/* ODD OR EVEN NUMBER*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf(“Enter the n value”); scanf(“%d”,&n); if(n%2==0) printf(“%d is even number”,n); else printf(“%d is odd number”,n); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter the n value 7 7 is odd number /* CENTIGRADE TO FAHRENHEIT*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { float c,f; clrscr(); printf(“Enter the Centigrade values “); scanf(“%f”,&c); f=c*9/5+32; printf(“Fahrenheit=%f”,f); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter the Centigrade value 10 Fahrenheit=50.0 /* SUM OF FIRST 10 NATURAL NUMBERS*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,sum=0; clrscr(); for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { printf(“\t%d\n”,i); sum=sum+i; } printf(“Sum of the first 10 natural numbers is = %d”,sum); getch(); } OUTPUT Number=1 Number=2 Number=3 Number=4 Number=5 Number=6 Number=7 Number=8 Number=9 Number=10 Sum of the first 10 natural number is = 55 /* GREATEST OF THREE NUMBERS*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b,c; printf("Input:\nEnter the three numbers:\n"); scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); if((a!=b)&&(a!=c)) { if((a>b)&&(a>c)) { printf("\nOutput:\n\n%d is greater",a); } else if((b>a)&&(b>c)) { printf("\nOutput:\n\n%d is greater",b); } else if((b>a)&&(b>c)) { printf("\nOutput:\n\n%d is greater",c); } } else { printf("Output:\n Two or more Numbers are Equal"); } } OUTPUT Input: Enter the three numbers: 5 4 2 Output: 5 is greater /* PRINT THE DAYS USING SWITCH CASE*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int day; clrscr(); printf(“enter the any number between 1 to 7”); scanf(“%d”,&day); switch(day) { case 1: printf(“Monday is the first day of the week”); break; case 2: printf(“Tuesday is the Second day of the week”); break; case 3: printf(“Wednesday is the third day of the week”); break; case 4: printf(“Thursday is the fourth day of the week”); break; case 5: printf(“Friday is the first fifth of the week”); break; case 6: printf(“Saturday is the sixth day of the week”); break; case 7: printf(“Sunday is the seventh day of the week”); break; default: printf(“You have enter a wrong choice”); break; } getch(); } OUTPUT Enter the any number between 1 to 7 5 Friday is the fifth day of the week. Enter the any number between 1 to 7 8 You have enter a wrong choice. /*MATRIX MULTIPLICATION*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> void main() { int a[5][5],b[5][5],c[5][5]; int m,n,p,i,j,k; clrscr(); printf(“Enter the size of the Matrix-A\n”); scanf(“%d%d”,&m,&n); printf(“Enter A-Matrix\n”); for(i=0;i<m;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) scanf(“%d”,&a[i][j]); printf(“Enter the size of the Matrix-b\n”); scanf(“%d%d”,&n,&p); printf(“Enter B-Matrix\n”); for(j=0;j<n;j++) for(k=0;k<p;k++) scanf(“%d”,&b[j][k]); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(k=0;k<p;k++) { c[i][k]=0; for(j=0;j<n;j++) c[i][k]+=a[i][j]*b[j][k]; } } printf(“\n A-Matrix\n”); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) printf(“%d”,a[i][j]); printf(“\n”); } printf(“\n B-Matrix\n”); for(j=0;j<n;j++) { for(k=0;k<p;k++) printf(“%d”,b[j][k]); printf(“\n”); } printf(“\n Resultant Matrix\n”); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(k=0;k<p;k++) printf(“%d”,c[i][k]); printf(“\n”); } getch(); } OUTPUT Enter the size of Matrix A 2 2 Enter A Matrix 2 3 4 2 Enter the size of Matrix B 2 2 Enter B Matrix 3 2 4 1 A-matrix 23 42 B-Matrx 32 41 Resultant Matrix is 18 7 20 10 /*QUADRATIC EQUATIONS USING FUNCTION*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> void quad(int a,int b,int c); void main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf(“Enter the value for a,b,c”); scanf(%d%d%d”,&a,&b,&c); quad(a,b,c); getch(); void quad(int a,int b,int c) { float r, root1,root2; r=b*b-4*a*c; if(r==0) { printf(“The two roots are real and equal”); root1=b/(2.0*a); root2=b/(2.0*a); printf(“Root1=%f Root2=%f”,root1,root2); } else if(r>0) { printf(“The two roots are real and unequal”); root1=(-b+sqrt(r))/(2.0*a); root2=(-b-sqrt(r))/(2.0*a); printf(“Root1=%f Root2=%f”,root1,root2); } else { printf(“The two roots are real and imaginary”); r=abs(r); root1=b/(2.0*a); root2=sqrt(r)/(2.0*a); printf(“Real root=%f Imaginary root=%f”,root1,root2); } } OUTPUT Enter the value for a,b,c 121 The two roots are real and equal Root1=-1.000000 Root2=-1.000000 Enter the value for a,b,c 253 The two roots are real and unequal Root1=-1.000000 Root2=-1.500000 /*REVERSE NUMBER USING POINTER*/ #include<stddio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int