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Physics Textbook Index

Figures are noted by page numbers in italics, tables are indicated by t following the page number.
alternating-current generator,
with capacitive load, 797–799,
with inductive load, 799–800,
with resistive load, 795–797,
ammeters, 686, 686
ampere (unit), 532, 647, 733
Ampère, André-Marie, 734
Ampere–Maxwell law, 822–823,
Ampere’s law, 734–740
Amperian loop, 734, 734–738
alternating current, 801t
current, 803, 803–804, 807
of emf in ac, 795
exponentially decaying in RLC
circuits, 792
LC oscillations, 786
simple harmonic motion,
357–359, 358
waves, 383, 383, 384, 384
amplitude ratio, traveling electromagnetic waves, 852
amusement park rides:
roller coasters, 19
Rotor, 227–228
analyzer, 864
Andromeda Galaxy, 302–303, 303
anechoic chamber, 440
angles, 39
angle between two vectors, 48
degrees and radian measures,
vector, 37, 37, 39
angled force, applied to initially
stationary block, 108
angle of incidence, 867, 867
angle of minimum deviation, 876
angle of reflection, 867, 867
angle of refraction, 867, 867
angular acceleration, 221, 243t
relating, to linear, 229, 229–230
rolling wheel, 255, 256
rotation with constant,
angular amplitude (simple
­pendulum), 367
angular displacement, 219, 220,
angular frequency:
circulating charged particle, 709
damped harmonic oscillator,
driving, 795
LC oscillations, 789–790
natural, 374, 795
of vectors geometrically, 35,
35–36, 36, 38
adiabat, 494, 495
adiabatic expansion, 459–460, 460
ideal gas, 494–498, 495
adiabatic processes:
first law of thermodynamics
for, 459–461, 460t
summarized, 498, 498t
bulk modulus, 412–413
density, 331t
dielectric properties at 1 atm,
635, 635t
and drag force, 110–112
effect on projectile motion, 64,
electric breakdown, 560, 560
index of refraction at STP, 868t
speed of sound in, 412–413,
terminal speeds in, 111t
thermal conductivity, 463t
thin-film interference of water
film in, 935
air conditioners, 516
projectile dropped from, 65
turns by top gun pilots, 68–69
two-dimensional relative
motion of, 71–72
vector components for
flight, 38
airspeed, 73
alkali metals, 1087
alpha decay, 1138–1140, 1139
alpha particles, 539, 612, 1126,
1126–1128, 1138
binding energy per nucleon,
magic nucleon number, 1148
radiation dosage, 1145–1146
in thermonuclear fusion,
alternating current (ac), 784, 794
alternating-current circuits,
damped oscillations in RLC,
791–793, 792
forced oscillations, 793–801,
inductive load, 800
LC oscillations, 784–791, 785
phase and amplitude relationships, 801t
power in, 808–810
resistive load, 796
series RLC circuits, 802–807,
in transformers, 811–814
ag (gravitational acceleration),
308, 308t
absolute pressure, 334
absolute zero, 443
of heat, 450–455, 451
photon, see photon absorption
absorption lines, 1060, 1061
ac (alternating current), 784, 794
acceleration, 18–28, 243t
average, 18
centripetal, 67
constant, 21, 21–25, 22t
free-fall, 25, 25–26
graphical integration in motion
analysis, 27, 27–28
instantaneous, 18–20, 19, 58–60
negative, 19–20
and Newton’s first law, 80–83
Newton’s laws applied to,
and Newton’s second law,
principle of equivalence (with
gravitation), 322–323
projectile motion, 61–66
reference particle, 370
relating linear to angular, 229,
relative motion in one dimension, 70
relative motion in two dimensions, 70–71
rockets, 208–210, 209
rolling down ramp, 255,
sign of, 19–20
simple harmonic motion, 359,
system of particles, 187–190
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 70–71
uniform circular motion, 67,
67–69, 68, 113
as vector quantity, 35
yo-yo, 258
acceleration amplitude, in simple
harmonic motion, 359
acceleration vectors, 35
accelerators, 712–713, 1180–1182,
acceptor atoms, 1114
acre-foot, 9
action at a distance, 544
activity, of radioactive sample,
of vectors by components, 40,
40–41, 43
simple harmonic motion,
355–359, 358
simple pendulum, 367
sound waves, 415
waves, 384
angular magnification:
compound microscope, 903
refracting telescope, 904
simple magnifying lens, 902
angular momentum, 261–274, 268t
atoms, 1073, 1073
conservation of, 268–272, 269,
defined, 261, 261–272
at equilibrium, 281
intrinsic, 831, 832
Newton’s second law in angular
form, 263–264
nuclear, 1133
orbital, 832, 833, 1074–1076,
1075, 1075t
rigid body rotating about fixed
axis, 267, 267–268
sample problems involving,
262, 264–265, 271–272
spin, 831–832, 1075t, 1076, 1077
system of particles, 266–267
angular motion, 219
angular position, 219, 219–220,
relating, to linear, 229
angular simple harmonic motion,
364, 364–365
angular simple harmonic
­oscillator, 364, 364–365
angular speed, 221, 222
relating, to linear, 228–230
in rolling, 251–253, 252
angular velocity, 220–224, 243t
average, 220–221
instantaneous, 220
vector nature of, 224–225, 225
angular wave number, 383, 1027
sound waves, 415
electron–positron, 540, 540,
particle–antiparticle, 1184
proton–antiproton, 1185–1186,
annular cylinder, rotational inertia for, 234t
antenna, 850, 850
antiderivative, 24
antihydrogen, 1184, 1186, 1186t
antimatter, 1156t, 1184–1185
antineutrino, 1141n
antinodes, 401, 402, 403–404
antiparticles, 1184–1187, 1205
antiprotons, 1184
antisolar point, 870, 870
aphelion distance, 319
apparent weight, 89
in fluids, 340–341
applied force, work and, 595–596
Archimedes’ principle, 338–341,
areas, law of, 317, 317–318
area vector, 571
astronomical Doppler effect,
astronomical unit, 10
atmosphere (atm), 332
atmospheric pressure, 332t
atmospheric sprites, 551–552
atoms, 1040–1041, 1071–1098.
See also electrons; neutrons;
Bohr model, 1057, 1057–1058
exclusion principle in, 1082
formation in early universe,
and lasers, 1092–1097
magnetic resonance, 1081–1082,
matter wave interference, 1023,
and multiple electrons in a
trap, 1082–1086
and periodic table, 1086–1088
properties of, 1071–1077
Stern–Gerlach experiment,
1078, 1078–1080
x rays and ordering of elements, 1088–1092
atoms, elasticity of, 292, 292
atomic bomb, 1133, 1160–1161,
atomic clocks, 5–6
atomic clocks, time dilation tests,
atomic mass, 1129t, 1131–1132
atomic mass units, 7, 1131–1132
atomic number, 539, 1077, 1129
attractive forces, 304, 529
Atwood’s machine, 100
aurora, 528
automobile(s). See also race cars
acceleration of motorcycle vs.,
average velocity of truck, 15
in banked circular turn,
in flat circular turn, 116–117
magnet applications, 698
sliding to stop on icy roads,
spark discharge from, 614, 614
tire pressure, 332t
average acceleration:
one-dimensional motion, 18
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 58–60
average angular acceleration, 221
average angular velocity, 220–221
average force (of collision), 195
average life, radionuclide, 1136–
average power, 142, 170–171
engines, 514
traveling wave on stretched
string, 391
average speed:
of gas molecules, 484–486
one-dimensional motion, 14
average velocity:
constant acceleration, 22
one-dimensional motion,
1161–15, 14
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 56
Avogadro’s number, 473, 649
rotating, of vectors, 41
of rotation, 219, 219
separation of, in Newton’s
­second law, 83–84
of symmetry, 546
ball, motion of, 61–63, 62, 63
ballet dancing:
grand jeté, 188–189, 189
tour jeté, 270
ballistic pendulum, 203, 203
balloons, lifting capacity, 502
Balmer series, 1057, 1060, 1061
bands, energy bands in crystalline
solids, 1104, 1104
band–gap pattern:
crystalline solid, 1104
insulator, 1104
metal, 1105
semiconductor, 1112
bar magnets:
Earth as, 828, 828
magnetic dipole moment of
small, 720, 720t
magnetic field, 820, 820
magnetic field lines, 700–701,
barrel units, 10
barrier tunneling, 1032–1035,
1033, 1139–1140
baryons, 1184, 1191–1192
conservation of baryon number, 1191
and eightfold way, 1193–1194,
and quark model, 1195, 1201
baryonic matter, 1204, 1207, 1207
baryon number, conservation of,
collision of ball with bat, 193,
193, 194
fly ball, air resistance to, 64,
64, 64t
time of free-fall flight, 26
base quantities, 2
base standards, 2
basic equations for constant acceleration, 21–22
basketball free throws, 53
bats, navigation using ultrasonic
waves, 434
batteries. See also electromotive
force (emf)
connected to capacitors, 621,
621–622, 630–631
and current, 647, 647–648
as emf devices, 670–672
in multiloop circuits, 679,
multiple batteries in multiloop
circuit, 682–683, 683
potential difference across,
675–678, 677
and power in circuits, 661,
in RC circuits, 686–690, 687
real, 671, 671, 675, 675–676
rechargeable, 671–672
recharging, 677
in RL circuits, 769–772
in single-loop circuits, 672–673
work and energy, 671, 671–672
beam, 852
beam expander, 908
beam separation, in Stern–
Gerlach experiment, 1080
beam splitter, 939, 1020, 1020
beats, 428–430, 429
becquerel, 1136
bends, the, 472
Bernoulli’s equation, 345–348
beta decay, 1141–1144, 1142, 1197
beta-minus decay, 1141
beta-plus decay, 1141
bi-concave lens, 908
bi-convex lens, 908
bicycle wheels:
rolling, 251–253, 252–253
rolling, with friction, 255,
Big Bang, 1201–1202, 1204–1207,
billiard balls, Newton’s second
law and motion of, 188
binding energy, see nuclear binding energy
Biot–Savart law, 727–728, 734, 742
bivalent atom, 1106
blackbody radiator, 464
black holes, 303
event horizon, 310
gravitational lensing caused by,
323, 324
supermassive, 303
acceleration of falling, 241
connected to massless-­
frictionless pulleys, 90, 91,
93, 93–94
floating, 341
forces on stationary, 105–106,
friction of sliding, 90, 90
hanging and sliding, 93,
Newton’s laws applied to, 84,
normal forces, 89, 89–90
power used in work on, 144,
stable static equilibrium, 281–
282, 282, 285–290
third-law force pair, 91, 91–92
work done by external force
with friction, 165–166, 166
block–spring oscillator, 788–789
block–spring systems:
damped oscillating systems,
371, 371–372
and electrical–mechanical analogy, 787–788, 787t
kinetic energy, 135, 135–138,
oscillating systems, 361–362
potential energy, 152, 152,
blood pressure, normal systolic,
blue shift, 995
bob, of pendulum, 366
body armor, 407, 407
body wave, 439
Bohr, Niels, 1047, 1147, 1158
Bohr magneton, 831–833, 1076
Bohr model, of hydrogen, 542,
1057, 1057–1058
Bohr radius, 1058, 1065
boiling point, 454
for selected substances, 454t
of water, 446t
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 521, 1095
Boltzmann constant, 474, 1021
Bose, Satyendra Nath, 1183
Bose–Einstein condensate, 1183,
bosons, 1183, 1183
bottomness, 1192
bottom quark, 1196t, 1197
boundary condition, 1031, 1064
Bragg angle, 971
Bragg’s law, 971
Brahe, Tycho, 317
branches, circuits, 679
breakdown potential, 635
breakeven, in magnetic confinement, 1174
Brewster angle, 874, 874
Brewster’s law, 874
bright fringes:
double-slit interference, 923,
923, 924
single-slit diffraction, 948,
British thermal unit (Btu),
Brookhaven accelerator, 1181
Brout, Robert, 1200
bubble chambers, 540, 540, 700,
gamma ray track, 1025, 1025
proton–antiproton annihilation
event, 1185, 1185–1186
natural angular frequency, 374
swaying in wind, 363–365, 404
bulk modulus, 294, 412–413
bungee-cord jumping, 151, 151
buoyant force, 338–341, 339
c, see speed of light
Calorie (Cal) (nutritional),
calorie (cal) (heat), 452–453
cameras, 901
cancer radiation therapy, 1125
capacitance, 620–641
calculating, 622–626
of capacitors, 620–621
of capacitors with dielectrics,
and dielectrics/Gauss’ law, 638,
and energy stored in electric
fields, 631–633
LC oscillations, 784–791
for parallel and series capacitors, 626–631
parallel circuits, 681t
RC circuits, 686–690, 687
RLC circuits, 791–793
RLC series circuits, 802–807
series circuits, 681t
capacitive reactance, 798
capacitive time constant, for RC
circuits, 687, 688
capacitors, 620, 620–622, 621. See
also parallel-plate capacitors
with ac generator, 797–799, 798
capacitance of, 620–621
charging, 621–622, 630–631,
687, 687–688, 870
cylindrical, 624, 624–625
with dielectrics, 634, 634–636
discharging, 622, 687, 688–690
displacement current, 825,
electric field calculation, 623
energy density, 633
Faraday’s, 634, 634–635
induced magnetic field, 822–824
isolated spherical, 625, 633
LC oscillations, 785, 786–787
in parallel, 627, 627, 629–630,
and phase/amplitude for ac circuits, 801t
potential difference calculation,
RC circuits, 686–690, 687
in series, 627–630, 628, 681t,
803, 803
series RLC circuits, 803
cars, see automobiles
carbon cycle, 1178
carbon14 dating, 1144
carbon dioxide:
molar specific heat at constant
volume, 488t
RMS speed at room
­temperature, 479t
carbon disulfide, index of
­refraction, 868t
Carnot cycle, 511, 511, 512
Carnot engines, 510–513, 511
efficiency, 512–513, 517–518
real vs., 517–518
Carnot refrigerators, 516, 517–518
carrier charge density, 651.
See also current density
cascade, decay process, 1194–1195
cat, terminal speed of falling, 111,
cathode ray tube, 703, 703–704
Celsius temperature scale, 446,
center of curvature:
spherical mirrors, 886, 886
spherical refracting surfaces,
891–892, 892
center of gravity, 283–285, 284
center of mass, 183–186
and center of gravity, 283–285
defined, 182
motion of system’s, 187–188
one-dimensional inelastic collisions, 201–203, 202
rolling wheel, 252, 252
sample problems involving,
184–185, 190
solid bodies, 183–186, 186
system of particles, 182,
182–183, 187–190
center of momentum frame, 1008
center of oscillation (physical pendulum), 368
centigrade temperature scale,
central axis, spherical mirror, 886,
central configuration peak, 520
central diffraction maximum, 954,
central interference maximum,
central line, 964
central maximum, diffraction patterns, 947, 947, 951–952
centripetal acceleration, 67
centripetal force, 113–118, 114
Cerenkov counters, 1210
Ceres, escape speed for, 315t
CERN accelerator, 1181, 1199
antihydrogen, 1184
pion beam experiments, 978
chain-link conversion, of units, 3
chain reaction:
of elastic collisions, 206–207
nuclear, 1161
characteristic x-ray spectrum,
1089–1090, 1090
charge, see electric charge
charge carriers, 648
doped semiconductors,
silicon vs. copper, 663–664, 663t
charge density. See also current
carrier, 651
linear, 552–553, 553t
surface, 543, 553t
volume, 542, 553t
charged disk:
electric field due to, 557–558
electric potential due to, 607,
charged isolated conductor:
with cavity, 578, 579
electric potential, 613, 613–614
in external electric field, 614,
Gauss’ law for, 578–580
charge distributions:
circular arc, 556
continuous, 552–553, 605–607,
606, 607
ring, 552–554, 553, 556
spherically symmetric, 585–587,
586, 602
straight line, 556–557
uniform, 545, 545–546, 546,
charged objects, 545
charged particles, 530
in cyclotron, 713
electric field due to, 547,
electric potential due to group
of, 602–603, 603
electric potential energy of
­system, 610–612, 611
equilibrium of forces on, 536
helical paths of, 710, 710–711
magnetic field due to,
motion, in electric field, 561
net force due to, 534–536
charged rod, electric field of,
charge number, 1077
charge quantum number, 1187
of capacitors, 621–622, 630–631,
687, 687–688, 822
electrostatic, 529
charm, 1192
charm quark, 1196t, 1197, 1198
chip (integrated circuits), 1121
chromatic aberration, 904
chromatic dispersion, 869,
circuits, 621, 622, 669–691, 681t.
