference between an obsession and a compulsion? Provide an example of each.
Obsession means endless preoccupation with certain thoughts or urges while on the other hand, compulsion
means the repeated and symbolic behavior performed because of the obsessions
12. Explain selective forgetting and how it relates to psychogenic amnesia.
Psychogenic amnesia is a disorder in which traumatic events seem to disappear from memory. While selective
forgetting is forgiving only events that are traumatic which can show up late in nightmares. They both gave a direct
relationship to one another.
13. What is the assumed cause of psychogenic fugue?
Seems to be caused by someone with serious unresolved conflicts(often with a spouse).
14. What does a person with dissociative identity disorder do to their personality? What are alters? Why is
there such controversy over this disorder? What conditions must align themselves in order for DID to
This is when a person divides himself or herself into a bunch of separate personalities. The alters are separate
personalities or identities. It’s controversial because some people think it is just in relation to bad therapy.
- Haunted personality
- Severe childhood abuse
- A Long-term habit of trying to escape every problem
- Strong desires
15. What percent of the population is affected by dysthymic disorder?
4-12% of the population
16. Explain the difference between situational and problematic depression.
If depression serves a function it is situational if it appears out of nowhere it is problematic depression
17. Approximately how long do major depressive episodes last? What percent of the population is affected in a
given year?
about 6.7% of the u.s population over 18 in a given year. Episodes can last a couple of weeks to maybe even
18. What gender is more likely to suffer from dysthymic disorder and major depression? How many more
cases of each are present in that gender group?
Females are the gender that is more likely to suffer from both 2x more in dysthymic disorder and 4x more likely in
major depressions.
19. Explain what is meant by a delusion of grandeur that may accompany mania or schizophrenia.
Delusion of grandeur means that they think they have a special power or great influence. This is experienced in
both mania and schizophrenia.
20. How many people are affected by bipolar disorder? What are the chances of a person with bipolar disorder
having a child who develops the illness? Does the disorder affect women and men equally?
Affects 2,6% of the population. The genetic link is 1 in a 7 chance to inherit it from a parent. Yes, bipolar disorder is
equally distributed among genders as it is hard to hide this disorder.
21. What are the possible causes of mood disorders? Explain the likely role of serotonin in the development of
depression. Name the three ways mood disorders can be treated.
- Loss/Stress
- Gender
- Cognitive distortions
- Chemistry
- Genetics
With people and depression, the likely role of serotonin is there is not enough.
ECT (last resort)
Define Psychosis. What are the four main symptoms?
Psychosis is a severe mental disorder that may involve disorganized thoughts, hallucinations, and major
emotional responses.
- Thought disorder
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Distorted emotions
23. What is Schizophrenia? Explain how word salad and clang associations differ from the flight of ideas
associated with mania.
Psychosis involves disorganized thoughts and hallucinations and delusions. This is the most serious mental illness
out there. World salad and clang associations are problems with a mix of words or speaking in rhythm patterns.
While a flight of ideas is when a person with mania talks non-stop and it is hard to follow what they are saying.
24. Explain the ‘Rule of Thirds’.
The rule of thirds explains schizophrenia and episode with the disorders
- ⅓ will have one episode and get better
- ⅓ will have severe symptoms and not respond to treatment
- ⅓ are helped with medication but will be in and out of hospitals.
25. What is a psychotic episode?
When someone has an episode with a loss of reality that can come from things happening in their brain that allow
them to lose the reality of what is really happening.
26. How does heredity affect the chances of a person developing schizophrenia? Explain the role of dopamine
in the development of schizophrenia.
People with schizophrenia tend to have high levels of dopamine in their brain which leads to confusion in thought
and speech. Heredity plays some role in schizophrenia, if a family member has it it is more likely that a child could
have it. ( offspring of one parent- 6-16%, offspring of 2 parents 35-46%).
27. What is another name for antisocial personality disorder? What percent of the population is affected?
Psychopaths are 4% of the American population.
28. What are the possible causes of borderline personality disorder?
- tend to run in families
- impacts victims of sexual abuse
- Don't know if it is environmental or genetic