num,rem,rev=0; int *pn,*pr; clrscr(); printf("Enter any Number\n"); scanf("%d",&num); pn=&num; pr=&rev; do { rem=(*pn)%10; *pr=(*pr*10)+rem; *pn=(*pn)/10; } while(*pn>0); printf("Reverse Number is %d",*pr); getch(); return 0; } OUTPUT Enter any Number 7859 Reverse Number is 9587. /*ADDITION OF TWO NUMBERS USING POINTERS*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b,c=0; int *m,*n; clrscr(); print(“Enter any two numbers”); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); m=&a; n=&b; c=(*m)+(*n); printf(“Addition of two number is: %d”,c); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter any two number 12 32 Addition of two number is: 44. /*FACTORIAL NUMBER USING RECURSION */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int factorial(int); void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf(“Enter the n value”); scanf(“%d”,&n); printf(“Factorial value of %d is %d”,n,factorial(n)); getch(); } factorial(int n) { int fact; if(n==1) return(1); else fact=n+factorial(n-1); return(fact); } OUTPUT Enter the n value 6 Factorial value of 6 is 720 /*STUDENT FILE CREATION*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { FILE *fp; int rollno,m1,m2,m3.i,n; char name[20],fname[20]; clrscr(); printf(“Enter a file name with extension to create a new File”); scanf(“%s”,fname); fp=fopen(fname,”w”); printf(“Enter the total no of students”); scanf(“%d”,&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf(“Enter rollno,name,mark1,mark2,mark3:”); scanf(“%d%s%d%d%d”,&rollno,name,&m1,&m2,&m3); fprintf(fp,”\n%d %s %d %d %d”,rollno,name,m1,m2,m3); } printf(“Student Details: %d %s %d %d %d\n”,rollno,name,m1,m2,m3); printf(“%s file is created!\n”,fname); fclose(fp); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter a file name with extension to create to create a new File: student.txt Enter the total number of students: 02 Enter rollno.name,mark1,mark2,mark3: 101 Anu 56 67 78 Enter rollno,name,mark1,mark2,mark3: 102 Banu 45 60 52 Student Details : 101 Anu 56 67 78 102 Banu 45 60 52 Student.txt file is created. /*STUDENT FILE UPDATION*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { FILE *fp,*fp1; int rollno,m1,m2,m3.i,tot,n; float avg; char name[20],fname[20]; clrscr(); printf(“Enter a file name with extension to create”); scanf(“%s”,fname); fp=fopen(fname,”w”); printf(“Enter the total no of students”); scanf(“%d”,&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf(“Enter rollno,name,mark1,mark2,mark3”); scanf(“%d%s%d%d%d”,&rollno,name,&m1,&m2,&m3); fprintf(fp,”\n%d %s %d %d %d”,rollno,name,m1,m2,m3); } fclose(fp); printf(“Enter file name to read”); scanf(“%s”,fname); fp1=fopen(fname,”r+”); while(!feof(fp1)) { fscanf(fp1,“%d %s %d %d %d”,&rollno,name,&m1,&m2,&m3); tot=m1+m2+m3; avg=tot/3.0; fprintf(fp1,”Total=%d”,tot); fprintf(fp1,”Average=%f”,avg); printf(“\n%d %s %d %d %d\n”,rollno,name,m1,m2,m3,tot,avg); } printf(“%s file is updated!\n”,fname); fclose(fp1); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter a file name to create: student.txt Enter the total number of students: 01 Enter rollno, name, mark1, mark2, mark3 100 Roja 45 54 60 Enter file name to read: student.txt 100 Roja 45 54 60 Total=159 Average=53.00 Student.txt file is updated! /*CALL BY VALUE AND CALL BY REFERENCE*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void callbyvalue(int x, int y) { int t; t=x; x=y; y=t; } void callbyreference(int *p,int *q) { int t; t=*p; *p=*q; *q=t; } int main() { int a=30,b=50; int p=30,q=50; clrscr(); callbyvalue(a,b); callbyreference(&p,&q); printf(“Call by value”); printf(“\n a value is %d”,a); printf(“\n b value is %d”,b); printf(“Call by reference”); printf(“\n p value is %d”,p); printf(“\n q value is %d”,q); getch(); return(0); } OUTPUT Call by value a value is 30 b value is 50 Call by reference p value is 50 q value is 30 /*MAXIMUM NUMBERS IN ARRAY USING POINTER*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a[10],n,i,max; int *p; clrscr(); printf(“Enter the size of array:”); scanf(“%d”,&n); printf(“Elements %d elements in the array are:\n”,n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf(“%d”,&a[i]); pritnf(“Elements in the array are\n”); for(i=0;i<n;i++) pritnf(“%d”,a[i]); p=&a[0]; max=a[0]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(max<*p) max=*p; p++; } printf(“Maximum elements in the array is: %d”,max); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter the size of array: 5 Elements 5 in the array are 34 45 13 67 21 Elements in the array are 34 45 13 67 21 Maximum elements in the array is 67.