See also alternating current
ammeter and voltmeter for
measuring, 686
capacitive load, 797–799, 798
direct-current (dc), 670
inductive load, 799–800, 800
integrated, 1120, 1121
multiloop, 672, 679, 679–685,
oscillating, 784
parallel capacitors, 627, 627,
629–630, 681t
parallel resistors, 680, 680–685,
power in, 661–662
RC, 686–690, 687
resistive load, 795–797, 796
RL, 768–772, 769, 770
RLC, 791–793, 792, 802–807,
series capacitors, 627–630, 628,
series resistors, 674, 674–675,
single-loop, 669–678, 795
circuit elements, 621
circular aperture, diffraction patterns, 955–959, 956
circular arc, current in, 729–731
circular arc charge distributions,
circular orbits, 321–322
event measurement with array
of, 979, 979
time dilation tests, 983–984,
closed circuit, 674, 674
closed cycle processes, first law
of thermodynamics for, 460,
closed path, 152–153, 153
closed-path test, for conservative
force, 152–153
closed shell, 1148
closed subshell, 1087
closed surface, electric flux in,
closed system, 188
entropy, 509
linear momentum conservation,
COBE (Cosmic Background
Explorer) satellite, 1206,
coefficient of kinetic friction,
coefficient of linear expansion,
449, 449t
coefficient of performance (refrigerators), 516
coefficient of static friction,
coefficient of volume expansion,
coherence, 927–928
coherence length, 1093
coherent light, 927, 1093
coils, 717–718. See also inductors
of current loops, 717–718
in ideal transformers, 812, 812
induced emf, 753–754
magnetic field, 741–744, 742
mutual induction, 776–778, 777
self-induction, 767, 767–768
cold-weld, 106–107, 107
collective model, of nucleus, 1147
collimated slit, 1078
collimator, 965, 1078
collision(s), 193–196
elastic in one dimension, 204,
glancing, 207, 207–208
impulse of series of, 194–196,
impulse of single, 193–194, 194
inelastic, in one dimension, 201,
201–203, 202
momentum and kinetic energy
in, 200
two-dimensional, 207, 207–208
color force, 1200–1201
color-neutral quarks, 1200–1201
color-shifting inks, 916
compass, 828, 842
completely inelastic collisions,
201, 201–203, 202
of light, 869–870
vector, 36–38, 37, 40, 40–41,
41, 43
component notation (vectors), 37
composite slab, conduction
through, 463, 463
compound microscope, 903, 903
compound nucleus, 1147, 1149
compressibility, 295, 332
compressive stress, 293–294
Compton scattering, 1015,
1015–1018, 1016
Compton shift, 1015, 1015–1018
Compton wavelength, 1017
concave lenses, 908
concave mirrors, 884, 887,
coefficient of linear expansion,
elastic properties, 294t
condensing, 454
conducting devices, 537, 657–658
conducting path, 530
conducting plates:
eddy currents, 760
Gauss’ law, 584, 584–585
conduction, 462, 463, 463,
and electrical properties of
metals, 1102–1111
in p-n junctions, 1116–1120
by semiconductors, 1111–1115
in transistors, 1120–1121
conduction band, 1112, 1112
conduction electrons, 530, 647,
653, 1105–1111
conduction rate, 462–463
conductivity, 655, 1107
conductors, 530–531, 647. See also
electric current
drift speed in, 650–651, 653
Hall effect for moving,
metallic, 647, 663
Ohm’s law, 657–660
potential difference across,
configurations, in statistical
mechanics, 519–520
confinement principle, 1041
conical pendulum, 120
conservation of angular momentum, 268–272, 269, 270
conservation of baryon number,
conservation of electric charge,
conservation of energy, 125,
168–172, 170
in electric field, 595
mechanical and electric potential energy, 612
principle of conservation of
mechanical energy, 158
in proton decay, 1194
sample problems involving,
159–160, 171–172
conservation of lepton number,
conservation of linear momentum,
197–199, 203, 209
conservation of quantum numbers, 1194–1195
conservation of strangeness, 1192
conservative forces, 152–154, 153,
constant acceleration (one-dimensional motion), 21, 21–25, 22t
constant angular acceleration,
rotation with, 226–228
constant linear acceleration, 226
constant-pressure molar specific
heat, 489–491
constant-pressure processes, 457,
summarized, 498, 498t
work done by ideal gases,
constant-pressure specific heat,
constant-temperature processes:
summarized, 498, 498t
work done by ideal gases,
constant-volume gas thermometer, 444, 444–445
constant-volume molar specific
heat, 488–489
constant-volume processes, 457,
first law of thermodynamics
for, 460, 460t
summarized, 498, 498t
work done by ideal gases, 476
constant-volume specific heat, 453
consumption rate, nuclear reactor,
contact potential difference,
continuity, equation of, 342–345,
continuous bodies, 232
continuous charge distribution,
552–553, 605–607, 606, 607
continuous x-ray spectrum, 1089,
contracted length, 986–988
convection, 465
converging lens, 894, 895, 896
conversion factors, 3
convex lenses, 908
convex mirrors, 884, 887, 888–889
Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC), 6
coefficient of linear expansion,
conduction electrons, 530
electric properties of silicon vs.,
663–664, 663t, 1103t, 1112
energy levels, 1104, 1104
Fermi energy, 1105
Fermi speed, 1105–1106
heats of transformation, 454t
mean free time, 660
resistivity, 655t, 656, 656, 1112
rubbing rod with wool, 530
temperature coefficient of
resistivity, 1112
unit cell, 1103, 1103
copper wire:
as conductor, 530, 530, 647,
drift speed in, 650–651
magnetic force on current carrying, 714, 714–716
cord (unit of wood), 10
core (Earth)
density, 308, 308, 332t
pressure, 332t
core (Sun):
density, 331t
pressure, 332t
speed distribution of photons
in, 485
corner reflectors, 911
corn–hog ratio, 9
corona discharge, 614
correspondence principle, 1047
cosine, 39, 39
cosine-squared rule, for intensity
of transmitted polarized
light, 863
Cosmic Background Explorer
(COBE) satellite, 1206, 1207
cosmic background radiation,
1203–1204, 1206, 1207
cosmic ray protons, 1002
cosmological red shift, 1212–1213
cosmology, 1201–1208
background radiation,
Big Bang theory, 1204–1207
dark matter, 1204
expansion of universe,
coulomb (unit), 532
Coulomb barrier, 1168
coulomb per second, 647
Coulomb’s law, 527–540
conductors and insulators,
conservation of charge, 539–540
electric charge, 528–529
formulas for, 531–533
and Gauss’ law, 576–577
quantization of charge, 537–539
for spherical conductors,
crimp hold, 297
critical angle, for total internal
reflection, 872
crossed magnetic fields:
and discovery of electrons,
Hall effect in, 704–707, 705
crossed sheets, polarizers, 864, 864
cross product, 46–49
crust (Earth), 308, 331t
matter waves incident after
scattering, 1023, 1024, 1024
polycrystalline solids, 841
x-ray diffraction, 970, 970–971
crystalline solids:
electrical properties, 1102–
1111, 1103
energy bands, 1104, 1104
crystal planes, 970, 970
curie (unit), 1136
Curie constant, 838
Curie’s law, 838
Curie temperature, 840
curled–straight right-hand rule,
currency, anti-counterfeiting measures, 916
current, see electric current
current amplitude:
alternating current, 807
series RLC circuits, 803,
803–804, 807
current-carrying wire:
energy dissipation in, 662
magnetic field due to, 727,
727–732, 728
magnetic field inside long
straight, 736, 736
magnetic field outside long
straight, 735, 735–736
magnetic force between parallel, 732–733, 733
magnetic force on, 714, 714–716
current density, 650, 650–653
current law, Kirchoff’s, 679
current-length element, 727, 727
current loops, 647, 647
electrons, 833, 833–834, 834
Faraday’s law of induction,
Lenz’s law for finding direction
of current, 754, 754–757, 755
as magnetic dipoles, 741–744,
solenoids and toroids, 738–741
torque on, 716–718, 717
curvature, of space, 323, 323–324,
cutoff frequency, photoelectric
effect, 1012–1013
cutoff wavelength:
continuous x-ray spectrum,
photoelectric effect, 1012–1013
engines, 511
simple harmonic motion, 355
thermodynamic, 457, 458, 460
cyclotrons, 712, 712–713
of current, 737–738
rotational inertia, 234t
tracer study of flow around, 343
cylindrical capacitor, capacitance
of, 624, 624–625
cylindrical symmetry, Gauss’ law,
581, 581–582
damped energy, 372
damped oscillations, 371–372, 372,
damped simple harmonic motion,
371, 371–373, 372
damped simple harmonic oscillator, 371, 371–373
damping constant, simple harmonic motion, 371–372
damping force, simple harmonic
motion, 371–372
dark energy, 1207
dark fringes:
double-slit interference, 923,
923, 925
single-slit diffraction, 948,
948–950, 953–954
dark matter, 1204, 1207, 1207
daughter nuclei, 540
10-hour day, 5
variations in length of, 6
dc (direct current), 670, 794
de Broglie wavelength, 1023,
1027, 1043
decay, see radioactive decay
decay constant, 1135
decay rate, 1135–1137
deceleration, 19
decibel, 422–424
decimal places, significant figures
with, 4
dees, cyclotron, 712
de-excitation, of electrons, 1044
deformation, 293, 293
degenerate energy levels, 1054
degrees of freedom, ideal gas
molecules, 491–493
defined, 7
fluids, 331
kinetic energy density, 346
linear, of stretched string, 388,
and liquefaction, 7–8
nuclear matter, 1134
occupied states, 1109–1110,
selected engineering materials,
selected materials and objects,
states, 1107, 1107–1108
uniform, for solid bodies,
density gradient, 1116
depletion zone, p-n junction, 1116
derived units, 2
detection, see probability of
deuterium, 1143
deuterium–tritium fuel pellets,
1174, 1174
deuterons, 713, 1173
deuteron–triton reaction, 1173
diamagnetic material, 835
diamagnetism, 835–836, 836
as insulator, 1105, 1112
unit cell, 1103, 1103
diamond lattice, 1103
diatomic molecules, 489
degrees of freedom, 491–493,
492, 492t
molar specific heats at constant
volume, 453t
potential energy, 179
atomic view, 636–637, 637
capacitors with, 634–636
and Gauss’ law, 638, 638–640
polarization of light by reflection, 874
dielectric constant, 634–635, 635t
dielectric strength, 634–636, 635t
differential equations, 788
diffraction, 946–972. See also
interference; single-slit diffraction
circular aperture, 955–959, 956
double-slit, 959–962, 960, 961
Fresnel bright spot, 948
intensity in double-slit, 960,
intensity in single-slit, 951–955,
interference vs., 962
neutron, 1024
pinhole, 947
and wave theory of light,
x-ray, 969–971, 970
and Young’s interference
experiment, 921–922, 922
diffraction factor, 961
diffraction gratings, 963, 963–966
dispersion, 966–969
resolving power, 967–969, 968
spacing, 964–965
x rays, 970
diffraction patterns:
defined, 947
double-slit, 960–961, 961
single-slit, 960–961, 961
diffusion current, p-n junctions,
dimensional analysis, 388
dip meter, 829
dip north pole, 829
dipole antenna, 850, 850
dipole axis, 550, 828
dip-slip, 50
direct current (dc), 670, 794
of acceleration in one-­
dimensional motion, 18
of acceleration in two-and
three-dimensional motion,
of angular momentum, 261
of displacement in one-­
dimensional motion, 12–1161
of vector components, 37
of vectors, 35–36, 36
of velocity in one-dimensional
motion, 14
of velocity in two-and threedimensional motion, 57
discharging, 529
capacitors, 622, 687, 688–690
charged objects, 530
disintegration, 1129
disintegration constant, 1135, 1137
disintegration energy, 1139
diffraction by circular aperture,
955–959, 956
electric field due to charged,
electric potential due to
charged, 607, 607
chromatic, 869, 869–870
by diffraction gratings, 966–969
damped harmonic oscillator,
371–372, 372
electric, 639
one-dimensional motion,
simple harmonic motion, 357,
358, 359
traveling waves, 385–386
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 54–55, 55
as vector quantity, 1161, 35, 35
waves on vibrating string,
382–384, 383
displacement amplitude:
forced oscillations, 374, 374
sound waves, 415, 415–416
displacement current, 824–828,
displacement ton, 9
displacement vector, 1161, 35, 35
dissipated energy, in resistors,
662, 672
distortion parameter, 1160
distribution of molecular speeds,
483–486, 484
diverging lens, 894, 895, 896
dominoes, 281, 281
donor atoms, 1113–1114
doped semiconductors, 663, 1113,
Doppler effect, 430–434, 980
detector moving, source stationary, 432, 432
for light, 994–997, 996, 1203
source moving, detector stationary, 433, 433
dose equivalent, radiation, 1146
dot product, 45, 45, 48, 571
double-slit diffraction, 959–962,
960, 961
double-slit interference:
intensity, 928–930, 929, 961
from matter waves, 1023,
single-photon, wide-angle version, 1019–1020, 1020
single-photon version, 1018–
Young’s experiment, 921–926,
doubly magic nuclides, 1148
down quark, 1195, 1196t, 1197
drag coefficient, 110–111
drag force, 110–112
damped simple harmonic
motion, 371
mechanical energy not conserved in presence of, 159
as nonconservative force, 152
drain, FETs, 1120, 1120
drift current, p-n junctions, 1117
drift speed:
and current density, 650, 650–
651, 653
Hall effect for determining,
704–707, 705
driven oscillations, 374, 795, 795
driving angular frequency, 795
driving frequency, of emf, 795
d subshells, 1087, 1088
E (exponent of 10), 2
Earth, 302–303, 1208. See also
gravitational force
atmospheric electric field, 620
average density, 331t
density of, as function of distance from center, 308
eccentricity of orbit, 317
effective magnetic dipole
moment, 1077
ellipsoidal shape of, 308
escape speed, 315–316, 315t
gravitation near surface,
Kepler’s law of periods, 318t
level of compensation, 352
magnetic dipole moment, 720t
magnetism, 828–829
nonuniform distribution of
mass, 308, 308
rotation, 308–309, 309
satellite orbits and energy,
319–321, 320
variation in length of day over
4-year period, 6
building oscillations during, 355
buildings submerged during, 7
and liquefaction, 7–8
natural angular frequency of
buildings, 374, 374
Earth’s magnetic field, 701, 828,
polarity reversal, 828, 829
at surface, 700t
eccentricity, of orbits, 317, 317
and orbital energy, 319–320
planets of Solar System, 318t
eddy currents, 760
edges, diffraction of light at, 947
edge effect, 584
effective cross-sectional area, 111
effective magnetic dipole
moment, 1077
effective phase difference, optical
interference, 919
Carnot engines, 512–513
real engines, 513, 517–518
Stirling engines, 514
eightfold way, 1193, 1193–1194,
Einstein, Albert, 80, 853, 977, 977,
980, 1022. See also relativity
Bose–Einstein condensate,
1183, 1183
and bosons, 1183
and lasers, 1094
view of gravitation, 322,
work on photoelectric effect,
work on photons, 1009–1011
Einstein–de Haas experiment,
1073, 1074
Einstein ring, 324, 324
elastic bodies, 292
elastic collisions:
defined, 200
elasticity, 280, 292–295, 293
in one dimension, with moving
target, 205–206
in one dimension, with stationary target, 204, 204–205
in two dimensions, 207,
and wave speed on stretched
string, 388
elasticity, 291–295
of atoms and rigid bodies, 292,
and dimensions of solids, 293,
and equilibrium of indeterminate structures, 291–292, 292
hydraulic stress, 294–295, 294t
sample problem involving, 295
shearing, 294
tension and compression,
293–294, 294
elastic potential energy, 151
determining, 155–156
traveling wave on stretched
string, 390, 390
electrical breakdown, 560, 560
electrically isolated object, 529
electrically neutral objects, 529
electrical–mechanical analogy,
787–788, 787t
electric charge, 528–529. See also
conservation of, 539–540
and current, 648–649
enclosed, 577, 580
excess, 529
free, 638
hypercharge, 1211
induced, 530–531
LC oscillations, 785, 789
lines of, 552–557, 553, 606,
measures of, 553t
negative, 529, 529
net, 529
neutralization of, 529
positive, 529, 637
quantization of, 537–539
in RLC circuits, 792, 793
sharing of, 537
in single-loop circuits, 670
electric circuits, see circuits
electric current, 646–653, 647, 648
in alternating current, 794–795
for capacitive load, 799
current density, 649–653, 650
decay, 771
direction in circuits, 648,
induced, 750–751, 756–760
for inductive load, 801
LC oscillations, 785, 789–791
magnetic field due to, 727,
727–732, 728
in multiloop circuits, 679–680
power in, 661–662
for resistive load, 797
in single-loop circuits, 672,
time-varying, in RC circuits,
electric dipole, 719
in electric field, 561–564
electric field due to, 549–552,
electric potential due to,
604–605, 605
induced, 605
potential energy of, 562
electric dipole antenna, 850,
electric dipole moment, 551, 562
dielectrics, 636–637
induced, 605
permanent, 605
electric displacement, 639
electric field, 544–565, 698
calculating from potential, 608,
calculating potential from, 598,
capacitors, 623
crossed fields, 704–707, 705
as displacement current,
due to charged disk, 557–558,
607, 607
due to charged particle, 547,
due to electric dipole, 549–552,
due to line of charge, 552–557,
