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Toronto City Renewal & Resilience Presentation

An Overview of the City’s Presentations
• The City’s Strategic Priorities & the Role of Local Government (15th Sept)
• A Well-Run City & Intergovernmental Affairs (22nd Sept)
• Building an Equitable City (6th Oct)
• Community Resilience – People, Housing & Neighbourhoods (20th Oct)
• City Building – Art, Culture & the Public Realm (3rd Nov)
• Climate Action and Resilience (17th Nov)
COVID-19: Impacts and Opportunities Report Summary of Recommendations
Public Health
• Improving the City’s epidemiological understanding of to better support decision-making for pandemic management and
Social Determinants of Health
• Promoting the realignment of municipal, provincial and federal roles and responsibilities (funding) to reduce uneven
impacts of the pandemic
Increasing Prosperity
• To improve equity by reducing barriers to work and career advancement, especially for disadvantaged groups and
Infrastructure and Mobility
• Maintaining and increasing infrastructural investment, particularly in public transit
Resilience and Climate Change
• Focusing on resilience/sustainability as part of the recovery from COVID-19
City Services
• Modernising city services as part of the recovery and rebuild process
Contextualising the COVID-19 Pandemic
• The issue of global threats
• Global terrorism (9/11), natural disasters (Indian Ocean tsunami
of 2004), economic crises (the financial crisis of 2007 – 2008),
climate change, pandemics (swine flu of 2009, camel flu of
• The call to action, from the local to the global level
• Toronto 2.0
Quick Facts
• City of Toronto population of 2.7 million (2016) in
an area of 630 square kilometres (4,334 per
square kilometre density)
• Fourth-largest city in North America (by
comparison, New York City is second with a
population of 8.5 million in an area of 778 square
• Greater Toronto Area population of 6.4 million
(2016) in an area of 7,124 square kilometres (849
per square kilometre density)
• Out of this, 2.7 million are foreign-born with 180
different spoken languages and dialects in the
• By comparison, the province of Ontario has a
population of 13.4 million (2016)
Quick Facts
• Recognised as an international centre of business, finance, arts, culture, and regarded as one of the most
multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world
• Attracts up to 40 million tourists yearly ($7.2 billion overall visitor spending)
• 69.3% of Toronto residents aged 25 – 64 have some postsecondary certificate, diploma, or degree (2016)
• 49.9% of employed Toronto residents have full-year, full-time jobs (2016)
• Unemployment rate of 6.7% (2016)
• Second highest cost of living plus rent index out of 31 Canadian cities, child poverty rate of 28.6% (2013)
• 2031 population growth projections: 3 million for the City, 7.45 million for the GTA
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsRJwN_kfj8
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GADdPGkVuss
The themes of disruption, change, and loss
What will we be craving in a post-pandemic
How will we get around?
What will transportation look like?
Will only the wealthy be able to travel?
How can we protect city dwellers?
How will cities weather economic challenges?
How can cities help solve pandemic
How will we socialise?
How can we make our community connections
more meaningful?
What will city centres look like?
What’s the role of public spaces in cities?
How can the public and private sectors work
together to build a good city?
Will cities emerge stronger after the virus?
The problems of who, what, why, and how?
What is good? – the ‘good’ city as a conceptual
Why is the _____ city good?
Who gets to define what the good city is?
How do we prioritise different orders of the
The four principles of ecology
(environmentalism/sustainability), economics
(equity), politics (engagement and
participation), culture (identity and belonging)
There are certain fundamental elements of a
‘good’ or liveable city
Likewise, there are certain elements that
make a city ‘bad’ or unliveable
But perhaps we are looking at the issue from
the wrong perspective
City-living works for city-lovers; ‘good’ or
liveable cities are tolerable at best for others
who don’t take to city-living
Consider the inequalities underlining this
choice (mobile, white-collar, remote work)