electric dipole in, 561–564
energy stored in capacitor,
equipotential surfaces, 597,
597–598, 598
external, 579–580, 614, 614
field lines in, 545–546
and Gauss’ law, 576–577, 734,
820, 827t
Hall effect, 704–707, 705, 714
induced, 760–765, 761, 853,
net, 548–549
nonuniform, 546, 573–574
point charge in, 559–561
polarized light, 788, 864
potential energy in, 594–596,
rms of, 858–859
in spherical metal shell, 580
system of charged particles in,
610–612, 611
traveling electromagnetic
waves in, 850–853, 851, 852
uniform, 546, 570–572, 599
as vector field, 545
work done by, 593–596
electric field lines, 545, 545–546,
electric fish, 684–685
electric flux, 569–574
in closed surface, 571–574
and Gauss’ law, 569–574
and induction, 758
net, 571–572
through Gaussian surfaces, 570,
570–574, 571
in uniform electric fields,
electric force, 697
electric generator, 670
electric motor, 716–718, 717, 828
electric potential, 592–615
calculating field from, 608,
charged isolated conductor,
613, 613–614
defined, 593
due to charged particles, 601,
601–603, 602
due to continuous charge distribution, 605–607, 606, 607
due to electric dipole, 604–605,
from electric fields, 598–600
and electric potential energy,
593, 593–596, 596
equipotential surfaces, 597–598,
and induced electric field,
in LC oscillator, 790–791
potential energy of charged
particle system, 610–612, 611
and power/emf, 677
and self-induction, 768
electric potential energy:
and electric potential, 593,
593–596, 596
for system of charged particles,
610–612, 611
electric quadrupole, 568
electric spark, 560, 560
airborne dust explosions set off
by, 632–633
dangers of, 614, 614
and pit stop fuel dispenser fire,
690, 690
electric wave component, of electromagnetic waves, 851–852,
electromagnets, 698, 698, 700t
electromagnetic energy, 792. See
also electromagnetic waves
electromagnetic force, 1184,
electromagnetic oscillations, 785
damped, in RLC circuits,
defined, 785
forced, 793–801, 795
LC oscillations, 784–791
electromagnetic radiation, 850
electromagnetic spectrum, 849,
electromagnetic waves, 381,
848–875. See also reflection;
energy transport and Poynting
vector, 856–859, 858
Maxwell’s rainbow, 849–850
polarization, 788, 861–866, 862,
864, 873–874
radiation pressure, 859–861
reflection of, 866–874, 874
refraction of, 866–872
traveling, 850–856, 852, 853
electromagnetism, 726, 828, 1180
electromotive force (emf),
670–672. See also emf devices
in alternating current, 794–795
defined, 670, 762–763
and energy and work, 671,
induced, 751, 753–754, 756–757
potential and power in circuits,
self-induced, 767
electrons, 530, 1181
accelerator studies, 712
in alternating current, 794
barrier tunneling, 1032–1035,
in Bohr model, 1057, 1057–1058
bubble chamber tracks, 540,
540, 700
charge, 538, 538t
Compton scattering, 1015–1018,
conduction, 1105–1111
discovery by Thomson, 702–
704, 703, 1125
energy of, 1002, 1040–1045
excitation of, 1043, 1043, 1105
as fermions, 1182
in hydrogen atom, 1066
kinetic energy of, 978, 978
as leptons, 1184, 1190, 1190t
magnetic dipole moment, 720,
and magnetism, 830–835
majority carrier in n-type semiconductors, 1114, 1114t
matter waves, 1022–1026, 1023,
matter waves of, 1022–1026,
1023, 1024, 1029, 1040
momentum, 832
momentum of, 831–833, 833
orbits of, 833, 833–834, 834
from proton–antiproton annihilation, 1186t
in p-type semiconductors, 1114,
radial probability density of,
radiation dosage, 1145–1146
speed of, 978, 978
spin, 1182–1183, 1183
in superconductors, 664
valence, 1041, 1087, 1106
wave functions of trapped,
electron capture, 1141n
electron diffraction, 1024
electron neutrinos, 1189–1190,
electron–positron annihilation,
540, 540, 1184
electron spin, 1182–1183, 1183
electron traps:
finite well, 1049, 1049–1051
hydrogen atoms as, 1056
multiple electrons in rectangular, 1082–1086
nanocrystallites, 1051–1052,
one-dimensional, 1041–1053
quantum corrals, 1053, 1053
quantum dots, 1041, 1052,
two-and three-dimensional,
1054, 1054–1055
wave functions, 1045–1049,
electron-volt, 596, 1108
electroplaques, 684, 684–685
electrostatic equilibrium, 578
electrostatic force, 529, 545
and Coulomb’s law, 531,
electric field due to point
charge, 547, 547–549
point charge in electric field,
work done by, 593, 595–596
electrostatic stress, 643
electroweak force, 1199
elementary charge, 538, 559–560
elementary particles, 1180–1200
bosons, 1183, 1183
conservation of strangeness,
eightfold way patterns, 1193–
fermions, 1182, 1183
general properties, 1180–1189
hadrons, 1184, 1191–1192
leptons, 1184, 1189–1191
messenger particles, 1198–1200
quarks, 1195–1198
elevator cab, velocity and acceleration of, 16–17
elliptical orbits, 321–322
emf, see electromotive force
emf devices, 670, 671. See also
internal dissipation rate, 677
real and ideal, 671, 671
emf rule, 673
emission. See also photon emission
from hydrogen atom, 1066
spontaneous, 1094, 1094–1095
stimulated, 1094–1095
emission lines, 963, 963–964, 1060
emissivity, 464, 1022
enclosed charge, 577, 580
endothermic reactions, 1189
energy. See also kinetic energy;
potential energy; work
for capacitor with dielectric,
conservation of, 125, 168–172,
170, 612
in current-carrying wire, 662
damped, 372
defined, 125
of electric dipole in electric
field, 564
in electric field, 631–633
and induction, 759
and magnetic dipole moment,
719, 832
in magnetic field, 773–774
and relativity, 998–1003
in RLC circuits, 792
scalar nature of, 35
in simple harmonic motion,
362–364, 363
as state property, 505
in transformers, 813
transport, by electromagnetic
waves, 856–859, 858
of trapped electrons, 1040–1045
traveling wave on stretched
string, 390, 390–391
energy bands, 1104, 1104
energy density, 633, 775–776
energy density, kinetic, 346
energy gap, 1104, 1104
energy levels:
excitation and de-excitation,
full, empty, and partially occupied, 1083
hydrogen, 1058, 1060, 1061
in infinite potential well, 1044–
1045, 1055, 1084–1086
multiple electron traps, 1083–
nuclear, 1133
in single electron traps, 1042,
of trapped electrons, 1041–1045
energy-level diagrams, 1043, 1043,
1084, 1084
energy method, of calculating current in single-loop circuits,
Carnot, 510–513, 511, 517–518
efficiency, 511, 512–513, 516,
517, 517–518
ideal, 511–512
perfect, 513, 513
Stirling, 514, 514
Englert, François, 1200
entropy, 503–523
change in, 504–508
engines, 510–515
force due to, 509–510
and irreversible processes, 504
and probability, 521–522
refrigerators, 515–518, 516
sample problems involving,
507–508, 514–515, 520–522
and second law of thermodynamics, 508–510
as state function, 505, 506–507
statistical mechanics view of,
entropy changes, 504–508
Carnot engines, 512–513
Stirling engines, 514
entropy postulate, 504
envelope, in diffraction intensity,
equation of continuity, 342–345,
equations of motion:
constant acceleration, 22, 22t
constant linear vs. angular
acceleration, 226t
free-fall, 25–26
equilibrium, 84, 280–295, 1151
and center of gravity, 283–285,
electrostatic, 578
of forces on particles, 536
and Hall effect, 705
of indeterminate structures,
291–292, 292
protons, 536
requirements of, 282–283
sample problems involving,
285–290, 454–455
secular, 1153
static, 280–282, 281, 282
thermal, 443
equilibrium charge, capacitors in
RC circuits, 687
equilibrium points, in potential
energy curves, 162–163
equilibrium position, simple pendulum, 366
equipartition of energy, 492
equipotential surfaces, 597,
equivalence, principle of,
equivalent capacitance:
in parallel capacitors, 627, 627,
629–630, 681t
in series capacitors, 627–630,
equivalent resistance:
in parallel resistors, 680,
680–685, 681t
in series resistors, 675, 681t
escape speed, 315–316, 315t, 611,
events, 977
Lorentz factor, 982–983, 983,
Lorentz transformation,
measuring, 978–979, 979
relativity of length, 985–988,
986, 992–993
relativity of simultaneity, 980,
980–981, 991
relativity of time, 981, 981–985,
relativity of velocity, 993,
event horizon, 310
excess charge, 529
exchange coupling, 840
excitation, of electrons, 1043,
1043, 1105
excitation energy, 1067
excited states, 1043, 1043
expansion, of universe, 1202–1203
exploding bodies, Newton’s
­second law and motion of, 188
one-dimensional, 198, 198
two-dimensional, 199, 199
extended objects, 93
drawing rays to locate, 897, 897
in plane mirrors, 883, 883–884
external agents, applied force
from, 595
external electric field:
Gaussian surfaces, 579–580
isolated conductor in, 614, 641
external forces, 84
collisions and internal energy
transfers, 169–170
system of particles, 187–190
work done with friction,
work done without friction, 165
external magnetic field:
and diamagnetism, 836
and ferromagnetism, 835
and paramagnetism, 835, 837,
external torque, 266–267, 269, 270
eye, see human eye
compound microscope, 903, 903
refracting telescope, 904
face-centered cubic, 1103
Fahrenheit temperature scale,
446, 446–447
falling body, terminal speed of,
110–112, 111
farad, 621
Faraday, Michael, 528, 545, 634–
635, 751, 766
Faraday’s experiments, 751–752
and Lenz’s law, 754, 754–757,
Maxwell’s equation form, 827t
mutual induction, 777
reformulation, 762–763
self-induction, 767, 767–768
Faraday’s law of induction,
751–752, 821, 854
faults, rock, 50
femtometer, 1131
fermi (unit), 1131
Fermi, Enrico, 1156, 1166, 1182
Fermi–Dirac statistics, 1108
Fermi energy, 1105, 1107–1109,
Fermilab accelerator, 1181, 1198
Fermi level, 1105
fermions, 1182, 1183
Fermi speed, 1105–1106
ferromagnetic materials, 835, 872
ferromagnetism, 835, 839–842,
840. See also iron
FET (field-effect-transistor), 1120,
field declination, 829
field-effect-transistor (FET), 1120,
field inclination, 829
field of view:
refracting telescope, 904
spherical mirror, 886
final state, 456, 457, 488
finite well electron traps, 1049,
fires, pit stop fuel dispenser, 690,
first law of thermodynamics,
equation and rules, 459
heat, work, and energy of a system, 456–458, 461
sample problem involving, 461
special cases of, 460–461, 460t
first-order line, 964
fish, electric, 684–685
fission, nuclear, 1155–1162
fission rate, nuclear reactor,
fixed axis, 219, 267, 267–268
floaters, 947
floating, 339, 339
flow, 342–344, 343, 344, 346
flow calorimeter, 469
fluids, 110, 330–349
apparent weight in, 340–341
Archimedes’ principle, 338–
341, 339
Bernoulli’s equation, 345–348
defined, 330–331
density, 331
equation of continuity, 342–
345, 344
motion of ideal, 342, 342–343
Pascal’s principle, 337, 337–338
pressure, 331–332
pressure measurement, 336,
at rest, 332–335, 333
sample problems involving,
332, 335, 341, 345, 347–348
fluid streamlines, 343–344, 344
flux. See also electric flux
magnetic, 752–753, 766, 820
volume, 570
focal length:
compound microscope, 903, 903
refracting telescope, 904, 904
simple magnifying lens, 902,
spherical mirrors, 886, 886–887
thin lenses, 895, 895–896
focal plane, 925
focal point:
compound microscope, 903, 903
objects outside, 888
real, 887, 887
refracting telescope, 904, 904
simple magnifying lens, 902,
spherical mirrors, 886, 886–887
thin lenses, 895, 895–896
two-lens system, 898, 898–899
virtual, 887, 887
force(s), 268t. See also specific
forces, e.g.: gravitational
attractive, 304
buoyant, 338–341, 339
centripetal, 113–118, 114
conservative, 152–154, 153
in crossed magnetic fields,
defined, 79
and diamagnetism, 836
due to entropy, 509–510
electric field vs., 545
equilibrium, 84
equilibrium of, on particles, 536
external vs. internal, 84
and linear momentum, 191–192
lines of, 545
and motion, 12
net, 84, 534–536
and Newton’s first law, 81–83
Newton’s laws applied to,
and Newton’s second law,
and Newton’s third law, 91–92
nonconservative, 152
normal, 89, 89–90
path independence of conservative, 152–154, 153
principle of superposition for,
and radiation pressure, 860
resultant, 84
of rolling, 255, 255–257
superposition principle for, 533
tension, 90, 90–91
unit of, 81, 81–82
as vector quantities, 81
and weight, 88–89
force constant, 135
forced oscillations, 373–374, 374,
793–801, 795
forced oscillators, 373–374, 374
force law, for simple harmonic
motion, 360
forward-bias connection, junction
rectifiers, 1117–1118, 1118
Franklin, Benjamin, 529, 537, 539
Fraunhofer lines, 1101
free-body diagrams, 84–86, 85,
free charge, 638
free electrons, 647
free-electron model, 659, 1105
free expansion:
first law of thermodynamics
for, 460, 460t
ideal gases, 496–498, 505,
505–508, 506
free-fall acceleration (g), 25,
25–26, 368
free-fall flight, 26
free oscillations, 373–374, 795
free particle:
Heisenberg’s uncertainty
­principle for, 1028, 1028–1030
matter waves for, 1041
free space, 850
freeze-frames, 355, 356, 357
freezing point, 446t, 453
freight ton, 9
frequency. See also angular
of circulating charged particles,
cutoff, 1012–1013
of cyclotrons, 712–713
driving, 795
and index of refraction, 918
of photons, 1010
proper, 995
simple harmonic motion,
355–358, 358
sound waves, 415
waves, 384
and wavelength, 382–385
wave on stretched string, 389
Fresnel bright spot, 947–948, 948
friction, 90, 90, 104–110,
cold-weld, 106–107, 107
as nonconservative force
(kinetic friction), 152
properties of, 107
and rolling, 255, 255
sample problems involving,
108–110, 112
types of, 105, 106
work done by external force
with, 165, 165–167, 166
frictionless surface, 80, 90
fringing, 584
f subshells, 1087
fuel charge, nuclear reactor,
fuel rods, 1163, 1166–1167
full electron levels, 1083
fully charged capacitor, 622
fully constructive interference,
396, 396, 397t, 401, 418
fully destructive interference, 396,
396, 397t, 401, 418–419
fundamental mode, 404, 426
fused quartz:
coefficient of linear expansion
for, 449t
index of refraction, 868t
index of refraction as function
of wavelength, 869
resistivity, 655t
fusion, 1000, 1133, 1168–1175
controlled, 1172–1175
laser, 1174–1175
most probable speed in, 1168,
process of, 1168–1169
in Sun and stars, 1168, 1170,
g (free-fall acceleration), 25,
measuring, with physical
­pendulum, 368
G (gravitational constant), 303
g units (acceleration), 19
galaxies, 302
Doppler shift, 995–996
formation in early universe,
gravitational lensing caused by,
323, 324
matter and antimatter in,
recession of, and expansion of
universe, 1202
superluminal jets, 1005
Galilean transformation equations, 989
gamma rays, 540, 700, 850
bubble chamber track, 1025,
radiation dosage, 1146
ultimate speed, 978
gamma-ray photons, 1170, 1184
gas constant, 474
gases, 472. See also ideal gases;
kinetic theory of gases
compressibility, 331
confined to cylinder with
­movable piston, 456–458, 457
density of selected, 331t
as fluids, 331
polyatomic, 488
specific heats of selected, 453t
speed of sound in, 413t
thermal conductivity of
­selected, 463t
gas state, 454
gauge pressure, 334
gauss (unit), 700
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 570
Gaussian form, of thin-lens
­formula, 913
Gaussian surfaces:
capacitors, 622–626
defined, 570
electric field flux through, 570,
570–574, 571
external electric field, 579,
and Gauss’ law for magnetic
fields, 820
Gauss’ law, 569–587
charged isolated conductor,
and Coulomb’s law, 576–577
cylindrical symmetry, 581,
dielectrics, 638, 638–640
for electric fields, 820, 827t
and electric flux, 569–574
formulas, 574–575
for magnetic fields, 819–821,
820, 827t
and Maxwell’s equation, 827t
planar symmetry, 583, 583–585,
spherical symmetry, 585–587,
Geiger counter, 1125
general theory of relativity,
322–324, 977, 983–984
generator. See also alternating
current generator
electric, 670
homopolar, 721
geomagnetic pole, 701, 828
geometric addition of vectors, 35,
35–36, 36, 38
geometrical optics, 867, 922, 947
coefficient of linear expansion,
index of refraction, 868t
as insulator, 530
polarization of light by
­reflection, 874
rubbing rod with silk, 528, 528,
shattering by sound waves, 422
Global Positioning System (GPS),
1, 977
g-LOC (g-induced loss of
­consciousness), 68, 349
gluons, 712, 1196, 1200
gold, 1091
alpha particle scattering,
impact with alpha particle, 612
isotopes, 1129
GPS (Global Positioning System),
1, 977
grand jeté, 188–189, 189
grand unification theories
(GUTs), 1201
graphs, average velocity on, 1161,
14, 14
graphical integration:
of force in collision, 194, 194
for one-dimensional motion,
27, 27–28
work calculated by, 140–142
grating spectroscope, 965, 965–966
gravitation, 302–325
and Big Bang, 1206
defined, 303
Einstein’s view of, 322–324, 324
gravitational acceleration (ag),
inside Earth, 310–312
near Earth’s surface, 307–310,
Newton’s law of, 303–304, 317
potential energy of, 312–316
sample problems involving,
306, 310, 316, 321–322
variation with altitude, 308t
gravitational constant (G), 303
gravitational force, 87–88, 539, 1184
center of gravity, 283–285, 284
and Newton’s law of gravitation, 303–304, 304
pendulums, 366, 366
and potential energy, 314–315
and principle of superposition,
work done by, 131–134, 132
gravitational lensing, 324, 324
gravitational potential energy,
151, 312–316, 313
determining, 155
and escape speed, 315–316
and gravitational force, 314–315
graviton, 324
gray (unit), 1145
grounding, 530
ground speed, 73
ground state, 1043, 1043–1044
wave function of hydrogen,
1062–1064, 1063
zero-point energy, 1047–1048
g subshells, 1087
gyroscope precession, 273, 273–274
hadrons, 1184, 1191–1192
half-life, 1130, 1136, 1144, 1181
half-width of diffraction grating
lines, 963, 964–965
Hall effect, 704–707, 705, 714
Hall potential difference, 705
halogens, 1088
halo nuclides, 1131
hanging blocks, 93, 93–94
hard reflection, of traveling waves
at boundary, 403
harmonic motion, 355
harmonic number, 404, 424–428
harmonic series, 404
hearing threshold, 422t
heat, 448–466, 514–515
absorption of, 450–455
defined, 451
first law of thermodynamics,
path-dependent quantity, 459
sample problems involving,
454–455, 461, 465–466
signs for, 451–452
and temperature, 451, 451–452,
thermal expansion, 448
and thermal expansion,
transfer of, 462–466
and work, 456–458
heat capacity, 452
heat engines, 510–515
heat of fusion, 454, 454t
heats of transformation, 453–455,
heat of vaporization, 454, 454t
heat pumps, 516
heat transfer, 462–466
hectare, 9
hedge maze, searching through,
height, of potential energy step,
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 1028, 1028–1030
helical paths, charged particles,
710, 710–711
helium burning, in fusion, 1171
helium–neon gas laser, 1095,
henry (unit), 766
hertz, 355
Higgs, Peter, 1200
Higgs boson, 1200
Higgs field, 1200
holes, 1090, 1112
majority carrier in p-type
­semiconductors, 1114, 1114t
minority carrier in n-type
­semiconductors, 1114, 1114t
holograms, 1093
home-base level, for spectral
series, 1060
homopolar generator, 721
Hooke, Robert, 135
Hooke’s law, 135–136, 161
hoop, rotational inertia for, 234t
horizontal motion, in projectile
motion, 63, 64
horizontal range, in projectile
motion, 62, 64
horsepower (hp), 143
h subshells, 1087
Hubble constant, 1202
Hubble’s law, 1202–1203
human body:
as conductor, 530
physiological emf devices, 670
human eye, 902
floaters, 947
image production, 883
and resolvability in vision, 957,
sensitivity to different
­wavelengths, 849, 850
Huygens, Christian, 916
Huygens’ principle, 916, 916–917
Huygens’ wavelets, 948
hydraulic compression, 294
hydraulic engineering, 330
hydraulic jack, 338
hydraulic lever, 337, 337–338
hydraulic stress, 294–295, 294t
hydrogen, 1055–1066
Bohr model, 1057, 1057–1058
as electron trap, 1056
emission lines, 965, 965–966
formation in early universe,
in fusion, 1000, 1168–1175
heats of transformation, 454t
quantum numbers, 1060–1062,
RMS speed at room
­temperature, 479t
and Schrödinger’s equation,
spectrum of, 1060
speed of sound in, 413t
thermal conductivity, 463t
wave function of ground state,
1062–1064, 1063
hydrogen bomb (thermonuclear
bomb), 1172–1173
hydrostatic pressures, 332–335
hypercharge, 1211
hysteresis, 841, 841–842
icicles, 468
ideal emf devices, 671
ideal engines, 511–512
ideal fluids, 342, 342–343
ideal gases, 473–477
adiabatic expansion, 494–498,
average speed of molecules,
free expansion, 505, 505–508,
ideal gas law, 474–475
internal energy, 487–491
mean free path, 481, 481–483
molar specific heats, 487–491
most probable speed of molecules, 485
RMS speed, 477–479, 478, 479t
sample problems involving,
476–477, 479, 483, 486,
490–493, 497–498
translational kinetic energy,
work done by, 475–477
ideal gas law, 474–475, 475
ideal gas temperature, 445
ideal inductor, 768
ideal refrigerators, 516
ideal solenoid, 739–740
ideal spring, 136
ideal toroids, 740
ideal transformers, 812, 812–813
ignition, in magnetic confinement,
images, 881–907
extended objects, 897, 897
locating by drawing rays, 897,
from plane mirrors, 881–885,
from spherical mirrors, 885–
891, 886, 887, 904, 904–905
from spherical refracting surfaces, 891–893, 892, 905, 905
from thin lenses, 894–901, 896,
897, 905–907, 906
types of, 881–882
image distances, 883
impedance, 804, 807, 813
impedance matching, in transformers, 813
impulse, 194
series of collisions, 194–195,
single collision, 193, 193–194
incident ray, 867, 867
incoherent light, 927
incompressible flow, 342
indefinite integral, 24
independent particle model, of
nucleus, 1147–1148
indeterminate structures,
­equilibrium of, 291–292, 292
index of refraction:
and chromatic dispersion,
common materials, 868t
defined, 868, 917
and wavelength, 918–920
induced charge, 530–531
induced current, 750–751
induced electric dipole moment,
induced electric fields, 760–765,
761, 853, 853–854
induced emf, 751, 753–754,
induced magnetic fields, 821–824,
displacement current, 825, 826
finding, 826
from traveling electromagnetic
waves, 855, 855–856
inductance, 765–766
LC oscillations, 784–791
RLC circuits, 791–793
RL circuits, 768–772
series RLC circuits, 802–807
solenoids, 766, 767
of electric fields, 760–765
and energy density of magnetic
fields, 775–776
and energy stored in magnetic
fields, 773–774
and energy transfers, 757–760,
Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws,
750–757, 854
in inductors, 765–766
Maxwell’s law, 822, 855
mutual, 776–778, 777
and RL circuits, 768–772
self-, 767, 767–768, 776
inductive reactance, 800
inductive time constant, 770–771
inductors, 765–766
with ac generator, 799,
799–800, 800
phase and amplitude relationships for ac circuits, 801t
RL circuits, 768–772
series RLC circuits, 803
inelastic collisions:
defined, 200
in one dimension, 201, 201–203,
in two dimensions, 207–208
inertial confinement, 1174
inertial reference frames, 977
inexact differentials, 459
infinitely deep potential energy
well, 1042, 1043
infinite potential well, 1043
detection probability in,
energy levels in, 1044–1045,
1055, 1084–1086
wave function normalization in,
inflation, of early universe, 1205
initial conditions, 361
initial state, 456, 457, 488
in phase:
ac circuits, 801t
resistive load, 796
sound waves, 418
thin-film interference, 932
traveling electromagnetic
waves, 850
waves, 395, 397
instantaneous acceleration:
one-dimensional motion, 18–20,
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 58–60
instantaneous angular acceleration, 221
instantaneous angular velocity,
instantaneous power, 143, 171
instantaneous velocity:
one-dimensional motion, 16–17
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 56
insulators, 530–531, 663
electrical properties, 1104,
resistivities of selected, 655t
unit cell, 1103
integrated circuits, 1121
defined, 857
diffraction gratings, 963–964
double-slit diffraction, 960,
double-slit interference, 928–
930, 929, 961
electromagnetic waves, 858,
single-slit diffraction, 951–955,
952, 954
of sound waves, 420–424, 421
of transmitted polarized light,
863–866, 864
interference, 395, 395–397, 396,
915–940. See also diffraction
combining more than two
waves, 930
diffraction vs., 960–962
double-slit from matter waves,
1023, 1023–1024
double-slit from single photons,
1018, 1018–1020
fully constructive, 396, 396,
397t, 401, 418
fully destructive, 396, 396, 397t,
401, 418–419
intensity in double-slit,
927–931, 929
intermediate, 396, 396, 397t,
and rainbows, 919–920, 920
sound waves, 417–420, 418
thin films, 932, 932–939
and wave theory of light,
Young’s double-slit
­experiment, 921–926, 923
interference factor, 961
interference fringes, 923, 923–924
interference pattern, 923, 923, 925
interfering waves, 395
interferometer, 938–939
intermediate interference, 396,
396, 397t, 419
internal energy, 442
and conservation of total
energy, 168
and external forces, 169–170
and first law of thermodynamics, 459
of ideal gas by kinetic theory,
internal forces, 84, 187–190
internal resistance:
ammeters, 686
circuits, 674, 674
emf devices, 677–678
internal torque, 266
International Bureau of Weights
and Standards, 3, 6–7
International System of Units,
2–3, 2t
interplanar spacing, 971
intrinsic angular momentum, 831,
inverse cosine, 39, 39
inverse sine, 39, 39
inverse tangent, 39, 39
inverse trigonometric functions,
39, 39
inverted images, 887, 888
ionization energy, 1072, 1073
ionized atoms, 1060
iron, 1088
Curie temperature, 840
ferromagnetic material, 835,
quantum corral, 1053, 1053
radius of nucleus, 538–539
resistivity, 655t
iron filings:
bar magnet’s effect on, 820, 820
current-carrying wire’s effect
on, 728
irreversible processes, 504,
irrotational flow, 342, 346
island of stability, 1130
isobars, 1130
isobaric processes summarized,
498, 498t
isochoric processes summarized,
498, 498t
isolated spherical capacitors, 625,
isolated system, 157–158
conservation of total energy,
linear momentum conservation,
isospin, 1211
isotherm, 475, 475
isothermal compression, 475, 511,
isothermal expansion, 475
Carnot engine, 511, 511
entropy change, 505–506, 506
isothermal processes, 498, 498t
isotopes, 1129
isotopic abundance, 1129n.a
isotropic materials, 655
isotropic point source, 858
isotropic sound source, 421
Josephson junction, 1034
joule (J), 126, 452
jump seat, 379
junctions, circuits, 679. See also
p-n junctions
junction diodes, 663
junction lasers, 1119, 1119
junction plane, 1116, 1116
junction rectifiers, 1117–1118,
junction rule, Kirchoff’s, 709
Jupiter, escape speed for, 315t
kaons, 984–985, 1181
and eightfold way, 1193t
and strangeness, 1192
kelvins, 443, 444, 446, 449
Kelvin temperature scale, 443,
444–445, 446
Kepler, Johannes, 317
Kepler’s first law (law of orbits),
317, 317
Kepler’s second law (law of
areas), 317, 317–318
Kepler’s third law (law of periods), 318, 317–319, 318t
kilogram, 6, 6–7
kilowatt-hour, 143
kinematics, 12
kinetic energy, 243t
in collisions, 200
and conservation of mechanical
energy, 157–160
and conservation of total
energy, 168–171
defined, 126
and momentum, 1001, 1002
in pion decay, 1188
and relativity, 1000–1001, 1001
of rolling, 253, 254–257
of rotation, 231–233, 232
sample problems involving,
126, 137–138, 237
satellites in orbit, 319–320, 320
simple harmonic motion, 363,
traveling wave on stretched
string, 390, 390–391
and work, 128, 130–131
yo-yo, 258
kinetic energy density, of fluids, 346
kinetic energy function, 161
kinetic frictional force, 106–107,
as nonconservative force, 152
rolling wheel, 255
kinetic theory of gases, 472–499
adiabatic expansion of ideal
gases, 494–498, 495
average speed of molecules,
and Avogadro’s number, 473
distribution of molecular
speeds, 483–486, 484
ideal gases, 473–477
mean free path, 481, 481–483
molar specific heat, 487–494
most probable speed of
­molecules, 485
pressure, temperature, and
RMS speed, 477–479
and quantum theory, 492,
RMS speed, 477–479, 479t
translational kinetic energy,
Kirchoff’s current law, 709
Kirchoff’s junction rule, 709
Kirchoff’s loop rule, 703
Kirchoff’s voltage law, 703
K shell, 1090, 1090
Kundt’s method, 439
lagging, in ac circuits, 801, 801t
lagging waves, 397
lambda particles, eightfold way
and, 1193t
lambda-zero particle, 1194
laminar flow, 342
Large Magellanic Cloud, 1142
lasers, 1092–1097
coherence, 928
helium–neon gas, 1095, 1095–
junction, 1119, 1119
operation, 1094, 1094–1097
radiation pressure, 861
surgery applications, 1093, 1093
laser fusion, 1174–1175
lasing, 1096
lateral magnification:
compound microscope, 903
spherical mirrors, 888
two-lens system, 898–901
lateral manipulation, using STM,
lattice, 292, 292, 1103, 1103
law of areas (Kepler’s second
law), 317, 317–318
law of Biot and Savart, 730–731,
737, 745
law of conservation of angular
momentum, 268, 268–272
law of conservation of electric
charge, 539–540
law of conservation of energy,
168–170, 170
law of conservation of linear
momentum, 197
law of orbits (Kepler’s first law),
317, 317
law of periods (Kepler’s third
law), 318, 318, 318t
laws of physics, 41
law of reflection, 867
law of refraction, 868, 916,
Lawson’s criteria, 1173,
LC oscillations, 784–791
and electrical–mechanical
a­nalogy, 787–788, 788t
qualitative aspects, 785,
quantitative aspects, 788–791
LC oscillators, 787–791, 787t
electrical–mechanical analogy,
quantitative treatment of,
radio wave creation, 850,
coefficient of linear expansion,
heats of transformation, 454t
specific heats, 453t
thermal conductivity, 463t
leading, in ac circuits, 801, 801t
leading waves, 397
LEDs (light-emitting diodes),
1118–1120, 1119
coherence, 1093
consequences of Lorentz
transformation equations,
length contraction, 986–988
proper, 986
relativity of, 985–988, 986,
rest, 986
of selected objects, 4t
units of, 3–4
in wavelengths of light, 939
lens, 894. See also thin lenses
converging, 894, 895, 896
diffraction by, 956
diverging, 894, 895, 896
magnifying, 902, 902–903
meniscus concave, 908
meniscus convex, 908
plane-concave, 908
plane-convex, 908
simple magnifying, 902,
symmetric, 896–897
thin-film interference of coating on, 936
lens maker’s equation, 895
Lenz’s law, 754, 754–757, 755, 767
leptons, 1184, 1189–1191, 1190t
conservation of lepton number,
formation in early universe,
lepton number, 1190–1191
compound nucleus, 1149
radionuclide, 1136–1137
subatomic particles, 983
lifting capacity, balloons, 502
light, 381, 850. See also diffraction; interference; photons;
reflection; refraction
absorption and emission by
atoms, 1073
coherent, 927, 1093
components of, 869–870
Doppler effect, 431
in early universe, 1205–1206
Huygens’ principle, 916,
incoherent, 927
law of reflection, 867
law of refraction, 868, 916,
monochromatic, 869, 871–872,
polarized light, 788, 862,
862–863, 864
as probability wave,
speed of, 381
travel through media of different indices of refraction,
918, 918
unpolarized light, 862, 862
visible, 850, 978
as wave, 915–920, 916
wave theory of, 915–920,
white, 869, 869–870, 870, 950
light-emitting diodes (LEDs),
1118–1120, 1119
light-gathering power refracting
telescope, 904
lightning, 528, 620
in creation of lodestones, 842
upward streamers, 582, 582
light quantum, 1010–1011
light wave, 853, 869–870
light-year, 10
diffraction gratings, 964–965
spectral, 1060
as unit, 8
linear charge density, 552–553,
linear density, of stretched string,
388, 389
linear expansion, 449, 449
linear momentum, 191–192, 268t
completely inelastic collisions
in one dimension, 201–203
conservation of, 197–199, 209
elastic collisions in one dimension, with moving target,
elastic collisions in one dimension, with stationary target,
elastic collisions in two dimensions, 207–208
at equilibrium, 281
and impulse of series of collisions, 194–195
and impulse of single collision,
inelastic collisions in one
dimension, 201, 201–203, 202
inelastic collisions in two
dimensions, 207–208
of photons, 1015, 1015–1018,
sample problems involving,
196, 198–199, 203, 206–207,
system of particles, 192
linear momentum-impulse theorem, 194
linear motion, 219
linear oscillator, 360, 360–362
linear simple harmonic oscillators,
360, 360–362
line integral, 599
line of action, of torque, 238, 238
lines of charge:
electric field due to, 552–557,
electric potential due to, 606,
lines of force, 545
line of symmetry, center of mass
of solid bodies with, 184
line shapes, diffraction grating,
liquefaction, of ground during
earthquakes, 7–8
compressibility, 294, 331
density of selected, 331t
as fluids, 330–331
heat absorption, 452–455
speed of sound in, 413t
thermal expansion, 448–450
liquid state, 453–454
Local Group, 302
Local Supercluster, 302
lodestones, 828, 842
longitudinal magnification, 912
longitudinal motion, 382
longitudinal waves, 382, 382
long jump, conservation of
angular momentum in,
270, 270
loop model, for electron orbits,
833, 833–834, 834
loop rule, 703, 709, 769, 769–770
Lorentz factor, 982–983, 983, 998
Lorentz transformation, 989–993
consequences of, 991–993
pairs of events, 990t
Loschmidt number, 501
loudness, 421
L shell, 1090, 1090
Lyman series, 1060, 1061, 1066
Mach cone, 435, 435
Mach cone angle, 435, 435
Mach number, 435
magic electron numbers, 1148
magnets, 528, 697–702, 698, 701,
applications, 697–698
bar, 700–701, 701, 720, 720t,
820, 820, 828, 828
electromagnets, 698, 698, 700t
north pole, 701, 701, 820
permanent, 698
magnetic dipoles, 701, 718–720,
719, 820, 820
magnetic dipole moment, 718–
720, 719, 1073, 1074, 1074.
See also orbital magnetic
dipole moment; spin magnetic dipole moment
of compass needle, 842
diamagnetic materials, 835–836
effective, 1077
ferromagnetic materials, 835,
paramagnetic materials, 835,
magnetic domains, 840–842, 841
magnetic energy, 773–774
magnetic energy density, 775–776
magnetic field, 697–721, 729–744.
See also Earth’s magnetic
Ampere’s law, 737, 737–741
circulating charged particle,
708–711, 709, 710
crossed fields and electrons,
702–704, 705
current-carrying coils as magnetic dipoles, 744–747
cyclotrons and synchrotrons,
712, 707–713
defined, 698–702, 699
dipole moment, 718–720
displacement current, 824–828,
due to current, 729–735
Earth, 828, 828–829
energy density of, 775–776
energy stored in, 773–774
external, 835–838
and Faraday’s law of induction,
force on current-carrying wires,
Gauss’ law for, 819–821, 754
Hall effect, 704, 704–707
induced, 821–824, 822
induced electric field from,
induced emf in, 756–757
and Lenz’ law, 754, 754–757,
parallel currents, 735–736, 736
producing, 698
rms of, 858–859
selected objects and situations,
solenoids and toroids, 741–744
torque on current loops,
716–718, 717
traveling electromagnetic
waves, 850–853, 851, 852
magnetic field lines, 700–701, 701,
magnetic flux, 752–753, 766, 820
magnetic force, 528, 699
circulating charged particle,
708–711, 709, 710
current-carrying wire, 714,
714–716, 735–736, 736
particle in magnetic field, 699,
magnetic materials, 819, 834–835
magnetic monopole, 698, 820
magnetic potential energy,
magnetic resonance, 1081–1082,
magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), 819, 819
magnetic wave component, of
electromagnetic waves,
851–852, 852
magnetism, 819–843. See also
Earth’s magnetic field
of atoms, 1073, 1073
diamagnetism, 835–836, 836
and displacement current,
of electrons, 830–835
ferromagnetism, 835, 839–842,
Gauss’ law for magnetic fields,
induced magnetic fields,
magnets, 828–830
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 829, 829
paramagnetism, 835, 837,
ferromagnetic materials, 840
paramagnetic materials, 837,
magnetization curves:
ferromagnetic materials, 840
hysteresis, 841, 841
paramagnetic materials, 838
magnetizing current, transformers, 812
magnetometers, 829
angular, 902–904
lateral, 888, 898–901, 903
magnifying lens, simple, 902,
of acceleration, in one-­
dimensional motion, 18
of acceleration, in two-and
motion, 59
of angular momentum,
of displacement in one-­
dimensional motion, 12–13
estimating order of, 4–5
of free-fall acceleration, 25
of vectors, 35–36, 36
of velocity, in one-dimensional
motion, 13
of velocity, in two-and threedimensional motion, 59
magnitude-angle notation (vectors), 37
magnitude ratio, traveling electromagnetic waves, 852
majority carriers, 1114, 1116,
mantle (Earth), 308,
mass, 243t
defined, 82–83
sample problems involving, 210
scalar nature of, 35, 83
of selected objects, 7t
units of, 6–8
and wave speed on stretched
string, 388
weight vs., 89
mass dampers, 363
mass energy, 998–999, 999t
mass excess, 1132
mass flow rate, 344
massless cord, 90, 90
massless-frictionless pulleys, 90,
91, 93, 93–94
massless spring, 136
mass number, 539–540, 1129,
mass spectrometer, 711, 711
antimatter, 1184t, 1184–1185
baryonic, 1204, 1207
dark, 1204, 1207, 1207
energy released by 1 kg, 1156t
magnetism of, see magnetism
nonbaryonic, 1207, 1207
nuclear, 1134
particle nature of, 1024,
1024–1025, 1025
wave nature of, 1022–1026
matter waves, 381, 1022–1035,
barrier tunneling by,
of electrons, 1022–1026, 1023,
1025, 1029, 1040
of electrons in finite wells,
1049–1051, 1050
energies of trapped electrons,
and Heisenberg uncertainty
principle, 1028–1030
hydrogen atom models,
reflection from a potential step,
Schrödinger’s equation for,
two-and three-dimensional
electron traps, 1051–1055
wave functions of trapped
­electrons, 1045–1049
matter wave interference, 1024
diffraction patterns, 947, 947
double-slit interference, 923,
923–925, 928–929
single-slit diffraction, 948–950,
953, 955
thin-film interference, 934
Maxwell, James Clerk, 484, 492,
528, 737, 822, 849–850, 86,
916, 1199
Maxwellian electromagnetism,
Maxwell’s equations, 819, 819t,
Maxwell’s law of induction, 822,
Maxwell’s rainbow, 849–850
Maxwell’s speed distribution law,
484, 484–486
mean free distance, 660
mean free path, of gases, 481,
mean free time, 660
mean life, radioactive decay, 1136,
measurement, 1–8
of angles, 39
conversion factors, 3
International System of Units,
of length, 3–4
of mass, 6–8
of pressure, 336, 336–337
sample problems involving,
4–5, 7–8
significant figures and decimal
places, 4
standards for, 1–2
of time, 5–6
mechanical energy:
conservation of, 157–160
and conservation of total
energy, 168
damped harmonic oscillator,
and electric potential energy,
satellites in orbit, 319–320, 320
simple harmonic motion,
362–363, 363
mechanical waves, 381. See also
medium, 853
megaphones, 947
melting point, 453, 453t
meniscus concave lens, 908
meniscus convex lens, 908
mercury barometer, 332,
336, 336
mercury thermometer, 448
mesons, 1184, 1191–1192
and eightfold way, 1193–1194,
and quark model, 1195–1197,
underlying structure suggested,
messenger particles, 1198–1200
coefficients of linear expansion,
density of occupied states,
1109–1110, 1110
density of states, 1107,
elastic properties of selected,
electrical properties,
lattice, 292, 292
occupancy probability, 1108,
resistivities of selected, 655t
speed of sound in, 413t
thermal conductivity of selected, 463t
unit cell, 1103
metallic conductors, 647, 663
effect-transistor (MOSFET),
1120, 1120–1121
metastable states, 1094
meter (m), 1–4
metric system, 2
Michelson’s interferometer,
938–939, 939
microfarad, 621
micron, 8
microscopes, 901, 903, 903
microscopic clocks, time dilation
tests, 983
microstates, in statistical mechanics, 519–520
microwaves, 381, 431, 563
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, magnetism,
829, 829
Milky Way galaxy, 302, 303
Millikan oil-drop experiment, 559,
millimeter of mercury (mm Hg),
miniature black holes, 326
circular aperture diffraction,
956, 956
diffraction patterns, 947, 947
double-slit interference, 923,
923, 924, 928–929
single-slit diffraction, 948–953,
thin-film interference, 935
minority carriers, 1114, 1117
mirage, 882, 882
mirrors, 883
in Michelson’s interferometer,
plane, 881–885, 883
spherical, 886, 886–892, 887,
904, 904–905
moderators, for nuclear reactors,
modulus of elasticity, 293
molar mass, 473
molar specific heat, 453, 487–494
at constant pressure, 489–490,
at constant volume, 488,
488–489, 488t, 490
and degrees of freedom,
491–493, 493t
of ideal gas, 487–491
and rotational/oscillatory
motion, 493, 493–494
of selected materials, 453t
molecular mass, 473
molecular speeds, Maxwell’s distribution of, 483–486, 484
molecules, 1072
moment arm, 238, 238
moment of inertia, 232
momentum, 191–192 See also
angular momentum; linear
center of momentum frame,
and kinetic energy, 1001, 1002
in pion decay, 1188
in proton decay, 1194
and relativity, 998
and uncertainty principle,
monatomic molecules, 487,
491–493, 492, 492t
monochromatic light, 869
lasers, 1093
reflection and refraction of,
monovalent atom, 1106
Moon, 302, 303
escape speed, 315t
radioactive dating of rocks,
more capacitive than inductive
circuit, 805
more inductive than capacitive
circuit, 805
Moseley plot, 1090, 1091–1092
MOSFET (metal-oxide-­
transistor), 1120, 1120–1121
most probable configuration, 520
most probable speed in fusion,
485, 1168, 1178
graphical integration, 27, 27–28
one-dimensional, see onedimensional motion
oscillatory and rotational, 493,
projectile, 61, 61–66
properties of, 12
relative in one dimension, 69,
relative in two dimensions, 71,
of system’s center of mass,
three-dimensional, see threedimensional motion
two-dimensional, see twodimensional motion
motorcycle, acceleration of, 23–24
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 819, 819
M shell, 1090, 1090
multiloop circuits, 709, 709–715,
current in, 709–710
resistances in parallel, 710,
multimeter, 716
multiplication factor, nuclear
reactors, 1164
multiplication of vectors, 44–49
multiplying a vector by a
scalar, 44
multiplying two vectors, 44–49
scalar product of, 45, 45–46
vector product of, 44, 46–49, 47
multiplicity, of configurations in
statistical mechanics, 519
muons, 983–984, 1181, 1189, 1189t
decay, 1187–1188
from proton–antiproton annihilation, 1186, 1186t
muon neutrinos, 1189, 1189t
musical sounds, 424–428, 425, 427
mutual induction, 776–778, 777
nanotechnology, 1041
National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), 6
natural angular frequency, 374,
nautical mile, 11
NAVSTAR satellites, 977
n channel, in MOSFET, 1120
near point, 902, 902
negative charge, 529, 529
negative charge carriers, 648, 651
negative direction, 12, 12
negative lift, in race cars, 116,
negative terminal, batteries, 621,
621–622, 701
negative work, 458
net current, 738, 743
net electric charge, 529
net electric field, 548–549
net electric flux, 571–572
net electric potential, 599
net force, 84, 534–536
net torque, 238, 266–267, 717
net wave, 394, 427
net work, 129, 512
neutral equilibrium (potential
energy curves), 163
neutralization, of charge, 529
neutral pion, 978
neutrinos, 1141
and beta decay, 1141, 1142
and conservation of lepton
number, 1190–1191
in fusion, 1171
as leptons, 1184
as nonbaryonic dark matter,
from proton–antiproton annihilation, 1186t
neutrons, 530, 1181
accelerator studies, 712
balance in nuclear reactors,
1163, 1163–1164
charge, 538, 538t
control in nuclear reactors,
1163, 1163–1166
discovery of, 1199
and eightfold way, 1193t
as fermions, 1182
formation in early universe,
as hadrons, 1184
magnetic dipole moment, 720
and mass number, 539–540
as matter wave, 1024
spin angular momentum, 831
thermal, 1157–1161, 1163
neutron capture, 1149
neutron diffraction, 1024
neutron excess, 1130
neutron number, 1129, 1129t
neutron rich fragments, 1158
newton (N), 81
Newton, Isaac, 80, 303, 317, 947
Newtonian form, of thin-lens formula, 908
Newtonian mechanics, 80, 1027,
Newtonian physics, 1041
newton per coulomb, 545
Newton’s first law, 80–83
Newton’s law of gravitation,
303–304, 317
Newton’s laws, 80, 93–98
Newton’s second law, 83–86
angular form, 263–264
and Bohr model of hydrogen,
for rotation, 239–241
sample problems involving,
85–86, 93–98, 190, 240–241
system of particles, 187–190,
in terms of momentum,
translational vs. rotational
forms, 243t, 268t
units in, 84t
Newton’s third law, 91–92
NIST (National Institute
of Standards and
Technology), 6
NMR (nuclear magnetic
resonance), 1081–1082
NMR spectrum, 1081–1082, 1082
noble gases, 1087, 1148
nodes, 401, 402, 403–404
nonbaryonic dark matter, 1204
nonbaryonic matter, 1207, 1207
nonconductors, 530
electric field near parallel,
Gauss’ law for, 583, 583
nonconservative forces, 152
noninertial frame, 82
nonlaminar flow, 342
nonpolar dielectrics, 637
nonpolar molecules, 605
nonquantized portion, of energylevel diagram, 1050, 1050
nonsteady flow, 342
nonuniform electric field, 546,
nonuniform magnetic field, 833,
834, 834
nonviscous flow, 342
normal (optics), 867, 867
normal force, 89, 89–90
normalizing, wave function,
normal vector, for a coil of current loop, 718
north magnetic pole, 828
north pole, magnets, 701, 701,
820, 820
n-type semiconductors, 1113,
1113–1114. See also p-n junctions
nuclear angular momentum, 1133
nuclear binding energy, 1132,
1132, 1132–1133, 1158, 1159
per nucleon, 1132, 1132, 1134,
selected nuclides, 1129t
nuclear energy, 1133, 1155–1175
fission, 1155–1162
in nuclear reactors, 1162–1167
thermonuclear fusion,
nuclear fission, 1133, 1155–1162,
nuclear force, 1133
nuclear fusion, see thermonuclear
nuclear magnetic moment, 1133
nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR), 1081–1082
nuclear physics, 1125–1133
alpha decay, 1138–1140
beta decay, 1141–1144
discovery of nucleus,
nuclear models, 1146–1149
nuclear properties, 1128–1136
radiation dosage, 1145–1146
radioactive dating, 1144–1145
radioactive decay, 1135–1138
nuclear power plant, 1164
nuclear radii, 1131
nuclear reactions, 999
nuclear reactors, 1162–1167
nuclear spin, 1133
nuclear weapons, 1133
nucleons, 1129, 1184
binding energy per, 1132, 1132,
1134, 1158
magic nucleon numbers, 1148
nucleus, 530
discovery of, 1125–1128
models, 1146–1149, 1147
mutual electric repulsion in,
properties of, 1128–1136
radioactive decay, 539–540,
nuclides, 1128, 1128t. See also
radioactive decay
halo, 1131
magic nucleon numbers, 1148
organizing, 1129–1130, 1130
transuranic, 1165
valley of, 1143, 1143
nuclidic chart, 1129–1130, 1130,
1142–1143, 1143
number density:
of charge carriers, 705–706,
706t, 1112
of conduction electrons, 1106
charged objects, 545
electrically isolated, 529
electrically neutral, 529
extended, 883, 883–884, 897,
object distance, 883
compound microscope, 903, 903
refracting telescope, 904, 904
occupancy probability, 1108,
occupied levels, 1083
occupied state density, 1109–1110,
ohm (unit), 654, 655
ohmic losses, 811
ohmmeter, 655
ohm-meter, 655
Ohm’s law, 657–660, 658, 659
oil slick, interference patterns
from, 932
one-dimensional elastic collisions,
204, 204–207
one-dimensional electron traps:
infinite potential well, 1042
multiple electrons in, 1083
single electron, 1041–1053
one-dimensional explosions, 198,
one-dimensional inelastic collisions, 201, 201–203, 202
one-dimensional motion, 11–29
acceleration, 18–28
average velocity and speed,
constant acceleration, 21–25
defined, 11
free-fall acceleration, 25–26
graphical integration for, 27–28
instantaneous acceleration,
instantaneous velocity and
speed, 16–17
position and displacement,
properties of, 12
relative, 69, 69–70
sample problems involving,
15–17, 20, 23–24, 26, 28, 70
Schrödinger’s equation for,
one-dimensional variable force,
138–139, 139
one-half rule, for intensity of
transmitted polarized light,
one-way processes, 504
open ends (sound waves), 425–427
open-tube manometer, 336,
optics, 849
optical fibers, 873, 1093, 1119
optical instruments, 901–907
optical interference, 915. See also
circular vs. elliptical, 321–322
eccentricity of, 317, 318t, 319–320
law of, 317, 317
sample problems involving,
of satellites, 319–321, 320
semimajor axis of, 317, 317
orbital angular momentum, 832,
833, 1074–1076, 1075, 1075t
orbital energy, 1058–1059
orbital magnetic dipole moment,
832, 1075–1076
diamagnetic materials, 835–836
ferromagnetic materials, 835
paramagnetic materials, 837
orbital magnetic quantum number, 832–833, 1062, 1062t,
orbital quantum number, 1062,
1062t, 1075t, 1104
orbital radius, 1057–1058
order numbers, diffraction
­gratings, 964
order of magnitude, 4–5
organizing tables, for images in
mirrors, 889, 889t
orienteering, 38
origin, 12
oscillation(s), 354–375. See also
electromagnetic oscillations;
simple harmonic motion
of angular simple harmonic
oscillator, 364, 364–365
damped, 371–372, 372
damped simple harmonic
motion, 371–373
energy in simple harmonic
motion, 362–364
forced, 373–374, 374
free, 373–374
and molar specific heat, 493,
of pendulums, 365–369
simple harmonic motion,
simple harmonic motion and
uniform circular motion,
oscillation mode, 403–404
out of phase:
ac circuits, 801t
capacitive load, 798–799
inductive load, 800
sound waves, 418
thin-film interference, 934
waves, 395
overpressure, 337
oxygen, 492
distribution of molecular
speeds at 300 K, 484
heats of transformation, 454t
molar specific heat and degrees
of freedom, 492t
molar specific heat at constant
volume, 488t
paramagnetism of liquid, 837
RMS speed at room temperature, 479t
pair production, 540
pancake collapse, of tall building, 214
parallel-axis theorem, for calculating rotational inertia,
233–235, 234
parallel circuits:
capacitors, 627, 627, 629–630,
resistors, 680, 680–685, 681t
summary of relations, 681t
parallel components, of unpolarized light, 874
parallel currents, magnetic field
between two, 732–733, 733
parallel-plate capacitors, 621, 621
capacitance, 623–624
with dielectrics, 636–637, 637,
displacement current, 825,
energy density, 633
induced magnetic field, 821–824
paramagnetic material, 835
paramagnetism, 835, 837, 837–839
parent nucleus, 540
partial derivatives, 416, 854
partially occupied levels, 1083
partially polarized light, 788, 862
particles, 12, 538. See also specific
types, e.g.: alpha particles
particle accelerators, 712–713,
1180–1181, 1182
particle–antiparticle annihilation,
particle detectors, 1181, 1182
particle nature of matter, 1024,
1024–1025, 1025
particle systems. See also collisions
angular momentum, 266–267
center of mass, 181–186, 182,
electric potential energy of,
610–612, 611
linear momentum, 192
Newton’s second law for,
187–190, 188
pascal (Pa), 332, 412, 861
Pascal’s principle, 337, 337–338
Paschen series, 1060, 1061
patch elements, 571
path-dependent quantities, 458
path-independent quantities, 595
conservative forces, 152–154,
gravitational potential energy,
path length difference:
double-slit interference, 923,
923–924, 929–931
and index of refraction, 919
single-slit diffraction, 948,
948–949, 949, 951
sound waves, 418
thin-film interference, 933–934
Pauli exclusion principle, 1082
and bosons, 1183
and energy levels in crystalline
solids, 1104
and fermions, 1183
and Fermi speed, 1105–1106
nucleons, 1147–1148
and periodic table, 1087
pendulum(s), 365–369
as angular simple harmonic
oscillator, 364, 364–365
ballistic, 203, 203
bob of, 366
conical, 120
conservation of mechanical
energy, 158, 158–159
physical, 367, 367–369, 368
simple, 366, 366–367
torsion, 364, 364
underwater swinging (damped),
perfect engines, 513, 513
perfect refrigerators, 516, 516
perihelion distance, 319
law of, 318, 318, 318t
of revolution, 67
simple harmonic motion, 355,
358, 359
sound waves, 415
waves, 384, 384
periodic motion, 355
periodic table, 1010, 1073
building, 1086–1088
x rays and ordering of elements, 1088–1092
permanent electric dipole
moment, 605
permanent magnets, 698
permeability constant, 727
permittivity constant, 532–533
perpendicular components, of
unpolarized light, 874
simple harmonic motion, 357,
waves, 383, 383
phase angle:
alternating current, 801t
simple harmonic motion,
357, 358
phase change, 453–454
phase constant:
alternating current, 801t, 807
series RLC circuits, 804–805,
805, 807
simple harmonic motion, 357,
waves, 384, 384–385
phase difference:
double-slit interference, 923,
Michelson’s interferometer, 939
optical interference, 918–920
and resulting interference type,
single-slit diffraction, 951
sound waves, 418
thin-film interference, 934
waves, 395–396
phase shifts, reflection, 933, 933
phase-shifted sound waves, 419
phase-shifted waves, 395–396
phasors, 398–400, 399
capacitive load, 798, 798–799
double-slit interference,
inductive load, 800
resistive load, 796–797
series RLC circuits, 805
single-slit diffraction, 951–955,
952, 954
phasor diagram, 398–399
phosphorus, doping silicon with,
photodiode, 1119
photoelectric current, 1012
photoelectric effect, 925,
photoelectric equation,
photoelectrons, 1012
photomultiplier tube, 1020
photons, 1009–1011
as bosons, 1183
in early universe, 1205
gamma-ray, 1170, 1184
and light as probability wave,
momentum, 1015, 1015–1018,
and photoelectric effect,
as quantum of light, 1009–1011
in quantum physics, 1020–1022
virtual, 1199
photon absorption, 1010, 1011,
absorption lines, 1060, 1061
energy changes in hydrogen
atom, 1059
energy for electrons from,
lasers, 1094
photon emission, 1010, 1073
emission lines, 1060, 1061
energy changes in hydrogen
atom, 1059
energy from electrons for, 1044
lasers, 1094, 1094–1095
stimulated emission, 1094, 1095
physics, laws of, 41
physical pendulum, 367–369, 368
picofarad, 621
piezoelectricity, 1034
pinhole diffraction, 947
pions, 978, 1181
decay, 1187, 1188
and eightfold way, 1193t
as hadrons, 1184
as mesons, 1184
from proton–antiproton
­annihilation, 1185–1189, 1186t
reaction with protons,
pipes, resonance between,
pitch, 331
planar symmetry, Gauss’ law, 583,
583–585, 584
planar waves, 412
Planck, Max, 1021–1022
Planck constant, 1010
plane-concave lens, 908
plane-convex lens, 908
plane mirrors, 881–885, 883
plane of incidence, 867
plane of oscillation, polarized
light, 862, 862
plane of symmetry, center of mass
of solid bodies with, 184
plane-polarized waves, 861–862
plane waves, 850
electric field of plastic rod,
as insulators, 530
plates, capacitor, 621, 621–622
plate tectonics, 11
plum pudding model, of atom,
p-n junctions, 1116, 1116–1120
junction lasers, 1119, 1119
junction rectifiers, 1117–1118,
light-emitting diodes (LEDs),
1118–1120, 1119
pn junction diode, 658, 663
point charges. See also charged
Coulomb’s law, 531, 531–537
in electric field, 547–549,
electric potential due to, 601,
601–602, 602
pointillism, 957–958
point image, 883–884
point of symmetry, center of mass
of solid bodies with, 184
point source, 412
isotropic, 421, 858
light, 858, 883
polar dielectrics, 636–637
of applied potential difference,
of Earth’s magnetic field,
reversals in, 828, 829
polarization, 788, 861–866, 862,
intensity of transmitted
­polarized light, 863–866
and polarized light, 862,
by reflection, 873–874, 874
polarized light, 788, 862, 862–865,
polarized waves, 788, 861–866, 862
polarizer, 864
polarizing direction, 862–863, 863
polarizing sheets, 788, 864,
polarizing sunglasses, 874
polar molecules, 605
Polaroid filters, 862
pole faces, horseshoe
magnet, 701
polyatomic gases, 488
polyatomic molecules, 489
degrees of freedom, 491–493,
492, 492t
molar specific heats at constant
volume, 488t
polycrystalline solids, 841
population inversion, in lasers,
1095–1097, 1119
porcelain, dielectric properties,
position, 243t
one-dimensional motion, 12,
12–13, 13
reference particle, 370
relating linear to angular, 229
simple harmonic motion, 358
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 54, 54–55, 55
uncertainty of particle,
position vector, 54, 54
positive charge, 529, 637
positive charge carriers, 648
drift speed, 651
emf devices, 671
positive direction, 12, 12
positive ions, 530
positive kaons, 984–985
positive terminal, batteries, 621,
621–622, 671
antihydrogen, 1184
bubble chamber tracks, 540,
electron–positron annihilation,
540, 540, 1184
in fusion, 1168–1169
potassium, radioactivity of, 1138
potential, see electric potential
potential barrier, 1032–1035, 1033,
1139–1140, 1160
potential difference, 677
across moving conductors,
across real battery, 676–678
for capacitive load, 799
capacitors, 622–626, 623
capacitors in parallel, 627, 627,
capacitors in series, 627–630,
Hall, 705
for inductive load, 801
LC oscillations, 785
and Ohm’s law, 657–658
for resistive load, 797
resistors in parallel, 680–685
resistors in series, 674, 674–675,
RL circuits, 768–772, 769
single-loop circuits, 672,
between two points in circuit,
675, 675–678, 677
potential energy, 150–156
and conservation of mechanical
energy, 157, 157–160, 158
and conservation of total energy, 168–169
defined, 150
determining, 154–156
electric, 593, 593–596, 596,
610–612, 611
of electric dipoles, 562
in electric field, 596, 633
magnetic, 773–774
sample problems involving,
154, 156, 163–164, 167
satellites in orbit, 319–320, 320
simple harmonic motion,
362–363, 363
and work, 151, 151–154, 152
yo-yo, 257–258
potential energy barrier,
1032–1035, 1033
potential energy curves, 160–164,
potential energy function,
161–163, 162
potential energy step, reflection
from, 1030–1032, 1031
potential method, of calculating
current in single-loop circuits, 672–673
potential well, 163
potentiometer, 635
pounds per square inch
(psi), 332
power, 142–144, 143, 170–171,
in alternating-current circuits,
average, 142
defined, 142
in direct-current circuits,
of electric current, 661–662
and emf in circuits, 677
radiated, 1022
resolving, 904, 904, 967–969,
in RLC circuit, 810, 814
in rotation, 243
sample problem involving, 144
traveling wave on stretched
string, 390, 390–391
power factor, 808, 810
power lines, transformers for, 811
power transmission systems, 646,
Poynting vector, 856–859, 858
precession, of gyroscope, 273,
precession rate, of gyroscope, 274
prefixes, for SI units, 2t
fluids, 331–332
and ideal gas law, 473–477
measuring, 336, 336–337
radiation, 859–861
and RMS speed of ideal gas,
scalar nature of, 35
as state property, 505
triple point of water, 444
work done by ideal gas at constant, 476
pressure amplitude (sound
waves), 415, 416
pressure field, 545
pressure sensor, 331
pressurized-water nuclear reactor,
1164, 1164
primary coil, transformer, 812
primary loop, pressurized-water
reactor, 1164, 1164–1165
primary rainbows, 870, 876, 920,
primary winding, transformer, 812
principal quantum number, 1062,
1062t, 1075t, 1104
principle of conservation of
mechanical energy, 158
principle of energy conservation,
principle of equivalence, 322–323
principle of superposition, 81, 533
for gravitation, 305–307
for waves, 394, 394
prisms, 870, 870
probability, entropy and, 521–522
probability density, 1027–1028
barrier tunneling, 1033
finding, 1028
trapped electrons, 1046,
probability distribution function,
probability of detection:
hydrogen electron, 1063, 1066
trapped electrons, 1046–1048
probability wave:
light as, 1018–1020
matter wave as, 1023
defined, 61
dropped from airplane, 65
elastic collisions in one dimension, with moving target,
elastic collisions in one dimension, with stationary target,
inelastic collisions in one
dimension, 201
launched from water slide, 66
series of collisions, 195
single collision, 193–194
projectile motion, 61, 61–66
effects of air on, 64, 64
trajectory of, 64, 64
vertical and horizontal components of, 61–64, 62–64
proper frequency, 995
proper length, 986
proper period, 997
proper time, 982
proper wavelength, 995
protons, 530, 1181
accelerator studies, 712
and atomic number, 539
as baryons, 1184
charge, 538, 538t
decay of, 1194
in equilibrium, 536
as fermions, 1182
formation in early universe,
in fusion, 1168–1175
as hadrons, 1184
magnetic dipole moment, 720,
mass energy, 999t
and mass number, 539–540
as matter wave, 1024, 1041
reaction with pions, 1188–1189
spin angular momentum, 831
ultrarelativistic, 1002–1003
proton number, 1129, 1129t
proton-proton (p-p) cycle, 1170,
proton synchrotrons, 713
p subshells, 1087
p-type semiconductors, 1114, 1114
pulleys, massless-frictionless, 90,
91, 93, 93–94
pulse, wave, 381, 382
QCD (quantum chromodynamics), 1200
QED (quantum electrodynamics),
832, 1198
quadrupole moment, 568
quanta, 1010
quantization, 542, 1010, 1041
electric charge, 537–539
energy of trapped electrons,
orbital angular momentum, 832
of orbital energy, 1058–1059
spin angular momentum, 831
quantum, 1010
quantum chromodynamics
(QCD), 1200
quantum corrals, 1053, 1053
quantum dots, 1041, 1052, 1052–
quantum electrodynamics (QED),
832, 1198
quantum jump, 1043
quantum mechanics, 80, 1010
quantum numbers, 1042, 1075t
charge, 1187
conservation of, 1194–1195
for hydrogen, 1060–1062
orbital, 1062, 1062t, 1075t, 1104
orbital magnetic, 832–833,
1062, 1062t, 1075t
and Pauli exclusion principle,
and periodic table, 1086–1088
principal, 1062, 1062t, 1075t,
spin, 1075t, 1077, 1181–1182
spin magnetic, 831, 1075t, 1076,
quantum physics. See also electron traps; Pauli exclusion principle; photons;
Schrödinger’s equation
barrier tunneling, 1032–1035,
and basic properties of atoms,
confinement principle, 1041
correspondence principle, 1047
defined, 1010
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 1028, 1028–1030
hydrogen wave function,
matter waves, 1041
nucleus, 1125
occupancy probability, 1108,
particles, 1181
photons in, 1020–1022
and solid-state electronic
devices, 1103
quantum states, 1041, 1073
degenerate, 1054
density of, 1107, 1107–1108
density of occupied, 1109–1110,
hydrogen with n = 2, 1064,
quantum theory, 492–494, 1010,
quantum transition, 1043
quantum tunneling, 1032–1035,
quarks, 712, 1195–1198, 1196,
charge, 538
formation in early universe,
quark family, 1196t
quark flavors, 1196, 1199–1200
quasars, 324, 1202
quicksand, 350
Q value, 1000, 1140, 1143–1144,
1162, 1170–1171
R-value, 462–463
race cars:
collision with wall, 196, 196
fuel dispenser fires, 690, 690
negative lift in Grand Prix cars,
116, 116–117
rad (unit), 1145–1146
radar waves, 381
radial component:
of linear acceleration, 230
of torque, 238
radial probability density, 1063,
radians, 39, 220
radiated power, 1022
radiated waves, 850
in cancer therapy, 1125
cosmic background, 1203–1204,
1206, 1207
dose equivalent, 1146
electromagnetic, 850
reflected, 860
short wave, 850
ultraviolet, 828
radiation dosage, 1145–1146
radiation heat transfer, 464–466
radiation pressure, 859–861
radioactive dating, 1144,
radioactive decay, 539–540,
1135–1138, 1181–1182
alpha decay, 1138–1140, 1139
beta decay, 1141–1144, 1142,
muons, 983
and nuclidic chart, 1142–1143,
process, 1135–1137
radioactive elements, 1126
radioactive wastes, 1164, 1165
radioactivity, of potassium, 1138
radionuclides, 1129
radio waves, 381, 431, 850
radius of curvature:
spherical mirrors, 886, 886–887,
spherical refracting surfaces,
891–892, 892
radon, 1125
rail gun, 733, 733
rainbows, 870, 870–871
Maxwell’s, 849–850
and optical interference, 919–
920, 920
primary, 870, 876, 920, 920
secondary, 870, 870, 876, 920
tertiary, 876
ramp, rolling down, 255, 255–256
randomly polarized light, 862, 862
range, in projectile motion, 64, 64
rare earth elements, 835, 1091
rattlesnake, thermal radiation
sensors, 465
rays, 412, 412
incident, 867, 867
locating direct images with,
889, 889–890
locating indirect object images
with, 897, 897
reflected, 867, 867
refracted, 867, 867
ray diagrams, 889, 889–890
Rayleigh’s criterion, 956, 956–959
RBE (relative biology effectiveness factor), 1146
RC circuits, 686–690, 687
capacitor charging, 687,
capacitor discharging, 687,
real batteries, 671, 671, 675,
real emf devices, 671, 671
real engines, efficiency of, 513,
real fluids, 342
real focal point, 887, 887
real images, 882
spherical mirrors, 888
spherical refracting surfaces,
891–892, 892
thin lenses, 896, 896
real solenoids, 739
recessional speed, of universe,
rechargeable batteries, 671–672
recharging batteries, 677
red giant, 1171
red shift, 995, 1212–1213
reference circle, 370
reference configuration, for
potential energy, 155
reference frames, 69–70
noninertial, 82
reference line, 219, 219
reference particle, 370
reference point, for potential
energy, 155
reflected light, 867
reflected radiation, 860
reflected ray, 867, 867
reflecting planes, 970, 970–971
reflection, 866–874, 867
law of, 867
polarization by, 873–874, 874
from potential energy step,
1030–1032, 1031
from a potential step,
of standing waves at boundary,
402–403, 403
total internal, 872–873, 873
reflection coefficient, 1032
reflection phase shifts, 933, 933
reflectors, corner, 911
refracted light, 867
refracted ray, 867, 867
refracting telescope, 903–904, 904
refraction, 866–872, 867. See also
index of refraction
angle of, 867, 867
and chromatic dispersion, 869,
law of, 868, 916, 916–920
refrigerators, 515–518, 516
relative biology effectiveness
(RBE) factor, 1146
relative motion:
in one dimension, 69, 69–70
in two dimensions, 71, 71–72
relative speed, 209
relativistic particles, 984–985
relativity, 976–1004, 1009, 1180
Doppler effect for light,
994–997, 996
and energy, 998–1003
general theory of, 322–324, 977,
of length, 985–988, 986,
Lorentz transformation,
measuring events, 978–979, 979
and momentum, 998
postulates, 977–978
simultaneity of, 980, 980–981,
special theory of, 80, 853, 977
of time, 981, 981–985, 991
of velocities, 993, 993–994
relaxed state, of spring, 135,
released energy, from fusion reaction, 1000
rem (unit), 1146
repulsion, in nucleus, 538–539
repulsive force, 528
resistance, 653–664
alternating current, 801t
Ohm’s law, 657–660, 658
parallel circuits, 680, 680–685
and power in electric current,
RC circuits, 686–690
and resistivity, 653–657, 655
RLC circuits, 791–793, 802–807
RL circuits, 768–772
in semiconductors, 663–664
series circuits, 674, 674–675,
superconductors, 664
resistance rule, 673
resistivity, 655, 1103
calculating resistance from, 655,
Ohm’s law, 657–660
selected materials at room temperature, 655t
semiconductors, 1112
silicon vs. copper, 663–664,
663t, 1103t
resistors, 654, 654–655
with ac generator, 795, 795–797
in multiloop circuits, 679–685,
680, 683
Ohm’s law, 657–660, 658
in parallel, 680, 680–685
phase and amplitude in ac
­circuits, 801t
power dissipation in ac circuits,
and power in circuits, 661–662
RC circuits, 686–690, 687
RLC circuits, 803
RL circuits, 768–772, 769
in series, 674, 674–675, 803
single-loop circuits, 672,
work, energy, and emf, 671,
resolvability, 956, 956–958
resolving power:
diffraction grating, 967–969,
refracting telescope, 904, 904
resolving vectors, 37
forced oscillations, 374
magnetic, 1081–1082, 1082
magnetic resonance imaging,
819, 819
nuclear magnetic, 1081–1082
between pipes, 427–428
series RLC circuits, 805–807,
and standing waves, 403,
403–406, 404
resonance capture, of neutrons in
nuclear reactors, 1163
resonance condition cyclotrons,
resonance curves, series RLC circuits, 806, 806–807
resonance peak, 374, 1082
resonant frequencies, 403, 403–
404, 425, 426
response time, nuclear reactor
control rods, 1164
rest, fluids at, 332–335, 333
rest energy, 999
rest frame, 983
rest length, 986
restoring torque, 366–367
resultant, of vector addition, 35
resultant force, 84
resultant torque, 238
resultant wave, 394, 394
reverse saturation current, junction rectifiers, 1123
reversible processes, 505–508
right-handed coordinate system,
40, 40
right-hand rule, 224–225, 225
Ampere’s law, 733, 735
angular quantities, 224–225, 225
displacement current, 825
induced current, 754, 755
Lenz’s law, 754, 754
magnetic dipole moment, 719,
magnetic field due to current,
728, 728
magnetic force, 699, 699–700
magnetism, 733
vector products, 46, 47, 48, 732
rigid bodies:
angular momentum of rotation about fixed axis, 267,
defined, 219
elasticity of real, 292–293
ring charge distributions, 552–554,
553, 556
Ritz combination principle, 1070
RLC circuits, 791–793, 792
resonance curves, 806, 806–807
series, 802–807, 803
transient current series, 804
RL circuits, 768–772, 769, 770
RMS, see root-mean-square
RMS current:
in ac circuits, 808–809
in transformers, 814
rock climbing:
crimp hold, 297, 297
energy conservation in descent
using rings, 169, 169
energy expended against
gravitational force climbing
Mount Everest, 174
friction coefficients between
shoes and rock, 107
rockets, 208–210, 209
roller coasters, maximum
­acceleration of, 19
rolling, 251–258
down ramp, 255, 255–257
forces of, 255, 255–257
friction during, 255, 255
kinetic energy of, 253, 254–257
as pure rotation, 252, 252–253
sample problem involving, 257
as translation and rotation
combined, 251–253, 253
yo-yo, 257–258, 258
room temperature, 443
root-mean-square (RMS):
and distribution of molecular
speeds, 485
of electric/magnetic fields,
for selected substances, 479t
speed, of ideal gas, 477–479,
rotation, 217–246
angular momentum of rigid
body rotating about fixed
axis, 267, 267–268
conservation of angular
momentum, 269, 269–271,
270, 271
constant angular acceleration,
kinetic energy of, 231–233, 232
and molar specific heat, 493,
Newton’s second law for,
relating linear and angular variables, 228–231, 229
in rolling, 251–253, 252
sample problems involving,
222–224, 227–228, 230–231,
235–237, 240–241, 244
rotational equilibrium, 282
rotational inertia, 232–237, 243t
rotational kinetic energy, 231–232
of rolling, 255
and work, 242–244
yo-yo, 257–258
rotational symmetry, 546, 547
rotational variables, 219–225, 268t
rotation axis, 219, 219
Rotor (amusement park ride),
Rowland ring, 840, 840
rubber band, entropy change on
stretching, 509–510
rulers, 2
rulings, diffraction grating, 963
Rutherford, Ernest, 1125–1126
Rutherford scattering, 1127–1128
Rydberg constant, 1059
Sagittarius A*, 303
energy of, in orbit, 319–321
gravitational potential energy,
Kepler’s laws, 316–319
orbits and energy, 320
multiplying vectors by, 44
vectors vs., 34–35
scalar components, 40
scalar fields, 545
scalar product, 45, 45–46
scanning tunneling microscope
(STM), 1034, 1034, 1053,
Compton, 1015, 1015–1018,
of polarized light, 864
Rutherford, 1127–1128
x rays, 970, 970
schematic diagrams, 621
Schrödinger’s equation,
for electron in finite well, 1049
for electron in infinite well,
for electron in rectangular box,
for electron in rectangular corral, 1054
and hydrogen, 1059–1066
for hydrogen ground state,
1062–1064, 1063
for multicomponent atoms,
probability density from, 1028
scientific notation, 2–3
Scoville heat unit, 10
screen, in Young’s experiment,
seat of emf, 670
secondary coil, transformer, 812
secondary loop, pressurized water
reactor, 1164, 1165
secondary maxima, diffraction
patterns, 947, 947
secondary rainbows, 870, 870,
876, 920
secondary standards, 3
secondary winding, transformer,
second law of thermodynamics,
second minima:
and interference patterns, 925
for single-slit diffraction, 949,
second-order bright fringes,
second-order dark fringes, 925
second-order line, 964
second side maxima, interference
patterns of, 924–925
secular equilibrium, 1153
seismic waves, 381, 439
self-induced emf, 767, 767
self-induction, 767, 767–768, 776
semi-classical angle, 1075
semiconducting devices, 663
semiconductors, 530, 1111–1115.
See also p-n junctions; transistors
doped, 1113, 1113–1115
electrical properties, 1112, 1112
LEDs, 1118–1120, 1119
nanocrystallites, 1052, 1052
n-type, 1113, 1113–1114.
See also p-n junctions
p-type, 1114, 1114
resistance in, 663–664
resistivities of, 655t
unit cell, 1103
semimajor axis, of orbits, 317,
317, 318t
series, of spectral lines, 1060
series circuits:
capacitors, 627–630, 628, 681t
RC, 686–690, 687
resistors, 674, 674–675, 681t
RLC, 792, 802–807, 803
summary of relations, 681t
series limit, 1060, 1061
shake (unit), 8
shearing stress, 293, 293
shear modulus, 294
shells, 1065, 1077
and characteristic x-ray spectrum, 1089–1090
and electrostatic force, 533
and energy levels in crystalline
solids, 1104
and periodic table, 1086–1088
shell theorem, 304
SHM, see simple harmonicmotion
shock waves, 435, 435
shortwave radiation, 850
side maxima:
diffraction patterns, 947, 947
interference patterns, 924–925
sievert (unit), 1146
sigma particles, 1181, 1192, 1193t
acceleration, 19–20
displacement, 12–1161
heat, 451
velocity, 19–20, 27
work, 129
significant figures, 4
doping of, 1115
electric properties of copper
vs., 663–664, 663t, 1103t,
in MOSFETs, 1120
properties of n-vs. p-doped,
resistivity of, 655t
as semiconductor, 530, 663–664,
unit cell, 1103, 1103
silk, rubbing glass rod with, 528,
528, 539
simple harmonic motion (SHM),
354–375, 356, 358
acceleration, 359, 359, 361
angular, 364, 364–365
damped, 371, 371–373, 372
energy in, 362–364, 363
force law for, 360
freeze-frames of, 355–357, 356
pendulums, 365–369, 366, 367
quantities for, 357, 357–358
sample problems involving,
361–365, 368–369, 373
and uniform circular motion,
369–370, 369–370
velocity, 358, 358–359,
359, 362
waves produced by, 381–382
simple harmonic oscillators:
angular, 364, 364–365
linear, 360, 360–362
simple magnifying lens, 902,
simple pendulum, 366, 366–367
and Lorentz transformation
equations, 991
relativity of, 980, 980–981
sine, 39, 39
single-component forces, 81
single-loop circuits, 669–678, 795
charges in, 670
current in, 672, 672–673
internal resistance, 674, 674
potential difference between
two points, 675, 675–678, 677
with resistances in series, 674,
work, energy, and emf, 671,
single-slit diffraction, 946–955
intensity in, 951–955, 952, 954
minima for, 948, 948–950, 949
and wave theory of light,
Young’s interference
­experiment, 921–922, 923
sinusoidal waves, 382–384, 383,
siphons, 351
Sirius B, escape speed for, 315t
SI units, 2–3
skateboarding, motion
analyzed, 64
slab (rotational inertia), 234t
sliding block, 93, 93–94
sliding friction, 106, 107
slope, of line, 1161–14, 14
Snell’s law, 868, 916–917
soap bubbles, interference patterns from, 932, 935, 935
sodium, 1087
sodium chloride, 1088
index of refraction, 868t
x-ray diffraction, 970, 970
sodium doublet, 1099
sodium vapor lamp, 1011
soft reflection, of traveling waves
at boundary, 403
solar system, 1207
solenoids, 738–741, 739
induced emf, 753–754
inductance, 766
magnetic energy density, 775
magnetic field, 738–741, 739
real, 739
compressibility, 295
crystalline, 1102–1111, 1103,
elasticity and dimensions of,
293, 293
heat absorption, 452–455
polycrystalline, 841
specific heats of selected, 453t
speed of sound in, 413t
thermal conductivity of selected, 463t
thermal expansion, 448–450,
solid bodies:
center of mass, 183–186
Newton’s second law, 188
solid state, 453
solid-state electronic devices, 1103
sonar, 412
sonic boom, 435
sound intensity, 420–424, 421
sound levels, 420–424, 422t
sound waves, 381–382, 411–436
beats, 428–430, 429
defined, 411–412
Doppler effect, 430–434
intensity and sound level,
420–424, 421, 422t
interference, 417–420, 418
sample problems involving,
417, 419–420, 423–424,
427–428, 430, 434
sources of musical, 424–428,
425, 427
speed of, 412–414, 413t
supersonic speed, 435,
traveling waves, 414–417, 415
south pole, magnet’s, 701, 701,
820, 820
space charge, 1116
space curvature, 323, 323–324
spacetime, 323, 1009, 1205
spacetime coordinates, 978–979
spark, see electric spark
special theory of relativity,
80, 853, 977
specific heat, 452–453, 453t.
See also molar specific heat
speckle, 927
spectral radiancy, 1021–1022
spectroscope, grating, 965,
spectrum, 1060
average in one-dimensional
motion, 14
drift, 650, 650–651, 653,
704–707, 705
escape, 611, 616
Fermi, 1105–1106
most probable, 1168, 1178
one-dimensional motion, 16
recessional, of universe, 1203
relating linear to angular, 229
relative, 209
in rolling, 252–253, 253
waves, see wave speed
speed amplifier, 212
speed deamplifier, 212
speed of light, 381, 853, 977–978
speed of light postulate, 977–978
speed of sound, 412–414
and RMS speed in gas, 479
in various media, 413t
speed parameter, in time dilation,
982–983, 983
spherical aberrations, 904
spherical capacitors, 625, 633
spherical conductors, Coulomb’s
law for, 533–537
spherically symmetric charge distribution, 585–587, 586, 602
spherical mirrors, 886, 887
focal points, 886–887, 887
images from, 885–891, 886, 887,
904, 904–905
spherical refracting surfaces,
891–893, 892, 905, 905
spherical shell:
Coulomb’s law for, 533–537
electric field and enclosed
charge, 580
rotational inertia of, 234t
spherical symmetry, Gauss’ law,
585–587, 586
spherical waves, 412
spin, 1075t, 1182–1183
electron, 1182–1183, 1183
isospin, 1211
nuclear, 1133
nuclides, 1129t, 1133
spin angular momentum, 831–832,
1075t, 1076, 1077
spin-down electron state, 831,
1076, 1081, 1081
spin-flipping, 1081, 1082
spin magnetic dipole moment,
831–832, 832, 1077, 1077
diamagnetic materials, 835
ferromagnetic materials, 835
paramagnetic materials,
835, 837
spin magnetic quantum
number, 831, 1075t, 1076,
spin quantum number, 1075t,
1077, 1181–1182
spin-up electron state, 831, 1076,
1081, 1081
spontaneous emission, 1094,
spring constant, 135
spring force, 135–137
as conservative force, 152, 152
work done by, 135, 135–138
spring scale, 88, 88–89
sprites, 551, 551–552
s subshells, 1087
stable equilibrium potential
­energy curves, 163
stable static equilibrium, 281,
281–282, 282
stainless steel, thermal
­conductivity of, 463t
standards, 1–2
standard kilogram, 6, 6–7
standard meter bar, 3
Standard Model, of elementary
particles, 1182
standing waves, 401–406, 402, 403,
reflections at boundary,
402–403, 403
and resonance, 403, 403–406,
transverse and longitudinal
waves on, 381, 382, 382
wave equation, 392–393
wave speed on, 388–389, 389
stars, 1009
Doppler shift, 995–996
formation in early universe,
fusion in, 1133, 1168, 1170,
matter and antimatter in,
neutron, 700t
rotational speed as function of
distance from galactic center,
1204, 1204
state, 453
state function, entropy as,
state properties, 505–506
static equilibrium, 280–282, 281,
fluids, 333, 334
indeterminate structures,
291–292, 292
requirements of, 282–283
sample problems involving,
static frictional force, 105–106,
105–107, 255
statistical mechanics, 518–522
steady flow, 342
steady-state current, 647, 804
Stefan–Boltzmann constant,
464, 1022
step-down transformer, 812
step-up transformer, 812
Stern–Gerlach experiment, 1078,
stick-and-slip, 107
stimulated emission, 1094–1095
Stirling engines, 514, 514
Stirling’s approximation, 521
STM, see scanning tunneling
stopping potential, photoelectric
effect, 925, 1012, 1013
straight line charge distributions,
strain, 292–295, 293
strain gage, 294, 294
strangeness, conservation of,
strange particles, 1192
strange quark, 1195, 1196, 1196t
in electric fields, 650
in fluid flow, 343, 344
ultimate, 293, 293, 294t
yield, 293, 293, 294t
stress, 293, 293
compressive, 293–294
electrostatic, 643
hydraulic, 294–295, 294t
shearing, 293, 293
tensile, 293, 293
stress-strain curves, 293, 293
stress-strain test specimen, 293
stretched strings, 412
energy and power of traveling
wave on, 390, 390–391
harmonics, 405–406
resonance, 403, 403–406
strike-slip, 50
string theory, 1200
string waves, 387–391
strokes, 511
strong force, 101, 1133, 1184
conservation of strangeness,
messenger particle, 1199–1200
strong interaction, 1186–1187
strong nuclear force, 539
subcritical state, nuclear reactors,
sonar, 412
subshells, 1065, 1075t, 1077
and energy levels in crystalline
solids, 1104
and periodic table, 1086–1088
substrate, MOSFET, 1120
of vectors by components, 43
of vectors geometrically, 36, 36
Sun, 1207
convection cells in, 464
density at center of, 331t
escape speed, 315t
fusion in, 1133, 1168, 1170,
monitoring charged particles
from, 646
neutrinos from, 1142
pressure at center of, 332t
randomly polarized light, 862
speed distribution of photons
in core, 485
sunglasses, polarizing, 874
sunlight, coherence of, 927
superconductivity, 664
superconductors, 530, 664
supercritical state, nuclear
­reactors, 1164
supermassive black holes, 303
supernovas, 315t, 1171,
1171–1172, 1207
supernova SN1987a, 1171
supernumeraries, 920, 920
superposition, principle of, see
principle of superposition
supersonic speed, 435, 435–436
surface charge density, 543, 553t
surface wave, 439
symmetric lenses, 896–897
axis of, 546
center of mass of bodies with,
cylindrical, Gauss’ law, 581,
importance in physics, 569
of messenger particles, 1200
planar, Gauss’ law, 583,
583–585, 584
rotational, 546, 547
spherical, Gauss’ law, 585–587,
system, 84, 451. See also particle
systolic blood pressure, normal,
tangent, 39, 39
tangential component:
of linear acceleration, 229–230
of torque, 238
collisions in two dimensions,
207, 207–208
elastic collisions in one dim­
ension, with moving, 205–206
elastic collisions in one
dimension, with stationary,
204, 204–205
inelastic collisions in one
dimension, 201
series of collisions, 195, 195
single collision, 193–194
tattoo inks, magnetic particles in,
819, 819
tau neutrinos, 1190, 1190t
tau particles, 1190, 1190t
telescopes, 901, 903–904, 904
television, 697–698, 828
television waves, 381
temperature, 442–447
defined, 443
for fusion, 1169
and heat, 451, 451–452, 454–455
and ideal gas law, 473–477
measuring, 444–445
and RMS speed of ideal gas,
sample problems involving,
447, 450
scalar nature of, 35
selected values, 446t
as state property, 505
work done by ideal gas at
­constant, 475, 475–476
and zeroth law of
­thermodynamics, 443–444, 444
temperature coefficient of
resistivity, 656, 1103
selected materials, 655t
semiconductors, 1112
silicon vs. copper, 663t, 1103t
temperature field, 545
temperature scales:
Celsius, 446–447
compared, 446
Fahreheit, 446–447
Kelvin, 443, 444–445
temporal separation, of events,
10-hour day, 5
tensile stress, 293, 293
tension force, 90, 90–91
and elasticity, 293–294
and wave speed on stretched
string, 389
terminals, battery, 621–622, 671
terminal speed, 110–112, 111
tertiary rainbows, 876
tesla (unit), 700
test charge, 545, 545, 546
Tevatron, 1198
theories of everything (TOE),
thermal agitation:
of ferromagnetic materials, 840
of paramagnetic materials,
thermal capture, of neutrons, 1163
thermal conduction, 463, 463
thermal conductivity, 463, 463t
thermal conductor, 463
thermal efficiency:
Carnot engines, 512–513
Stirling engines, 514
thermal energy, 152, 168,
442, 759
thermal equilibrium, 443
thermal expansion, 448, 448–450
thermal insulator, 463
thermal neutrons, 1157–1161,
thermal radiation, 464–466
thermal reservoir, 456, 457
thermal resistance to conduction,
defined, 442
first law, 456–461
second law, 508–510
zeroth law, 443–444, 444
thermodynamic cycles, 457, 458,
thermodynamic processes,
456–459, 457, 498
thermometers, 443
constant-volume gas, 444,
liquid-in-glass, 448
thermonuclear bomb, 1172–1173
thermonuclear fusion, 1000, 1133,
controlled, 1172–1175
process of, 1168–1169
in Sun and stars, 1168, 1170,
thermopiles, 670
thermoscope, 443, 443
thin films, interference, 932,
thin lenses, 894–901
formulas, 895
images from, 894–901, 896, 897,
905–907, 906
two-lens systems, 898, 898–900
thin-lens approximation, 906–907
third-law force pair, 91, 304
three-dimensional electron traps,
1054, 1054–1055
three-dimensional motion:
acceleration, 57, 57
position and displacement,
54, 54
velocity, 55–57, 56, 56
three-dimensional space, center of
mass in, 183
thrust, 209
thunderstorm sprites, 551,
directional nature of, 504
for free-fall flight, 26
intervals of selected events, 5t
proper, 982
between relativistic events, 981,
relativity of, 981, 981–985, 991
sample problems involving, 7–8
scalar nature of, 35
space, 1009, 1205
units of, 5–6
time constants:
inductive, 770–771
for LC oscillations, 785
for RC circuits, 687, 688
for RL circuits, 770–771
time dilation, 982
and length contraction, 987–988
and Lorentz transformation,
tests of, 983–985
time intervals, 5, 5t
time signals, 6
TOE (theories of everything),
tokamak, 1173
ton, 8–9
top gun pilots, turns by, 68–69
top quark, 1196t, 1197, 1198
toroids, 740, 740
torque, 237–241, 258–260, 268t
and angular momentum of system of particles, 266–267
and conservation of angular
momentum, 269
for current loop, 716–718, 717
of electric dipole in electric
field, 564
and gyroscope precession, 273,
internal and external, 266–267
and magnetic dipole moment,
net, 238, 266–267
Newton’s second law in angular
form, 263
particle about fixed point, 259,
restoring, 366–367
rolling down ramp, 255–256
sample problems involving,
260, 264–265
and time derivative of angular
momentum, 264–265
torr, 332
torsion constant, 364
torsion pendulum, 364, 364
total energy, relativity of,
total internal reflection, 872–873,
tour jeté, 270, 270–271
Tower of Pisa, 290
tracer, for following fluid flow,
342–343, 343
trajectory, in projectile motion, 64
collisions and internal energy
transfers, 169–170
heat, 462–466
transformers, 811–814
energy transmission requirements, 811–812
ideal, 812, 812–813
impedance matching, 813
in LC oscillators, 850
transient current series RLC
circuits, 804
transistors, 663, 1120–1121
FET, 1120, 1120–1121
MOSFET, 1120, 1120–1121
transition elements, paramagnetism of, 835
translation, 218, 251–253, 252
translational equilibrium, 282
translational kinetic energy:
ideal gases, 480
of rolling, 254
yo-yo, 257–258
translational variables, 268t
transmission coefficient, 1032,
transparent materials, 867
in Michelson’s interferometer,
thin-film interference in,
936–938, 937
transuranic nuclides, 1165
transverse Doppler effect, 996,
transverse motion, 382
transverse waves, 381, 381–382,
386–387, 851
travel distance, for relativistic particle, 984–985
traveling waves, 382, 1041
electromagnetic, 850–856, 852,
energy and power, 390, 390–391
hard vs. soft reflection of, at
boundary, 403
sound, 414–417, 415
speed, 385, 385–387
wave function, 1026–1028
travel time, 979, 1002–1003
triangular prisms, 870, 870
trigonometric functions, 39, 39
triple point cell, 444, 444
triple point of water, 444–445
tritium, 1143, 1173, 1174
triton, 1173
tube length, compound
­microscope, 903
tunneling, barrier, 1032–1035,
1033, 1139–1140
turbulent flow, 342
in coils, 717–718
in solenoids, 738–739
turning points, in potential energy
curves, 161–162, 162
turns ratio, transformer, 813, 814
two-dimensional collisions, 207,
two-dimensional electron traps,
1054, 1054–1055
two-dimensional explosions, 199,
two-dimensional motion:
acceleration, 58–60, 59
position and displacement,
54–55, 55
projectile motion, 61–66
relative, 71, 71–72
sample problems involving,
54–55, 58, 60, 65–69, 71–72,
uniform circular motion, 67–69
velocity, 55–58
ultimate strength, 293, 293, 294t
ultrarelativistic proton, 1002–1003
ultrasound (ultrasound imaging),
412, 412
bat navigation using, 434
blood flow speed measurement
using, 438
ultraviolet light, 381
ultraviolet radiation, 828
uncertainty principle, 1028,
uniform charge distributions:
electric field lines, 545,
545–546, 546
types of, 556–557
uniform circular motion, 67–69
centripetal force in, 113–118,
sample problems involving,
and simple harmonic motion,
369–370, 369–370
velocity and acceleration for,
67, 68
uniform electric fields, 546
electric potential of, 599
flux in, 570–572
units, 1–2
changing, 3
heat, 452
length, 3–4
mass, 6–8
time, 5–6
unit cell, 970
determining, with x-ray
­diffraction, 971
metals, insulators, and
­semiconductors, 1103, 1103
United States Naval Observatory
time signals, 6
unit vectors, 40, 40, 43, 48–49
Big Bang, 1204–1207, 1205
color-coded image of universe
at 379 000 yrs old, 1206, 1206
cosmic background radiation,
1203–1204, 1207
dark energy, 1207
dark matter, 1204
estimated age, 1202
expansion of, 1202–1203
temperature of early, 443
unoccupied levels, 1083, 1105,
unpolarized light, 862, 862
unstable equilibrium, 163
unstable static equilibrium,
up quark, 1195, 1196t, 1197
uranium, 331t
enrichment of, 1163
mass energy of, 999t
alpha decay, 1138–1139
half-life, 1139, 1140t
enriching fuel, 1163
fission, 1157–1161, 1159
fissionability, 1160–1162, 1060t,
in natural nuclear reactor,
uranium236, 1158, 1160t
uranium238, 539–540, 1135
alpha decay, 1138–1140, 1139
binding energy per nucleon,
fissionability, 1160–1161, 1160t,
half-life, 1140, 1140t
uranium239, 1160t
UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time), 6
vacant levels, 1105
valence band, 1112, 1112, 1113
valence electrons, 1041, 1087,
valence number, 1113
valley of nuclides, 1143, 1143
vaporization, 454
vapor state, 454
variable force:
work done by general variable,
138–142, 139
work done by spring force, 135,
variable-mass systems, rockets,
208–210, 209
vector(s), 34–49, 545
adding, by components, 40–41,
adding, geometrically, 35,
35–36, 36, 38
area, 571
for a coil of current loop, 718
coupled, 1073
and laws of physics, 41
multiplying, 44–49, 45, 47
Poynting, 856–859, 858
problem-solving with, 39
resolving, 37
sample problems involving,
38–39, 42–43, 48–49
scalars vs., 34–35
unit, 40, 40, 43, 48–49
velocity, 35
vector angles, 37, 37, 39
vector-capable calculator, 40
vector components, 36–38, 37
addition, 40–43
rotating axes of vectors and, 41
vector equation, 35
vector fields, 545
vector product, 44, 46–49, 47
vector quantities, 1161, 35, 81
vector sum (resultant), 35, 35–36
velocity, 243t
angular, 220–225, 225, 243t
average, 1161–15, 14, 22, 56
graphical integration in motion
analysis, 27, 27
instantaneous, 16–17
and Newton’s first law, 80–83
and Newton’s second law,
one-dimensional motion,
projectile motion, 61–66
reference particle, 370
relative motion in one
dimension, 69–70
relative motion in two dimensions, 71–72
relativity of, 993, 993–994
rockets, 208–210
sign of, 19–20
simple harmonic motion, 358,
358–359, 359, 362
two-and three-dimensional
motion, 55–58, 56–58
uniform circular motion, 67,
67–69, 68
as vector quantity, 35
velocity amplitude:
forced oscillations, 374, 374
simple harmonic motion, 359
velocity vectors, 35
vertical circular loop, 115
vertical motion, in projectile
motion, 63–64, 64
virtual focal point, 887, 887
virtual images:
defined, 882
spherical mirrors, 888
spherical refracting surfaces,
891–892, 892
thin lenses, 896, 896
virtual photons, 1199
viscous drag force, 342
visible light, 381, 850, 978
vision, resolvability in, 957–958
volcanic bombs, 74
volt, 594, 596
voltage. See also potential
ac circuits, 801t
transformers, 812–813
voltage law, Kirchoff’s, 673
volt-ampere, 662
voltmeters, 686, 686
and ideal gas law, 473–477
as state property, 505
work done by ideal gas at
­constant, 476
volume charge density, 542, 553t
volume expansion, 449–450
volume flow rate, 344, 570–571
volume flux, 570
volume probability density, 1063,
1064, 1065
boiling/freezing points of, in
Celsius and Fahrenheit, 446t
bulk modulus, 294, 413
as conductor, 530
density, 331t
dielectric properties, 635t,
diffraction of waves, 921
as electric dipole, 562, 562
heats of transformation,
453–454, 454t
index of refraction, 868t
as insulator, 530
in microwave cooking, 563
as moderator for nuclear
­reactors, 1163
polarization of light by
­reflection in, 874
RMS speed at room
­temperature, 479t
specific heats, 453t
speed of sound in, 413, 413t
thermal properties, 449
thin-film interference of, 935
triple point, 444
water waves, 381
watt (W), 2, 143
Watt, James, 143
wave(s), 380–406. See also electromagnetic waves; matter
amplitude, 383, 383, 384
lagging vs. leading, 397
light as, 915–920
net, 394, 427
phasors, 398–400, 399
principle of superposition for,
394, 394
probability, 1018–1020, 1023
resultant, 394, 394
sample problems involving,
386–388, 391, 397, 400,
seismic, 439
shock, 435, 435
sinusoidal, 382–384, 383
sound, see sound waves
speed of traveling waves,
standing, see standing waves
on stretched string, 388
string, 387–391
transverse and longitudinal,
381, 381–382, 382,
traveling, see traveling waves
types of, 381
wavelength and frequency of,
wave equation, 392–393
wave forms, 381, 382
wavefronts, 412, 412, 852
wave function, 1026–1028. See
also Schrödinger’s equation
hydrogen ground state,
1062–1064, 1063
normalizing, 1047–1049
of trapped electrons,
1045–1049, 1046
wave interference, 395, 395–397,
396, 417–420, 418
wavelength, 383, 383
Compton, 1017
cutoff, 1012–1013, 1089
de Broglie, 1023, 1027, 1043
determining, with diffraction
grating, 964
and frequency, 382–385
of hydrogen atom, 1057
and index of refraction,
proper, 995
sound waves, 415
wavelength Doppler shift, 996
wave shape, 382
wave speed, 385, 385–389
sound waves, 415
on stretched string, 388–389,
traveling waves, 385, 385–387
wave theory of light, 915–920,
wave trains, 1093
weak force, 1184, 1199
weak interaction, 1187
weber (unit), 752
weight, 88–89
apparent, 89, 340–341
mass vs., 89
weightlessness, 114
whiplash injury, 28
white dwarfs, 315t, 331t
white light:
chromatic dispersion, 869,
869–870, 870
single-slit diffraction pattern,
Wien’s law, 1022
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy
Probe (WMAP), 1206
windings, solenoid, 738–739
window glass, thermal conductivity of, 463t
Wintergreen LifeSaver, blue
flashes from, 531
WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe), 1206
W messenger particle, 1199
work, 243t
and applied force, 595
for capacitor with dielectric,
Carnot engines, 512
and conservation of mechanical
energy, 157–160
and conservation of total
­energy, 168–172, 170
defined, 127
done by electric field,
done by electrostatic force,
done by external force with
friction, 165–167
done by external force without
friction, 165
done by gravitational force,
131–134, 132
done by ideal gas, 475–477
done by spring force, 135,
done by variable force,
138–142, 139
done in lifting and lowering
objects, 132, 132–134
done on system by external
force, 164–167, 166
and energy/emf, 671–672
first law of thermodynamics,
and heat, 452, 456–458
and induction, 758, 759
and kinetic energy, 128,
128–131, 1001
and magnetic dipole moment,
negative, 458
net, 129, 512
path-dependent quantity, 458
path independence of conservative forces, 152–154, 153
and photoelectric effect, 1014
and potential energy, 151,
151–154, 152
and power, 142–144, 143
and rotational kinetic energy,
sample problems involving,
130–131, 133–134, 137–138,
140–142, 461
signs for, 129
work function, 1013
working substance, 510–511
work-kinetic energy theorem,
129–131, 140–142, 243t
x component, of vectors,
36–37, 37
xenon, decay chain, 1157
xi-minus particle, 1193t,
1194–1195, 1198
x rays, 381, 850
characteristic x-ray spectrum,
1089–1090, 1090
continuous x-ray spectrum,
1089, 1089
and ordering of elements,
radiation dosage, 1145
x-ray diffraction, 969–971, 970
y component, of vectors, 36–37, 37
yield strength, 293, 293, 294t
Young’s double-slit interference
experiment, 922–926, 923
single-photon version, 1018,
wide-angle version, 1019–1020,
Young’s modulus, 294, 294t
yo-yo, 257–258, 258
zero angular position, 219
zero-point energy, 1047–1048
zeroth law of thermodynamics,
443–444, 444
zeroth-order line, 964
Z messenger particle, 1199